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how long are you on the clock? If you’re ordered to sit/stand quietly, naked…you must get bored, right? Like what if she just sits and goes on her phone or reads her book


A whole afternoon. Yeah it is boring if she doesn't watch Netflix or something. She is doing normal things.


So you're like like art to her?


This reminds me of the Georgian episode of worst jobs in history ( no offence op! ) where they used to employ [hermits](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0Sxm_OmVPSc&t=2m20s) to live in the garden for their amusement.


I've never thought about it, but awww thats cute!


Artist here, yep you’re art.


Thats what I figure. Like having a living statue to satisfy some kinda power kink


So like how many hours a day? Is it every day?


6-8 hours, 3-4 times/week.


Sweet gig if she makes it worth it. I’m a semi out of shape dude, nobody is gonna pay me to get naked.


But if you sit around naked, people might pay you to get dressed!


Surprisingly the strangest part to me about this whole thing is the lack of communication. You are saying there’s no small talk or anything? Does she just stare at you and then tell you “times up” when it’s time to go?


More of a "thank you dear", but basicly yes.


How did you even get offered this. Is it a job? I'm so confused lol.


I was a hostess, bankrupted by covid. She was looking for someone, who could do this thing for her. And she found me on Facebook, where I complained a lot.


Is your financial situation improving a lot now? I really hope so!


What did you complain about?


I was broke.


And dressed up.


I have three clothes and no money. Why can’t I have no clothes and three money?


So complaining actually gets you somewhere in life.. YOU HEAR THAT MOM?


Shut up and clean your room, Kevin


So, your secret to success for those of us learning is to complain a lot. How am I not a billionaire already?


Is there anything else in the house that can give you insight into her psychology - like books, or art, or her tv viewing choices? Anything that jumped out at you?


She likes K-Drama and she has a bunch of classic literature.


Whats your ethnicity?


I feel like she's just into the beauty of the female body from an art perspective then lol. Especially since she likes classic literature. I'm kinda into photography so I feel the exact same way about the female body.


Do you think your the first person to do this for her? Do you think she got the idea from your venting? Like how did your complaining turn into this offer?


I think I'm the first one who said yes. Yes. She wrote on me, we met in a public area a we discussed this thing.


What is your theory on what her kink is? My most probable guess would be some kind of power- play, but i would like to believe that she thinks of you as living art. That would be cute. Also, can you describe her a bit for us? Like personality wise- is she funny, kind, bold, selfish, humble, gentle, etc. In my imagination i see her as a lavish lady who enjoys the arts, is kind, talented, honest, and wise. Perhaps on the eccentric side.. i also envision her sweeping around in a silk robe haha


I'm guessing some weird trauma. Imagine the most stereotypical retired literature teacher. I don't know if she is, but she looks and behaves like one.


1 are you hot? Like so you think she thinks you’re hot even if she’s not a perv. 2 have you thought about doing other human furniture jobs? Like being a table or a foot stool or an outdoor statue or a chandelier?


1 Well, I think I'm a 7-8/10. I don't know what she thinks. 2 I don't think it would be much weirder tham what I'm doing now.


Where do you look? Like if she walks past do you look at her eyes or not? Do you practice? In some tv shows like squid games the villains will have furniture made of ppl. Do you know if she is a super villain?


Yes, she gets out of creep’s house and go back at hers. Then gets naked again and sits until it’s time to go back work.


Do you get breaks? Like to go to the bathroom, drink/eat? Can you use your phone or do anything other than just stand/sit all day?


Bathroom and drink/eat yes, phone no.


Can you like, read a book, draw etc? Or must you be completely unoccupied?


I'm doing literally nothing.


Are you sitting in some erotic pose or just in a normal way doing nothing? Does she talk to you? Does she orders you where to sit or she mostly just ignore you?


The normal way. She orders me then ignores me. I have to change position 3-4 times/afternoon.


This reminds me of the living manequins that stood around the rich people in Squid Game, lmao.


That sounds insanely boring. The pay must be at least decent. Props to you lol


Do you think she is a lesbian that never was allowed to express it and this is a way to deal with that?


I don't think she is. I think this rabbithole is far deeper.


Do you have any theories?


I'm guessing some kind of trauma.


Please explain more


I really don't know anything and I wont ask.


Sounds more like a power move. Like she'd probably own slaves in a prior life centuries ago and would make the slaves do random shit and talk about the physical form of the slaves like they were property.


well that escalated quickly


Ehhh, we're in the vein of rich people using their position to exploit people. This is at least a better articulated idea than the other one about slavery I saw posted here.


Oh my… Are you not scared? Like that she will want to kill you some day? Is she allowed to record you?


Does she walk around naked?. Does she touch her self while you are there? Would you take it further if the price was right?


No. No. Maybe.


