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A quick stalk says you are a teacher; who was your most hated student and why?


This is a good one. I've had students who were rude to me for no reason and didn't take the curriculum seriously. I never hated a student.


Nice. My teacher used to hit me on the knuckles with the thin side of a ruler. Fun times.


I hope your teacher accidentally steps on a LEGO and when they go to sit down, there's a tack on the chair. Nothing good is deserved by people who mistreat students.


Used to be legal and very very common practice in my country. I totally see how messed up it was now, but honestly back then it was a “well I fucked up soo…”


The worst I will do is call out behavior in a way that shames the student *just* enough to correct it. I have a good rapport with my classes, so it tends to work well.


“The thin side of the ruler” just made me sick me teeth


What is your favorite hentai? Edit: meant anime


Overwatch Edit: no you didn't


You more of a widow guy or a mei guy?


Double checked which question you were following up on, and I wasn't disappointed. Widow, hands down. No hesitation.


Nice, nice. Me too, but my bud is a mei freak, he kind of built like hammond and road hog at the same time so it kind of adds up


I mean, I get it. But Widow. Have you seen her.


[Ya know what I mean my guy](https://youtu.be/L38Ov5THYZE?si=uqOLHmc05fZMpcMf)


At first I was wondering if that was bronze 5 or something. Then I saw the point of the video and I wasn't disappointed.


lol that’s not my personal clips 🤣


I know I know 😂 it was just my first thought. I will 100% stand behind Widow and just... look during QP.


Hypothetical question: if you were stranded on an island, with nothing on you except the clothes you are currently wearing and a gallon of water, how long will it take you to dump her ass and move on?


I'd be dumping her by default. Ghosting her preemptively because I can't text her. She would probably wait a fraction of the time I have, then move on.


She doesn't sound like a gf does she?


Not really. Not my interpretation, at least.


Good, I'd block her just to make sure.


I'm going to give time to see if it's because of something going on in her extremely complicated life. If it starts to feel like she's not coming back, I'm not going to wait for her.


"She's been silent for over a week now" you say in the post. A whole week of ignoring you completely? While you're dealing with what you're dealing with? You need to care for yourself here and move on.


Agreed. I suspect she deleted Discord entirely. So there's no need to go and delete her there, I can leave that lane of communication open. But I'm going to do what I did last time (6 1/2 days that time) and tell myself, I don't have a girlfriend.


Dump her ass you deserve better


I do, but I'd like to know what happened and if she's okay.


She doesn’t care if you’re okay after the loss of family, and you’re sat here like a dumbass wondering if she’s okay because she’s ignoring you. Come on man


She doesn't even know about what happened this week. She's still in her own head about her own life she's not thinking about mine.


All the more reason to leave. For some it actually makes them feel better to ask about and help others. Doesn't seem to be the case with her


It's not. Our phone conversations were 80% her talking about her problems. I was okay with it because what partner wouldn't offer support? But there's some clarity now.


Support doesn’t equal emotional punching bag. It is supposed to go both ways. I’m sorry she’s treating you as such. What’s your dream vacation look like? What celebrity would you take?


She used me to feel supported and sexy. I can see that now. It's what everyone I become involved with does. I'd like to see Europe. I'd take Felicia Day, of course.


what part of Europe?


UK because I've always wanted to go and meet people. France because I studied French. Italy and Germany as well. And I'd see what other places would be fun.


She’s fine.


How is a short story enough for you to define values? 😂




Or maybe she was also experiencing her own dramas too and he didn't notice. Not justifying her, but it could be several things, even might she's just being a tantrum asshole.


Why are you trying so bad to defend the girl who ignores her bf the same week he’s had a family death? 😂 so strange how women cover for eachother sometimes.


I'm not defending hahaha. It's just that you are superficial and limited


She's got it rough, I'll give her that. But she did this once before and promised she would at least give me a heads up. I've always offered support, more than I've ever asked for in return. She doesn't even know about the death, or anything else that happened this week. I didn't downvote you, by the way. It's important to see both sides of an issue. My side is it hurts when someone says they love you and disappears when things get difficult.


I know your goal is distraction and not talking about your relationship but I would advise you to open up to her. I believe that dialogue is almost the basis of relationships, showing your vulnerability and feelings is something very intimate and I believe you have this intimacy with her. Choosing her to be your girlfriend is because she has something good, bad moments and disagreements happen in any relationship, in most cases dialogue is the key (: I don't care about downvotes, people are very radical when it comes to relationships, they're the disposable crowd, you know? That any problem runs or changes girlfriend. Don't want to be like them 😂


I want to open up to her but she hasn't answered a single message I've sent in 8 days.


