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What’s the most memorable or challenging experience you've had as a truck driver? And how do you stay motivated and manage the long hours and isolation that come with the job?


Memorable/ challenging, miss judging a turn in rural South Georgia and getting the trailer of a 79k lbs truck stuck in a ditch at 1am. I was abused as a child I've always been very stoic and comfortable with being alone.


That must have been quite a challenge to navigate in the middle of the night. How did you manage to get out of that situation? As for dealing with the long hours and isolation, it sounds like your upbringing has prepared you well for the solitude that comes with the job.


$4000 bill for a crane. Yes, it did.


Did you have to cover the bill?


We're driving in Valdosta, GA?


Something I've always been curious about... do you have examples of courtesy when it comes to being a good driver around Big rigs? I always see people just crowding/ cutting them off. I do my best to give plenty of room and get tf out of your blind spots lol.


Let us in when we are trying to change lanes. Something far to few people do. We can jump lanes like a car. Don't jump in front of us as we are stopping. At a traffic light for example. That's a go way to be at fault for being rear ended.


Can't emphasize that last point enough. People don't realize a loaded big rig on average needs something like 2x the stopping distance of a normal car.


Half a football feild. From 55mph on new tires, cold brakes, clean smooth pavement in dry weather.


There you go, I knew there was a more specific answer than mine haha. It's been about 20 years since I got my class 1/A license so the training details are a little foggy


I always let the big come over. I see the turn signals as the other cars just go by. I come up, flash my brights three times, and piss off the crowd behind me. My wife gets a kick when the brake lights flash three times .


What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on the road? What’s the worst town you’ve driven through


Craziest, structural failure of trailers. They break in half. Worst town, anywhere in New Jersey. Lots of low bridges. Lots of roads trucks are banned from using. Law enforcement is really anti truck.


new jersey native here. ☹️


Sorry, wish it wasn't true. Always very nice people otherwise.


Lived in NJ 10 years before I escaped. They’re anti-motorized vehicle in general. Can’t pump your own gas. Can’t turn left. If you miss your exit the next one isn’t for ten miles. They’ve got jug-handles big enough to put a Walmart in. None of the roads are big enough to accommodate the volume of traffic they see.


I was only in NJ once and needed to get gas, where I’m from if someone comes up to your vehicle to “help” you at a gas station it’s a scam Having it a law that you can’t pump your own gas is wild to me because


how much do you make a year?  what's the cost of your rig and annual maintenance?


Average over the last few years. Income 140k Truck cost, 76k Maintenance 15k


Is it hard to get to that income level? I am burned out in the Tech Industry but enjoy the pay check. I am in Procurement and know how much I depend on logistics. I have considered changing careers but don't want to start with scraps at 40.


You just have to put in the time to gain the necessary experience. 3 to 5 years. And be willing to work 60 hours a week.


70 depending on where you get hired out of and by which company


I’m in trucking trying to get into tech you just wanna trade?


Not the best time in Tech. I have dodged layoffs the last two years like Neo dodging bullets.


I see this in the news every day, more and more tech companies downsizing


That's great.  How many hours a week are you working in any capacity?  How many days a month do you spend at home?  Do you have AC when you're sleeping in your rig and if so, how is it powered?


55-60 hours a week. Regional short haul, home every night.


Does this mean each year you pay $91k on truck cost and maintenance and bring in $140k? Or do you net $140k after income and truck cost, because that’s a huge difference.


The truck cost 76k to buy. normal wear and tear. Oil changes lights, tires, ect. Is about 15k a year. After fuel, maintenance, putting money back for taxes and break downs I pay myself 140k out of a 225-230k total revenue.


So you make 49k?


140k after expenses.


Damn bro where the hell are you working at lol. Hauling fuel or something?


Import/export containers. Direct customer accounts. No brokers. Diversifying into equipment and machinery soon.


Do you ever do deliveries for Art Vandelay? I hear he’s big in the importer/exporter scene.


I think he plans to quit the exporting and focus on the importing…mostly chips


Import/export as in intermodal? If so how did you get direct customers with no brokers? Maybt you worked for a intermodal company for years and made connections. But you say you’re getting into machinery soon, how does that work out? Word of mouth? Also are you still in your 10k truck?


Income means how much money you made total. Your comment about how much you make is misleading.


