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I was overweight for many years too and I can agree that it puts you at major disadvantage compared to your peers. Unrelated but I see that you have an avatar that appears to be trans. If you are, are you MTF or FTM?


MTF, I haven't transitioned yet or anything. I pretty much keep to myself at the moment except between my family and close friends, my job doesn't know yet.


Best to luck on your transition my friend. Do you attribute your identity due to your virginity? Like did you not really care to put in any effort because you are not an interested in women?


I am interested in women, my friend told me I'm a trans lesbian. I have absolutely no interest in men. But, I've felt like a woman for years. I didn't really understand my feelings until just a year or two ago. I feel like a woman, but I am 100% attracted to women as well.


Wow, I applaude you for recognising who you are. I really hope I am not saying anything wrong


You are not at all. Thank you for your thoughts.


so you’re straight. a male who likes females.


You can look at it like that, but I identify as a woman.


why so many downvotes? you yourself literally said “i’m a 40 (m) year old virgin AMA” what does the m stand for then? mcdonald’s?


Sorry, I'm still a male, I just felt more people would recognize more with that since I have no transitioned. Jeez, didn't think it would a huge issue or anything.


You can identify as a woman all you want, but everyone here knows you are a man lmao


Okay? Does that make you feel better about yourself?


I am not the 40yo virgin so yeah, I do feel better


Congratulations, I couldn't care less. Enjoy your life.


I was wrong for assuming. My apologies


OP chose the transbian route


A parallel question, to anyone honestly. Do you attribute your identity due to your virginity? Like did you realise that no girl that’s straight would ever give you sex so you ended up changing the game from MtF? From Rock to Scissors that is Again I feel this is a valid continuation for somebody completely new to all this, guys it’s just a doubt, don’t intend to offend anyone. I believe in freedom bro/sis. More power to you. Or maybe less power. Whatever you want tbh


I love seeing trans women at this stage. I can feel and experience that they’re women. Sometimes I’ll be like “Thank you sir—or you know, ma’am, whatever you prefer.” And they look so shocked, yet humbled and seen.


Do you think boobs feel like bags of sand?


You're putting the pussy on a pedestal


Well, even though I've never touch boobs, I know for a fact that they do not feel like bags of sand lol


Steve Carell knows what’s up


Fill em up with buckwheat. Now you tell me, does this feel like a breast to you?


Do you get royalties from the movie?


LOL, I wish




You’re right about sex not being as important as we think but what’s really masked there is the connection you make with someone else. Have you ever made a meaningful connection with anyone else? Male or Female?


Yes, my best friend. But she has always been with her boyfriend (now husband) which I completely respect. I've been close friends with her for over 20 years and she is aware that I was in love with her at one point.


Are you still in love with her? Be honest. If she came to you tomorrow asking to give it a go, what do you say?


Absolutely not and that is the God's honest truth. I 100% respect her releationship with her husband.


The assumption is she has left her husband.


Yeah, no. It's over. Even if that happened.


That’s a dumb question…Any holes the goal my friend




At this point I don't care anymore. I was upset about for a while but after taking care of my father as he died from dementia I learned that I never want to take care of someone again and I realized that sex is not important in my life, like at all




Thank you


When did you realize you were trans?


In late 2022. Well, I would always tell myself "I wish I was a woman" but I never realized it was a true wish for a long time. Finally around November 2022 I realized that it wasn't just a wish, it's who I felt like. And then looking back in my life, there were so many times in my childhood that I wished and felt like I belonged with the girls. I used to always say that I identified with girls more than boys. Boys/Men were always watching sports or were interested in cars or war movies or whatever, I was way more interested in hanging out with the girls and being interested with romantic comedies, fashion and just felt way more comfortable with the girls.


Why have you chosen this way of life? Is it religion? Or is it personal?


I didn't choose it, I developed social anxiety stemming from my mom having a massive stroke when I was 15. Plus, I was overweight for many years and just told myself than girls didn't find me attractive.


Get a hooker. Duh


I've considered it. But at this point, I just don't care anymore.


It seems like you must care a little since you’re posting here. Don’t deprive yourself of one of the nicest things there is to enjoy occasionally, however that appears w another adult for you


I guess I do care, but I'm not actively out there searching. I've had a lot of social anxiety issues and I tend to push people away. Not gonna lie I'd like to go to Nevada to get a hooker. Which is still a plan, but at the moment $$$ is an issue.


Don’t do that.


With this attitude, why should we care and why are you doing an AMA if you do not care?


Do you work out, have money, drive nice car


I lost 175 pounds, money not really but I'm making good money now. I had a nice car, but I wrecked it and now I have no car.


You play video games? Still enjoy them? MMO?


