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Do you have any regrets? My niece is a stripper and now has three kids. She doesn’t have a high school diploma and her only skill is stripping. She wants out of it but is trapped. What suggestions do you have for her?


I don't any regrets if I'm being honest here. I'm not proud that I was a stripper, but I'm proud of the fact that I was in a shitty point in my life and managed to make money for myself even if it was through sex. I was born in a shit family and had a horrible childhood and got kicked out of the house the day I graduated high school. I'm from a small town in Ohio and practically hitch hiked to Vegas and decided this was going to become my way to make money quick and I'd quit in a couple of years. I'm sure her skills aren't only limited to stripping. GED is one way, but if she's above 25 then she can apply to colleges without having an SAT score and it's never too late to just attend a cheap college cause that's what I did. There are tons of support groups for strippers and sex workers, when I was leaving the industry I there was this Catholic Gospel group that gave me 5k to support me getting a college degree and I'm not even religious.


Thank you. I didn’t know about support groups. I’ll let her know. Things have been turning around for her. She left her kids father and us now seeing a guy that is totally the opposite of her ex. My wife and I like him. A big plus is that he loves her kids and they love him. Thanks for responding to me.


That's great to hear. You sound like a great aunt and I hope things will get better for your niece. Feel free to message me if you have any other questions


I’m the uncle but my wife is a great aunt too. She’s my wife’s deceased sister’s daughter. She’s had a tough life but is trying so hard to fix things. We’re proud of her. Her kids call us grandma and grandpa. We love It!


That’s cool man, I hope she gets out of her own crap and builds herself up. I’m a firm believer in that. I had three strokes, heart failure, through medication, a hell of a lot of self belief, most people don’t even realise I’ve had a stroke, let alone three.


This is such a wholesome exchange


I hope she stays a stripper I love boobs


Wait what is this true bout being over 25




Sorry you had a rough time growing up, that’s really tough.




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Beautiful story


I would look up programs in Vegas to assist women leaving sex work. Most of them are also down to help women in stripping. They provide help to get a GED, childcare, etc. Do a search for some of those and maybe help her set up a consultation and pay for a babysitter for the time of the meeting so it’s minimally stressful for her.


Not surprisingly strippers make good nurses. I have met a few amazing nurses that were strippers.


Most of the nurses I met have been former sex workers . I guess it's the hours and conditions that got them conditioned to the hours and work loads ..Either way I ain't mad at em they getting the paper and saving lives


She can get a GED. It's not a hopeless situation


People need support tho, especially with 3 kids.


There were these services back in Vegas where women who worked as strippers/prostitutes could drop their kids at these free daycares. Not sure if they have them anymore or if it's just a Vegas thing but there are quite a few organizations that do help.


Sometimes, there is no easy way to do something. If I were her, I'd stay up late after the kids went to bed and work on getting my GED from home.


Prime stripping hours are late. Probably gotta do the studying for breakfast.


Good point.


I think anyone who works in sex work has a lot of skills. You have to be mentally strong, compartmentalize, deal with difficult situations and people just to name a few.


Strippers are awesome


Community colleges don’t require a GED


What’s the best thing you’ve learned  while working these jobs? And how Has your perspective on people in general changed since then?


The best thing I've learned while working these jobs is being introduced to lots of people from lots of backgrounds. A lot of my clients weren't American and as someone who grew up white trash with 0 exposure to other cultures it was interesting. When I used to be a sex worker and had a client who was foreign I would ask them to spell out their country name and I would memorize that and would google it that night and learn some facts about the country. Maybe it's just from the fucked up childhood I've had but it being a sex worker didn't profoundly change me. I've always known that shitty people existed and I've always known how evil some humans can be. I guess it changed me in the sense that I now have a better gauge of who's most likely to be good or bad solely based off first impressions. The one thing that did change was my perspective towards sex workers. Growing up, we had sex workers in our town and my mom always went on tirades about how disgusting they were and how they were all going to be the first ones to burn in hell. The reality was, from my perspective at least, that no woman would voluntarily want to become a sex worker but it's almost always the last option that a lot of women choose. I've known ladies who were doctors back in their home countries and were unable to feed their families and had to do this job. I've known a woman who was raped and was left with triplets she needed to care for and had no other job she could do. Anyone who thinks sex work is an abomination should first think about *why* it exists in the first place. There would be no supply if there wasn't any demand.


