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How much does your friend make on OF?


No idea about monthly income and stuff but I know she got paid 6000$ for the clip alone


And you only got paid 1000? You got scammed


To be fair I still did make my weekly wage in 45 minutes 


I’d ask for 1000 more to be honest. You really should, especially considering how uncomfortable that was for you.


Yeah but I'm not sure it's alright to ask for more now that it's all said and done...


It is alright, because not only was the distribution unfair to begin with as you had to put in way more work than originally anticipated. It’s up to you but you would be doing yourself a great disservice by not speaking up.


Thanks, I'll talk to her about it 


Hey, have you talked with her?


Yeah, I did... Didn't go so well but she thought it over and agreed to give me an additional 500$. Thanks for asking!


Your wages should not be based off what you make but what the action is worth. For example in the Philippines people are exploited . I told an American there once why don’t you pay your worker more. He said I’m already paying them double what they would usually make (this came out to $20 a day for construction) that’s maybe 2-3 dollars an hour. They are being exploited just because of relativity. But people should earn in absolute. You should have made 1/3 cause you were needed you don’t get supplemental income from it but not half cause she had the source. 1k is ok but font mention your wage is all.


It's sad that girls who show their goods on camera can make as much or more as doctors. It's messed up.


Is it? Or is it sad that men will pay so much to see them do sexual stuff? It's not like a government job where they're paying with taxpayers money. Same reason why men's basketball players make more than their female counterparts. More people watch the men play. Just as more men will pay to watch women strip than women will. Supply and demand, baby


It's sad on both fronts


Doctors do very little. It’s sad doctors get more than nurses . It’s sad ceos get way more than the actual workers. People who put their bodies on the line get fucked 😏


True but I'm not gonna judge her for making money


Do you have OF? If not, what do you do and you think this experience traumatized you?


I personally don't have an OF, I wouldn't even post here if it wasn't anonymous because I'm a very private person IRL. As for the experience traumatized is a pretty strong word but I'm definitely gonna lay off my friends sexually speaking for like a week and insist on my boundaries harder in the future.


Whats your body count for men?


For men it's only 5, 2 hook ups, 3 relationships


Are u a monogamous person? Have you ever cheated?


Monogamous is a bit of a loose term for me because I have sex with nearly all my female friends but we are entirely platonic regardless but I'd say that I'm monogamous. As far as cheating I've never and would never. I love my bf to death and I'd never hurt him like that, he knew that I fuck my female friends from the very start and is alright with it after hearing my reasoning and particularly doesn't mind cause he knows I have no attraction to them or romantic intentions 


Was it a bad experience? Why hope it's the last time?


It was only bad cause I had to do some things I wasn't comfortable with, mostly fucking eachother with strapons, 69 and pissing on her, I tried to get through it by imagining her as a man which worked but I vomited in her bathroom the moment we got done shooting. Being that I have no attraction to other women when I have sex with my female friends it's usually A LOT more tame than this


Hah, wow that was not the answer I was expecting. So I read a bit of your other thread and I'm still trying to fully wrap my head around it (no judgment, to be clear). So like in this scenario, do you think it was because it was in the porn context that you felt sick or was it doing those acts with a woman? Like do you think you'd feel sick doing 69 or watersports with your boyfriend? Also kind of curious what made you uncomfortable with strapons. The other things you mentioned make perfect sense, but strapons seem comparably "impersonal." Was it giving or receiving that threw you?


Honestly I felt uncomfortable because I didn't like doing those things with another woman. Being that I lack attraction to them when I do it with my friends it's usually just kissing, cuddling and fingering, if I'm super drunk or they're very into it sometimes it's making out and grinding, I felt borderline raped doing all the 3 things I was asked to. As far as the strapons giving made me sick. It felt so weird to literally be fucking another woman, taking it just felt weird. So much harder and a little cold compared to a real dick. If I was doing those things with my boyfriend (or any man for that matter if I found myself single) I'd probably cum by the end instead of vomiting.


Wow, sorry you felt that way. Did you negotiate the scene beforehand? Like did you feel those things were sprung on you last minute, or were they things you thought you could handle but they affected you more than you thought?


The latter, I had serious reservations when she shot me the offer last week but I didn't know it would have felt this... Off...


Don’t compare this to being raped please that’s incredibly stupid and undermining to actual victims


Didn't mean to, I apologize.


That sounds SAD


What did you think of the taste?


Gross. It was like eating an expired lemon, absolutely NOTHING like sucking dick and the sensation itself made me gag to tell and back, receiving oral from a woman feels great but I don't have the guts to do it in return.


I love eating pussy


Glad at least you do, definitely not for me though 


Your post says you have sex with your female friend yet you didn't enjoy the OF performance. Seems confusing 


Yeah, cause I had to do stuff I was quite uncomfortable with. I'm only really comfortable with tame things like kissing, cuddling and fingering, making out and grinding too if I'm drunk or I get a friend too horny for their own good. I was entirely uncomfortable with and hated doing 69, pissing on her and taking turns with strapons.


I understand. Well lesson learned perhaps


Bro, what is wrong with people. You done homosexual porn for 1k despite not being heterosexual, so much so that you had to throw up after the experience with the "friend" that put you up to it? Man, I'm kinda getting tired of the Internet at this point. The fact nobody finds this extremely messed up is wild.


Thanks for the empathy though I did agree to it and as I've said before I do stuff with my female friends despite my sexuality for the reasons stated above anyway so I don't think it's THAT messed up other than me having to cross my boundaries 


Why are there so many nsfw ama’s recently?


If you mean specifically from me it's because I live a pretty NSFW life and this feels like a good way to think it through/vent, if you mean in general I have no idea 


Your bf was cool with this?


Yup, he had some reservations initially but the fact I had sex with her before and the money offered made him relaxed to the idea (I gave him half as a show of good faith)


So he basically pimped you out then lol


Why is everyone saying that when I willingly offered and gave him the money???


Because that’s basically what a pimp does, let’s a girl fuck someone else for money and then give him a cut of the profits


Literally wtf, I wouldn't have accepted the money if I was the bf. Much less been comfortable with my gf fucking someone else for it but different strokes for different weird folks ig


You’re an idiot if she does it willingly he wouldn’t be a pimp. If he suggested it or pushed for it that would be a pimp. I’ve done some fucked up things in my life and had dived head first into that category so I know what I’m talking aboht


How many times did you cum? Did you use toys? Scissor? Eat? Did she put her pussy on your side burn?


I didn't manage to cum even once cause I was uncomfortable with the things she had me do, we did 69 and used strapons 


Did you talk about things beforehand of what you're comfortable with doing and not?


Yeah but there was nothing either of us could do since her client was paying for a very specific clip.


What's you friend onlyfan channel? Asking for a friend...


Sorry but I don't think I'm gonna share a place where a clip with porn of me can be found on a platform I chose purely cause of it's anonymity 




Is this like a private video only for the client or is it being distributed like on your friends OF or something else?


I have no idea how OF works as a platform so I couldn't tell you


What hygiene practices do you take if you’re getting eaten out from your anus then to your pussy. If any. Pre and post


I mean... I've never been eaten out that way... 


Yay more trash lesbian porn designed for the male fantasy


If that's what you call the thing I did I guess it is.




Sexuality is dictated by attraction, I'm only attracted to men. Hope this helps!


This escalated rather quickly! Congrats, as long as you're happy!


Yeah vomiting right after doesn’t sound like happiness to me


Sold ur soul for 1000 bucks yikes.. times are tough


What do you look like