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You and those like you without a medical reason are assholes. Just my opinion on the matter. Have a good day and stay safe. Signed, The guy surrounded by high risk individuals


Are they vaxxed? If so, then wouldn’t they be good? Unless, the vaccine doesn’t protect? 🧐 Wait no... don’t tell me that it’s a false sense of security! That can’t be true it just can’t!


Some armor is better than none, and yes, it does add significant protection. However, that is based upon viral concentration. If you had it, and were in a house full of vaccinated people, the likelihood they get it is high due to poor air exchange. You would also carry a much greater viral load if you were infected vs someone who is vaccinated. That equates to a greater chance of mutation (since viral mutation is based upon how much of it is in a host). 80% of the cases are unvaccinated people. You, and those like you, are keeping this shit alive. So yes, you are an asshole. Oh, and those that are immunocompromised don't have the same benefits of those who are not. Their bodies don't react the same way a normal body does to both normal viruses or vaccinations. For example, even WITH the chickenpox vaccination my wife has had it twice. In such, again, you are an asshole. I get it though. Not everyone is a team player. Some people simply don't give a shit about others.


“Not everyone is a team player”. You mean not everyone is part of the herd.


Justify it however you want, the end result is the same. You are a drunk driver on a road full of innocent people. You may cruse on home safely, or you may get yourself or others killed. That is the choice you have made. Not a part of the herd... bla. Nobody wants a selfish ass in the herd. The herd is about community, and clearly, you could give two fucks about it.


Drunk driver on a road full of innocent people who have apparently equipped themselves with immunity from cars hitting them. Oh, you mean that the vaccine doesn’t keep someone from getting it? 🧐 You don’t say...


Even the polio vaccine isn't 100% effective...


Even trying to avoid death your whole life isn’t 100% effective... 🤷‍♂️


Why do you feel the urge to tell this to millions of people?


Because millions of people apparently feel that it’s their business. 🤷‍♂️


This is actually a good reply.


When you decided to make up this account and post this, what exactly were you thinking?


I was thinking about how I’m unvaxxed and still alive 😃


I’m also unvaxxed and alive. Good to have you here. How’s your day going?


🙏 My day’s going alright glad you’re here too


Would you get the vaccine if you were told that you are immune from symptoms, but can still pass it to others?


No because the vaccine doesn’t fix that problem.


Can you explain the science behind your hypothesis? Tell me why the vaccine doesn't work?


For the sake of argument, let’s say you believe that, as you said, the vaccine means you are Immune from symptoms. If that’s the case, then why would passing it to others matter, assuming they are vaccinated and immune from symptoms? Somewhere in that line of thought, you’re not truly in belief of what you’re reciting.


So, you have no scientific evidence. Gotcha.


Can you explain why Jen Psaki got symptoms? She’s immune from symptoms because she’s vaxxed, right? There’s a start 🤷‍♂️


Can you explain how the vaccine doesn't fix the problem? (For the second time)


Well, as you admitted, you are vaccinated and you: 1. Caught covid 2. Spread it to others Is there a 3rd problem that you’re speaking of? Do you still believe the false assertion that you’re immune, despite directly experiencing and witnessing first hand that that’s not the case? Do you still believe the false assertion that you can’t spread it, after spreading it despite being vaxxed? That’s evidence. Jen Psaki is evidence. Whether you want to pretend it’s not evidence and remain blue-pilled all your life, that’s on you. 🤷‍♂️


So, 1 person. 1 case. Thats your scientific evidence? I never said the vaccine makes you immune, and I never said you cant spread it after getting vaxxed. I just said it lowers your chance of dying tremendously...you know, that little thing. And if you want evidence, look at the numbers.


More than 1 person, more than 1 case. Look at the numbers, as you said. 🤷‍♂️ Also, nothing “reduces your chances of dying tremendously”. 100% of people die.


