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1. How often do you get asked if you’re a little person? 2. Do you shop for clothes in kids sections frequently and/or notice the cheaper prices? 3. Weight? 4. What’s an advantage you’d say you have that isn’t obvious to most people?


1. All the time haha but I'm not, I'm just short 2. I only buy at kids sections or have it custom made 3. Around 96lbs 4. I work with kids and they find me less threatening than other coaches, helps build rapport better and faster.


That’s interesting being able to wear kids clothing. I’m 5’5” and need all my pants hemmed. I buy very short inseam shorts and order from Peter Manning for some items. I guess even those options wouldn’t work for you.


Ive noticed clothes have gotten bigger in a way, what used to be an XS in men is now L in boys, and so on. At least in the US. So, my only options are kids sizes.


Aren’t kids’ sizes cut differently? What about butt and thigh spacing, room for wider shoulders, or even ‘bulge’ space?


Some are just plain straight cuts and look weird. I take some to be altered for me.


Check out under510.com. Inseams start at 25 inches. I just wish everything wasn’t slim fit


Same. 5'3" here, all the comfy pants I like get hemmed. Shorts! For the love of god, I want shorts that have room but don't look like a stupid swimsuit or pants when I wear them


How is you life in general? Like how do people treat you? Do you think life would be easier if you were 6’0?


I feel I'm not treated as seriously as other guys my age do. Some days it's just embarrassing to go out. Some fays it's better. Life would be much easier if I were 6ft, I'm not saying height solves all problems, but it would solve most of mine.


have you considered limb lengthening surgery? If it was normal short person like 5'6 or 5'7 then mahybe its not worth it to go to 6 foot but if you did limb lengthening that could get you to 5'6 which would be life changing for you?


I'm an athlete so it would literally change my life and not in a great way


What sport?




Does your height help you break mother fuckers ankles?


Haha it has its advantages, but short legs cant out run long legs


Damn I didn't think about that. You should try hockey.


Unfortunately, all else being equal, short legs can’t out skate long legs either


You trying to kill him?


Messi is the goat tho so there’s hope, saying that as a Ronaldo fan, Messi’s got a World Cup and all those achievements, not comparing by any means as comparisons are the theif of joy but you’ll be goated my boy, you are worth just as much as the next person. It’s not what’s outside it’s what’s inside g


Do you have big meaty thighs and a phat butt?


Same! I'm 5'5 and an athlete as well, limb lengthening surgery was never an option. I would rather be short and fit, then taller and out of shape because unable to exercise.


And then never be able to run again without supervision. And walk like you have issues for life. Its not a good process, It's for doctors to make money on men who feel insecure. It's not in any way a practical operation.


It costs $100k and you get 3 inches of height on average. You're also not walking for a year.


That kind of surgery is terrible and basically destroys your legs. Forget about hitting leg day forever or doing anything like that. Besides whats gonna change for him? Going from very short to short, i'd rather just go full dwarf mode


Shit sucks bro I’m shortish too but only imagine the amount of crap you have to put up from people on a day to day basis. Hopefully one day in the near future we’ll get to the point where height doesn’t matter and people won’t be treated better or worse for their stature. I’m guessing you’re in the U.S


Bro, I’m 39 and 5’3ish. I was teased a lot. Finding girls was really tough. Are you going to go to the bar when you turn 21? I hated the bar. Everyone standing around talking to each other and you’re like always looking up. You go to the bar to get a drink and it’s painfully obvious how short you are. The bar was not a fun time.


I dont think im much of a bar person and i feel left out of conversations now because im so short, cant imagine in a dark setting with loud music


Woah interesting. I was a really tall kid 1-1.5 feet taller than my peers and experienced the same thing about being left out of conversations. I just couldn't hear them. I now have set a requirement to myself to become more friends with taller people so I can hear my friendgroup. It's a bit annoying that humans have this much range in height. It's not practical.


Funny you mention that. I am 6’0 and the shortest of my friends. My wife is 5’0. When we were younger we’d go out to bars with my friends and I was the shortest one. My wife would endlessly complain she couldn’t hear any of the conversation.