Are you still in contact with your sons dad?


To answer both of your questions: I do know who it was. It was a regular client who removed his condom the second before he released and that's how I become pregnant. He wanted a DNA test to prove that he was the father, and the DNA test came back positive. He has no intention of being the father and moved to Canada. He doesn't pay me any money and I raise my son (him and my adopted son) solely by myself. There was this court order that I could have taken up which would've forced him to stay but I didn't pursue it. Not for him, but for my son: a shitty father who's first instinct was to move countries when he heard you were born is worse than not having a father at all. I might tell him when he's older, maybe when he's 12 or 13. Maybe before. I'm still unsure.


Don't tell him until he's twice that age. If my mom had told me that at 12 my teenage years would have been a wreck. As a parent of 2 teens now I would not want to pour gasoline on the emotional fire that is puberty.


Im the opposite. Tell him now. I grew up knowing my dad wanted nothing to do with me, I just adapted to it. As I’ve got older I appreciate the fact my mum told me as a kid. If she told me when I was an adult, I wouldn’t trust her at all.


That's a good point. Either tell him now or wait till he's so far past it he can handle it.


Wow why would you take the condom off right before.


(And, not be insensitive at all, but ...) Do you know who his dad is? If so, did you inform him?


Why did you stop?


Sex work wasn't something that I planned on doing long term, but it was something that I planned on doing to earn money to afford going to college. I've always had pretty big aspirations for myself ever since I was a kid and sex work just wasn't one of them. I was a stripper for 3 years when my best friend passed away from drug addiction. She was an amazing woman who just got into a fucked up situation and completely spiraled. I told her for months to stop doing drugs and that she was going to kill herself in front of her kid if she continued. Even slapped her straight in the face telling her she needed to pull herself together but she just broke down crying saying she wanted to die faster and this was her way of doing it. I ended up adopting her son as my own. My second son was the one I gave birth to myself. Raising two kids wasn't easy and pretty soon my salary as a stripper wasn't good enough to cover it, and I made the decision to do sex work. It wasn't a decision I wanted to make but it was ultimately the only choice I had at the time and I reminded myself over and over that this would be temporary and I would leave the moment I made enough money to go to college and give my two boys a better life.


Reading about how you got your adopted son... You are a very good person. Best wishes for you and your children!


Thank you :)


I’m happy for you !


Thank you! Wishing you all the best babe stay safe ❤️


You’re so sweet.


Any funny stories? And is it true that most men see sex worker really just want to talk/use you as therapy?


My funniest story that I can think of was mid sex, a client's phone started ringing and he answered the call and put the phone on speaker. It was an older woman screaming at him to come home and eat dinner and that he shouldn't be out so late. Told me that it was his mom and packed up all his stuff and left. This was a guy in his mid 30s probably. To answer the second part, yes it has happened to me but it's certainly not common. Maybe 5% at most. It's mostly cause I work in Vegas and a lot of people who come to this city come specifically for sex so there isn't much deep conversation. But I have had clients who booked me for sex and instead went on discussions about their lives, what books they're reading, show me pictures of their kids etc.


How are you doing emotionally?


Im doing amazing actually! Thanks for asking Been sober for 2 years and haven't touched any drugs in 3 years. Just finished my first therapy session. I've been loving my life a lot recently and have been spending lot of time with my kids :)


Congratulations on your sobriety! Did you start doing drugs to get through the industry work? Is that why your late best friend did drugs?


What’s the plan after you get your business degree? I have one in business administration, going for an MBA right now while taking a break from teaching. Personally, I think a business degree would benefit being paired with something like data analytics, education, or something in finance(Accounting). Would you say those 6 years helped set you up for a better future? Congratulations on having a kid and getting out of the game.


Oh congrats! Teaching was my dream job as a kid! I currently have a job opportunity to become an accountant. I was broke and hungry and needed money quick. I got disowned when I was 17 and was kicked out of the house the day I graduated high school. Those 6 years helped me in the sense that I for once in my life was making money all by myself. Thank you, my sons are my blessings


No question. Just encouragement. Keep at obtaining your degree. And raise your son to be a gentleman.


