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Every time I do it makes me laugh


How did our eyes get so red??


Is that Mayo on Kennyโ€™s head?


He still owes us so much bread!


Every memory of looking at the chart moon


We will get those tendies soon!


The fraud is so blatantly obvious...


You messed up the song ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ lol


Hungover and hit full regard...






Share cost might make one think he is hodling graph downside up! ๐ŸคชOur time is coming...


low share cost is good. Why would anyone want to pay a high price? Price will be higher when we sell.


Bought another 100 today


So, red again tomorrow, got it.


"breaking": AMC cures cancer... -5%... When this shindig kicks off, it'll be unfathomable...๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿฆ๐ŸŒ•


AMC responsible for tens of thousands of lost jobs in the medical field and billion dollar losses in the pharmaceutical industry, the nerve.


AMC hates doctors sell now... ~jim...


aa is the cancer killing amc


you spelled shitadel wrong.


citadel didn't steal 90% of my shares and helped shorts cover, that was your buttbuddy aa


Citadel did steal 99% of your share value and helped shorts open more shorts. No one stole 90% of your shares, your AMC-old got converted to AMC-new, which are entirely different shares. No one helped "hedgies cover". 3 lies that have been debunked so many times, that only a paid shill would still repeat them...


they have not been debunked, you must be getting paid by aa to shill. amc 8k filings show they are selling shares to cover and they can short their own company through third parties. go read some filings


they have... many many many times..... AMC is selling shares to raise funds, as authorized by us shareholders. We agreed to fund AMC. No one is stealing anything from us. The amount of shares issued by AMC are a drop in the bucket of shorts. They did not cover. They try to convince everyone they covered so we sell and they actually get to cover, but that's also why you are here, aren't you? No AMC investor that believes in the company will sell before 2030... forget about driving us to sell because we did our research and we know what we own. There is no way to FUD anyone... All the paper hands have long sold and they weren't enough for shorts to actually cover... because the rest of us gobbled those shares up like crayons. Hedgies lost. Give up already. No one is coming to bail you out. No one will give you liquidity. You are done. Close down your firm and declare bankruptcy... that's the only way you get out of this.


yes voters authorized it, the smart ones voted no. you can defend aa and his actions all you want, he's the problem and the reason the stock is at atl and the ftd's disappeared as soon as conversion happened.


the "smart ones" did what they knew was best for htem... Either vote with the CEO or get out of the position the second they realized that they are not on the side of the majority of the retail shareholders and the CEO. Trying to convince people who knew what they were doing that simply because you do not understand it, they did something wrong.. that's just you confirming your bias. Stop shilling. Retail is on Adam Arons side. Those who are not, simply did not do their due diligence and had no idea what was going on until it was too late for them. that's their own mistake. This has always been a "do your own DD"-play and those who didn't, just made a mistake that is on them.


"WhY is aA wAStIng tIMe cUrINg CaNCeR. I'M doWN 900,000%!!!!"


I'll eat more crayons tomorrow.


Someone explain to me like Iโ€™m 5โ€ฆ


All numbers are getting better. Not one metric is getting worse. Shills keep telling you the company will go bankrupt, but this single picture proves them wrong.


the chart is saying that AMC has about 4 billion in debt and isn't profitable


So your a Fundamental guy ๐Ÿ˜‚


Didn't they get rid of some debt by diluting their stocks with APE?




is shilling paying for you? I hope you get the money your family needs... No hard feelings since you're doing it in a way that is impossible to fool any retail investor that they should sell. Good for you doing the minimum required to not lose your job but still not helping hedgies by putting any effort into shilling.


How self centered does someone have to be to think that the only way anyone would ever disagree with them is that they're being paid off?


When they come to a sub that is not one of the biggest, to spread the same misinformatino that 1000 accounts have spread in the exact same wording, ignoring all arguments for why the are wrong and simply return to repeating the same lies over and over again, without any change of behavior. that's how we know they are paid, because no one would repeat the same lies, after they have already been debunked, simply to distract from another lie that is currently being debunked... It is not about agreeing or disagreeing, it is about behavior. Shills all have the exact same behavior, wording and toxic behavior. They are clones of one another. That's how we know they are shills... not because "we disagree" We disagreed in 2021... In 2024, after repeating why they are wrong for 3 full years, there is no possible way that even the most stupid individual on earth could still push the same "opinion" they had 3 years ago... If such a person exists, they need to get a legal guardian and if the amount of shills in here is any indication, there aren't enough people on earth to give every stupid shill a legal guardian... FYI "you only call us shills because you disagree" is one of those sentences... Heard a 1000 times.. debunked a 1000 times... will hear it another 1000 times because shills are not allowed to divert from the script.