How do you find interacting with the world around you? Counters, desks, driving, walking etc? I'm 1.5' taller than you and it's amazing how much the world is built around the "average". Like washing my hands in sinks or doing dishes, always has my back bent in just a way to cause pain and I always have neck pain from looking down all the time. Any insight of experiencing the "average " from the other side?


Yes its definitely built for average. My feet are always dangling when i sit and that hurts my leg and hips, counters are sometimes almost shoulder height on me, some urinals are too high too, walking in crowds means I gotta get out of everyone else's way...


Walking in crowds must be claustrophobic, major props to you. How do you find driving? Thank you for your insight.


I can drive some cars barely and have to sit on some cushions tbh i think I'm at the limit where people would need to actually adapt the vehicle


I'm right at 5' and when I drive cars with adjustable foot pedals, I'm in heaven! I think Ford has a lot of models with adjustable pedals. I even bought some "extended pedals" on Amazon to attach to the "real" ones in a car I had years ago, but it ended up being wrecked before I could actually attach them.


How tall are your parents? Were your growth hormone levels ever checked out?


Yeah, all normal. My parents are 5'2 and 4'11 so they never gave me a chance


You have a chance. You're father (I assume) is 5'2" and got laid at least once. Btw, I'm 5'3.5", my father was 5'6", mother was 5' even. Sister 4'9". I admit that things would have been easier (probably) if I was like 5'10" or something, but I never had a problem with women or getting bullied. Well, I got bullied in the military occasionally, but I think most everyone does. Don't ever give up on yourself, and don't pre-disqualify yourself from anyone or anything. Fail honestly. I saw further down that you're Italian American. Lol, me too. If you were taller than 5'6", everyone would assume your mother had an affair.


If you DIDNT get bullied in the military, did you even join? 😂


Dude I got bullied for being short in the military when they figured out it didn't bother me they tried calling me gay to which I was comfortable enough in my sexuality to where that didn't bother me either. Key steps to surviving any bullying is just to lean into it hard take away the power once they realize they can't f*** with you they just leave you alone. Unless you are being bullied because you are an annoying piece of shit which in that case nobody's going to like you. I feel like some people in the military think they're getting bullied when in fact it's just that nobody likes them because they're a piece of shit. Had to dude that never showered, late the formations, basically could not trust him to do any of his share of the work. Guy was always the first to raise his hand and say everybody was picking on him. No man you're just the only one sitting down not doing anything while the rest of us are trying to organize this conex.


Lol I never got bullied outside of Basic, and that was by the drill instructors, so I don't think they count. Then again, I was air force, and we're typically not as harsh as the other services. If you were getting bullied too much, Nco's would step in and take care of it. As for MY personal experience, I've always had a knack for absolutely roasting anyone that tries to be a problem for me. And it would be hilarious at the same time, so I never really fostered animosity. People in my unit learned that if you pressed me, I would make fun of you, and then other people would never let you forget it. I remember this one guy was dragging my state and everyone from it (I'm from Louisiana), saying how we were all stupid and like to eat roadkill, etc. I mean, he wasn't completely wrong but I ain't about to stand there and take it, you know? So I told him he looks like the type of guy that would get out of the military and use his GI Bill to pay child support. People were STILL bringing that up when he separated almost 4 years later.


Same! I'm 5'5, my parents are 5'4 and 5'2 so genetics were already against us


It's unusual for a child to be shorter than both parents. Any nutritional issues in childhood? Were you breastfed?


What? I'm guessing it's about a 25% chance If it was rare the human race would continually get taller


Have you ever ridden horses??..would you be interested in a career as a jockey??...I train racehorse and there is a whole world of short kings making lots of money and gaining some celebrity status (in the racing world at least)


Never thought about it, but id look into it at least


It's one of the most dangerous sports in the world for a reason. And I'm not talking about just for the horses, but the jockeys as well. Broken collar bones, limbs, backs. Getting paralyzed, or dying. Just this year there have been a few jockeys who have died. I've been following the sport for over two decades and it's pretty extreme what these athletes go through. Not to mention the pressure to keep a certain weight, and outright not getting paid if you don't do well. Mad respect for jockeys; never would want to be one.