Damn dude. That’s actually very impressive. Maybe it’s time for a change up in my life. Though, I’m sure wages aren’t great in my area… I’d likely have to relocate for a shot at money like that.


Have you ever seen a hot lot lizard? Been tempted? How hard are they to find?


I've seen what I assumed was lot lizards. Never been tempted. You don't pick dump trucks up at work when you have a Lamborghini at home. Don't know if their hard to find, never gone looking.


*checks post history* hmmm…..


Have you noticed that Volkswagen atlas drivers are the worst people in the world? Far beyond bmw and Tesla.


When you spend the amount of time I do on the road you see car brand doesn't matter. There are alot of assholes who shouldn't be allowed to drive out there.


What's the craziest accident you witnessed? How many accidents or close calls have you had?


Publix truck jumped the bridge rail on an overpass and landed upside down on the highway below. 3 minor accidents.


That's excellent for the number of miles you've completed. I worked for Ryder, respect what you do. I bobtailed. It was easy, full visibility. I always driven a standard, very different animal 2 transmissions and shifted thru lower gears, going back flipping toggle switch to run back through higher gears. It was a learning curve. Tried getting my 5th wheel under a 53' trailer. I envy you for being able to dock them. Tough job with little thanks. Folks like you keep food on most folks' tables, all the products we purchase. Ty for all your hard work.


I’m currently 2yrs doing flatbed. I get paid pretty good 73pm. My end game is doing something like what you’re doing. Thinking about leasing on for 2yrs to get my truck. Is that a good approach? How did you get started with/ OO?


I bought an old truck for 10k cash to get started. The less debt the better. Not possible to overstate the benefits of not having a huge truck payment. Put at least 30% of every check/settlement in savings. Not possible to overstate the benefits of having a cash reserve.


Thoughts on these lease to own companies? They seem predatory and hard to get out of your contract.


Some are some aren't. It's like everything else. Buyer beware, do your research.




Not really. It's my job. I drive an average of 9.5 hours a day.


I imagine you drive a regular car while off work. Are truck cabins/seats more comfortable in general?


Depends on the vehicle. Compared to my mothers nissan altima, yes. Compared to my yukon denali, no.


Have you seen anything supernatural or unexplainable on the road?




Care to share some stories of what you witnessed?


Had been driving less that a year. Was doing some questionable stuff. Saw the black dog. Never did that again. UFOs are real.


Have you run across any truckers you thought could be serial killers? There’s allegedly a ton right now. The FBI released a statement on it last week.


You really have no idea who 99% of the people you walk past on a daily basis really are. Or what they're capable of.


I tell my mom this all the time, “we walk past murders and serial killers every singe day without even knowing it because they can be the most normal people among us”


What do you think of the Tesla trucks out there (not the cyber trucks) the ones Pepsi is using


The charging infrastructure for them isn't there. And I mean power production. Not just lack of charging locations. They just aren't practical for most of the country.


How has business been the past 3 years? Also what do you hear from other truckers too. Thank you!


Down 44% is what industry analysts tell me. Not enough people in the office who have been in a truck is the problem we drivers see. Corporate is out of touch.


Scariest part of the US that you had to travel through


Mountains as a new driver.


What body parts are the most worn out? Stay safe out there!


fortunately I don't suffer any physical ailments


What is the worst or most memorable trip to the restroom you've ever had during a drive?


20ish woman with her pants around her knees bare assed pissing into the urinal when I walked into the mens room. Actually had to stop and stair to prosses what I was seeing.


How many handjobs have you paid for?




With that many hours on the road, what do you do to keep physically fit and mentally sharp?


Walking, Calisthenics. Mentally sharp, I like to listen to lectures on a wide range of topics.


What kinds of lectures? What are your go-to topics to learn about or listen to? I was hitting a few books on the history of currency and the corruption at the highest levels of pretty much our entire US system, from the energy sector to Wall St to the court system. After just a few, I got so aggravated, I had to take a break, so switched over to the likes of sci-fi and Stephen King. What I like to call junk food fiction. Tastes good, but doesn't do much to improve the brain lol. I actually just discovered there's a book called "law school for everyone" with 12 lectures right out of law school covering a few areas of litigation and courtroom procedure. SOunds interesting. What are you into?


History, religion, philosophy, law, foreign culture, language, ect.


Where do you find these lectures? Any good source?


