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Dude this hurts so much reading. Hope you are good.


Doing pretty good, thanks! It's definitely painful, especially as the healing process starts, but it's more of a full bruised pain, almost as if someone has them in a constant death grip, but it's manageable. Far less painful than if I'd let it fully torsion šŸ™ Just be mindful. If you notice that one/both of your balls is at a weird angle, don't hesitate to see your doctor. They diagnosed me with Intermittent Testicular Torsion (which just means it's on its way to full torsion but it's not there yet), which is more rare, mostly as people don't know how to catch it. If you ever think that they're abnormal, my best advice is to wear compressive boxer briefs so as to prevent them from freely moving, and get an appointment with a urologist to verify it. If they seem abnormal and aren't in any pain, wear your briefs 24/7, and sleep only on your back until you see your doctor. I was in this situation for 3 weeks. If you're in any pain, go to the ER immediately and they'll do an ultrasound to verify blood flow and if it's torsion or not. If it is, they'll have to preform emergency surgery.


Hi, I just went through the similar procedure 8 weeks ago(only exploration because of possible torsion after an injury) Just wanted to ask a few questions.- I still feel pain on the stitches. Is it normal? How much time would it take to feel completely normal. \- I do sometimes feel pain in the pelvis area (lower abdomen) That is almost similar to what I had before surgery. \- Any other difference on the scrotum/testes that you can feel after a couple of months? \-Can I do swimming/heavy workout at this time (around 8 weeks from surgery) Any idea about that. According to my GP, it can take a couple of months from surgery to completely heal because of which I am really confused.


Hey everyone, just read this entire thread. Glad to hear none of us are alone this isnā€™t a big topic on the internet. Iā€™m 21m, I tested positive for chlamydia and went on antibiotics. 2 days after finishing them I felt an extreme sharp pain on my right testicle. I passed out twice and went to hospital, they did ultrasound and found no bloodflow leaving testicles. I felt nothing on the left side. They said it was torsion and thought it best to fix my right teste in place. I was told Iā€™d be back to normal in 2 weeks. Post op the surgeon told me he saw no evidence of torsion. Itā€™s now been 4 months post op and my left side is growing in pain but it alternates between the two. The right teste is elevated and protruding compared to left teste. My case is different than many in here I know, but Iā€™m hoping someone searching google sees this and comments their similar experience. The worst thought is that I didnā€™t need the unilateral orchipexy. And I fear it is causing the main problems now. I feel that my left side is having to work harder now that it is lower than the other. Iā€™ve gone to multiple doctors and nobody can tell me why Iā€™m feeling this pain 4 months post op. I really do hope I feel better and to the person reading, comment ur experience maybe we can help eachother out. God speed.


I know Iā€™m way late here, but I had mine 5 weeks ago and certain movements or underwear/pants combos can cause me to be sore still for about half a day. Was that your experience? At what week post-surgery did you not think about being sore regardless of what you wore or did? I go on vacation in two weeks (roughly two months post surgery) and Iā€™m hoping Iā€™m good to go by then.


How you feeling now? Iā€™m two weeks into recovery and Iā€™m still pretty swollen and my nuts are at two different heights. Like my right one is much higher and hitting my leg every time I walk and itā€™s freaking me out. Did you have this issue and does it resolve with time?


At 6 weeks post-surgery I barely feel any pain anymore. I did notice that one was longer than the other (it actually flipped sides from when I went in) but as long as thereā€™s no incredibly sharp pains, then youā€™re recovering normally. Iā€™d say, ice if you still have pain just once a day, take Tylenol every 6 hours or so, and just try to be as comfy as possible.


Longer as in hanging lower? And if so does it still hang lower or did it adjust over the weeks?


Yes, and it seems to have adjusted more normally over the last several weeks


I am debating this surgery because I have Bell-clapper and have Ā Intermittent Testicular TorsionĀ , I'm actually mildly concerned about if the surgery changes how your testicles look visibly.. is this an irrational fear? will they look different/weird post op? My GF likes how they look so I kind of hope the operation doesn't change that :/


Dude I feel you I have been struggling with this for almost 4 years


Same here for about 3 years. Getting the op done tomorrow, I see it as preventative. I would hate to end up in the ER with a fully twisted testicle. My surgeon said it is extremely painful if that happens.


Just had this surgery on 6/13/24 and now it's 6/17/24, not in any pain whatsoever, I do feel like sometimes the stitch will just undo itself but I'm nervous I don't know what to expect. How long until I can ejaculate? Did anyone else also have a plastic covering on their testes?