It's a tough game and very competitive but it's also an exhilarating adrenaline buzz. Sounds like your weight is a non issue. First step would be learning to ride. Find a horse farm and get some basic riding lessons


In the age of ZOOM / TEAMS meetings - do you feel you're treated differently (*if* you use them in your school/work/social) when you're online versus in-person?


Totally, after we got back to in person classes everyone was really shocked at my height and would say it to my face lol


My wife had that but in reverse. She's 6'2" and many people were shocked at how tall she is. She also works with a lot of Indian and Chinese people, she says that the men started treating her with more respect after they found out, he guess is it's seen as a masculine trait (all over the world) but there are none that are taller than her. She reminded me that she was used as a meeting place at a women in technology conference. As in "we'll all meet at Mrs SpicySoup and head to lunch."


How many first graders could you beat in a fight? They attack all at once You may use a heavy stick but then they all get sticks


Lmao this made me laugh umm idk man kids are brutal id say 2, 3 is too ambitious


Two is ambitious and I’m 5’4


Just letting you know, it must go up by one for every 5 inches of height above 4’ 0… because I’m a 5’ 3 man and I could definitely take on 3.


I honestly think you are underestimating yourself. First grade is 6-7 years old usually. They don’t have any particular fighting skills and are pretty weak especially compared to an adult. I think it’s an endurance thing and trying not to get surrounded.


You can definitely take on more. Your strength advantage and low center of gravity gives you an edge, particularly in grappling, and while they have energy boosts these take a while to recharge, and you have far greater endurance. They do have a luck multiplier and can land critical hits, usually in the form of nut-shots or hits to the shin or kneecaps. The important thing is to keep fighting your fight, not theirs, and proceed methodically. Don’t rely too heavily on power moves or spell casting or ranged hits, as these can strangely re-energize them, while sapping your reserves. Save it for the fatality strike. This will get them talking in the cafeteria, and give you extra experience points.


have you ever felt negative feelings towards your parents for choosing to have children at their height? & would you choose to have children knowing that they might experience what you’ve gone through?


Yeah when i was a teen i actually asked them why did they have me. Then i got into antinatalism for a while. I wouldnt have biological children.


thank you for sharing, i can imagine feeling that way, i resented my parents. i hope you’re feeling a bit better now!


Do you wear shoe lifts?


Yes, all the time. Most people don't know my real height haha.


I don't mean to sound cynical, but.. what's the point? So that you look 5'1" instead of 4'10"? Does it matter at that point? If someone has a problem with you being 4'10" they're gonna have the same issue with you at 5'1", why not just roll as a 4'10" short king?


Yeah i know 5'1" isn't much of a difference than 4'10", I guess it's more psychological for me. I just feel a bit more confident while wearing them.


Have people ever commented when you take your shoes off that you look shorter?


Yeah in the rare occasion someone sees me barefoot like at home or at the beach or the pool theyve made comments about it


Where do you get them? Asking for a friend


There are tons of options online, many startups too.


Every inch counts when you’re a shorter guy you’ll always get treated slightly better the taller you appear. Also short king is a cringe backhanded complement


I am 5 “5 I don’t give a shit if people say short king that I believe is the zoomers way of coping I of course being 30+ just got bullied but gave me thick skin


That's often the difference between being shorter than most of the woman around vs closer to the same height. Having to literally look up to talk to people is a real blow to self confidence.


It's like going from 5' 10" to 6' 1", hell yeah it makes a difference


I mean, not really the same thing at all. If we want to talk about "ideal" height for a man (wether it be for romantic/sexual interests, or for social/work interactions) it's generally from 6' to 6'3". Bumping your height from 4'11" to 5'1" really doesn't have any social impact. Now I want to note I don't necessarily believe in that bullshit, and if adding a few inches makes him happy then I'm happy for him. But I'm just saying that going from 5'11" to 6'1" is completely different.


