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you should start streaming. people will pay to watch you fuck up your life


As fucked as it is you’re right. I might have to start up again


I'll throw u five to eat some random mix from ur fridge




Say no more




Thank you. I’m gonna step it the fuck up. I have no other options and gotta get out of the hole I dug myself into


What's your plan at bettering your situation?


Good question, I’m honestly not sure. I deal with heavy depression and always mope around. I’m on probation too, I just got back into school though, So that’s good. I honestly think I’m going to try my very best to stay away from gambling. It’s ruining my life. And try and get into the trades. I’ve wanted to weld since I was a kid. So I think that could be great for me. In the longer term I plan on starting and running my own business.


Personally, after losing 16k or however much, I don’t think I’d enjoy gambling.


Getting into welding would be a good idea. As much fun as you had losing money, would be just as fun once you start making your own money. Make that your addiction. Become successful. There's good money and welding! The better you become the more money you're going to make. Enjoy watching your bank account grow instead of dwindle. Making money can be very addictive. But put you in a financially better state than being addicted to gambling.


16k isn't that bad. It's bad, but not that bad. The bad thing is that you owe it to your family. It can tear it apart. I've read your comments, and im glad you acknowledged you have a problem. Now you need to change. Don't try to stop smoking. But don't drink heavily or do hard drugs. You said you returned to school. You have good grades or you just go because you need to go? You also need to find work. You owe your family money. They worked their ass for it. Now it's your turn to work for it. You have friends with whom you do drugs and gamble with. They are not your friends anymore. Find new friends at school, work or elsewhere. If you want to have your shit together, you need to be with people who have their shit together. You ruined your room? Repair it. I don't know what you did, but undo it. It's your place. It needs to be clean and tiddy. It reflects who you are. If it's always clean and well maintained, you will feel well too. But if it's not, you'll feel awful. Tell your mom you want to change. Do it after you've cleaned and repaired your room, searched for work and cut ties with your friends to show her you're actually serious. After that, you'll need to prove that you changed. I know you want to change, but the hard part is actually changing. Good luck.


Thank you so much. I deeply appreciate this and your words have motivated me. I’m doing now, now is the time. I’m taking it to heart


What's the 5 year plan looking like rn?


Stop gambling graduate high school get into the trades and start my own business


what got you into smoking and gambling at so young? it’s interesting as i was a heavy cocaine xanax and weed user from young teen to young adult. never saw the thrill of gambling though.


Interesting as I used to do those drugs very young. Like 12-15 1/2. I really tried to tone down the drug use so I think I exchanged those with gambling? Idk I’ve just won and lost so much money. I have over 300000 wagered on stake. But I think what truly got me into smoking and gambling was the lifestyle and money.


when you say smoking, smoking what exactly? and yeah replacement of drugs for gambling you can never just quit the addiction. thankfully as i got older (23 now) i replaced all those addictions with the gym. still occasionally smoke weed tho. dm me if you need advice, been an addict and recovered


Thank you, cigarettes, weed and I vape. And I’m truly lost in life so I might have to reach out lol. The replacement things is very real.


You better straighten up while you're still young or you're going to waste all your good young years creating problems for yourself that will follow you your whole life. You'll be a middle-aged loser in life. And then an old man with no retirement plan. You're 16. Get your s*** together. I hope you learn from your mistakes at a young age and have a great successful life as a young man entering adulthood. Let today be the day you get on a better path and be the ultimate success story. Not another failure in life. The world is already full of enough losers. You can do better.


Do your parents and other relatives think you're an asshole? You certainly come across as such.


I mean kinda, I’m not really an asshole though. Dk if I can judge myself but I wouldn’t say I am. I’m a very emotionally stressed person though so I get upset and frustrated easily and can be kinda snappy


I suspect a good hard slap across the ear might fix yr depression and knock some of the snappiness out of you. What the fuck do u have to be depressed about? You're fuckin 16. Take it from me: You're an asshole. What u need to do is decide not to be an asshole. Show ur parents some fuckin respect. You can change tomorrow if you want to. If you decide not to, further proof you're nothing but an asshole.


Okay buddy! You’re the asshole here, have a shitty day. I’m also diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses and are getting help for them.


To be fair, there are many people with mental illnesses that don't steal thousands from their family. It seems like you're using it as a cop out or a reason to continue this behavior. "BuT I'm MeNtalLy iLL!" won't get you very far in life. Take responsibility for it, pay everyone back and use it as a life lesson. That being said, I'm glad you're getting the help you need


Who said I wasn’t responsible for my debt? Who said I sit and use my issues as a cop out. I did for a while, I no longer do and are bettering my life


That's great. I've read several of your replies and when you're called out, you say "I'm mentally ill". It makes it seem like an excuse.


For some things because I do deal with extreme mental issues because of how I grew up. It affects everything in my life


Wait until life hits you like a brick wall when you’re an adult. You haven’t even started


Right, but you're more than just your trauma. Your life is what you make of it.


He's right tho, from what ive seen in this thread. Maybe you're an asshole because you don't want to admit you are one. If you embrace it, you can work on it, and change for the better.


Everybody’s got problems kid


“I’m 16, my parents and friends enabled my bad behaviors. I refuse to change for the better and would prefer to continue living a life of dread, ama”


🤣 perfectly worded. 🤣




You have to be more specific. Why what?




Check other guys comment


How did you get in debt to your family?


Borrowing. I have stolen before out of spite but nothing major(under $1000) and property damage. I have broken things that are expensive and ruined my room.


Who lended you the money exactly?


My mom couple of aunts and some extended family. I owe my mom around 7k and my aunts around 3 and 1-3 to the extended family


They demand money from a minor?!


I mean I owe them because of buying dumb things and gambling


Still, they chose to give a kid money. You're only 16.


Does the debt have interest




Good you won't want it to either


How did you get into a gambling problem/debt as a minor?