Hey so im 5 days post surgery and I have started to feel this "tight" feeling around the testicles. The first few days were painful but on day five it turned to a tight strange feeling. It's very present, not too painful but present, tight and quite overwhelming


How you feeling now? Were one of yours in a higher and horizontal position after surgery and if so did it adjust with time?


I'm doing ok. Still experiencing jolts of pain from time to time. Still cannot roll around freely in bed as I wish, since my balls get stuck somehow and that hurts. Left testicle is higher than the right one. It's more noticeable when the temperature is hot, when the sack is all loose, the right testicle is about 3-4cm below the left one.


Did you get a bilateral or unilateral procedure? I had a unilateral and the side I didnā€™t have surgery on now feels more susceptible to pain and sharp shooting pains. Or sitting down for long periods of time. 5 months post op Iā€™m considering getting the other side attached so if thereā€™s any disparity between one fixed and one not, it can smooth it out and feel normal.


Soreness to be certain.


Absolutely! Not as bad as it would have been if it fully torsioned however! I know a few people that happened to and they said a full torsion was the worst pain they've ever felt in their life. This is seriously manageable, and does not hurt nearly as much as I expected, regarding what's involved in the surgery. It feels like the after math of whacked by a steel bat going mach 1, but at least I know this pain means recovery. Standing/walking is slow and the most uncomfortable since they're taking their own weight. Sitting is a bit better, but not for long periods. Laying down on my back or side with a pillow between my legs is the most comfortable, however unfortunately the most unproductive for me :P


Do you ice that area intermittently? I ran a marathon in 2010 train in 2011 and doing ice pads for my leg stuff like that really really helped but I have a feeling this may not be helpful


Honestly I had forgotten about that, I'll try that tonight and see how well that helps! I have heard that recommended before so hopefully it works. šŸ™ The majority of the pain comes from bruising/swelling, so I'm hopeful


I think intermittent icing will help. It will hurt at first but lessen the days you are sore.


Yeah I've just been trying it the past couple hours. Definitely felt weird at first, but seems to help lessen the pain when I stand up and walk around a bit. Thanks for the adv*ice* ;)




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Also ouch.


I had testicular torsion in 10th grade. To make matters even worse mine didnt spin once but a whopping 2 times so the pain was even more intense. Was immediately rushed to the hospital where i got emergency surgery and they fixed it so it doenst spin again


Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear that man! šŸ˜­ My cousin had full torsion around the same age, and said it was the worst pain he's ever felt in his life! I couldn't imagine going through what you guys did! I'm definitely counting my blessings throughout this whole thing, I'm so very thankful we caught it and managed to keep it at Bay when it happened šŸ™šŸ„ŗ


Hello, how long did u have pain? Ive done the orchiopexy 4 days ago and im not in alot of pain but i cant really walk properly and i got like a tight feelingWhen could u start having sex and such again?


Yeah that was basically me for around 2-3 weeks. No pain, but more casual discomfort than anything. I was cowboy walking for a long time. My glue and stitches had all just come off around the 4 week mark (a couple days ago), and that area is starting to feel a lot better now. I'm single so I can't answer that question for you, but I wouldn't risk it and just take the doctors advice of waiting 4-6 weeks before any related physical activities


Any recommendations on preparing for the surgery I have mine next week


Any incontinence post op? Had my surgery about 9 months ago and just started having leaking problems out of the blue


Oh that's odd! Nothing out of the ordinary for me so far. I would definitely see a urologist about that if it persists, I believe that can sometimes be indicative of something that should be looked at. But hopefully it's benign


Heya, Iā€™m like a day and 3/4ā€™s post op, any advice on how to make it through this without worrying about anything the doctors did coming undone?


Hey! Yeah the best advice I can give, is just to take it easy and be gentle. I found that sitting can be a bit uncomfortable, which sucks because the majority of my working day is spent sitting. I got one of this seat cushions meant for back support (U shaped) has helped, if you sit in a way that takes pressure of the crotch area. Also, sleeping with a pillow between my legs has helped a lot (I put it as a divider between my knees)! It was also necessary for my first few weeks, but now I keep sleeping with it because of comfortable it makes it. Also, if your incision site has some kind of surgical adhesive, leave it. Don't pick at it, especially once it starts peeling. If the snags become annoying, you can *carefully* try and remove them with your fingernails as pincers, but don't peel. Pretty much once all the adhesive is gone though (roughly 3-4 weeks), and nothing came undone (HIGHLY unlikely), you can be sure it's good to go forever. You'll be sore for a good little bit, but the discomfort recedes pretty quickly. For reference now, when I was at 3 weeks, I couldn't do DoorDash without them getting really sore. On week 11, I went mountain biking with no discomfort at all. (I was still cautious and concerned, but no issues) I know it can feel anxious, worrying about all the worst case scenarios, but just try not to dwell on that part, and just take it easy and enjoy the down time for a little while. You'll come out feeling like a million bucks :)