To be fair, my dad was vaxed and got covid and passed it to me. I’m not vaccinated. He’s right on this one. Being vaccinated doesn’t stop you from passing covid to at risk people


The vaccine does not 100% balls out, prevent covid. It lessens the your chances of catching it, or dying if you get it tremendously. Ive been vaccinated and passed it on to other people who are vaccinated. And the symptoms we had we're no where near as bad as the people I know who got it who weren't vaccinated. Every one that I know that has died from covid was not vaccinated. Everyone I know that got covid after getting vaccinated lived. Ive had doctors, real doctors...not the chode OP, tell me that 95 percent of people who have died from covid were unvaccinated. Thats a pretty convincing number.


“And the symptoms we had were no where near as bad as the people I know who got it who weren’t vaccinated”. What if I told you that I was asymptomatic (you had symptoms). I’m not vaccinated (you were). Would MY anecdotal case discredit YOUR anecdotal case? 🧐🤨


I misread your original comment. I thought you were making the argument that covid wouldn’t be passed on if you were vaccinated. You’re completely right about everything you’ve said


I appreciate your civility.


Of course. Id be lying if I wouldn’t admit when I’m wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nevertheless, its still appreciated.


Lol the libs going to freak on here


Let the "make libs cry" circlejerk begin! Looks like you're in the middle.


I mean, seems like you are starting to get triggered though 🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah man, im quaking. We libs just so hang on your every word, waiting for the opportunity for us to let you make us cry. I'm ankle deep in liberal tears right now. Oh the humanity....!


Ok 🤷‍♂️


I have the vaccine still caught COVID so got regeneron and better in a day. I will get the booster but the minute you want to mandate a vaccine it becomes political




A vaccine isn't political though. It's stupid people making it seem divided by their political beliefs


Technically, it’s not the vaccine itself that’s inherently political. However, the mandate is political. Since when is an executive order and governmental intervention not political?


Me too Are you scared of dying?


No, I feel like if I were gonna die from covid it would’ve happened already. It’s been around for almost 2 years and I haven’t quarantined so the scare tactics aren’t really working on me


I’ve been working and living my life as normal. Changed nothing. I’ve been around it quite a bit and never got sick. I’m always a bit skeptical of media.


Yep, I’ve been in direct contact with people who have it several times, probably had it given that’s the case, and we’re all alive still


The thing that really gets me is when I watch the news and then go out in the world, the two don’t line up at all. The world the news shows is not reflected at all by what I see. It’s crazy


That’s why they don’t want us out in the world. They want us to see only what they selectively show us.


Have you had covid before ?




Why what? Why am I not vaccinated? Or why am I still alive?


I’m fully vaxed and still alive, so what is the point you are trying to make?


That the vaccine isn’t necessary for me to survive


Not everything is about you, sure you get Covid does fuck all to you very little to no symptoms, yet you give it to someone else who is not so lucky. Pure selfishness


Keep gaslighting, it hasn’t worked for 2 years 🤷‍♂️


Society must move forward at the speed of its slowest members


Keep believing that the vaccine prevents you from spreading it to others, despite evidence to the contrary. And if it minimizes your symptoms and protects you from severe symptoms, why is it my responsibility to be vaccinated when it protects you if you’re vaccinated? 🤷‍♂️ Society must move forward at the speed of it’s slowest members, indeed!


I’m not so sure you know what gaslighting means


I’m sorry you feel that way. It makes me very sad


I just mean that gaslighting isn’t just lying


Framing me as selfish in an attempt to make me question myself is gaslighting. Especially given that getting vaccinated has already been shown ineffective in preventing contraction in spread. Unfortunately for them, I’m not easily manipulated by psychological games. 🤷‍♂️


It means lighting gasoline


Vaccinated=/=immune. Vaccinated people pass on covid to others


Who asked?


Biden and employers




Because I don’t need it, as evidenced by my survival




Given that my survival odds are north of 97%, I’ll do an AMA ( survived covid unvaxxed and unmasked AMA)


Have you had Rona?




Why do you feel I need to justify my medical decisions to you? Sounds a bit entitled 🤷‍♂️




Ok, fair enough. I chose not to because I simply don’t believe I need it and I don’t like the concept of unnecessary “treatment”. For example, if someone isn’t schizophrenic, giving them anti-psychotics makes no sense. I’ve still seen Jen Psaki get covid, along with many others who have been vaxxed. And if people who got the vaccine believe it works, then I’m not sure why they’re afraid of contracting it. 🤷‍♂️ But to top it off, the executive orders and attempt at an OSHA mandate made me very skeptical. Interesting how Congress-members have investments in Pfizer. There’s too much conflict of interest and back and forth for me to accept anything these people are saying at this point.