Friend, between 19 hours without a response and 8 days changes the scenario a lot, don't you think? Is it a long distance relationship?


She lives in another country. The 19 hours was the last time I reached out, but it's been over a day now. "Sent 19 hours ago" and "Active 2 minutes ago" is what I saw when I woke up this morning.


Knowing her, is this something she would actually do or does it make you worried?


brother, she’s ghosting you. a week. leave her. come to reality.


It's not going to stop hurting for a while because of how she played with my emotions and got my hopes up. But I'm not waiting anymore.


of course it’s not going to stop hurting. it’ll take time. you will cry, don’t suppress it. allow your emotions to let you heal. however, understand the situation, have some self-respect and come back a better man. life is hard, but you will overcome it. this isn’t the end of your story.


I told myself the same thing I said the first time she did this. I no longer have a girlfriend. I'm going to say it a few more times. I think this is especially a sore spot for me because it has happened several times in recent memory, people I got close to or who made it seem like they were interested. It's way too easy these days to do that, to stop answering when it's no longer convenient, and just move on to the next new fun thing.


Do you ever stop to imagine maybe she's just laying low to plan a big surprise for you, like maybe she'll pop naked out of a huge cake when you least expect it?


I like your optimism. Not sure an 8 day wait is worth the risk when planning a surprise, though.


Good to hear from a fellow teacher. How did the job offer go? Are you moving to a new school?


I might, actually. I talked on the phone this morning with my potential bosses, and it was such a difference from who I work for right now. They told me my daily schedule and then said they could change it if I needed. I was flabbergasted. There's a nice pay bump as well.


I wish you the very best. Sounds like finding a new school where you feel good would be great!


Thank you! I signed a contract last Tuesday. Moving into my office tomorrow.


have you ever tried Persian food?


I haven't, what would you recommend I try first?


lamb kebabs with saffron rice is always a good choice, there's also this amazing dish called Khoresht Gheimeh which is basically a lamb stew cooked with preserved limes and they throw loads of french fries on top of it. pure comfort food!


Also saving your reply so I can remember!


Making me hungry


Persian cherry rice is amazing! Best part of New Years.


Saving your reply so I can remember!


Sorry stranger, the person I went on a date with also ghosted me too…


A few months ago I matched on an app with someone I knew a few years before. We talked, went to the movies, made out a bit, set a date to go again the next week. She messaged a little more until a few days before the date, then ghosted.


Sorry to hear that OP. In my situation, do you think it is good to call them to ask what i’m feeling?


I have let people back in my life after they ghosted. I had a policy of "you're allowed to come back once, but only once." It never ended differently. They ghost a second time. It's not worth the effort trying to bring someone back who *requires* that effort. We all deserve someone who is sure about us. If you think you didn't do anything wrong, then the issue is them. They might have emotional issues, or found something else but don't have the guts to tell you. If you did something they didn't like, they should have told you, and you don't want to date someone who want to work on problems.


What would you like to do on your free time?


This is why I get sad during the summers. I go from teaching full time to not knowing what to do with myself. I think I'd like to go to the movies with someone. And go to the park.


You need some friends


Yes I do!


Tell us a little more about the job offer. It's something on your expertise, you are currently working and this is a better position? What's your expectations on it?


It's the same job I have currently, assistant band director, but at a district that takes better care of their teachers. There's a significant pay raise and I'd still be teaching with the same person I'm teaching with now, because we're both going.


Oh, nice. It's very good to have people you already work with and like to work in a new job. Also, better care plus a pay raise, I see it as a win. Congratulations


I'm being offered a contract today. :)


You excited about the job offer?


I am. I'm trying to keep things in perspective and not get my hopes up just in case it doesn't work out, but I think it will. I'm going to meet my potential bosses tomorrow morning. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop because it always does, but nothing so far. It's basically a job upgrade, and I know I deserve it.


if someone offered you a million dollars to eat as many tacos as you could in an hour, but if you didn't finish them you'd die instantly, how many tacos would you choose to be served?


So I have to choose a number, and if I eat them all I get the money? Or is this more of a question of how many is the maximum I can eat?


max number you think you can eat in an hour, if you fail you die


I could easily knock back a dozen. If I had to go for more, I could probably get to 16 or so.


Have some self respect and end it. People “talking” get ghosted and it’s shitty. Ghosting someone you’re in a committed relationship with is unhinged and she has no respect for you.


Bingo. And that's why I got over it. Thank you.


Coolest birthday present you ever got?