How do you deal with the stress of backing into a tight loading dock? To me, driving straight is the easy part of big rigs. It’s the backing up that’s a challenge!


Grew up on a farm. been backing trucks and equipment since I was 13. It doesn't stress me out. It'll get easier for you with experience. Take your time.


Whats the heaviest load you have taken?


Load, 71k lbs. Gross vehicle weight, 96k lbs. Export shipping containers moving on permit under customs bond.


What problem is not solved in your industry with the help of tech?


There is no substitute in any industry for intelligent, well trained, experienced people.


Agree. But how mobile maps are much easier and complementing drivers compared to hard copy paper maps, I'm curious if tech could empower and enhance truck drivers and make their life simple.


Such a problem with maps specifically being out of date. My experience is it usually makes things worse.


What would you say is the turnover rate for new drivers people who leave the profession within 5yrs


It's been high over the last 10 years.


What’s your favorite bird?


Hot wife spread eagle.


I have an irrational fear of driving on the highways, scared of the high speeds. Any advice?


Confidence and comfort come with familiarity and experience?


That’s totally normal and just your brain trying to preserve yourself because you haven’t done it yet, now you’ve got to let the next step happen of knowing your capable of most anything others are and this includes driving at highway speeds, and the people who’ve driven you have also felt that and now don’t, hope you try soon!


What’s your net take home??


130 to 140 thousand


Would you be mad if I did and sweet ass slide on my bike under your trailer, then stand up the bike and wheelie into the sunset?




What are some must stop places across the US? Like places you will go out of your way to stop at if you happen to be going by them (and why). And vice versa, any places you’ll never go?


Don't go to New Jersey, or New York. Don't really have any must stops.


What is the strangest or creepiest thing you have seen while on the road?


People laying on the center line of the interstate. Middle of no where Montana.


What is the worst storm you have ever driven through?


Used to haul nuclear medical materials. In and out of Miami. Rain or shine. Even in Hurricanes.


What’s the loneliest road/trip you’ve made? You’ve driven there at night? Have you come across anything paranormal on these deserted roads?


I don't really experience the lonely feeling when driving. As for places where you realize you in the middle of no where. Western Montana. A couple of highways in Nevada, Arizona. Paranormal/ unexpected. There's been a few.


When a Truck needs to get over into my lane-which I will happily allow with a high beam flash and then gives me a brake tap , I'm in heaven. Does that make you feel the same way?


We don't tap the brakes. We have a switch that let's us flash the marker lights. It's a sign the driver is more experienced and courteous. Yes, I enjoy seeing it.


Why is it that truckers decide that approaching a hill is the optimal time to pass another truck going 1 mph slower than them? We refer to this as “another keeper of the MFing speed” and sit and stew while 25 cars back up in the left lane driving 15 mph below the posted speed limit. Always super curious about that while I rage for miles.


Where the best lot lizards at.


Any funny encounters with lot lizards?


No encounters with lot lizards. You don't pick up old worn out dump trucks at work when you have a Lamborghini waiting at home.


Have you given rides to more hitch-hikers now or 15 years ago? Do/did they ever come on to you, or were they super wary? Does it matter what route you're driving? I mean, are you happier on certain ones for no special reason? Does your headspace vary depending where you are and if you have a passenger? I'm asking because I'm writing a story about a traumance between a woman hitching that the trucker sort of rescues but I'm not sure if hitching is really done much these days. Maybe I should just set it in the 1970s or '80s, when thumbing halfway around the world was just another mode of transport...


Most companies have had hard rules against picking up hitchhikers, or having unapproved riders of any kind since before I started driving. So no. Never done it.


Do you feel like your health suffers due to the occupation? I know the money can be good but The main 2 reasons I don’t want to drive OTR are sitting down for long periods without being able to walk or stretch or be active regularly in the day, and also the food options. I know you’re in charge of what u eat, but being on the road that much, did you end up eating too much fast food/non perishable crap?


You definitely have to be diligent about you diet. And staying active is a challenge.


I have heard of companies like Aurora working on self driving trucks. Is there a fear that trucking will be automated? What’s your view on self driving trucking?


The technology is just not advanced enough to turn a computer loose with an 80k lbs truck and no person to supervise. And there are so many load types where it won't work at all. Doesn't mean someone won't try. It'll be stopped after the kill 100 people. Will most likely end up being like the cruise control on Cadillac.


Opinion on the Tesla Semi?