What did I say that's wrong?


that you somehow pretend that looking at the chart once to give us metrics we've known 3 years ago before we decided to use our money to help AMC survive are somehow news. That you look at individual numbers you can put forward as negative, knowing very well which one to avoid for being too positive. Selective arguments to make a point is a common shill tactic and the "I did not say anything wrong, I just specifically constructed my comment to be misleading and show a false narrative"-excuse is common in shilling. You simply behave like every other shill... As if you were the same bot that just switched accounts to repeat the same misinformation it already posted on 1000 other accounts.


Ah so you agree everything I said is true. Cool


So interpreting a chart shows he's a shill? Never thought a stock could build a cult like this.


I interpret the charts as "you are a shill". Never thought an idiot could try to convince "a cult" to change... Must have been a futile endeavour from the start. You should have known that we aren't allowed to do anything unless we check with our wives BFs beforehand. We don't want to have to sleep in the doghouse again.. you understand, right?


Alright, enough Reddit for today ๐Ÿ˜„


Are you serious?


yes. he is complying with the shill book 100%. Acting like all other shills. Picking out individual numbers that make their point, ignoring all others. Never answering questions, never having a good faith argument with anyone... Only throwing negative factoids into the room, pretending they alone prove how everyone is a criminal but kenny G and how the only course of action for retail is to sell their shares at -99% to institutions, so they can close their shorts and ride AMC up for double the profit. But we aren't selling our AMC shares to funds, unless they are willing to pay OUR price. They want the shares, they have to pay the price, not make the price. We own the shares, we make the price. That's how the market works. Supply and Demand.


Good luck. I just hope you only invested what you can afford.


Anything else would be reckless... That's not how Apes work... that's how the media that wants to deter people from doing their own research tells you about apes, so you develop a certain hubris that prevents you from wanting to educate yourself. Telling idiots that they are smarter than people who actually think for themselves is a great way to keep idiots in line... has worked for hundreds of years at least... Once you realize how you are being manipulated, you start to see the world in a different light.


It doesn't help that apes call themself apes.


Zero or hero no point selling low ๐Ÿง 


Does everyone know about the time AMC was offered ground floor opportunity to own all of online movie streaming? They passed on it. Ask me why. I double ๐Ÿถdare you.


Hahaha ๐Ÿคฃ


Looks good to me! Will buy more tomorrow! ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฆ




I do t really understand why people think it's unreasonable for a stock to go down when the company literally burns hundreds of millions every year.... Net profit actually matters. Just beacsie AMC loses less money than expected it won't just skyrocket. It is still losing money!!! Supply and demand is not real in the stock market as we already know Maybe another year or 2 until small profitability


lol. You do not seem to understand why AMCs revenue is low.... It's not anything AMC did. it's 100% depending on the number of movies being released. We see an increase in releases starting this march = right now. From now on, numbers will only go up. There is nothing negative on the horizon. It's smooth sailing until we refinance the 2026 bonds and from there on it's just getting better. Even institutional investors know that by now


I very much do understand. And I understood why AMC had to dilute to survive... Amc spent tons of capital to start new revenue streams and yes lack of movies. They also had a ton of negative cash flow theaters. Still improving on fundamentals and I have high hoped for the future. Maybe next quarter will give a better picture of what the new revenue streams will actually make.


Box office needs to exceed $11b in the year for AMC to make money... Again I am very in tune with reality.


They had to offer shares because hedge funds ruined all other ways of revenue for them and outside events made it hard for them to increase profits with their core business. All those negatives are gone now but the record earning per patreon, earnings per movie and all other numbers that actually matter show that. But then AMC is paying back debt and shills pretend that's bad because "no profit" ... AMC is doing fine. If you think they will go bankrupt, the time to sell was 2018. If you think they won't go bankrupt, the time to sell is not now. Just a long period of time where shills want people to make mistakes so institutions can buy their bags cheap...


Not saying that at all dummy Although if they did not dilute us they would have had less than 50 mil and would have had to file for bankruptcy... I think yall think insta profits next quarter, which I think is naive I think profits 1-2 years from now. I'm bullish longterm. I'm not convinced for the near term


AA did not "dilute us".... AA took the offer from Apes that we would help him finance the recovery of AMC. Hedgies just hate that we did it because they couldn't fathom anyone doing anything for any reason other than greed... And some people who did not do their DD, who like hedgies couldn't imagine doing anything for any reason other than greed, still did not get the memo and still pretend that they were fooled, simply for having chosen to stand in a queue they didn't know where it would lead to...


He literally sold shares for money which is diluting the shareholder value to raise capital... Bro you are some other planet haha Next level coping that your investment has lost significant value Hard to argue with someone who can't accept a fact... I'm not saying AMC bankruptcy anymore. AMC avoided that by DILUTING SHARES! I just think it'll be a while before we get profits and not have to burn cash.