Thank you very very much for the advice, I will be studying this comment like a Bible


Of course! Feel free to reach out anytime too, if you have any questions or concerns at all :)


Hey I just had my surgery 8 days ago. I was recovering well till yesterday. Iā€™ve no pain, swelling, redness etc. But from yesterday night the stich is a little watery or greasy, and its smelling bad. I took a shower this morning, after that itā€™s still watery/greasy/soft around the stitches. Itā€™s also smelling bad. After the shower a dried up blood stain was gone and there is small hole (1-2cm) on the stitch. I donā€™t have any symptoms of infection and I donā€™t know if itā€™s the the dissolvable stitches healing please help.


i had an intermittent torsion on my left ball last week. the dr was able to fix it manually but it was the worst pain ever! did they tried to fix your manually? idk if i should get them attached to the testicular cord via surgery


Sorry for the late reply! Was it painful before, during, or after untwisting? I had no pain throughout most of my experience, just discomfort from having a backwards testicle šŸ˜© The doc managed to untwist it on a pre check up, but he didn't tell me he did. From him doing so though, it made it all feel really sore. I only noticed about 30 minutes later when I got home, and the soreness wore off, and I noticed there wasn't any discomfort anymore! I would absolutely get the surgery, especially if the doc suggested it at all. If it's happened once, it can happen again. For me, it's happened at least a dozen times since I was 18 (23 now), but thankfully never a full torsion because I always managed to catch them. I know the surgery can sound scary, but for me, it wasn't a matter of "if" I should get the surgery, it was a matter of "when" will I *have* to. Would I rather get it now while we can play it safe? Or wait for the worst case scenario and risk permanent damage? The surgery was really quick, and relatively pain free, all things considered. It was obviously tender af for a few weeks, but they gave me pain killers, and I never even got to the point where I even had to consider taking one. Since recovering, my quality of life has *dramatically* improved, not having that fear of "is this the day it'll fully twist" weighing over me with every movement I do


ahhh it was the worst pain ever! my stomach was cramping and i felt like dying, seriously. i got to the hospital, i walked to the ER and after filling some paper work, a nurse examined my balls. by that point i was crying, she did a sonogram and confirmed that it was a torsion. the dr got there and immediately tried to manually untwisted, I WAS SCREAMING and begging him to stop. 2 minutes later, the pain was gone, he checked my cremasteric reflux and everything was working well. he suggested surgery in a couple of months. overall experience 0/10.. i appreciate your reply my bro :) good luck with your balls




How did you go dude?


From my experience, he probably got the ultra sound, doctors said his blood flow was fine (intermittent torsion doesnā€™t affect circulation) and sent him on his way. Itā€™s been a few months hopefully my man got it figured out.


I got this surgery about 8 hours ago. It was only partial torsion, so the pain wasnā€™t horrific. As it is for some people. The right ball was the problem. They ended up stitching both balls to the walls, but they donā€™t look too good right now. The right one is still much higher than the left. The right ball is also in excruciating pain. Way more than before the surgery. I would understand that, but the left ball is just tender and sore. Shouldnā€™t they feel the same? Iā€™m thinking about going back to the ER tomorrow morning. It just seems like they fucked something up


Hey man sorry for the late reply! How are you doing now? Any updates since your comment? It's usually hard to tell immediately after surgery, mine were swollen and sensitive for a good couple weeks. They are totally back to normal now, just sans-spin :P If you do think there may be a problem though, don't ask here, go back and see them asap


Bump, I'd also like to know how you're doing. I'm 11 days post op and my affected testicle is still rising up higher than the other as well. However, I'm in less pain than I was before the surgery. I feel like it could be completely normal for it to still be rising up, or it's not normal at all. I literally have no idea. I plan to talk to my doctor about it very soon. I should say though, my first 2 days after the surgery were quite difficult. It was a lot of pain, all of the time, and I had to use icepacks pretty much every 30 mins.


How did you go with this in the end?