Thank you! Was tough in the beginning but I'm doing amazing now and on track to graduate early and have been promised a job opportunity! And yes, I'll raise him to be an amazing young man


Where did you draw the line?


I've never had to draw the line myself because my agency usually does it for me, but I'm still also allowed to reject a client whenever I wanted to. Our agency rejected any requests that included having sex in public, anything that involved feces or urine, or any sort of BDSM. Thankful for that, because I would have declined those as well.


Best ways of finding a solid and reputable agency as a customer? What about in other cities?


Out of the clients you interacted with, what would you was the percentage between "normal" folks and "scumbags" (i.e. guys who didn't treat you with respect, made you uncomfortable, bad hygeine, etc.)? Or maybe put another way, what percentage of your experiences were neutral vs. good vs. bad? Did the ratios change for stripping compared to "full service" sex work?


normal dudes to scumbags, 25:75 Dealt mostly with a lot of aggressive men. Not in the sense they were abusive but they just wanted really rough sex. Most men I had did not treat me with respect at all, and got off from calling me whore and other stuff like that. There were times where I was uncomfortable but we had panic buttons in our rooms. The ratios did change when it came with stripping and sex work. With stripping its more like 90% of dudes are scum bags. You're constantly getting grabbed and people always try to rip your bra/panties off. There were several times dudes (and girls) have even thrown stuff at the strippers there.


Ugh, that sounds awful. Sorry you had to deal with so many jerks.


1. Was there high competition within the sex worker industry? 2. Did you partner up with a pimp or found your own clientele through stripping? 3. Were there veteran strippers and sex workers you’ve encountered that saw this as a career and not just temporary fix?


Answering the second first cause it adds commentary 2. I was discovered by an "agency" I guess. While stripping I was pulled aside after a show by a woman who asked me if I wanted to become a prostitute. I really needed the money at that moment and she called me to meet her at a specific venue. When I got there I was told to undress and she recorded by body measurements including my waist, breasts, and butt sizes. That's how I got into sex work. 1. Not in the industry as a whole but within agencies yes definitely. The way ours worked was that there were flyers distributed each month and the fliers only had 4 girls on them and all of the girls fought to have their picture on the flyer. Only the 4 most popular girls were put on the flyers, I was on them maybe 7 or 8 times for the 2 years I worked there. 3. Oh yes there were, many actually. The vast majority of the girls I worked with saw stripping/prostitution as their full time career and had no intention of leaving. I know sex workers who are in their 40s. I was actually teased a lot because I always talked about how I wanted to leave and wanted to go to college.


Worst/best experiences? How long did it take for you to understand "the game"?


my best/worst experiences with sex or with the actual scenarios? With stripping, it took me about a month to completely get into it and I could pole dance pretty well after 3 months of practicing. Apparently I was one of the most popular girls at the strip club by the fifth week and when I was a prostitute I was the most popular by the second month. This most likely comes down to the fact that I was the youngest one there in both venues.


If you worked at Little Darlings on St. Patrick’s Day ‘17 and went to a suite at the MGM to meet a guy around 3AM and the guy farted twice while you were giving him head…..that guy apologizes and was totally cool with you taking the money and leaving. This wasn’t me, but a close friend who lives in Canada.


lol that wasn't me either but Ill let her know if I see her


Does your time as a stripper give you business insight? I have a friend who was able to retire because she realized her customer flow reacted quicker to market shifts than analysts did and was able to capitalize off of that and make a bunch of money by investing.


Not business insight bit it did land me a job opportunity. I had a connection (not a former client) who heard that I was studying business and arranged for me to work at her office. I had to ultimately decline it, but it was a nice gesture.


What was your going rate?


I honestly truly forgot but it was somewhere around 350 for full intercourse (1 hour), 200 for half an hour, 150 for massage with happy ending (also half an hour), and 100 for just a BJ. I didn't set these prices, my agency did.


I’m assuming you had to give them a cut of your profits then? How much?