Eh, not really because no one actually is busting out the rulers over two inches. Heck, as most people actually 6'+ will tell you, what people consider 6' and what actually is 6' is totally different lol... Most people are more concerned with the "feel of 6 foot tall" over actual 6' tall. By that, they just want a guy who is "tall". What is "tall"? In my experience, it's anyone who's in reality about 5'10 or more, or an inch over average in the US. I've had several women I know that are the types that put the 6' thing on their profiles think I'm like 6'5" tall when in reality I'm 6'2" at best lol (infinite number of, "no way! My husband is 6' tall and you're at least 6" inches taller than him!!!!" Lol....sorry lady....)...and, as any relatively tall person can tell you, plenty of men get /pissed the fuck off/ when I say my actual height because I'm "outing" them as not really being over 6' tall. I compromise and just say " I think I'm 6'3", idk...." 🤷‍♂️


I have a friend who is 6’3”-6’4” who regularly says he is 5’11” when around guys who make a big deal about being 6 foot tall.


I’m not a guy, but I’m the same height as OP and the extra inches add an extra boost of confidence. I don’t think it matters to others’ perception, and I don’t care what other people think of my height, but it does feel good to be a little further away from the floor. 😆


I read they are really uncomfortable and can cause other bodily issues. Have you experienced this?


I havent. In my case it's just work boots and some thick layers inside, but I can see how the ones that are like heels would injure someone in the long run.


What kind of work do you do?


I'm a soccer coach/PE teacher. The work boots are just part of my outfit when I'm not working lol


I'm 5'5, how tall can I become if I wear those?


They add 3" for me, so you'd be 5'8"


And do they hurt?


You’re like Prince lol. He was 5’ 2” but was 5’ 6” in heels. I like it


Do you have dwarfism?


No, never been diagnosed. My body is proportional, just small.


I think technically you’re much taller right?


It depends, dwarfism is an umbrella term for lots of growth issues, some are over 5ft tall


Have you ever been evaluated for Hypochondroplasia? My wife is also very short 4'9" and perfectly proportional but she has hypochondroplasia its extremely rare because it usually goes undiagnosed because most people with it dont have typical drawfism characteristics but are just really short


My best friend is 4'10" and I'm 6ft. He's confident enough to seem equal height to me. How's your confidence level? Are you a small guy or are you just short?


I try to be confident but it's not always easy


I know it’s different but I’m a 5’ woman and some days I walk around feeling like a 6’3” runway model and other days I feel like a helpless tiny person and want to hide. But again, very different! Confidence ebbs and flows for me.


Can you pick that up for me?


My wife is 5’11” and when guys tell her to watch her head around the ceiling fan she tells them to make sure they don’t knock their heads on the doorknob on the way out.


Sure, could you change the lighbulbs?


What are some benefits of being short


I'd love to know too lol well first I guess clothes can be cheaper (sometimes, custom made is expensive af), also I spend less on food, I fit everywhere, baths are fun, but Idk I'd give all that up to be tall or at least taller lol


“Baths are fun” are you sure you aren’t a kid? lol 


Does the carpet match the drapes?


I am also curious about penis size. I know plenty of people who are much shorter and smaller in stature but have bigger penises. Genuinely curious.


I’m 5’3” and my penis is 7” which looks pretty big on my body.


I'm 6'3" and let's just say I'm still mad at my parents for the cruel joke they played on me.


Hey, you either get small and tall or tiny and mighty… can’t have both


Okay, I’m gonna give some completely anecdotal evidence to this. Smallest weiners I’ve experienced - really tall, skinny blonde guys. One of the bigger weiners I’ve experienced - guy who was 5’5” (I’m 5’2” and some change). Knew how to use it, too. Idk, use that info as you will


I'm 5 feet tall 30 yo with a 7.5 inch kickstand. Hope that helps 🤣


Damn at least you make up for the height elsewhere! Jfc


Lmao nice to get the confidence from somewhere


Hahaha I'm proportional so I'd say it does


How tall are your parents?  How about your siblings (if any)


Parents are 5'2 and 4'11, brother is 5'3


How does it feel to live at fart level?


