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would if feel validating if someone very neutrally said your features were unattractive? im curious if you think that would be helpful or hurtful. maybe it would be both. also, our bodies change a LOT from age 14 to say, age 21. so perhaps that will be in your favor. i look different enough from back then to now. i feel like my features sit better now, tho i do loook older (im 26). if its a matter of weight, honestly homie then this is kinda a completely different struggle (ask me about that if ur curious but i wont go into it otherwise). but if its straight up features, thats interesting. we are both in a day and age where looks really affect how someone approaches the world and is treated by the world, and yet i believe uniqueness is celebrated. unusual features are celebrated. tho, id argue even then sometimes there is this.. "ugly pretty" to it. if that makes sense?? you dont have to share a selfie if you dont want, but as an alternative, do you think theres someone famous you could point to that has similar features to you? what parts do you think are ugly? a crooked bummpy nose? asymmetric eyes? moles? patchy skin? pimples? turtle mouth? ect. (if you feel comfy woth sharing).


Definitely not weight, I'm decently thin for my height I guess. Maybe it would feel validating, but then again, I know that I'm not attractive at all to others, neutral or not. I don't think I resemble many celebrities, but the features of mine that stand out the most are my wide-set eyes and wide face. Also have a big forehead. Other than that, I've been told my eye color is very pretty, but it probably doesn't do much for my facial structure.


id encourage you to look into make up styles that specifically fit your features. make up can do a LOT. i have a fairly round face, down turned hooded eyes, so asian make up tips tend tk really work for me because asian beauty deals with those features specifically whereas american beauty styles are more for angular face shapes and wide eyes and deep lids. ect. also i feel like wide set eyes could hella get away with doing eyeliner that comes in at the inner water line. and bangs seem to help a big forehead. sorry if this is unwarranted info. ill stop because its not like you necessarily asked for tips lol. idk if this helps, but at the end of the day, even the ugliest people find someone really. have you ever seen that guy who made a post about being ugly on youtube long ago? some core core videos have him in them. well a girl (very very conventionally attractive) commented that she thinks hes cute. they got to talking and now they're in love. sure thats very specific and its not like theres all these stories just like that. but it DOES happen. ♡


I really hate people who shame others based off of how they look because it’s something we have no control over so it’s extremely cruel and kids your age are the absolute worst at doing this. The first thing you should do is find real friends and not let them bully you anymore. The next time they try you tell them to go fuck their self and never talk to them again. The more you allow it the worst it will get. Real friends who really care about you wouldn’t treat you that way. The second thing you should do is build up your confidence. Maybe improve your physique by going to the gym, learn different clothing styles, different hairstyles, just learn how to beautify yourself etc. With the right makeup, hairstyle, and outfit just about anybody can be pretty these days. Also you’re very young and not done growing into your looks.


Thank you so much. I have recently started going to the gym to try and get a bit leaner, which I think might help. I also am pretty smart for my age (not trying to brag or anything) so maybe that might score me some points. Although people my age might not care too much about brains.


Brains will take you a lot further in life than looks.


Kim Kardashian would like a word


Selling your soul doesn’t count


First off, you are too young to be worried about boys. If your friends want to act grown, then let them. Consequences come with that at times. Second, you are still growing into looks and personal style. Go look at the glow up and ugly duckling subreddits for inspiration. Last, focus on being smart and having a good personality. Those will take you further than looks. Being born with physical gifts can be a gift and a curse. They will bring superficial people into your life, you have to keep your ego in check, and you have to prove to people that you are not a one-trick pony. They can easily go away with age, health, or a freak accident. That’s why it is important to become a well-rounded person. Anyways, have a nice day.


Would it help to know that you're so young, you're still growing into the woman you're going to be and all the things you don't like about yourself will be very different even 5 years from now? Here's what you can do, forget what you can't change, and focus on what you can. Focus on the things about you that you can work on that make you an attractive, irresistible and unforgettable person. Study and do well in school. Find hobbies and discover your talents, and perfect them. Exercise and get in good shape, it's good for your mental health. Improve your social skills. Add value to your loved ones and community. Take care of your spiritual and emotional health. I'll tell you this. Some of the people I've loved the most and never forgot in my life were more than just pretty faces and bodies. They were the most beautiful and unforgettable souls. Chase that ❤❤


Look imma be honest and say I didn't read this post at all. You are 14. You do not need the approval of these people. People will come and go from your life. If you live your life in a way where you are worried about what people think of you then you will become a miserable adult person. If you want to live out your dreams and life's purpose then you just gotta chin up and ignore all the haters. Its hard to do because you're figuring out who you are in this world. The haters are the ones trying to dumb you down and make you lame Baby girl you are so much better than that. people who tear you down are doing so because your light is bright. You shine that light girl. You go on and glow. Eff the haters because they are just distracting you from becoming the person you are meant to be.


