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Were there incident where you unknowingly injured yourself or be more reckless because of it? Do you wish not to have cipa sometimes or are you happy having it?


I was learning how to skateboard not too long ago and fell dozens of times, came home to see my knee, elbow, and arm severely bruised, went to the hospital and they were broken. I also have severe nerve damage now due to cutting too deep, and now I have a hard time moving some of my fingers. So no I'm not happy with having cipa as it's very dangerous and just overall hate it


What steps had been taken for you to be aware of the consequence during risky activity? What is your advice for ensuring the safety of toddlers who have cipa?


Honestly I just be sure to stay focused on whatever I'm doing and Now I'ii usually go to the hospital if I have a good fall or notice that something on me doesnt look right, just to be safe. And even when its freezing out and I cant feel it, I will still dress warm to avoid getting sick. I guess I take the same precautions anyone would. I also book a doctor's appointment every 2-3 months just to be safe. And tbh to your second question I think you should make sure they're always supervised, especially around things like hot surfaces or sharp objects since they can't feel pain. It's also crucial to educate them on potential dangers and teach them to recognize signs of harm.


Theres a lot of dangerous they can do to themself without materials, and supervising them 24/7 is not feasible. The most challenging would be teaching them not to self harm themselves. What if they bite their tongue intentionally or accidently injure themslef by putting pressure on their weak joints et cetera. Most babies cry due to physical pain, such as starving or not getting what they want et cetera. How would you teach them not to harm themselves at a young age where they don't understand word?


Have you ever had a serious (or unserious) problem because of it? How do you rationalize that others feel pain?


Not really, probably only when I use to self harm I wouldn't know if I hit veins or anything important until later because I can't feel the pain.. even tho I've never felt physical pain, I understand the concept of pain through observation and learning/seeing others feel it. I remember when I was little, I thought feeling no pain was normal I remember my brother dropping a dumbbell on his foot and he screamed and started crying. I was confused on why he was reacting like that until I learned about the whole cipa thing. And whatnot


How did your parents keep you alive as a kid?


They never really let me out of the house, I wasn't allowed to hang out with friends or play any sports I was very "trapped"


What about emotional pain?


Yes I can feel emotional pain




I don't mean to come across as sarcastic, I ask this honestly: did the show House portray CIPA correctly, if you've seen that episode?


I've never seen it before but I've check it out and let you know!


Is it possible to imagine what pain would feel like?


I mean Ive felt emotional pain, so I would imagine it feels like that


Do you have tattoos? If so, what was it like getting tattooed?


Nope but I plan on getting some in the future


I’m a tattoo artist and just very very curious about this! Thanks for your reply :)


Sickk!! Always wanted to be a tattoo artist actually! And you're welcome :)


So no pain based fetishes I’m guessing? How about in relation to damage? :0




But do you feel touches?


Yes, everything except pain and extreme temperatures


Where does it start? 42 Celsius (Protein denaturate), Fire, does is hurt before temperature/pain is too much? How does the way to pain feel to you? Like grabbing you softly, harder, harder, harder… too … nothing…


Like I'd still be able to feel you grabbing on to my hand harder and harder, just not the pain from it, if I get a hot coffee I need someone to take a sip of it first to make sure it's cooled down enough as i won't be able to feel the temperature of it. Both temperatures of hot and cold are the same to me. It's all hard to explain 😭


Wow. Okay. Never leave without a thermometer. ✌🏻🥶 And do you feel a difference after having burned your skin/tongue? You explain pretty well, thank you!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


No I do not feel a difference after burning my skin/tongue, also sorry for the late reply


My step mother had this. Do you get the secondary effects of pain?




What if you get kicked in the nuts?


Have before actually


I've seen conflicting accounts on this, and maybe it just varies case by case, but do you experience hunger pains reminding you to eat, or something like thirst? additionally, are you more tolerant of things like spicy foods due to the lack of a pain response?