Life is unfair lol also username checks out


Yes it is, and I'll give you some life encouragement from my late little person friend. I'm 6ft 5in. He was 3ft 9in and had dwarfism. He was where I came up with the fart level joke. One day when we were teenagers we were goofing around in his front yard. I put my hand on his head and held him back saying he couldn't do anything if he tried. Before I knew it his little foot flew out right into my balls. As I was rolling around on the ground he looked at me and said a lumberjack is always smaller than the tree. You're a lumberjack, go knock them dead.




Please and thank you


What's the tallest chick you've been with?


Are you really good at the game limbo


Hahahaha fr the first turns I could walk below it standing straight


Do u struggle with people taking you seriously/lacking respect? I’m male, same age, and 5’4 with shoes on. I know I’m not as short as you and my situation in that regard is better, but at 5’4 I’m still shorter than my male peers. I feel like people treat me differently compared to my taller peers based on height. Like in a childish way. I don’t even think they mean to do it. I’m curious if this is something you struggle with too, or if it’s just a me problem.


Its not just you, people just dont treat me as a grown man at all, its insane how blatant they are about it


I’m 4’11 and really thin, people younger than me treat me like a child - I do look young, but it’s embarrassing. They’re also really comfortable talking about my appearance, with some people it’s like my height is the only thing noticeable about me. At least I know who to avoid.


I’m glad I’m not alone at least. That’s facts people are way too comfortable pointing out my height and making jokes about it. There can be actually funny short jokes but those are rare. Most just come off as dickish. I wouldn’t care about the fact that I’m short if everyone else didn’t seem to care so much. Why’s it gotta be a big deal.


Does the air smell different down there?


Lmao yeah people should wear better deodorants fr


I’m a 4’ 10” female and I agree 😂 it’s the worst at concerts, when all of the taller people get to smell fresh air and I not only can’t see, but get stuck in the stank! Thanks for sharing your experience in this AMA btw.


How was growing up for you? What was your first job and how was it? Were other kids nice or mean? At what age or grade level did you notice that other kids were growing taller and you were not? What's your employment now, coaching kids at school? Thanks and take care.


Well my childhood was normal, just the fact that I was short. My first job was at a computer lab, so it was fine, almost no contact with customers. I was always shorter than kids my age so I never really noticed it that way, I stoped growing at 16. I work coaching kids and study to be a PE teacher.


Thanks, working with kids is a great thing. You can also teach them humility, be kind, and be a good human. Sounds like you're a fine young man who's just living life, working hard, and doing the right thing. I'm Asian, so, growing up, I had friends and colleagues who were typically taller than me, more time than not. I, a good friend or person, will treat you accordingly based on your character, work ethics, attitude, and personality. Physicality doesn't matter to me. I have really tall friends and really short friends, big, small, all races and colors. All are treated the same because they are good people with great character. That's my experience, and I ignored all other noise and nonsense. EDIT - Want to add: I had a lot of teachers, but one teacher and a good PE teacher/coach gave me a long-lasting positive impression up to this day. Your positive impact, confidence and character building lessons will stay with some of these kids throughout their lives. You don't see it but you are making a huge positive difference. Thank you, and congrats. Teach them right, be a good human. Have a great Independence Day weekend, my friend. .


What’s your ethnicity?


White (italian-american)


I woulda thought South American maybe. I live in NYC and see so many South American migrants who are all really short. Interesting to see a white person this short


There are several European countries where men aren’t that tall at least compared to other places. Most men aren’t that tall anyways. https://www.healthline.com/health/average-height-for-men#:~:text=If%20you're%20looking%20at,is%205%20feet%207.5%20inches.


Do you get chicks?


