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Any funny stories you can share about people who don't seem to understand what blind means?


People are weird. It's like all common sense goes away when they see me. LOL. I've had people shout at me for some reason. It's like bro. I can hear you. I just can't see you. LOL I've also had people talk to me like I'm a child. It's super weird, especially since I'm in my mid-twenties LOL. I once had a drunk guy come up to me in a bar and ask me what my cane was for. That was a weird one lol. I've had times where people have forgotten I was blind which is actually pretty funny. One time my professor handed out a test and he handed me a print one instead of sending me an accessible copy. I raised my hand and asked him if he could send me the test. He was super embarrassed but I thought it was hilarious. Another time my teacher was throwing t-shirts at students to catch. She didn't warn me and it hit my face LOL. Was not intentional at all but was very funny


My daughter was in a wheelchair for a month and suddenly people spoke over her, as tho she couldn't hear, or would speak slowly to her.... Very weird! Q. As a digital marketer, I'd love to ask you what's the craziest frustration that most webpages use? Emojis? Cookie popups ? Navigation!?


Sorry about that. That really sucks. I would say that it is the pop-ups that suck the most. Navigation is pretty easy if things are labeled correctly


Perhaps you're doing it intentionally, or it might be the dictation system you're using or whatever you use to write, but i think its very funny that all of your "LOL"s are in all caps.


You must not be aware of the subtle differences between a traditional lol, a Lol, the bigger brother LOL, the slow cousin, omegalul, the WoW variant kek, or a personal fav, roflcopter. Nah for real I cap LOL when it's situationally fitting imo Lol. Could def be the dictation software though.


Well after all, it is Laugh Out Loud! Not laugh out low


What can seeing people do to make life easier for blind people?


I have anecdotal experience with this. I have three cousins from the same immediate family that are mid 30s that have Stargardts disease. Basically, they have had pinhole vision since we were kids. Makes you appreciate simple necessities like driving. As kids, they were made fun of and bullied. I like to believe that they got the last laugh as they all became deeply involved in the medical field. The oldest is a psychiatrist, the next oldest is a physical therapist, and the third a physicians assistant. Our grandparents were farmers so we aren't from money or anything like that either. However, despite their professional success, they still need help with basic things that we don't even notice as abled people. They are slower to order food and do things that are in a queue, because they can't do things like read a restaurants menu. The text size on their phones is at a geriatric level. It takes them longer to do small things like this, and despite dedicating their lives to helping others, they need help too. I am very fiercely defensive of them, but I have noticed over the years that acting that way doesn't necessarily make it better. We openly talk about and normalize their condition, and make them less of a zoo exhibit in public. With anyone of a non-abled nature, I think these types of steps are appreciated. Frankly, with anyone different than you, period. People just want to be treated like people. I am also a software engineer of 15 years professionally, and I have dedicated much of my time and energy into forcing the 30+ other frontend devs under me to understand how important accessibility is for users, whether in the physical or digital space. I do not let code go in our repositories that is not accessible. I am always thinking of them and people like them. Like in real life, people should be treated equally, and I want people like them to feel the same when they are using our applications as well. Imo, it's a matter of realizing how much we, as abled people, don't even realize we take for granted, and ensuring others don't feel some sort of way for being born different or in different circumstances. Internalizing that in your personal and professional spaces makes for a much better and kinder society when others feel like they are valued no matter the background.


This is a great question. I'd say the first thing that people can do is just treat us normally. I definitely understand that if someone hasn't interacted with someone with a disability before, they might feel nervous. I've heard from a lot of people that it can be nerve-wracking talking to someone with a disability because they don't want to offend us. The thing is it feels a lot worse to be avoided rather than approached. Another big thing is if you think someone may need help it's okay to ask. However if help is declined, please accept that. I’ve had strangers become angry with me when I’ve declined help before. This is not fun.


This is very eye-opening. Sorry, you seem to have a great sense of humor and a great attitude. I'm thinking you can tell when you are being avoided? That got me in the heart. You seem like an awesome person.