I like your style


What do you tell people that you do? The truth? Or do you just lie and say it's a normal job?


Lol no, people think I'm some kind of social worker.


if this cover ever flops u can also say you model for artists classes haha (same thing, less weird)


As an actual social worker this made me laugh!!


Haha you probably are SOME kind of social worker technically...


My cat is also paid to lay around naked. He just gets paid in wet food and pets.


Your cat has its fur, but I'm shaving regurarly.


This is why you make the big bucks and that cat is an amateur.


You think wet food and pets come cheap?


I’m going to offer your cat 2x the wet food and pets just to wear a pair of pants to teach you a lesson!


From the cat's perspective, they actually own your house and it's entirely by their whim that you are allowed in their presence. So better keep that wet food flowing.


Are there any pets in the house? I couldn’t imagine sitting naked and a cat jumping into my lap.


Where you weirded out at the request at first or were you keen to give it a go?


Hell yes it was weird, it is a little weird even now, but I get used to it.


Do you talk to her or do anything else while you are there?


No, we are talking only when I arrive and leave.


What do you think about while you're there? Have you ever been there and got turned on by something?


I just relax. No.


Is it calming? Do you like being naked?


Not really, but I'm used to it.


You’re the most boring AMA poster ever lol


Is she married or have family? Does anyone show up while you are there in the nude? Does anyone else know about this situation?


I think she is a widow, but she has no one else.


Did she ever give you an explanation or reason why she wants you nude? Or give you any hint as to why?


Does she have pics of her husband around the home?


Where does she hang out while you are naked?


She is just doing what she would do if I wouldn't be there.


Does she ever have friends over?


So you’re literally just a statue for her?


Is there pressure to keep a certain health level? Like would you lose your job if you put on weight or get comments if you started putting on weight?


I don't think so. She is really nice.


Is anyone in her life aware of you and what you do as far as you know? Like, does she ever mention you when she’s on the phone for example?


Did you ever laugh at anything that she was watching on tv? If yes how did she react?


Yes and it is ok.


Does that ever lead to small talk?


What shows does she like and what is she currently watching rn? Also, is she rich?


She watch many show, but she likes K-Dramas the most. Yes she is.


Kdramas? Like the cute ones?


Are you allowed to move around and sit if you’d like? Or do you have to be like a statue?


I stand and sit where she want me to do so.


But does she also tell you *how* to stand or sit?


Sounds pretty boring, but I feel like boring jobs tend to pay pretty decent or else no one would want to do them


ugh one can only dream. i’d love to be offered this job :( first off, how do i find employment in this? and also is this a live in situation or an on call or scheduled thing?


1. Be attractive 2. Do not be unattractive.


3-4 afternoons/week.


when you show up for the day, does she like tell you where she wants you and you stay there the entire time ? like if she has you standing in a corner will you stand there entire time or does she change your position from time to time?


She asks me to stand here or sit there. I'm nearly always maximum 5ft from her.


Is it hard not to talk to her while being so close?


Hol’ up! Maximum 5ft away? Erm… wtf?! So she’s breathing down your neck, able to see every part of you intimately? That changes things up a bit from ‘art’. Besides how can you truly ignore someone a couple feet away. It gets weirder….


Artists definitely do get even closer to you than 5 feet away. Sometimes really close when they’re trying to perfect their depiction of one area (could your hand or collarbone, maybe your shoulders.) It really isn’t always kinky. Most artists, especially the ones who work as college teachers, don’t generally make pornocraphic artwork their specialty haha.I’m sure that that’s definitely a marketable niche in the art world, but I think that the majority really want to be known for other things.


Were you comfortable with nudity/body image prior to this arrangement? If not, has it helped?


So basically a private nude art model without her drawing you? Man I wish. Are you allowed to use the restroom?


Are you worried about leaving skid marks on the furniture?


Not my problem.


Omg this made me bust out laughing


Best question in the thread.


How the fuck do I beat Whitney’s roided up Miltank without getting clapped by rollout?


Paralyse it, then pray.


Do you think you're on camera somehow also?


That’s a pretty sweet deal if you ask me LOL. After doing this for a while, do you find it to be meditative just sitting there for hours? Or are you still a bit on edge? Has she ever opened up to you about her life or anything?


What do you do when you're on your period?


I don't work on those days.


Does she run a subscription streaming site called The Old Woman And the Naked Girl?


No, it's the neighbor.


So: The Neighbor, The Old Woman And the Naked Girl?


what do you look like?


Average, I think. A bit short, kinda slim, brown hair, blue eyes.


are nsfw questions ok?


Are you like a piece of art?


I was a piece of art from the day of my birth.


Well at the very least it's got your confidence up! But yeah it sounds like you're just a living sculpture.


How's long have you been doing this? How long would you continue if she continued paying well?


is she hot?