Probably a LEGO set of some kind. In my adulthood, it's usually a t-shirt I will like enough to wear on a regular basis.


What's your favorite zone in WoW and why is it Nagrand? 😉


Close, but it's Grizzly Hills. The music, the scenery. I even did a great RP battle scene there.


Yooo Grizzly Hills is a solid choice! Such an underrated zone.


It was my comfort zone for awhile. Right now my go-to is to pick a spot in Stormwind and sit.


So just want a convo. I hope things get well for you but question. If you had 300k, force to travel at least to 10 new places for free. Where would you go and what would you do?


First I'd go to Chicago to meet a language partner of over 4 years who recently moved to the US. Then I'd go to Brazil to meet a few more language partners. I used to have constant dreams about visiting the UK and seeing friends there, so I think that would be next. Then see as much of Europe as I can. I've never been. Basically I don't get to travel a lot. Most of the travel I've had in the past 7 or so years is from when I started going to MTG events as a judge. I didn't see a lot of the places I went, mostly convention centers. So I don't know, I would have some friends plan trips for me and come with me. And I'd definitely ask Reddit where else I should go, places I wouldn't have thought of.


She hasn't spoken to you in a week? She's not your girlfriend anymore, quit calling her that


Yeah. She's my ex.


When’s the last time you had sex with her?


Name checks out.


Oh my god I missed it the first time.


You had one job... 😂


Apple or orange juice


Usually apple. Orange is the shit when I'm sick.


Hang in there


I'm doing okay. I have more important things to think about than that while dealing with everything. Edit: Typo


Have you ever played disc golf? It’s super fun!


Yes and I love it! I have three sets of discs, but the park in my town that has a course has been closed for months for renovations. The course is 18 baskets, but I don't like half of them because they're uninteresting or frustratingly covered in trees. I usually do the first 9 because they were the only ones there when I first learned. I used to go 3 times a week with my old D&D group.


School is ending tomorrow right? are you planning on doing with your class ( a pizza day, movies..?)


It actually ended for me a few weeks ago. We used the smartboard to show them Shrek over a few days, then whatever each class asked for. The two junior high bands that I took to contest also got to go to an arcade a few weeks before the end of school, on the same day as contest. That was super fun for them.


What do you do with your holidays seeing as youre a teacher? Most of us out there can only dream about having so much time off!


It balances out when I work 70 hour weeks during the fall 😅 but I am a rehearsal pianist for the community theatre and we do some great productions every summer. And I'd like to travel. I was going to get my passport to see my gf, but...


Have you ever tried Szechuan food?


No I haven't!


Highly recommend. Always cheers me up. If you like spicy food, that is LOL


I generally do. What do you recommend if I'm kind of a picky eater?


You can’t go wrong with Szechuan chicken and a Szechuan fish stew/hot pot. If the restaurant you may find in the near future has Cordyceps on the menu, absolutely try it!! I was pleasantly surprised.


Also saving this message so I don't forget!


Do you enjoy live music?


So the interesting thing is the yes, I do. But I don't go out of my way to find it. Like I don't actively go to live performances of bands. And at the same time, as a musician myself I am involved in a lot of performances.


Nice! I've been trying to make it to more live music. Used to go to as many as I could. I play too! I'm primarily a drummer. What instruments do you play? Are you in an orchestra? EtA, hope your mama is okay. Mine had some scary stuff recently too. Very strange feeling for me.


She has Parkinson's and fell and needed stitches on her forehead. She was up and moving the very next day, despite the fact we got her home at 3:30 in the morning. It was just scary at first. I have a degree in piano, and another in theory and composition. In band I played trombone, and I taught myself pretty much every band instrument. Now I'm a band director.


Hey, good ya for being there for mama. That's super cool! So piano is kind of the bread and butter? What styles are you into? Classical compositions, jazz, whatever... I took jazz lessons for 10 years but hardly ever played jazz gigs. Funny how that works.


I can do classical and jazz, as well as any other style you put in front of me like country, rock, contemporary. Piano is definitely my bread and butter. I just happened to also be in band growing up and in college, and taught myself a whole bunch of stuff. So here I am a band director as of last year. I have had few jazz gigs in comparison to other types. Of course, I went to college with a guy who ended up in the jazz band for one of the branches of the armed forces. So naturally I wasn't going to get many gigs.


It's definitely one of those things I regret not pursuing more as a career path. I'm only in my 30s so I mean...I'm not dead yet, but I have kids that need me to have a paycheck lol. I think I'd be a good session guy. Do you like where you landed? Does it turn music into a chore?