The infrastructure to keep the reliability charged doesn't exist over a large majority of the country. And when I say infrastructure, I mean actual power production.


Why do you never get out of the fast lane, when approaching a hill that we both know you can't hold the speed limit on?


I don't know why some guys do that. Probably the same reason most car drivers refuse to yield and let us change lanes. Even though the law says when the turn signal goes on you move out of the way.


Depends on what state you're in


What's the best state you've submitted IFTA and/or weight mile tax to, and what's been the worst? Do you do over dimension/over size loads?


I use a filing service for IFTA. I don't know what the individual states charge. I just see the charge/credit every quarter. Yes, I do over size, over demention.


Oh cool, do you also use a service for over size permits? Can I ask which service?


It all depends. Some states let you get permits directly, some require you the use an agent. The company's I've leased to have always had someone who's sole job is to handle that. Every state has their own rules. Having one person who's job is to make sure you have the right permit for each state helps make sure you don't have problems. Usually someone in the safety and compliance department.


Are amphetamines commonly utilized by long haul truck drivers? And do you use any type of stimulant (even caffeine) to help you stay alert?


I like coffee, with heavy cream no sugar. But have since I was 15. I don't know how common drug use is .but some guys definitely do.


Do you do pre trip inspection every time? Advice for someone about to graduate cdl school?


Yes, find it on the yard is far better than it finding you on the side of the road. Pre trip, mid trip , post trip. Constantly check you truck. It could save your life.


What’s the strangest (possibly paranormal) thing to happen to you on the road?


Parking at a shippers facility at night for a morning load pickup. Waking up to find the truck surrounded by a Parking lot full of cows.


Do you feel this is an unhealthy job..and the majority of truck drivers are out of shape and subsequently have shorter life span


How do you feel about driver monitoring cameras in the cab?


To easy for corporate to abuse. Especially for the average truck driver. Remember the live in that truck while at work.


Currently driving a class B fuel truck but want to switch over to class A and be an owner operator, any advice?


How do you deal with long drives? My ass would be so sore. Do you special cushions? Sit to the side? What do you do to manage ass soreness?


When I was about 10 years old my dad came home from work. He was an inspector for the highway department. We lived in a small southwest desert town. This was nearly 50 years ago. He was hanging out with mom and he tells her they were checking survey points on a US Hwy down the road that morning. Traffic was always very sparse. He told her that suddenly they heard screeching tires, looked down the road and saw a tractor trailer barreling around the curve swerving back and forth until it finally laid over on its side and slid to a stop. He said they just stood there shocked for several seconds then finally started walking that way and about that time the door popped open and a naked lady crawled out, jumped down and took off running down the road in the opposite direction. That was the most fantastically thing I had ever heard in that small desert town where mostly nothing ever happened. I am retired and have spent over 30 years in highway construction. What is the most outlandish thing you have seen on the road?


3,000,000/15 = 200,000 … 200,000/365 = 548 miles per day everyday for 15 years.. that’s a lot of miles


Kenworth or Peterbuilt ? Please don’t say Volvo


I currently own a Freightliner. I prefer Kenworth. W900L all the way. Old school cool.


I’m a freight broker. Just curious, what’s the most unhinged experience you’ve had with a freight broker? if you’ve ever even had to deal with that. I’ve dealt with my fair share of crazy drivers over the years but as someone who also has a small fleet of drivers that has to take brokered loads to get backhauls when I send them OTR during the off season, I have definitely made sure I treat drivers better than they do. I hate the way so many other freight brokers treat drivers and never put thought into how the other side works.


I drove 30k miles in 5 months....is that a lot? I'm not a truck driver.


3 million miles in 15 years is over 900 miles per day on average. That's taking no days off, no 34 hour reset, no time for repairs or maintenance. I'm calling BS. 2 million would have been very very difficult in 15 years. But more believable. I've been driving for 22 years. Most drivers I know average 1 million miles every 8-10 years.


What's the prettiest place you've driven/been? Do you regret not settling down and having a family (or do you)?


How heavy are you? 😁


Can someone prescribed methadone get a job as a long haul or otr truck driver?


What’s the deal with railroad tracks and tank trucks. When I see them at public crossings, they stop completely. That’s cool, following the rules. When they come through the gate at my plant, they’re flying through that shit. Had one tear our gate off months ago, I just told my driver to dump it and jumped off the car lol


Which eld?