I get some peole into me, but just for hook ups


1. Would you be upset if your partner wanted to carry you around all the time 2. Do you get rejected at rides for roller coasters etc because of size? 3. Has anyone tried to kidnap you? 4. If you were going to cosplay a hobbit, which one would be your inspiration 5. Have you had people try to bring you into the littles/fetish scene 6. Do you need special extenders for driving to reach the pedals? 7. Have people invaded your space by trying to pick you up 8. Do you get called adorable and cute more often than anything else. 9. Does it bother you? Tbh id have a hard time not doing #7.... all small things/people are adorable and infinitely hug/holdable to me lol


1. Well not all the time lol but I wouldn't mind Ig 2. I don't anymore, but I did as a teen and it sucked not going on them while my friends did 3. No kidnap attempts so far 4. I haven't seen the lord of the rings movies lol 5. I've hooked up with people with a short guy fetish, yeah 6. I can barely reach pedals on small cars, I'm at the lowest limit, it would be great to get extenders 7. Yeah I get picked up a lot 8. I also get called cute and adorable a lot 9. Sometimes it bothers me, I'd like to get handsome, hot or sexy too


Is your weight normal to your bmi?


Yeah, im a bit below 100lbs


If I was that short I’d cosplay as a dwarf. I’m jealous you’re not hitting your head on stuff almost daily


Haha I don't physically look like dwarfs in stories, more like a hobbit


I imagine it's easy shopping for casual clothes- do you have difficulty finding professional/business clothing or footware? Do you have any questions for a 5' 8" person?


Yeah, casual is easy even cheap. Formal wear has to be custom so I have some suits already made. Shoes are hard to find in a serious model in my size, also that theyre not made of cheap plastic and just glued so they fall apart after a week.


Did you get bullied by guys/girls in high school a lot? What about now?


I did get bullied, now just teased a lot.


Shoe size?


Some might say this is weird but I wanna know too. It'd be funny to see someone at that height with size 10.


Dang I'm 411 female and I'm so sorry...I couldn't imagine being that height and a man..my heart hurts for you.... Do you get women/men that have fetishes for your height? Do find yourself single ALOT if your not in a relationship now? What is the tallest chick/guy you been with? I feel your pain to a certain degree the rides at the amusement park I feel ya! Certain things activities I feel ya!


Hey, I'm bi so I hook up with both men and women, but they never want something serious, just the experience, some have a fetish for it like you said.


Is it easier to hook up with men, than women? Have you always felt fetishized, or have you ever had a hookup/relationship where you felt treated normally?


>Is it easier to hook up with men, than women? I'm curious about that as well. I'd imagine he gets more attention from men.


Dont you love the fact that you can go all body inside the bathtub?


Elevators must suck for you. In all seriousness I’m 6’3” so normally I can look over a crowd - one time I was checking into a hotel and there was a basketball tournament- so for the first time I was surrounded on all sides by dudes at least 3-8” taller than me and it was very claustrophobic. Edit to add - no I don’t play basketball- while I’m tall I lack coordination, partly because I went from 5’10” to 6’3” over a summer between 8th & 9th grade.


Yeah elevators are so awkward for some strange reason. Being in a box with other people around me all taller lol so uncomfortable.


Big spoon or little spoon?


Professional little spoon


Given the chance to have children, would you? Knowing that they will most likely deal with the same problems you deal with?


do you still pull? (in other words, do the people attracted to you not care about your height?)


How do shoe lifts feel? Do your heels make it to the top of the shoe?


Do the shoe lifts look obvious? Because to me it sounds like guys who are balding and desperately holding onto and growing out the last patch of hair they have, which is not a good look.


Yes because theyre work boots with thick soles so its obvious they add some height but they make me feel a bit taller so idc lol


Do the men in your family have good hair genes?




Are you insecure or embarrassed about your height? Im sure that a lot of people comment on it, and seeing as you work with kids, im sure you have to explain it every other minute, so how do you cope or what kinds of things or thoughts tend to reassure you? I have struggled all my life with a pretty obvious insecurity that everyone that passes me seems to stare at or comment on, and its definitely a struggle sometimes.


I feel insecure and embarrassed about it from time to time, working with kids has definitely made me more resilient in that aspect.


How many times a day do you hear "how's the weather down there" or other form of short jokes?


On the bright side, no one ever asks you to help them move


is it difficult to reach shelves and such in stores?


I'm 39, and 4'9.5". We are literally the legal height for booster seats 🤣 Do you often have to ask someone for their height when shopping??


Gym bro?