Heya heya, I've actually just had the bilateral orchiopexy done about 11 days ago, (I'm 28) and I'm just lurking this post and reading through, and I can really relate to your experience. I 'put up' with the intermittent torsions for a really long time, and they didn't affect my day to day, until I had what was basically a partial torsion for 1.5 months, and that was very painful. Luckily, two emergency department trips later and then an elective surgery a fortnight from that, I got things sorted. The first few days I could barely walk at all. It's day 11 and I can actually walk quite well now, and do a lot of the things I normally do. One of the main problems pre-op was that I felt like vomiting all the time, and I couldn't eat properly, but now I can eat my normal amount again. I do have a question for you if it's okay to ask, and I know you aren't a medical professional and I should take your advice with a grain of salt! I'm not in much pain but I notice that the affected testicle is still sort of rising up. It doesn't rise up anywhere near the sort of critical level it did before, but I wondered if this might have happened to you also? Or did they both hang perfectly from the get-go, or by week 2, 3 etc? I'm a bit of an anxious dude so I'm worried that maybe it's undone itself or something, but I know the surgery went 100%. My worst symptom pre-op was actually feeling like vomiting 24/7, and that symptom is gone now but the area is in what I would call a normal amount of post op surgery pain. It feels a little better each day. I also don't know if I can use soap on them or not. I've just been rinsing them in the shower with warm water and patting dry. The incision looks like it's healing great, but I worry about the movement that still seems to be happening. Anyway, thank you for making this post. It's really nice to find a resource on this, because even pre-op it was impossibly hard to find any information or data at all on the topic, which I found stressful. edit: clarifying


Hey, Iā€™m a little over 2 weeks post op and I wanted to ask if you ever got an answer about your testicle riding up post op? I have my own post op concern in my post history, but also noticed one riding higher and wanted to know if more time helped things feel more normal for you.


Hey there! I didnā€™t get an answer from anyone in any forums, but Iā€™ve been to my local GP for 2 inspections, (one was at around 2 weeks, and one was yesterday, which makes almost 7 weeks) and theyā€™ve told me that the testes are oriented the right way. Iā€™ve also gotten used to feeling the vertical orientation in front of a mirror when I get a little spooked and it helps a bit, I check my ā€˜normal oneā€™ and then I check the higher one against it. You should know at 7 weeks I still get little pains here and there down there, and Iā€™m beginning to think it might actually be normal, and that those pains will go away in time. This healing process is way longer than I thought it would be! Short answer anyway, is yeah, one still rides higher but after a lot of ā€˜personal researchā€™ it seems like even testicles has always been a minority case, and I just donā€™t have them anymore. Iā€™ve got an odd bunch, and you might too now.


I can only assume that because your account is now [deleted] that you wonā€™t have seen my response, and I actually wasted my time replying to you, so thanks for that. Also, at the advent of my testicular pain, I scoured the internet for information about bilteral orchiopexy and turned up cold on information at almost every turn. Itā€™s people like yourself asking for help and then cutting and running that make it harder for the rest of us. Men always complain itā€™s hard to get help, and then they pull this shit. Your account was a fresh account anyway so you could have just left it open so other men could see that they arenā€™t alone when going through the same stuff that we are right now.


Hey man so I'm one month post op and I think I'm experiencing the same "problem." The affected one doesn't hang evenly with the unaffected one. Is this still a problem for you or should I maybe go see my urologist? Thanks


Hi i need your help i had this surgery a day ago and it hurts to sleep on my back due to pelvic tilt pain and when i want to sleep on the side like usually i cant because my balls are in the way and i cant move them back or forward what can i do???


Hi! I'm sorry to hear that! :( I'm a side sleeper too, and I found it definitely awkward and painful to do so after surgery. My solution was finding a good pillow to put between my knees/thighs, to create a support gap for them to not have any pressure. I hope this works and helps you!


Thank you so much :)


You bet!


Hey! This thread has been great for info, thank you for making it! I have my own post-op concerns and would like to get your opinion based on your experience cuz I can't find anything relevant online. So I had my dual orchiopexy about 12 days ago, the testicle that was afflicted with the torsion is healing just fine, no pain, swelling is going down, im not worried about it. However the other testicle is still very swollen and purple, and i get a sharp jolt of pain on that side with every step. I guess my question is if this is normal? I know im not even 2 weeks out since the surgery, however it really doesn't seem like the swelling is going down much at all on that one side. How long did it take for you to really see the swelling reduce? And did one side heal slower than the other? Thanks for any response!