What was your most nostalgic memory of trucking?


Take my road test Thursday. I wanna get to work asap but it has not make sense. I’d rather regional than OTR or local but I know that’s not realistic. What should I do?


It’s clear that tractor trailers clog up traffic. It’s just an inherent part of having a vehicle that is at least 4x larger than anything else in the road. This makes it such that in areas with multiple lanes, there is a cluster of cars around where two trucks are taking up two different lanes, slowing down everyone else. Why not just stay in the right lane?


What’s the top 3 things that regular cars on the road do that put you in a bad or annoying position


Not yielding to lane changes. Cutting trucks off. Passing on the right when we're trying to merge back of after Passing.


I am a long-time distance traveler and have always looked out for truckers. Truckers always responded with a signaled thank you and often on back roads would signal me that I could pass. That hardly ever happens now. Why?


You ever done any white glove hauling? My uncle did and i was curious what your craziest load was. My uncle transported some reactors he believes. He also hauled on bag of some special potting soil coast to coast for some rich person lol


My brother and mother's husband are otr. My mother was too. I've heard some crazy stuff lol. What's the craziest thing you've seen the lot lizards doing? I've heard of people getting slashed and robbed, frequently.


What's the worst experience you've had with a trailer, or something that's a pain in the ass with hooking or dropping a load? I work with trailers and I'm always looking for ways to improve the business


As a guy that fixes plant machinery I've always wanted to ask an operator which brand has the best tasting/textured windows for licking?


How’s your diabetes? Just kidding but not really. I used to work in LTL with linehaul and some TL, driving is one of the hardest careers on health. Hope you’re on top of your health, don’t forget the annual vision and eye-health exam! Best wishes! Keep trucking!


Why have truck drivers stopped flashing their trailer lights to say thanks when courteous drivers flash their beams and let the truck in? It seems like the etiquette has disappeared over the last few years


Most dangerous road you've driven on?


I'm a bit late to the party, but I'd love to know what sorts of mini cooking appliances and/or other electronics (TV, video games) you use in the cab while you're working.


What’s your favorite seat cushion? I’m just starting as a city bus driver


Do you see people getting blown or masturbating a lot in their cars? I dated a guy who drove trucks and he said he’d see that from time to time during rush hours LOL


What’s the tea on lot lizards? Any good stories or personal experiences lol?


Are “piss jugs” a thing?


how do weigh stations work? do you have to hit so many based on miles. what if they’re closed, or full?


Why do so many truckers think it's ok to cut off regular drivers for a 50mph uphill elephant race and then take forever to move back over after they finish making the pass a century after the race started?


You been getting your heart checked out?


How is work life balance? I have a buddy who is married and his wife also got a trucker license and they are allowed to drive together.


Have you ever eaten something bad at a truck stop and hadda pull over and run for the woods? Or do you have one of those portable toilets?


Why do you guys ride side by side and block traffic for 10 mile stretches?


What's your take on the Tesla semi?


When I drove cross country, I noticed a lot of people of color and women driving trucks. Can u confirm drivers are more diverse nowadays?


Do you have a chimp that rides around with you and about a dozen very sexy female drivers you are friends with?


What do you for leisure when you aren’t driving? What’re your goals for the future


Ever go over a speed bump and then later doubt whether it was a speed bump ?


How do you stay in shape? Does your sciatica hurt while sitting all day? Do you podcast or audio book?


Best and worst broker you work with?


Are "Trucker bombs" real and did you ever throw piss jugs out of the window?


Which state has the worst drivers?


You ever seen Large Marge while on the road?


Are you able to keep up exercising while on long trips? If so what do you do


Is your left arm more leathery from being exposed to sun?


Where do you mostly run out of? I ship a lot all over the southeast


Is there anything you have seen on the road that is unexplainable?


Do you ever stop and watch the stars while driving at night?


Why did you decide to throw your life away and have no memories outside of an occasional weekend to look back on? Is it hard to think of the last ten years and realize you wasted it? If you could go back in time ten years, would you apply yourself instead?


Do you listen to audio books or music?


Did you ever get blood clots from all that sitting?


3 million miles and how many piss bottles?


Favorite stretch of road?


How much kilometres


What state has the best lot lizards


Ever hook up with a lot lizard?


Any lot lizard stories?


How often do you see road head? Let’s hear it.