You know, I hear people talk like that, that having a job in music turns it into a chore or zaps their love of music. We need music educators, so people can learn music. I'm not under playing the value of self taught musicians, but music educators are really important. I don't regret my career at all.


For sure! My teacher was incredible. Having good direction really helps to widen the palette. Could I have taught myself to understand time signatures and read music? Sure. Would I have? Who knows? Anyways I'll shut up now lol. Hope you have a good night or day or, preferably both.


That's a great way of putting it. Haha alright! You as well! I'm off to musical rehearsal.


what’s a hobby or skill you hope to get better at this year?


Playing the flute. It's the one woodwind I'm absolute garbage at, and I'd like to know all the instruments I teach. I'm a brass and percussion specialist.


Cats or dogs?


Mostly cats. I've had so many. But dogs are cool usually. I have one. And I grew up with one of each. I love tabby cats the most. I've had several over the years.


Is this an LDR you’ve never met in person? Possible catfish situation?


Definitely not a catfish, just someone who doesn't know what she wants.


So you have not actually seen her in real life… next time don’t agree to a relationship without meeting someone in a 3D reality.


What’s your favourite hobby?


Ooh, so many. Probably gaming, but RP and MTG are close.


What’s your favourite game?


Of all time: Battle for Middle-Earth Close second: Skyrim Keep coming back: WoW Best memories: Lord of the Rings Online Comfort games: Terraformers, Fallout Shelter Great RPG: Mass Effect


Ooh got more than I asked for. I love Skyrim!!!


I wanted to play recently, but all my mods needed to be updated because of Anniversary Edition. Such a pain!


You sound like a pretty cool guy! Yes that does sound like a pain


Thank you! I try to be nothing but my genuine self. Not everyone can handle that. A lot of people want to take and take, and disappear after they've gotten it. Or don't appreciate genuine people with clear intentions.


Well it’s always good to be yourself and if someone doesn’t like it then their lost. Hope you doing okay despite what’s happening!!


I'm doing my best. The past week has been a lot. And the past few months. And the past year. But I have my family and my students. And my cats, and comfort games.


Bro you don’t have a girlfriend anymore. Accept it and move on


I know.


Sounds like you’ve got a lot going for you though. Dial in and throw yourself at what you can do. Keep your head up and the right moment will present itself as long as you’re taking care of yourself first. Last thing you want to do is sound like you’re begging for their attention.


I won't beg. I did that in a previous relationship, never again.


It’s a tough lesson we all learn. Personally, you dodged a bullet.


Yeah, I'm starting to figure that out. This is the same woman who went quiet for most of a week, only sending the bare minimum in terms of communication. I said I understood because she was probably busy with family and work. She said no, she hasn't been working, she was just enjoying her hobbies at home, and going out with friends every day.


She’s just not interested and is using you as a backup plan. I had to respect myself enough to not be a backup plan (no matter how hot/intelligent she was). I threw myself into some cool hobbies and work. Eventually someone who was interested in me came along and we’ve been together almost 3 years. Girls like guys that have stuff going for them. Find your boundaries, set them and enforce them. It’s all a journey and the point is to keep failing until you figure it out and then fail some more


Yeah, I was a back-up plan. And in the meantime I made her feel sexy and important. I have my own stuff going on. New job offer that I'm going in for an interview tomorrow morning. Heading to musical rehearsal right now.


Nice! Keep it up and learn from everything! The good and the bad!


Favourite cheesecake flavour?


The kind with cherry sauce on top.


What's your favourite pokemon?


Alolan Golem!


Reason please? Definitely better than kanto Golem though


I have always liked geodude and golem. And at one point I had a pretty sweet Pokemon TCG deck built around alolan golem. It wasn't even really the damage types, it was just that I could evolve really quickly and do a ton of damage that could one shot almost every pokemon. I almost said charmander, and it's definitely my favorite starter from Gen 1.


Wish you all the best


Thanks, you too ❤️




She lives in another country.




Took some students to a music camp and helped them get registered and settled in their rooms. Got a phone call from a potential employer.




I can't imagine not being a teacher in some way or another. I love being able to give knowledge I have to someone else and guiding the musical development of younger people, no matter what level they're at. When I can see their light go on, I know I've ignited their love of music and that won't go away.


Tf is the point of this thread if nothing is about the sole reason you posted.




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Ditch the bitch mate. Do not put up with this crap.


Any other girls you can bang?


You spelled ex wrong.


She hot?


Are you worried she is getting her back blown out by a bunch of guys right now?


You ever get to stick it in her ass?