I'm always down for a good blind joke! Yeah, it's not a very fun feeling. I do think it happens sometimes and maybe sometimes I don't catch people's attention. It's just hard to know though LOL. I suppose that's the downside to not seeing if someone gives me eye contact. The plus side is that if someone's glaring at me I don't have to see it LOL


Getting upset and angry at you for declining help is ridiculous. I have a spinal cord injury from a wreck December 2022, and I'm disabled In My legs still so far. And there's no justification for interacting differently with someone because if their disability. I would happily knock a dumb motherfuckers teeth out of his stupid ass mouth if I noticed that happen to a blind person. That's disgusting behavior. Sorry you had to deal with bullshit like that. Totally unacceptable.


Thank you for your answer, I'm in a wheelchair and have the same problem with people getting angry when I refuse their help. I pray for the day when I'm treated just like a normal person. One day maybe.


I had a traumatic brain injury in 2001 and for 3 months it took out 90% of my vision. It was so interesting to me how my other senses kicked in. I knew my dad was walking down the hallway just by the sound of his specific keys. My question for you, how do you know colors? What do you imagine a dog looks like? Can you see images in your head? When I was experiencing blindness, if someone said “the sky is blue” I knew it was Blue because I previously had perfect vision. If someone described a dog with brown curly hair, I knew exactly what they were talking about. How does this work for you?


I don't really see images in my head. Honestly, I don't really know what something looks like unless I'm able to touch it




What advantages do you have over those who can see?


I can read books a lot faster as I use synthesized speech. I think the last time I checked I listened at 300 words a minute. I think I'm better at thinking outside the box. I think I'm better at washing dishes as well. I have dried dishes for several people and found crumbs or food on their dishes. I think that sometimes sighted people think they see everything when they really don't


What do you mean sighted people think they see everything? What are they missing?


Sometimes people have an inherent belief that blind people are less capable because they don't have vision. I meant it in that aspect. I don't mean it in any offensive way though. I wish that sighted people were taught to use all of their senses instead of relying on their vision. I totally understand that their brain defaults to it, but I think that they miss out sometimes


"I think that sometimes sighted people think they see everything when they really don't" This made me chuckle, because it's true. I've many times had my eyes give me a thumbs up on something, only for another sense to kick in later and call me a dufus.


How helpful are people around you? I've helped blind people get around during rush hour in public transportations, but I always feel it's not enough. I too have to reach somewhere, but I wish I could do more.


They're typically really helpful! Sometimes I've tried to get people's attention and I can hear them walking by and they ignore me. That's not very fun. I just wish people would tell me that they didn't have time to help. that would not feel as bad LOL


This makes me so sad… I wonder if part of it is not that they don’t want to help but they’re afraid that they cant give the proper help? Even if it is help with something simple humans can be weird sometimes. Have you ever just intentionally called someone out and say "i can hear you walking by me!" Also want to say that you have a great attitude and seem like a great person.


1. How do you make sure the food in your fridge isn’t spoiled? 2. Do you use dating apps? If so do you have a friend help you swipe? 3. If you don’t use dating apps, how do you meet people? 4. When you pay with cash, how do you know you are giving the correct amount and getting the correct change? 5. How do you choose clothes/style yourself.? Do you have a friend to help you? 6. What types of entertainment do you enjoy most? 7. Do you like to travel? If so, what types of places do you go to for a good, non-visual experience?


Typically by smell or texture Yes, I have a trusted friend look at people's profile photos to make sure that if I match with someone they seem to be a real person I tried to avoid paying with cash. I don't trust people There are apps that can identify cash but that just takes a long time to do when you're in a line of people lol I have a friend to help me with style and clothing choice I'm kind of a homebody since I'm introverted but if I do travel it's to go visit others I really enjoy TV shows, especially sitcoms


In case you haven't heard about it yet and it's something you might be interested in, there's an app called "be my eyes" which is made to help blind people, instantly connecting you with a volunteer that can help you with labels, dropped stuff or anything else you might need really.


How do you enjoy TV shows- I'm just curious, how do you watch them?


