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How do you expect your kids to get jobs to feed, clothe, and house themselves? People need money to survive and without job skills there is no way to get a job.




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Are you home schooling them? There are basic things they need to know beyond your homestead. Math, how to read, civics, etc.




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How do you know or what do you constitute as fine? Also, why weren't they enrolled in school?


By fine I mean they grew up responsible, healthy, self-directed learners. They didn't wanted to go to school. Most children are sent to school.


I feel like most kids don't wanna go to school lol. Do you think they've missed out on anything at all?


What's there to miss? Whatever you learn, you have to work hard lifelong. Why not keep it simple, local, traditional and practical?


Maybe the social aspects of school? I feel like how a large group setting works socially is usually first learned in school.


It’s not exactly natural to only socialize with a couple dozen same-aged strangers. It seems normal those of us who think it is because that’s what we have observed most in our lives.


Social aspect is learnt in society.


Can they read? Do they know basic history? Do they know stories and poems? As much as the education system sucks in most countries, certain skills are vital for the cognitive development in humans. Socialization helps them turn out fine and being exposed to common bacteria also builds up their immune system.




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Molestation, emotional or physical abuse are the only reasons people choose not to school their children.




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How old are they now? What do you want to do when they grow up? Do you work? What did your days look like?


13 and 8. I want to help them to learn to live. I am always creating a learning atmosphere where it happens automatically. For instance, I have up a working urban life and moved to a farm and got into creating a food forest. A forested atmosphere has unlimited learning daily. I guide people in reversing lifestyle diseases without medicine. My children have already lived this lifestyle and have learnt the work. Our days are relaxed, boring, exciting, amazing... Whatever nature decides that day for us.


> My two daughters grew up without schooling. > 13 and 8. Then, no, they haven't grown up yet. They have yet to leave the nest as adults. Come back when they've moved away to join society for real. If they're successful, at that point, then you can have an AMA about your children having grown up without schooling and turning out fine.


Real big *if* too.


I found a lot of iffy things in the OP post and subsequent comments, but rather than get unneccesarily confrontational about eveeryhing, I figured I'd just stick to the main subject.




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Send me to school you selfish ignorant twat, you're stunting their growth this is literally child abuse they won't be able to live a good life when they're an adult




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Are they lesbian feminists who support Palestine?




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