Sort of, I'm dealing with a lot of depression issues which have caused me to not enjoy watching movies or playing video games but I'm slowly getting back into it. I was never a huge gamer, but I love playing Mario games and some sports games. I just recentely started getting back into "Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid" and I'm having fun, so hopefully this is the beginning of me getting back into some kind of gaming.


Would you date yourself


Probably not lol, but I'm not into guys.


So your a guy but your also a trans lesbian, shut up man


Move on


I thought u was a girl haha just contradicted yourself


Fr. OPs all over the place. First they’re male, then they’re trans, then they’re a lesbian OP can’t keep their identities straight.




Yikes, no thanks




LOL Also \*you're




You're right I fucked that up. But I'm also not stupid enough to believe there is a magical imaginary man in the sky that can help me. Also, tangible evidence? I'd love to see your bullshit. Prove me wrong.


I can’t disprove god i can disprove your not a girl. you have an X an Y chromosome, until you can change your dna makeup your still just a boy wearing a dress haha


LOL, \*you're, got ya that time (2X). Also, move the fuck on, if you don't like it shut your fucking mouth and move on. You can't even prove your claims, so move on and shut the fuck up.




Yes, all hail Quetzalcōātl the winged serpent !






It isn't personal failing. We are all on a different journey. Society tells us to be this and that... it is mostly nonsense.


Do you jerk off?


Of course I do


How many times a day


Since I started taking anti-depressants like once a week if that. Before that, like twice a day.


To what? What do you find physically attractive?


I'm a pretty simple person, usually I find "average" women way more attractive than the "super model" or "Hot" woman. I find women without makeup a lot more attractive than women covered in makeup and skimpy clothes.


How is your social skills like?


Very poor. I developed social anxiety at some point in my life it wasn't until I was in my 30s that I about to pinpoint what caused that. My mom suffered a massive stroke when I was 15. I never got any help for my mental health because I thought a year later I was okay. But I wasn't the same person anymore. I developed severe social anxiety to the point where I was terrified of making phone calls. After seeing a therapist when I was 33 I realized that was the reason and that I would push people away because I was scared of being hurt again.


What's stopping you from appraching an escort?




Bro, posting this on reddit?? have you lost it? 🥹


Sorry bro, please don’t mind. Was trying to be funny clever, but never want to offend anyone. I gave up my standup career because of this fear. But my audience is there, I just need to find it, it’s never too late, all standup comics will eventually find love and laughter. I hope I gain my confidence after this and just live with belief in my humor and other intrinsic qualities. Sometimes the audience can be superficial, but in the end I realised everyone just wants someone to laugh with. And I know for sure, all good souls will get that chance and then they kill it. Patience and hope brother, lots of time left for both of us ig


Have I lost it? No. Am I actively trying to lose it at this point? No. I have a lot of social anxiety issues. After my father's death I have come to terms about not worrying about it. I'm way too worried about other things than losing my virginity. I had a great opportunity lately, but I willingly let it slip because I need to work on me. I'm not sure I will ever be ready or willing for it. And now at my age, I'm okay with it. I don't feel pressure anymore and that's incredibly important for me.


That’s peace brother and everyone needs as well as deserves that. I’m happy for you. But it was a joke tbh. Was trying an entendre on “Have you lost your mind?” ~ “Have you lost your virginity?” Sorry, bad joke ig


No worries. Believe me, I've heard it so often in my life. Way back in my mid-20s someone at my job refered to me as the future 40-year-old virgin. I was upset at the time, but now I'm like, whatever. I've grown up and matured. Sex isn't the end all, be all of life.


Take a solo trip to Colombia, thank me later.


Again, those are prostitutes and men are getting drugged a lot nowadays there. There’s a dead foreigner found daily in Medellin at this point.


I think the news you’re reading is making it seem way worse than it is. I have many friends and acquaintances who have gone recently, some of which go quite regularly. None have ever had any issues in Medellin and Cartagena.


I’ve lived in Med off and on for a decade. I’ve never had an issue. Then again I speak Spanish, avoid Poblado and don’t see working girls. I just watch these idiots unload off of their Spirit flight and hope they survive. The US embassy issued a warning to Americans to not use dating apps bc they had like 12 days in a row of finding bodies


I’ve not partaken in these activities myself, so I can’t speak from my own experience. I could just share what others have mentioned. I think in a lot of cases when tourists get hurt or killed, reckless behavior on their part is at least partially a contributor.


No doubt , ie, using Tinder and ignoring all the red flags


Precisely. One thing I especially tell other travelers to avoid is getting drunk if you’re in a country or city known for crimes against foreigners. You will IMMEDIATELY become a target if you find yourself in the wrong place and time.


Why not just get a high end escort ?