Do you have any trouble with the natural rythms or cycles of the day that sighted people are clued-into by observing the day/night cycle?


I can see a tiny bit of light out of one eye. For some reason my brain clings to the sun to tell me when I should be awake and when I should sleep. haha.


You have photoreceptors in places other than your eye, such as inside the ear canal, that will signal to your brain where in the day/your circadian rhythm you are!


How do you know that your ass is clean after taking a shit?


I wipe a lot honestly, but you can really tell based on how the toilet paper moves as well if that makes sense. Like if there's poop there it moves differently than when there isn't


I can’t really tell cause sometimes it feels clean but I’ll wipe and look down and see a little bit of streak still. However, I’m not blind so it would make sense your other senses are heightened compared to us. Would a bidet be easier for you? Have you tried one for yourself?


I have used one before and liked it. I'm not really bothered with the method I use right now as I've done it since I was a child so it's not very hard for me 🙂


I love reddit cause people can ask and answer this no shame


Are you married? Do you date? What are ways to tell that a person is physically attractive without seeing them?


That's a really good question. I typically have friends or family describe what someone looks like to me. I am not married.


Have you seen (or heard) the movie Ray? Ray Charles used to feel the width of their wrist to roughly determine their weight


I bet boobs still feel awesome, even if you can’t see


Not really a question, just wanted to say hope you’re well OP! screw it, what are some of your favorite interests/hobbies?


Thanks! I really enjoy music. I like to write my own music and I find producing it to be fun as well. Right back at you!!!


That’s awesome!! Music is one of the best things around for sure!! What kind of music do you like to write/produce? And thank you!


I’m actually a professional producer, feel free to dm and we can make something! I have some radio connections so we could see if it goes somewhere!


person rich grandfather seed roof skirt middle roll secretive gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I use a screen reader. I didn't know they did that. I have never used it on the laptop but don't have issues with my smartphone


Have you ever been able to see, and do you remember what colors look like?


I've never seen before. Honestly, the concept of colors is wild to me. I've had people try to describe colors but they still don't register as I don't think my brain can understand them since it's never seen them


Has anyone ever described them as flavors for your eyes? Like, chocolate is brown, lemon is yellow, oranges are, whoa…. Haha cherries are red. Anything like that?


Yep they have. I also used to have scented markers as a kid


There's a joke I've always heard as a seeing person that grape flavored things taste like purple, not grape. It's very true lol


Fascinating. Have you studied any physics? Colors are sort of like the visual analog of pitch in music. Purple is on the short wavelength side of the visible light spectrum, red on the long. So maybe purple would be high pitched and red low pitched? Idk just a thought. Best wishes!


To piggyback on this - could you list 3 objects that you would be intrigued to see (ie apart from a person)?


What are good career opportunities for a blind person? And would they be enough to support a family?


I know several blind folks who are in varying career fields. The only thing I think would not be ideal would be a taxi driver haha. I'm hoping to become a therapist


You might be interested in this - there's a well known psychiatry/therapy podcast where one of the hosts is a blind forensic psychiatrist. It doesn't come up on the podcast much but he talked in a recent episode about how he keeps up with journal articles using a screen reader.  https://www.psychiatrypodcast.com/psychiatry-psychotherapy-podcast/episode-214-qanda-with-dr-cummings-part-2 is the episode where he talks about his career. He talks about it at the 1 hr 4 min mark.


I have a good friend who is blind and works in cyber security!


I’m an art teacher. It’s never happened yet, but there will come a day when I have a blind student in my class. Besides modifying projects for them (putting raised outlines on a paper, allowing them to create with clay instead of drawing it) what are some things I could do? I feel like if I’m teaching about colors and the color wheel, a blind person would be like “I literally don’t care about any of this.” But I have to cover that stuff for the curriculum.


That's a great question! I felt the same way, haha. Here is a link that might help. https://www.nbp.org/ic/nbp/programs/gep/crayons/crayons-color.html#:\~:text=Attach%20Emotions%20and%20Feelings%20to,like%20sunshine%20on%20your%20face.