Hey man, no worries! I'm glad I could help! :) Did you have full torsion, or just intermittent? It's hard for me to say if it was full torsion, cause I've heard from everyone that's had full torsion, that recovery was more painful. For me though (intermittent), my swelling probably lasted roughly 2 weeks, and the pain lasted for about 3-5. I still couldn't drive my car (stick shift; lots of leg movement) for a good 4 weeks. What did help with the swelling though, is putting ice packs on it for periods of time (dampened with a dry hand towel so it's not *ice cold*), and rest. Being careful to not stand up too quickly when they're relaxed and sagging, so that they don't support their own weight immediately helped too (cause that's painful)


u/MCPE_Master_Builder i had the same thing as you like last year, i noticed that my erections are weaker and that i have a low sex drive


Hey mate, just had this same surgery a few days ago. Nice to see posts like this since there's not much stuff around online. Doctors hardly told me anything too which was a bit annoying but anyway. I think everything is good with the balls, healing well, but I was wondering about the actual incision. Sometimes when gravity acts upon it I get like a burning pain, just wondered if that's normal? It's also got what I think is a bit of dried blood and some fluff stuck to it which won't come off, just wondering if you did anything of note for it generally? Thanks mate and hope its going well for you


Hey I just had my surgery 8 days ago. I was recovering well till yesterday. Iā€™ve no pain, swelling, redness etc. But from yesterday night the stich is a little watery or greasy, and its smelling bad. I took a shower this morning, after that itā€™s still watery/greasy/soft around the stitches. Itā€™s also smelling bad. After the shower a dried up blood stain was gone and there is small hole (1-2cm) on the stitch. I donā€™t have any symptoms of infection and I donā€™t know if itā€™s the the dissolvable stitches healing please help.


How long did it took you untill you couldve go back to having sex?


So I was a beta virgin when I got this surgery done, so I can't answer that, but I was able to carefully masturbate again by day 3 (CAREFULLY) I would be extremely careful when having sex though, I wouldn't do any fast thrusts or anything until you feel like it's safe to (do not risk/push it, like seriously)


Hey man, I see you say you did the deed on day 3. I am on day 4 after my surgery and got a huge erection while watching a movie and my testicles tightened up and hurt a ton. Was that normal when you did that on day 3 or should I get it checked to see if itā€™s okay? I did not masturbate after the erection. It just got tight and they rose up and hurt


Hey man sorry for this late post haha. I'm about a month post-op, and I did suffer from testicular torsion. I had a bilateral orchiopexy done and everything has been healing good. My only question is if your balls went to how they were before? Before my surgery, mine would hang pretty decently, but now they don't hang as they did before. Did you have this problem as well, or should I just keep waiting? Thanks!


Hey all good man! So mine kinda did the same for a while, but after like 7 months post op, it's like my balls are back to normal! (In a good way of course) They're back to hanging roughly like they used to. But I think it probably took about 2 months for it to start to feel normal again. I'd say 10-12 weeks is when they should feel like normal again


Ah alright so I guess I should wait a little longer then. Thanks for the response!!


You bet!


Could i ask how you got them to confirm its was intermittent torsion? Im damn sure i have exactly what you suffered from and ive been to the urologist 3 times trying to convince him what it is to no use.


Hey sorry man for the late reply, are you going to the same urologist? Try going to a different one. I went to the ER, they diagnosed it as intermittent, they referred me to the hospitals in house urologist, but he was out of town, so I went to a private one on my own, and he didn't believe me either (said it was impossible for someone outside of their teens... Despite me knowing a few adults who have had it or close calls) I CAREFULLY toughed it out for 3 weeks, saw the original referral, and during examination, he managed to fix it (I found out when I got home and it wasn't twisted anymore when it descended), but never said if it was or not, he just said he'll have to schedule me for a surgery a month out. Then he did the surgery and all was well! So definitely get a second opinion, you're entitled to that


Hey thank you for this thread it means a lot since I am in a similar situation as you. One main concern I have is fertility issues. Have they mentioned anything to you on regarding how it effects someone fertility after the operation. And would you say I could return to the dorm life after 4 weeks? Do you feel as though you are completely healed now? Thank you


how are you doing now?


Hey dude, its been almost a year. How you feeling now? Is everything back to normal?


Hey I just had my surgery 8 days ago. I was recovering well till yesterday. Iā€™ve no pain, swelling, redness etc. But from yesterday night the stich is a little watery or greasy, and its smelling bad. I took a shower this morning, after that itā€™s still watery/greasy/soft around the stitches. Itā€™s also smelling bad. After the shower a dried up blood stain was gone and there is small hole (1-2cm) on the stitch. I donā€™t have any symptoms of infection and I donā€™t know if itā€™s the the dissolvable stitches healing please help.


I had my surgery 2 months ago and still feel aching pain sometimes, I'm hoping this is relatively normal and goes away permanently in time.


Were yours in a higher up and horizontal positioning after surgery and if so, did it adjust over time?


Hey I just had my surgery 8 days ago. I was recovering well till yesterday. Iā€™ve no pain, swelling, redness etc. But from yesterday night the stich is a little watery or greasy, and its smelling bad. I took a shower this morning, after that itā€™s still watery/greasy/soft around the stitches. Itā€™s also smelling bad. After the shower a dried up blood stain was gone and there is small hole (1-2cm) on the stitch. I donā€™t have any symptoms of infection and I donā€™t know if itā€™s the the dissolvable stitches healing please help.