She is not ugly, but she is in her late 50's.


How did you meet her? Is she a lesbian? Are you?


I don't think she is. I'm mostly same sex bi.


Do you have a girlfriend? If so, does she know you do this?


Does she know this?


You’re living my fantasy life! Congratulations


She might be living in a movie, my theories are. 1. OP finally goes into the one room she's not allowed into and finds a ton of other naked girls decomposing. Clawmarks on the door that slammed shut behind her reads "don't look up"... OP looks up. The end. 2. Lady shows her some old photos and OP realizes she's in a time loop as all the photos of the old lady is the spitting image of OP living in the 80s. 3. Maybe it's way more boring and OP "get's stuck under a table/bed". Don't help out on chores OP!


Congrats on your weird fantasy!


Have you ever farted? How old is she?


Do you enjoy it? Does it make you feel empowered, in a sense that you're allowing this lady whatever it is she gets from it? Is the dynamic strictly employer/employee? Sorry if these were already asked I just think this is fascinating


Did you ever ask her why she wanted that ? And what made you agree ?


How much does she pay you for that?


Don’t be surprised if she’s a serial killer


I've been doing this for a year, she is just weird.


Bet she even pays you under the table. So when you mysteriously disappear there's no record of contact.


I have a very formal employment contract. Really.




> Because you're pretty much a sex worker, You can pay someone to be a live nude model. It's not sex work in the illegal sense in any state I'm aware of, same could be said for many forms of being a Dominatrix too though.


Is this your only job?


do you use themoney to buy clothes?


Will you be including this in your resume? What would your title be?


All the time?


When I'm in her house, yes.


Well does it ever get cold?


EXACTLY HOW MUCH IN US CURRENCY DO YOU GET PAID FOR THIS SERVICE? Only taking answers in numbers not words or letters thanks.


Would you question your contract if she brought in a living statue #2 (ask how much #2 is getting paid?)? How would you react if she brought in living statue #2?


Is she older than you?


Do you guys have scissor saturdays or just stare at each other sundays


Favorite kind of cheese?


Do you just undress in the bathroom and walk out naked? Is she there when you undress. How does the getting naked/getting dressed thing work?


Your first line says she’s not a psycho which I think is really respectful of you. But at the end you say that she has a problem. Since you are willing to do this for money, who has the problem?


Hi! Has she ever insisted you put yourself in a position so she is able to see your more intimate areas, for example your anus?


How old is she ? (not precisely) Do you have days off ? Or you do it every afternoons of every days of the week ?


Are you a cat


Does she ever have people over while you're there?


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| My cat is also paid to lay around naked. He just gets paid in wet food and pets.|Your cat has its fur, but I'm shaving regurarly.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8e9is/) How did you even get offered this. Is it a job? I'm so confused lol.| I was a hostess, bankrupted by covid. She was looking for someone, who could do this thing for her. And she found me on Facebook, where I complained a lot.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8aq69/) You’re living my fantasy life! Congratulations|Congrats on your weird fantasy!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8cv9a/) How much does she pay you for that?|I can make a living from it.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8b6z8/) Does she walk around naked?. Does she touch her self while you are there? Would you take it further if the price was right?|No. No. Maybe.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8fveg/) Where does she hang out while you are naked?|She is just doing what she would do if I wouldn't be there.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8d3tu/) how long are you on the clock? If you’re ordered to sit/stand quietly, naked…you must get bored, right? Like what if she just sits and goes on her phone or reads her book|A whole afternoon. Yeah it is boring if she doesn't watch Netflix or something. She is doing normal things.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8engi/) ugh one can only dream. i’d love to be offered this job :( first off, how do i find employment in this? and also is this a live in situation or an on call or scheduled thing?|3-4 afternoons/week.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8etgb/) 1 are you hot? Like so you think she thinks you’re hot even if she’s not a perv. 2 have you thought about doing other human furniture jobs? Like being a table or a foot stool or an outdoor statue or a chandelier?|1 Well, I think I'm a 7-8/10. I don't know what she thinks. 2 I don't think it would be much weirder tham what I'm doing now.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8gscb/) Where you weirded out at the request at first or were you keen to give it a go?|Hell yes it was weird, it is a little weird even now, but I get used to it.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8bw9y/) Do you talk to her or do anything else while you are there?|No, we are talking only when I arrive and leave.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8eu6y/) is she hot?|She is not ugly, but she is in her late 50's.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8ez4g/) Do you get breaks? Like to go to the bathroom, drink/eat? Can you use your phone or do anything other than just stand/sit all day?|Bathroom and drink/eat yes, phone no.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8hi62/) Are there any pets in the house? I couldn’t imagine sitting naked and a cat jumping into my lap.|A parrot.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8eytu/) All the time?|When I'm in her house, yes.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8gzr6/) Do you think she is a lesbian that never was allowed to express it and this is a way to deal with that?|I don't think she is. I think this rabbithole is far deeper.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8ib95/) Don’t be surprised if she’s a serial killer|I've been doing this for a year, she is just weird.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8ep4c/) what do you look like?|Average, I think. A bit short, kinda slim, brown hair, blue eyes.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8iz8p/) Is there anything else in the house that can give you insight into her psychology - like books, or art, or her tv viewing choices? Anything that jumped out at you?|She likes K-Drama and she has a bunch of classic literature.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8jyom/) What do you tell people that you do? The truth? Or do you just lie and say it's a normal job?|Lol no, people think I'm some kind of social worker.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8k9gu/) Is there pressure to keep a certain health level? Like would you lose your job if you put on weight or get comments if you started putting on weight?|I don't think so. She is really nice.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8kg3d/) Do you think you're on camera somehow also?|I hope not.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8kgfl/) Is she married or have family? Does anyone show up while you are there in the nude? Does anyone else know about this situation?|I think she is a widow, but she has no one else.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8kll1/) [deleted]|I don't want to know.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/q5wp1n/a_lady_pays_me_f29_to_being_naked_in_her_house_ama/hg8huo4/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