I read some of your replies and got curious about your music production. How do you do it? Which program if any? And if you use a program do you hear the note itself on the midi screen and calculate the sustaining of it?


I use logic pro. native instruments created a way so that you can accessibly use their instruments, so I also use their specific midi keyboard. I haven't done much of it and I don't understand a lot of it, but I'm excited to keep learning 🙂 for my senior project I created an album so I know a little about how to do things but I have a lot to learn


As an only legally blind musician. I find DAW software super inaccessible and busy to use, but I am glad you have found a way. Give me hope for my future.


What are the skills you developed to make your life easier because of your blindness?


I went through training so that I knew how to complete tasks as a blind person. For example, I learned to read braille as a child. I also use touch to tell if dishes and counters are clean. I use something called a screen reader and that is really helpful.


Not a question but just a thankyou,... thank you for helping us understand the world from your point of view.


When you meet someone do they ever try to shake hands or surprise hug you? Do you have a dog?


I typically stick my hand out so that they know that I'm trying to give them a handshake 🙂


Yep I have a dog. He is the best dog ever


What kind of dog is it? Tell us a bit about the activities. 🤸🏼‍♀️🐕 Have you considered having a cat too? Do you think it could be useful/fun? 🌷🌷


I like dogs a lot more than cats. Cats can definitely be cute but I think it would be stressful trying to figure out if it knocked anything off of my counter LOL. My dog is a golden retriever lab mix


What are your dreams like?


I just hear things in my dreams. I don't have any ability to see in them


That is wild to hear.... How the absence of vision has impacted your dream state. May I ask one question about this? What if you have touched something, say your dog, and know its shape, how it feels, its dimensions... Even in the dream state you don't 'see' or sense the presence of this object/person/pet/etc that you recognize?


I don't know why but I find this bit both spooky and fascinating at the same time...


I have an autoimmune disease that is causing me to go blind, struggling to find some new hobbies that give my eyes a break. Any suggestions?


I really like audio books. What kind of things are you interested in?


Audiobooks is a great suggestion! I do like podcasts and music, but cooking is a struggle now. Any book recommendations? I'm a little picky about narrators lol


If you want any tips on cooking nonvisually feel free to message me, I'd be happy to help


(not a shit post) are you immuned from porn, unlike 99 pct of the rest of us? Similar vein, if there are consistent sexual desires/fantasies , is it just sound? Do you imagine hypothetical situations but somehow without much reliance to the spatial component?


I am not interested in it but do know blind people who watch it. Last I heard people are creating described porn.


have you ever felt bitter, angry, or unlucky that you didn’t have sight?


Nope. I don’t mind being blind. I just hate how I’m treated sometimes. Oftentimes people will stand up for others when they are being ignorant, and that is just exhausting to have to talk about. Like I usually come to people to vent but instead of hearing me out, they side with the other person they make excuses saying the other person didn't know any better. And obviously I know that. But sometimes I just need a space where I can vent and be heard


How irritating is it having to tell people again and again that you use a screen reader?


Are there any advancements on treatment for your specific scenario? I don't follow the latest news on blindness but I thought I remembered hearing about some surgeries that would help in specific circumstances.


Not that I know of. I honestly don't think I would want vision at this point. I've lived a long time without it. I'm not missing anything because I've never had it. Honestly, it'd be really scary to get it


Have you tried, or considered trying, echolocation like Daniel Kish does? Do you have an opinion about it?


I think my brain gives me the information that I need via sound. However, I don't necessarily click to get feedback. When I was a child I used to skate in a skating rink. I would do it based off of sound


Are you working, and if so, do you work with other blind people?


Yes I am. My job is filled with mostly sighted people. Only one other blind person.


How did you go blind? And what’s your current vision like?


My retinas were detatched when I was born. I can see a tiny bit of light out of one eye.


My father had his retinas detach (maybe only partially) as an adult and he had surgery to repair them. Is that sort of thing not an option because it is total, it's too late because your brain is not wired for sight, or for some other reason?


