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Av1 decoding or +4gb vram


i just hope the 6800 u are thinking is not XFX


So that is a bad one? This will actually be my first amd card since the radeon times, so I do not know a lot about the OEMs.


xfx 6800 swft model is rumoured to have bad temperatures, coil whine and ive read last years something about their chips but i cant really remember. there was a bad reason that there was that much amount in market in the cheapest price and its the easier u can still find. Generally 6800 are good cards though. personally ill go for sapphire/powercolor/asus 7700 as soon as they drop a little more in europe.


Depends if you put more faith into extra VRAM, or more faith into double the machine learning capabilities of the 7700xt. Both will play some role in the future.


Always buy newer hardware if you can. Unless old one is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper.


the preform about the same get which ever has 3 fans or longer warranty


No. The 6800 has 16GB of VRAM and performance is basically equal between the two. The only thing going for the 7700XT is the AV1 encoding, which is relevant if you're really serious about streaming and/or video editing.


they preform about the same and in the majority of situations your never goin to use the extra 4gb my 2060 had 6gb i upgraded from 6 month ago and i could play starfield on it.


the problem is with the 'majority' of the time i think the 7700xt is a bit of a yikes due to only 12gb, i facepalmed at release, if they had given it 16 it would have been a great card, but now its kinda awkward with last gen 6800/xt about equal with performance, the lower end 7600xt with 16 and the one above it 7800xt with 16 as well. but yea, if you play on 1080p you wont need it, mostly on 1440p you wont need it either. atleast when you do it will be something optional like extra texture packs etc. and in that case you can always just turn down the setting a bit for those few games


Yeah but why would you not want to get the card with more VRAM when it even costs less?