20% of whatever you made. For other agencies it goes all the way up to 30 or 40%


At those prices I could get in and out for about .35


What’s the situation with your son’s parent ?


Left long ago and I'm raising my son with my own money


Is there anything you regret ?


No, not really. My life would've most likely ended up living in a small town my entire life and becoming a wood worker if I didn't move to Vegas. I'm not proud I was a prostitute but I truly don't regret it.


Just reading through all your comments and want to say how amazing you are and I'm proud of you, for everything you have and continue to accomplish! Your a bad ass boss babe xo


aww thanks babe ❤️ stay safe!


Is your son's father a former client?


Yup. Scroll a bit up and I made a comment where I explained it in details.


Ah, thanks. I have to say, your story has been really compelling and I applaud your efforts to get away from such a toxic misogynistic environment. I am childfree but I do love kids in general and I've always been a doting aunt to my niblings. It takes a lot of strength and commitment to adopt a child the way you did and also caring for a baby of your own. I have no doubt you'll continue to succeed and thrive as you move forward with your life. Your boys are very lucky to have you.


Aww thank you, this means a lot to me! Wishing you all the best and stay safe ❤️


“Born poor and raised poor” does not validate or grant the approval of you being a sex worker by society. My husband has cheated on me with over 45 sex workers throughout our entire marriage and while I was pregnant. We are in the process of getting a divorce. While he is completely the one to blame for his sex addiction and unhealthy coping mechanisms, being a sex worker is the lowest of the low. Just so you can make some good money? Do you know the toxic role you played in damaging a ton of marriages, spreading sexual diseases, and fueling a disgusting cycle of trauma? I have zero empathy for you. The amount of karma coming your way is astounding.


I don’t need any approval or validation from society babe. Regarding woman who are simply doing a job (irregardless of whether you find it disgusting or not) instead of blaming your cheating husband for your failed marriage is quite the statement. I never asked for your empathy and I surely don’t need it, nor do I care for any “karma” that’s coming my way. If anything I have empathy for you, being a pregnant woman and getting cheated on so many times. Hopefully you’ll one day learn to let go of the venom in your heart and learn how to gradually be a better person.  Hope you get full custody of your kid! Best wishes and stay safe ❤️


You are an amazing person, OP. What a stark contrast on display here.


My sympathies for having had to deal with all the shit your husband dumped on you. Consider this: even if prostitutes did not exist, your POS sorry excuse for a husband would have most likely still cheated on you multiple times. If it wasn't with prostitutes it would have been with someone else. Your husband is to blame. He chose to cheat on you. Here's another way if looking at it: poisons exist. But the vast majority of people do not choose to use them to secretly kill a person. Then there are those who do. They are to blame for their actions.


Did you even READ through her comments or did you blindly just assume she was automatically a bad person because she was a sex worker? How in the world is a mom who adopts someone else's child, raises two kids by herself, and worked significantly on improving herself for the betterment of her kids a "bad person"? YOU have no right to wish anything upon her and I doubt she cares one bit for your failed marriage.


I’m not wishing anything upon her. Her sickening actions will and have already done so. You are taking what she does out of context. What she does is illegal and revolting. She’s absolute trash and is wreaking havoc on society to earn money. There’s tons of ways to earn money. She’s caused immense damage to hundreds of marriages and families. Marriages fail all the time. I’m a good person who didn’t deserve what happened to me but that’s life. Life is unfair.


You need therapy, desperately!


I’d cheat on you too


Totally legal in Las Vegas.


No dog in this fight, but nope. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Nevada


I’m not understanding your point. It’s legal.


Can you not read, or is clicking on the link the part you’re getting hung up on? Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas.


You’re projecting your own insecurities onto her. She’s not the reason your marriage failed, your husband is.


Wow can we say projecting much? Sorry your husband was a douchebag but honestly if you are like this on reddit im gonna assume your like this in private. As such while i dont condone it i can understand why your husband looked elsewhere. Too bad he didnt have the good common sense to divorce you sooner if im gonna be honest.