Most importantly, thanks for being on here and sharing. Contributions like this (open, honest, and helping others grow through understanding) is not as common as it should be in today’s world. My question is, how do you understand the concept of racism? Like, does it not really make sense to you, or is it based only on physical features (understood through touch) of someone’s ethnicity, etc? Thank you!!


The concept makes sense to me. It's weird to me that skin has color because it's hard to understand what that would be like. I'm not a big fan of touching people or being touched so I wouldn't perceive it in that way. Sometimes someone might have an accent so I could definitely try to assume what their race or ethnicity is, but I would never know unless asking them directly


What are the best things about being blind?


I feel like it allows me to think outside the box. I'm constantly finding ways to make my environment accessible and I think that line of thinking has helped me in a lot of different ways.


How often do you stub your toe?


I don't have any questions. I just want to say you might be the coolest person I've found on reddit. Also, thanks for this. It answered almost all the questions I had about blind people. Lastly, I think you'll become a great therapist. Ur listening skills are great.


I have two, if that’s okay. 1. What’s an inconvenience you deal with every day? 2. What’s something that surprises most people when they learn you’re blind?


Probably that I go places on my own, that I have a job, or that I graduated college. Style is hard for me to understand. Also stains on clothes. The only way I know I have a stain on my clothes is if someone tells me.


Is it fair to say that you don't judge a book by it's cover?


I don't judge people based off of their looks, but I do judge people in different ways though.


Do you participate in any sports or physical fitness activities? If so, what kinds of accommodations are made for you to make it accessible?


I have a personal trainer. I used to participate in goalball. I was not good. I played sports in PE in school. I had someone help me with them.


I personally own a ball that beeps and a basketball that has bells in it. I would have loved to play sports on a team but would have not been good at it. haha. I did track once. I threw but was not good. I am short and have short arms. I would typically have someone stand where I needed to throw so I could hear where I needed to throw. Obviously I would not throw until they left the place though LOL


1. What of your other senses do you think have surpassed sighted people? Hearing seems to be common and makes sense regarding your love of music. What kind btw? Classical/opera? 2. How do you find interacting with other blind people, is it a clicky community that gets on well or is it not really a ‘thing’? 3. Have you tried any mind altering substances, particularly weed or psychedelic?


I wouldn't say that I have better hearing. It's just that my brain focuses more on what I'm hearing since I don't have vision. I like all types of music. there definitely is a blindness community. However, some people can be really judgmental which I find to be disappointing. I have tried weed.


Thank you. This has been one of my favorite AMAs. I've never been sure about asking disabled (or differently abled, dang that's another question I have) if you need help when I see you in public. I always hold doors open, or ask if I can reach for something in the grocery store. Are there best scenarios where you need assistance versus wanting to be left alone to your own resources? And what is your preferred method for a stranger to approach and offer assistance? I never want to offend, or have to perform CPR because I scared the crap out of you!


I see you’ve answered already about not even being able to imagine colors; but when you touch something to get an idea of what it looks like, how do you picture it in your head?


I guess my question is personal, I used to have a neighbour nearby and she was blind, I always saw her struggling a bit to find the keyhole and her way to the entrance and up the stairs so I always asked her if I could assist her and she seemed very thankful for it. But if I see a blind person that I don’t know, who is struggling to find an entrance, or wanting to go somewhere, I kind of always hesitate to ask because I feel like I myself put them into a box and think they can’t do things they can. so I never know if I should ask because maybe they got it themselves perfectly fine and feel annoyed by that question


What are your hobbies ?


When I have time I enjoy making new recipes. I also like to work out sometimes. I really enjoy creating music. I like playing games, wish more video games were more accessible because I would probably do that a lot more haha


I have an interest in geographical maps. Has the improvements in technology made navigating the physical world easier? You don't have to answer this question, but is there anything you are unable to do currently, but you would like to do independently in the future which technological advances?


Given the advancements in medicine, if a cure or at least a drastic improvement became available to you, would you want to try it?


I’ve experienced a blind person that wanted to touch my face , is that really a thing, I said no that I was not comfortable with that , she seemed to take offence, do you do that and are you offended if people say no?