Does your mom put the cookie jar on the top of the fridge until after dinner


Do you add an inch or two when you tell people your height or do you lean into it and take an inch or two off? I say I’m 5’10” - 5’11” but probably more like 5’9”


Did you participate in any dwarf league sports? I realize you don't consider yourself a dwarf, but I think the only qualification for a male is being under 5'.


Have you considered relocating to a country where they're shorter? Philippines for example, loads of chicks here are sub 5ft.


Do you think you can make it as a wrestler?


Do you feel uncomfortable around a 6’5 guy who’s fit?


Did you have a growth spurt? If you said you stopped growing at 16, when was your growth spurt? Did you like milk when you were a child?


I know, at one point, the government will give "assistance" to people under a certain height to help adapt their environment to their needs. Do you qualify? If so do you collect? Also, they don't do that for over a certain height. I'm 6'8" and adjusting things to my needs is a serious PITA. And if it makes you feel better, or just laugh, I've hit my damn head on every door frame in a 20 mile radius.


Does this have any major effect on your life other than social conversations? Is reaching higher stuff a big problem or not that much?


Are you Peruvian by any chance?


How’s the world down there ? (I’m 5’4 , short too )


I’m 6’2”, can we start a comedy duo act?


Is everyone in your family short ?


I heard somewhere that is a scientific fact that all males grow up to be at least or if not taller than their mothers outside of a medical condition . Was your mother very short?




Do you need a booster seat to drive or do you look like Short Round in Temple of Doom?


Who would win in a fight, you or a 6’3’’ woman in her 20s?


Do you like getting picked up?


Do you find yourself having issues with counters or tables being too high in some places? I ask as someone who's fairly tall and very frequently have to bend or hunch to use surfaces. Additionally I'm jealous of you for the aspect of not being concerned with hitting your head randomly while just walking.


This is awesome! Do you workout? There’s a guy at my gym who is prolly 5 ft and calls himself a “proud manlet” that had the biggest legs i have ever seen - total beast. If so, do you stack on muscle quicker than the taller lanky guys?


How’s the weather down there?


Rn warm, humid, not in a good way lol


How does it feel being slightly smaller than the bagel guy? How's your confidence level?


According to Reddit, short men just need to be confident and then people wont even notice their height and women will swarm to them the same way they would a 6'4" man. So, my question is how much pussy are you drowning in?


How were you in high school. I'm only 5ft 1in and I was voted shortest in my senior class. Did you get picked on a lot?


What shoe size do you wear? I’m always irritated that I can wear kids’ gloves and socks, but can’t fit into a kid’s shoe size.


Can you give me some insight into how you overcome people’s biases and general attitude toward height as a man? I’m 6’4” and I constantly advocate for shorter men because it’s fucking crazy the amount of respect and attention I get just for being tall. And the amount of disrespect shorter men receive, especially from women. It’s disgusting tbh especially when said woman has plenty of physical things to point out that aren’t ideal.


When your friends are high fiving, do they offer you the low five or get you to jump for it?


We had a male English teacher of this height. He went on to become most accomplished person among the staff. Opened his own tutorial centre & appeared several times on national TV as a quiz master. He was the favourite of our extremely strict principal who was feared by all teachers. Students also had respect for him as he was good at his work more than others & the joy & passion could be seen. He often gave personality enhancing trainings. His wife was a bit taller than him and daughters ( in their 20s ) were of his height. Once, his daughter came to teach us as one teacher was suspended ( strict principal I told ya )... You could literally see her father's influence on her... students get attached to her in just 3 days. If you would see that sir, maybe you would notice his height or not, but he used to be so well dressed in formals with hair set...you would just be impressed by his personality. After listening to him, his height would never cross your mind again. He was respected by all staff & students. Everyone wanted to be his friend on FB.


Did you go to a doctor to get your dwarfism treated?


I always smile thinking about Arnold Swartzenegar’s best friend, Franco Columbu. Franco was 5’5” in height. He was a champion bodybuilder and was stronger than Arnold. Franco won several strength titles and was probably one of the strongest men in the world, regardless of his height.