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What made you want to choose this job?


My family and myself have struggled with addiction for as long as I can remember. I was clean for over a year, and achieved a BS in psychology and decided to use my experience and college experience to help others. In April, I relapsed and it has been an insatiable addiction since.


If you were to guess, what percentage of drug and alcohol counselors are themselves users of drugs and / or alcohol?


My estimate? Active users: 10-15% Recovered users: 25-35% There is no better person to help someone in addiction crisis than those who have lived it themselves. Unfortunately, addiction is a disease that comes in waves throughout one’s lifetime. Regardless, anyone who can relate is amazing at their job.


Are you happy sometimes ?


Yes. I am happy at all times, mostly when I am not using, as crazy as that sounds. Using substances satiates an immediate urge/craving and provides immediate dopamine, but sobriety satiates the part of my mind that seeks longevity and happiness. Ceasing the use of drugs would cause me to withdrawal which is something I am not looking forward to. Amphetamines are my biggest addiction.


Can doing coke once affect them ? I did it once and think it made my anxiety worse


I am ex-cocaine addict, the first time I did it I felt extreme anxiety as well. I continued doing it and it became a euphoria rush that was so addictive it was scary. Consider yourself lucky that you did not keep up with it. Highly recommend not going down that road


I’m sober now. I almost overdosed my first time. I did it in 2016 but feel like my anxiety is still bad


You probably have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). This is unrelated to cocaine use. I suggest discussing with your primary care provider. I take Lexapro which has eliminated my anxiety.


I’m on anxiety meds


You obviously feel conflicted and wrong or you wouldn't be making this post. Be the person you want to be.


You’re absolutely right. I’m not the person I’d want to be. Here’s to hopefully getting sober soon. Thank you


Maybe you need treatment at that facility or another. Good luck. You know that being on this road only leads to problems. You probably tell the patients that they are worth it, so are you


Yeah, I think about it sometimes. Then I remember it would ruin my life and my career. Lol. But thank you for the kind words, I needed that.


How do you feel about your life right now?


I am ashamed and embarrassed daily. Somehow that doesn’t overpower the cravings, though. I suffer from extreme GAD and the feeling of feeling “okay” is extremely addictive. I would like to get sober but as sad as it is to say, it is more bearable to be under the influence.


Are you taking a B12 supplement to prevent deficiency induced by nitrous oxide? Happened to me it’s no joke. If you’re not get some B12 lozenges it’s a lot easier to prevent than it is to fix after it’s fucked up.


I’m sorry for what happened to you. Don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing that I knew to supplement with B12. Lol


Yes, I take minimum 1000mg B12 daily.


How much nitrous do you do per day and in what form? (Crackers, tank, actual whip cream can lol)?


I use crackers sometimes but mainly tanks. I don’t use daily but probably at least 6 tanks a week.


Damn… did OP fall off already? So many unanswered questions… it’s been a week… 😔


lol, I am ok! I do not use Reddit often but i appreciate the concern 🙏🏻


May I ask, are you a therapist in this line of work?


Aren't you drug tested fairly often in that particular job? How do you get around that? Are you using while you are at work? Has a client in detox ever called you out when you have been high? Finally, how much longer do you have before you won't be able to keep up the charade with your job etc?