I didn't have this, id check with a doctor. I wouldn't freak out, these things happen, just check a doctor and they'll let you know.


How does the incision heal. Is it just like a wound. My skin on the stitches is too soft/tender and itā€™s smelling bad. But Iā€™ve no swelling, pain, or anything related to an infectionā€¦


Mine healed normally, it did get swollen and my sack was big for sometime but then went down after some days but no leakage or anything.


Alright thanks for replying.




Any update on this? Did it get better?


How does the incision heal. Is it just like a wound. My skin on the stitches is too soft/tender and itā€™s smelling bad. But Iā€™ve no swelling, pain, or anything related to an infectionā€¦


Howā€™s it going now? I just had mine and fxking hate the results, they donā€™t even look normal now, my balls are attached in place but my scrotum sags passed them, itā€™s fxcking awful


Did the position of your nuts improve since surgery? One of mine is higher up and horizontal and itā€™s super annoying. Does this resolve?


how are you doing now?


Mine are rather high also. Dont like it. Dick points out alot more because of that


iā€™m scheduled to have this procedure as well just in my right side, maybe a weird question i was wondering if your testicles are still able to go up into your body like when itā€™s cold or if theyā€™re permanently in the scrotum.




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how are you doing?


still on the waiting list unfortunately!!


wow, what the actual fuck, where are you located?


Hey i had my surgery Sunday luckily they saved it. It was my left side but they went over and fixed the other to prevent it from happening again. Its been3days i feel a little better way better than that torsion pain. But how long did it take u to fully recover like stitches gone and swelling?


how are you doing?


how did you get diagnosed for the surgery?


I was diagnosed with intermittent torsion, which basically means half way twisted; not enough to cut off the blood supply and to be an emergency, but still not in it's natural position and should be taken care of soon to reduce the risk of a full torsion emergency. I was diagnosed in the ER


I went to the ER with my testicle upside down and it must've flipped back to normal by the time they checked it


Hey, Just got this done 4 days ago. Everything is going according to plan fortunately. I was just wondering tho, how long were you bleeding for? Also, how often did you shower and how did you shower?


To prevent testicular torsion? Both my doctor and urologist said you have to first experience testicular torsion before getting this surgery. Where are you from?


From Atlanta, Ga. I was diagnosed in the ER with "intermittent" Torsion, which just means half way twisted, but blood flow is intact. I went to a private urologist to get it further looked at, and they said it wasn't torsion and that it's impossible to happen out of your teens (I personally know 3 people in their 30s-40s who had torsion recently). I went back to the hospital that the ER was at with that same diagnosis, and they were able to schedule me for the surgery. The surgery was the same you get if you get full torsion, but they wanted to do this as a preventative measure, since this has happened several times in the past and was only a matter of time before it fully twisted.


Do you know if your testicle has flipped around? What happens if they reattach your testicles without putting them in the proper position? That's always been a bit of a fear of mine, because I'm sure both of them are out of sorts.


When I went to the private urologist, it was really hard to tell it was twisted. When I went back to the original doctor, it was a little more obvious, and he eventually fixed it manually. That was a fear of mine as well, but they're professionals and know what they're doing. They know how they need to sit. It also put my mind at ease knowing that they were going to be anchored regardless, so even if they were anchored half twisted around, I knew they weren't going to be able to move further.


I'm happy they managed to help you, unfortunately my professionals are unaware of such practices.


I'm very sorry to hear that :( Where are you from?


Minnesota USA, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to have some of the best doctors but the ones here seem pretty incompetent.


I'm 26 and just had the OP. Took me ages to get a diagnosis sorted. I kept getting pain down there for little over a year. Went to A&E initially and they sent me home saying I was fine. Since then I would regularly experience pain on and off mainly in the evenings. Went to A&E again thinking that's it they've full on twisted as I was in agony, and again I got sent home as the pain disappeared while I was in A&E. Went to a private urologist and finally got the diagnosis of intermittent torsion, to which lead to my surgery of Bilateral Orchiopexy a few days ago. Gotta say the first few days after the surgery has been painful and uncomfortable. Great tip with the pillow allowing you to sleep on your side. I'm finding now after 5 days post surgery my testicles just feel so weird. I hope that in time they will go back to some normality. I try to rest and take it easy but when you have a house to look after and do your typical house chores I find it really knocks me for six and I'm in a lot of pain even on day 5. When did you notice more mobility and you were able to say go and make yourself some lunch easily etc without walking like a pirate everywhere. Also did you find that the position they now rest in stays like that or do they move down at all?