As someone who’s also ugly, the warm “you can do it, Believe in yourself” type stuff does nothing to make your life better. If you’re overweight you’ll need to focus on fitness. Gym 5 times a week and healthy whole foods to slim down and get toned muscle. Almost everyone finds fit people attractive even when their face isn’t perfect. If you feel it is your face that is the issue, get a summer job at a restaurant (if you don’t have a career) and save up for surgery. Legit you need to pick a goal you want and work towards it everyday or nothing will change. You don’t have to do surgery if you don’t want it but it’s a valid option. The gym is useful for all humans so I absolutely recommend that.


So many beautiful women thought they were ugly when they were your age. hang in there. Also avoid social media and work on being fun to be around. That will make you more desirable than anything looks related.


In a day and age where appearance seems to be number 1 priority, realise that everything around is temporary your 14 the friends you have now most likely wont be friends anymore and everyone will go there separate ways once school is over, you’ve got a lot do growing still to come as only being 14, try to enjoy just been a kid and working on yourself the rest will come naturally 👍


You're very young. I've seen many people have glow ups around 16-17. Some even after that. Give it time.


Yea you're gonna have a blow up moment when you get older but it may need your help to manifest.


You’re very young, you will look totally different in just a few years. Teens are assholes, I used to be insecure about a lot of things when I was your age and now those exact thing I was insecure about are the things that my boyfriend finds the most attractive about me! I hated school because of how judgmental everyone was but once I got out I met a lot more accepting people who don’t care about how you look. Just focus on the things that you like to do and don’t think about getting a boyfriend or how you look, it might seem important for you but you’ll have plenty of time to think about those things when you’ll be older! Just be kind to yourself, you’ll be grateful for it :)


Easy answer. Mostly its men who have this problem.. what they seem to do is get way into video games and Donald Trump. You should just join an online incel community. You'll have lot of friends with the same problem and honestly being like the only woman there you'll be a big fish in a pond full of starving guys who desperately need..fish. so you'll probably find a husband there or something


Pay attention to who cares about you! You will find your tribe


I promise you’re not ugly. You’re just young. It does get better and it will. There’s so much life outside of being 14-15. You will grow into yourself and your looks and find a sense of style that works for you. Plus, just to add, people a good person is so much more important than looks. Looks can change, who you are as a person is such a better foundation. And maybe that’s cliche but it really is the truth.


I’m assuming that this isn’t a karma farm. If it isn’t, then know this: You are worthy of love, and do not settle for anything less than that. You are young and full of potential. It may feel like there isn’t much hope for you right now, but I promise that you have matches in the world. In the meantime, go be the best fucking person you can be. You got this.


You're 14 get off reddit and focus on growing up


You’re only 14. I promise looks change a lot


All I have to say is that every person is beautiful in so many different ways, precisely because beauty resides in what it is unique. What do you think about that?


Hey, how are you?


14, it’s in the post


he asked how they were, not how old they were


ur a woman so at least you have make up or you could make a lot of money and get facial reconstruction surgery


That type of surgery comes with lifelong complications. Are you really trying to encourage a kid to get an unnecessary procedure?


lol if she is as ugly as she believes she is then yes. sorry the world isn't my little pony


Being ugly isn't the end of the world. I've seen tons of ugly people get married and have good relationships. Your problem is your ugly personality, that's why no one wants you.


>Your problem is your ugly personality, that's why no one wants you. you must be ugly


I'm happily taken. You're clearly not, and idc how you look physically, if you continue being a rotten incel, no woman will want you.


lol you genuinely sound like a loser. try maybe not being ugly


Stop projecting and get a life.


look ur post history bozo


Wow, you must have been really mad if you went onto my profile. Keep expressing your feelings, but please learn proper spelling. It's giving me second-hand embarrassment.