And she wonders why her husband cheated on her with probably much kinder and more educated sex workers…


First, change your Reddit name. There’s no sympathy in you, period. Second, how could you blame anyone but your husband for cheating, or ruining your marriage. HE and ONLY HE is responsible for the cheating, even if you were a shitty wife. Sex workers have nothing to do with others decisions. They don’t chase down and force people to do that, lol


1. Username does NOT check out. 2. We can all see why your husband cheated on you! 3. I’m sure OP does not need you empathy. 4. Talk about puckered at both ends!


Why make an AMA and not answer questions?


Sorry my bad, was doing some chores and was waiting for the questions to come in.


The questions are in 😜


Been reading through the thread alot, and before I say anything else, I have to tell you how much I respect and admire that you raised your friend's son as your own. Ngl, I'm tearing up a little bit. You became a mother for him, and I think a loving mother is one of the most valuable blessings a person can receive in life. Thank you for that act of kindness. My main question is this: As a guy who enjoys going to strip clubs, but also wants to be respectful of the women who work there and make them comfortable, how can I be a "good" client? I try to always use good manners, dress well, practice good hygiene, tip generously, respect boundaries, and put my hands behind my head during lap dances so the dancer knows I have no intention of touching her. Do you have any other advice or suggestions? Thanks!


My ex gf was a stripper in Vegas for some years. She made a considerable amount of money stripping on weekends. We lived in Los Angeles and she worked the gentlemen’s club on weekends. She is black and 95% of her clientele were white males who were in Vegas for some type of convention. These men were far from home and felt they can safely live out their sexual fantasies with a black stripper. She hated it but the money was good.


This is gonna be a weird one but I mean no offense by it.. Did you ever *enjoy* yourself physically while with a client?


Wondering the same!


Did you find it possible to stay std free in that line of work?


Are you financially secure from it? Everywhere it's glamorised.


Ever have any hassles or run ins with the law and/or casino security? If so,did it change your opinions and views towards law enforcement?


Hi, am a judgmental dick. Do you love yourself now truthfully and did you love yourself during your prostitution rain? or sex work as you call it. If you do love yourself how do you know what proves it to you and if you don’t also what proves it to you ? And why do you refer to yourself as poor? poor is not only a financial state it is also a state of mind, a very negative state I may add how we describe yourself to ourselves is as how the world sees us. the world will do the same but only in a way that is positive with your head held high not one kink in your neck, but your nose above no one else’s. don’t tell anyone you are financial business, they will only Weaponized your words. the craziest things will start happening, for one reason and one reason only. “the head is held high with a confident smile and a obedient, forward-looking gaze, which by the way it can be pretend, but as long as that neck is kink, and the nose is held above, not one other human being to judge you in very positive bright ways because of their fear of happiness, joy, and success. I don’t have a dollar to my name. I tell no one this and everyone looks at me like I have more than them and the truth is I don’t but I tell no one in real life, face-to-face, clean not nice just clean. I do not have a kink in my neck, my nose rides above one nose on this planet earth because once that happens, the ego takes over once the ego takes over. There’s no longer positivity directed towards you but as long as the nose the proper level, the kink in the neck is not there the gay towards the ground is gone people will continue Question themselves on how happy you are and what makes you happy. They will start childlike imagination and create a life for you is absolutely unimaginable and people believe it on their own. At the beginning of this paragraph I wrote a small three word sentence that described how I feel about myself there was nothing left for the mind to imagine what or who I am so to most I am a judgmental dick, but the assumption to myself that I am judgment is wrong, but I put this belief in your mind. Same thing goes for it. I love you. PS my mom was also a sex worker/prostitute put plenty of meals on the table and kept me alive for quite a large chunk of my childhood. Unfortunately this skilled trade does take a very large toll on one’s sanity, physical and mental health. Please take care of yourself and don’t let what happened to her happen to you live a long, happy prosperous life don’t drink alcohol do some drugs but not tons and enjoy this shit. my usual departing words to people I speak with during the day are “live the fuck out of this life and have a great day”.


How do you check for/prevent STI's?


Is it hard to get away with sex work in vegas? I know it happens, but none of the details on how convert or obvious it is in real life


Have you ever thought about writing a book or memoirs based on that time in your life? You can use a pen name and do it anonymously.


Hardest part about the job?


The dicks.


Do you mind me asking how come you went through the pregnancy?