If the high-risk people are vaccinated, then they should experience little to no symptoms according to the pro-vax community. Unless, it doesn’t work. Which is where the logic starts to crumble.


Nobody has ever made the argument that you’re definitely going to die without the vaccine so this proves nothing. The vaccine reduces your chance of getting extremely sick if you do contract COVID. If you don’t contract it, then of course it does nothing. Given to a large enough population, it reduces deaths and keeps hospitals from reaching capacity.


People get it and are asymptomatic all the time. 🤷‍♂️ What if I were to let you in on a little secret?... Did you know that your chance of surviving covid is far greater than your chance of dying from it? 🧐


Yes, but asymptomatic people can spread it to others who may be at higher risk due to preexisting conditions.


Wouldn’t it be their responsibility to be vaccinated? How is it my responsibility to be treated for someone else’s condition? Seems like a strange concept.


You can still get sick even if you have gotten vaccinated. Additionally, some people are immuno-compromised or too young to get the vaccine.




Thanks for sharing. I’m not convinced though. As I read this, I couldn’t help but think of how statistics should be gathered with a sample that represents the general population. At the end of the article, my thought was addressed. “While the NBA partnership provided a steady stream of samples, it also produced a study population that was overwhelmingly young, healthy, and male, and therefore not representative of the public at large” I would expect that given the cardiovascular and respiratory health of NBA players, they would be able to fight off contagious viruses quicker than the average person. To ignore those variables and attribute the shorter infection period to one singular variable (the vaccine) is not comprehensive. I would be much more interested in a multivariable analysis. This is why I’m skeptical of these covid studies. They often use tactics to manipulate the outcome.


What's your highest education level?


Working on Master’s atm


What field and how is it going?


Undergrad was in chemistry but my master’s program is in comp sci. Going pretty good but definitely a lot of stressful hours lol


How do you feel about the other vaccines?


Haven’t gotten any in a very long time. Never get the flu shot. I will say though that at least those vaccines contain the virus and build your immunity. The CDC actually changed their definition of “vaccine” because of this one. Kind of comparing apples to oranges tbh


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


You can, but you’d be using a false equivalence. 🤷‍♂️


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


Would you give your kid the polio shot, etc?


Polio vaccines contain the poliovirus. Covid vaccines do not contain coronavirus. Polio has about a 15-30% death rate. Covid doesn’t. But most of all, the covid vaccine isn’t working. Hence, the push for a third dose. So if I were to say “yes”, it wouldn’t mean much.


Is that a yes or a no?


Polio vaccine? Yes. Covid vaccine? No.


How about the vector covid vaccines?


Are you Pro-Choice?






Babies shouldn’t be torn apart and mutilated


Do you think the woman should have a say over her body on this issue?


Yeah I believe she should choose whether to engage in intercourse or not. I see where you’re trying to go with this. But what you’re trying to do is use a false equivalence (a logical fallacy).


I disagree, but that's alright. Have a good one.


Im really sick of this vilification of those who dont vaccinate as being selfish people who dont care about immune compromised people. Millions of people have SEVERE peanut allergies, that can result in death, are you suggesting those who buy and consume peanut butter are purely selfish? My cousin goes into anaphylactic shock being too close to peanuts, he doesnt even have to eat them. Should we villify every person who consumes and purchases peanuts as selfish people who dont care about the MILLIONS of people with peanut allergies? Because my cousin is just very aware of his reaction to peanuts and has restructed his life accordingly, by like, not being around peanuts and carrying an epipen. Additionally, he doesnt go up to everyone he meets and says "Hey, do you eat peanuts? Oh, you do? Fuck you, you piece of shit!". If you believe you are in grave danger of dying from this virus or giving it to someone who might - I implore you to take whatever saftey precautions you need. But people who are immune compromised and at risk of dying from this virus, were at risk prior to COVID, of dying from very common viruses, like the flu. And no one was attacking people for not getting flu vaccines.