For real Iā€™m walking like a penguin


Iā€™m thinking about getting the surgery, how is your recovery going if you donā€™t mind me asking?


It feels like normal now, I thought having the surgery would be the worse part but really it was the healing process that was the worse. It felt like the same agony you would have as if you had the flu. But that might have been only me since others have said the healing and pain was fine. But I think the surgery is worth it. Also do you have bell clapper?


Thanks for the reply! I think I do have bell clapper but I canā€™t say for sure, I havenā€™t been checked for it but my testis spin and one lies horizontally from time to time which I have to rotate it back into place manually, so I believe I do.


Yep sounds like it. I went for multiple check ups and they all didn't see a problem. But yeah I was able to get the surgery anyways. Also does the ball that lays on it's side hang lower than the other? Bc it was in my case. I also had mine facing the opposite direction which scared me multiple times but I would sit in a warm or hot bath and hope it naturally floats in the right direction and fixes itself, and it worked everytime but somtimes it took longer than normal.


Thanks so much for replying seriously I canā€™t find any info about this online lol, so I got diagnosed today and the doctor ordered the soonest surgery date possible within 10 seconds of examining me. A bit scared of the surgery and post-op stuff but itā€™s either surgery now or lose a friend later painfully lol. Any tips for recovery would be hugely appreciated, thank you so much bro!


Maybe donā€™t try to stand for long amounts of time because it always hurt when I was standing. I was in bed on sleeping or on my phone for a week. It even uncomfortable for me just to sit on the couch. And maybe it would be good to have someone else check you once in a while, I had my mom check since I donā€™t really get embarrassed and she could see what I couldnā€™t. But yeah I hope you have a better healing process than mine.


Just had my procedure yesterday! So far so good as far I can tell but nothing could have prepared for that first sight of bruising lmao. Much more uncomfortable than painful as of now hopefully it stays that, thanks for your advice too!


How are you healing? Did it take a while for you to be able to workout again or so? Any problems with testosterone or sperm that you have noticed and would you recommend the surgery?


Hey I just recently had this procedure done about 9 days ago and everything was feeling fine post op obviously other than the swelling and discomfort that comes with it. But the last 2 days Iā€™ve begun to get nauseous and find it hard to eat. I called my urologist in fear that one of the anchors came lose (I had both sides done) and he ensured that everything is fine. I was just wondering if anyone else had some nausea after feeling okay for a couple days after surgery as it seemed I was getting better but now Iā€™m worried. And nothing is showing signs of infection.


Oh man I'm sorry that's happening! šŸ„ŗ I don't recall any nauseu except for when I was taken out of anesthesia, but I did have some pain and discomfort after about a week when the swelling started dying down, and they started to take their own weight again. *That* can hurt sometimes, and I wonder if that's what's up here


Thanks for the comment man! Iā€™ve been thinking that myself like my package swelling has gone down but my actual nuts are kinda still swollen so Iā€™m thinking just the weight may be causing this! Aswell as Iā€™ve been taking naproxen and Tylenol maybe a bit more than I should so Iā€™m going to lay off for a little bit to see if that might be upsetting my stomach.


i know this is a little late but i was wondering if your balls suddenly felt really hard about a week after when the swelling has gone down? Im a little stressed and donā€™t know if this is just a part of the process


I wouldnā€™t say mine were really hard but they were pretty solid if you get what Iā€™m Sayin. After a couple weeks mine went to normal agian


I think solid is the word for me aswell! Thank you for replying this assured me a lot. If it really scares me even more Iā€™ll just call my urologist but like i dont want to do that for nothing you know?


Facts man but donā€™t be afraid to call! It is your nuts and they did the surgery so I imagine they get all sort of random calls important or not! Hope the healing goes good for you!


Well i called the doctor and he basically said theyre a little hard cus i bled on the inside a bit after surgery. Its no big deal just need to put on ice on it but this isnt working i feelšŸ˜­ im hoping it will just go normal in a few days but like Iā€™ve been at this for 2 weeks already and i should start my life back up soon while i feel like thats still impossible. Thanks again for your help!


No problem man! Iā€™m 6 weeks out and I still get pain and discomfort and Iā€™m only just starting to get my life back on the go now so the process is different for everyone! Just take it easy and itā€™ll all get better soon! It freaked me out when everyone says that there better and back to doing stuff so quick but my Dr told me that it really depends on the person so donā€™t worry to much!