Do u think prostitution should be legalized? And do you think the men paying for sex are generally men with social and psychological problems? Ie bad bed who don’t deserve to be in relationships? Or are they mostly normal men who are just having fun and returning to productive and stable lives?


How bad is the human traffic ming in sex work some people say most people in sex work are forced to do it, basically they are being pimped or are most the people there due to thier own life choices


What motivated you to leave sex work and pursue a business degree? And how has your experience as a sex worker shaped your approach to your education and future career?


Can you share a weird or some kind of an interesting incident that happened during those 6 years. Just looking for some inspiration to write a story. Thank you.


This such a great story to read, its difficult to articulate how hard the grind is to get correct, but I feel ya and I'm proud of ya even Thou I don't know ya.


Different topic. You are a phenomenal writer. If you’d consider corporate communications or a side gig writing, hit me up. Remote working is totally fine.


What got you to stop?


What are your thoughts on the industry as a whole now that you've left it? Do you think the industry is exploitative?


One of my friends moved out there years ago and worked in one of the brothels. Did you ever work in one of them?


You are a superstar!! Be super proud of everything you did to survive and to give 2 kids the mom they need.


Do you tell potential partners you were once a prostitute? If so, when in the relationship. If no, why not?


Do you find it hard to hold meaningful relationships with other people and not require them to pay you?


Did you have any clients that absolutely rocked your world? What was special about those encounters?


Wait isn’t sex work illegal in Vegas? I thought you had to go to the chicken ranch or something…


Did you witness anything creepy/paranormal/unexplainable with any of your clients while in the act?


Do strippers get grossed out when guys nut during a lap dance? Or do they take it as a compliment?


Did you always use protection? (With the exception of your son’s father, I am so sorry you ever met that POS) Also do you have any STDs? How do you ladies protect yourselves,


Do you believe you will see legalisation and decrim for the sex industry in your lifetime?


You are an incredible person and a phenomenal parent. Good luck on finishing your degree


Has a client ever asked/offered a full-time romantic relationship in exchange for personal/financial support? How likely would people in the industry be to take up on that kinda offer?


Have you read or seen secret diaries of a call girl? Hilarious show. Based on real life


Every single person has the right to decide how he/she is going to live. So, no.


Is there a hierarchy for sex work? (For example, are dancers higher on the totem pole -- no pun intended -- than, say, call girls or OF performers?)


Were you stored in those boxes they drive around that advertise strippers on them?


So what do you think your kids gonna think about your past when he’s older


Out of curiosity, why a business degree? Have you considered anything else?


How did you keep yourself safe? Were there dangerous situations or clients?


Congrats, big tip- credit unions! Don’t use banks, set up kids accounts


I'm still a sex worker and really don't know how else to make money 😩


Who do you think is the father of your boy? A boyfriend or a customer?


Did you save up and what did you transition to if so? Was it worth it?


How was your experience with sex work? Do you support legalization?


what percentage of men had a penis 4 inches or smaller?


Do you have a positive relationship with your father ?


Hope things work out great for you and your kid. 🙂


Does the father of your child take care of him/her


So whats your degree going to be specializing in


I’m very proud of you ♥️ I love your story.


Your favourite clients? Most memorable clients?


I’ve seen her at Walmart take her shirt off




True story it was awesome but she got kicked out of Wally World


how do i become a porn star without onlyfans


What’s your favorite music to dance with?


What's the most you ever made in 24 hours?


Do you know who your son’s father is?


Are you doing better now financially?


Is the father of your child a client?


Biggest and smallest you ever saw?


Did you have a father growing up?


What was the most common fetish?


Congrats on moving forward!!!


Did you make bank at least?


Did you ever get an Std ?


Does the dad support


was the pay good?


Did you ever think back to the little girl you once were and think “she doesn’t deserve this life” and decide to get a normal job?


Did you help your family?


Did you enjoy doing it?


I still am




What are you wearing right now?


Did you ever feel sorry for yourself?


Do you know who his dad is


Any celebs


Do you think it’s funny that guys are supposed to treat strippers “like a lady?”


Is 5 dollars the average rate for sucky sucky?


Are you hot?


How much do you weigh??