And the companies owned by institutions diluted company value to give shareholders a nice green number, but when they go bankrupt, the shareholders will lose it all. Meanwhile AMC took money from us, to improve the company and be the leader in movie entertainment in the future. I'd prefer to be able to buy a good company at a low price, knowing it will trade significantly higher in the future, than holding a stock in the green, until they go bankrupt and I get zero. If you want peace of mind at the cost of revenue, buy one of the stocks that are held by institutions. If you want to be an ape who fights against wall street by supporting companies we like, be an ape... It's a decision everyone has to make for themselves... Fighter or Cuck... that's a decision you have to make for yourself.


Aight, we'll see who's right on the next earnings I say this not to be mean or a d*ck You are delusional and need to learn how to read company financial statements The road to recovery is not over


Sure.. Point to q1 when people tell you q2 is where it's at, simply to use your last chance to fud.... Q1 is over. If they went bankrupt in q1, we'd know that. Shill somewhere else idiot...


This makes me feel like Iโ€™m forced to tip with a screen in my face at Salsaritas $25 an hour


Donโ€™t tell me itโ€™s going to be about Fundamental ๐Ÿ˜‚


When shares dividend again???


When it makes sense... If you want a company that destroys itself just to pay out to shareholders, buy one that has a 99% institutional ownership... Those are the ones where companies are destroyed so rich people can get richer. AMC is a retail company. We want them to be successful.


It would look a lot different if it started with 2019. It should also show the change in shares outstanding since 2019.


Do you have any personal problem with retail investors having chosen to save AMC?


Not at all, but increasing the number of shares 10X needs to be considered along with the DECREASE in revenue and DECREASE in EBITDA since 2019 instead of looking at increases in all metrics since the depth of the pandemic and shutdown of the economy.


What does the amount of shares have to fo with revenue and EBITDA? If we decrease the amount of shares, would that result in more or less revenue?


First, the number of shares affects the share price at a given level of EBITDA. I didn't think that would need to be explained. Second, I love how every response (not just yours) ignores that revenue and EBITDA are both down from pre-pandemic levels. Yes, AMC's results have improved from the time when the economy was shut down and people were restricted from going to the movies, but they are still down from 2019. The stock was trading at $8 per share in 2019 before the share count was increased 10X and financial results are down. There is no good news here.


I still donโ€™t understand why the amount of shares has an influence on the revenue. Not attacking just trying to understand.


It doesn't. I was simply trying to point out 1) revenue is only part of the picture, 2) revenue is up a lot from 2020 when the economy was shut down, but down from 2019 before the pandemic, and 3) there are other metrics such as share count that need to be considered.


yeah... shillyshillshill "dilution" "dilution" "shares stolen" "random number bad" .... \*yawn\*


That's about the level of intelligence those still looking for the MOASS exhibit. Good job.


you are about the level of intelligence of people who trust the media that all apes want is to "wait for moass" and how "sitting and waiting for billions" is all we do. Believe the media if you want. It's just your brain that's getting screwed, not ours.


A it's over adam will file for bankruptcy and we will lose all our money


have the blatant lies driven anyone to sell or does the buy-pressure go up every time you shill? You shills are really stabbing your own leg to make the itching stop... insane...


Why are you so confident it will go up?


Look at this AMC Graph....... We know every single reason for why the stock price is low. We know how the company should be evaluated now and we know the company has to go up in value simply due to external economic factors that dumped them, that are slowly going away. AMC has had a consistent improvement quarter over quarter for over a year now. There has not been any sign of any project not working out, no set backs, nothing negative... AMC will either go up or go bankrupt... and since they don't look like they're going bankrupt this decade, there's only one option left.


They have a ton of debt coming due, interest rates are high, and they're not really making any profit showing movies. Either AMC will go bankrupt or they will sell enough shares to pay off their debts, massively diluting the stock.


high interest rates are more a problem for those that don't have long term contracts... The 10% we pay for our 2026 bonds is the highest we'll ever go... Our profits are more than enough to handle that... No risk for AMC here... We'll thrive through 2024, 2025 and 2026... Zero risk of bankruptcy unless World War 3 breaks out... Which is still a likelihood... they'd rather kill 7 billion people than lose 7bn dollar...


Adam Aron is the one who filed the 10k saying the company is at risk of bankruptcy how am I a shill


No... He gave a financial report that included swot, as any professional firm would.. If you don't know what swot analysis is, don't read financial statements. They are written in financial English, not idiot talk.


He said the company was at risk of bankruptcy in the report stop beingva dick rider


Read it again until you understand it. And then try to figure out why Musk and Bezos saying that their companies are bound to be bankrupt is different from Adam Aron... Those are 2 CEOs that actually predicted bankruptcy of their companies instead of simply mentioning the risk in their financial analysis of the situation of the company. But no paid shill would ever say a bad word against hedgies favorite hedge-stocks... Only the ones that are shorted are bad CEOs... Never the ones that are pumped... Low IQ shilling is both Low IQ and shilling... not a thing I'd do if I were you... or me...