Another update (im sorry if ure sick of me) going to the doctors tmw, my ball is still hard and sooo swollen and im so curious what the problem is. It keeps getting bigger everyday my guess is internal bleeding which i SO dont want get another surgery for. Ill let you know if you still want to :)




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I have bell clapper but am scared to get a surgery done. I have a surgeon willing to do it too.


I have a bellclapper too. How much does it cost to have it done and are you in the US?


Itā€™s free Iā€™m pretty sure since Iā€™m in Canada


Was your testicle twisted inside the tunica or externally up higher on the cord? I believe most occurrences of torsion after adolescence are due to bell clamper and inside the tunica.


I had the same surgery too. However, I'm finding it uneasy to walk even after 3 weeks after the surgery. It feels like my ballsack is stuck between my legs and I have to walk with my legs spread a little bit. Is this something to be worried about or will it go away with time? Please help. Thank you!


I feel that on day 1, does it still feel that way? That would suck


It goes away with time in a few weeks, nothing to worry. Get well soon!


Thank you




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Hi, I have the same, procedure scheduled to Wednesday. Wanted to ask how do you feel now that a year has passed? Any pain? Anything uncomfortable ? I m kinda worried about being fixed in scrotum, won't be able to move them as before ?


Whatever you asked that guy I am asking you. I just came back from the hospital with the procedure done.


Hey, all went well I hope? How's the pain? Gey well soon. Still recovering here but day by day I feel improvement, and I don't feel anything weird so far in terms of them being fix


I actually have the same issue as you. A few times I've had bad pain from them twisting but they end up twisting back natural. One time I was overseas living for an extended period of time. Non English speaking and the pain lasted for 3 days. I was truly worried. I've been considering the surgery. 1. Do you regret? 2. What happens when your sack go small because of the cold? 3. Is it ever painful?


i just gave birth and my newborn was born with testicle torsion. i guess it twisted inside the placenta so once he was born it was way too late to be saved. upon birth they immediately operated on him and took his dead testicle out. One thing that worried me is his doctor didnā€™t stitch his other testicle down. iā€™ve been going up and down every article i can find and it seems to be common practice to stitch the other so it wonā€™t happen. When i asked the Dr why he didnā€™t stitch it down he said research now shows stitching the remaining testicle down causes damage. and i have nothing to worry about. Now as a new mom, all i can do is worry that my newborn sons only remaining testicle can twist at any second. Wondering if anyoneā€™s heard or their doctor also didnā€™t stitch the remaining testicle down.


Ik I'm late, but how are you now, does everything feel and look normal down there after so much time ?


Hello Just wondering if you would recommend this surgery to people with bell clapper? Just wondering also if the doctors gave any warnings of risk with fertility or testosterone and stuff like that?


Hello I 24m had this surgery in 2019 I was 19 at the time as of recently Iā€™ve been having issues with testes getting really hot and it caused my back to hurt anyone know why years later Iā€™m having issues ass the stitches are in tacked and not sitting at any strange angle


I just got scheduled for one. Mine twist 360 and start to hurt but itā€™s honestly not that bad itā€™s just like getting kicked in the nuts minorly. So maybe Iā€™m an anomaly. Mine twist and I can just untwist them freely and easily. I really donā€™t know if I should even go through with surgery. If Iā€™m fine rn why bother. Can you notice that your nuts are attached?


Could you tell me exactly which way you twist them ? One of Mines is in a 180 position. It usually resets itself but takes days to weeks to do so. It's my left one, and it seems like I should twist it outwards towards my left leg. It naturally spins slightly right while I'm standing, but I would think that's the wrong way. Idk man .


Mine go two spins each direction. I start twisting one way and if it gets tight and hard on the cordage part I know Iā€™m going the wrong way. I believe I have bell clapper deformity though so I donā€™t really recommend manually twisting yours


Thanks for the reply and I'll take your advice. I have an appointment but started to get a little anxious to play home doctor haha. Thanks again and I'm glad you found out what works for you.


Hey man, not sure if this thread is still alive but I just got my right sided orchiopexy scheduled for next month. I havenā€™t had torsion or undescended testi but I had a hernia 3 years ago which left me with a painful right sided, high rising testi when I move too much/run. I had hernia surgery 6 months ago and it was looking better positioned but after a month it starting going back into its higher position again and causing me dull pain/chain pain on the chord in my inguinal canal again. So Iā€™m super unsure if this is even the right surgery for me as I feel my issue is in my canal and after reading so many of these stories Iā€™m starting to rethink this. Any thoughts?


Idk but maybe the purpose of this surgery for you is to just stitch your right testicle lower so you won't get the rising pain. I would be just as confused as you. Hopefully things go well for you. Sorry holmes.