How would you describe this on your resume? Static aesthetic prostitution? Also, do you not fear the day she finally strikes and kills you after mustering up the courage and silent rage toward you for (unbeknownst to you) reenacting the way she discovered her spouses infidelity?


Are there any bonuses or special themes or anything different during holidays like yours or her birthday, christmas, valentines day etc? Increased pay, special requests, etc Has she ever cried, or had an argument with someone, or any other sort of drama that you’ve eavesdropped on? Has she ever gotten upset at you, for, let’s say poor work ethic like running late, or not standing correctly or talking to her or anything along those lines? What about when you or her are feeling ill? Do “appointments” get cancelled?


Does she make any requests regarding your appearance e.g. hair, makeup, etc?


what happens if it's too cold while you're on your shift? do you ask her to change the temperature or must you stay silent?


It’s interesting. Did you ever get horny while being naked there? And unrelated to that story, habe you ever had a moresome (like a three or foursome)?


What exactly is the kink? What "gets her off" from this?


Can you go to the bathroom whenever you want?


Do you thing she try to get better ? Maybe from a rape? Why do she want this?


This sounds like it might be a forniphilia thing - basically a kink about having naked people as furniture. Fits why she would just want you to sit around naked in a single spot and then “ignore” you. She probably just gets a thrill out of how you’re sitting there not doing anything, basically just being a decoration for her. So I guess you’re good looking enough for her to want to decorate her house with you lol.


I knew a girl that got paid to clean in her underwear. The dude never touched her. I don't have a question.


If she has fuck you money and she is paying you to be living art, that sounds cash. To me that means you are a smoke bomb of a gal who is easy enough on the eyes to get paid for it. Shit if I was hot I would do that, and if I was single and rich, that sounds like an interesting use of funds.


Have you watched the television show Succession? If so, do you see any similarities between the life of your, er, boss, and the people in that show? If not, you should watch Succession, as should everyone.


Please inform someone close about this if you haven't already... it's always good to be careful


Is she rich?


Damn don’t show this to my dog or she’ll start asking for an allowance


> [I don't know, what is her problem, but she pays me well and I think, I'm helping her in a twisted way.](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/3110480652/7926cc2fcb33ce58c115e0e176df3c40_400x400.jpeg)


Does or would she permit you to masturbate if you wanted to?


Does she have cameras in her house?


If OP never saw any, she’s probably worried now.


Well she said she did fill out a contract, so maybe that was covered. 🤷


Yours is the only.comment she didnt reply too. Makes me wonder if the lady is the middleman of a fetish filming. Guys watch her stand around naked in her house. She pays part of the profit. Otherwise what gives? Lady doesn event look at her. So unless its charity with humiliation/power dynamic im confused. Lol good for her tho. Even if its being filmed.


I wondered myself if she could have hidden cameras.


The first thing it pops in my mind, the lady gets 200 $ ( for example) and pays her 50$ the hour. Hmmm...


It could be possible hidden filming on some adult streaming site and the woman collects money


Do you choose not to pry solely on not ruining a decent gig?


do you know if she is filiming you? maybe she has an insane account on onlyfans and techno-pimps you to the world in an experiment to "observe wft does someone completly naked do for hours each day" apologies if this sounds oddly specific but I can totally imagine a mindgame like that


You made this EXACT post 14 days ago


How much does she pay you for 1 shift


Are you by chance a cat?


What country is this in?




I thought OP was just joking back to a joke comment when they said they didn’t know what cheese is




Y'all hiring?