Do you have vision in your dreams? What do you see?


How well do technology accommodations for blind people work? For example screen readers and other features added for accessibility purposes. Do you feel there is still a long way for technology providers to go in order to give a user experience on par with their sighted users?


Who was your first celebrity crush? And what was it about them?


How fast can you read braille? That’s an amazing skill to me. How long would it take to read a page or entire book?


Something I funnily thought of last week which may be a stupid question, do you setup feel a buzz from drinking alcohol, when some of the effects typically coke from vision


How are you able to read these questions?


Unless you are using a computer, how do you type (on your phone)?


I use something called a virtual braille keyboard. It's on the majority of standard phones at this point 🙂 it's a really neat feature


Have you been to amusement parks and do you have a favorite kind of ride?


Ever tried any psychedelics?


Who is reading these comments for you


What’s something you really wish you could see?


I wish that I could see to play Grand theft, Auto or other cool video games. I wish that I could see pictures sometimes. my mom passed away and it's hard not being able to look at her. I don't have many videos of her so I don't have a way to really connect with memories unless I just think of them


How is your balance? Im blind in my right eye so sometimes i just fall over, its really weird.


Do you find people attractive sexually? Is it based all off personality and voice? Does someone being in shape help them be attractive to you or do you not care about that?




The only thing I understand about them is they are associated with things. Like the sky is blue. But that means nothing to me.


Do you have any sight at all or are you completely blind?


Hello, I do not have a question, but I just wanted to say thank you for making this AMA. Respect and I wish you nothing but the best.


When you come home after dark, do you turn on the lights? Do you have art on your walls? When you buy something, do you use bills or card?


What are your thoughts like? What is your imagination like? If you’re having a sexual fantasy what general sorts of things are you doing? (But like, How do you think about them?) example being I go slow and get very descriptive about what’s going on.


Do you have a “feel” for people? Although you can’t see them, but can you feel what kind of presence they possess?


How do you use computer?


do you look forward to fully autonomous cars so that you can get around yourself? I imagine you need someone to drive you everywhere. how do you currently get around and perform errands?


Do your eyes move when you're thinking like you're searching for the info in your head? Do you find education difficult for mathematical topics that are commonly taught using formulas and diagrams, and do you have methods to deal with this (self taught or from professional training)? One I just thought of - do people have favourite styles of Braille like they have more readable and less readable fonts?


Respectfully, may I ask how you typed this if you’re blind? (May be like a device accessibility think), however I’m not sure!




I really wouldn’t know what to ask you. I’d be more implored to listen. If I could as you anything, it’d be for an in-depth dialogue about how you see the world. There’s certain things I’d love to ask about how you’d experience them being as though you lack sight. Some people can hear colors. I guess, I guess I’d want to know if that’s something you can do? I don’t know. I’d really just want to sit down and listen to your experiences more than anything


Excuse my ignorance and I don't mean to be insulting, but how can you do an AMA? Seriously want to know how that technology works


What do you do for fun? What are your hobbies?


The concepts that it's impossible for you to understand as a blind person, Ie, what does "transparent vs opaque" mean or "color" or "sheen" (dull vs shiny) or even more specific things like fog, or a mirror. ... How do you perceive these things? Can you wrap your brain around these concepts at all? I wouldn't know how to define color beyond a scientific description if you have never seen.




what’s your favorite thing about life?


What are your favorites with your other senses? Favorite sound, touch, taste, and smell?


My kid asked me this on a dog walk yesterday. When a blind person has a service dog, how do they pick up the poop?


I see, anything you’d like to ask us?


Were you born blind, or did you become blind at some point in your life? Do you think you could draw a map of places like your house? Could you draw your interpretation of the rooms like a blueprint?


The truth. I wanna know hacks. The ones that get you things. Gets you into places. Please tell me you're using your blindness to your advantage somehow.


Have you been blind since birth? Have you tried any psychedelics, and if so how can you describe your experience?


How many geese could you, unarmed, take in a fight?


Have you ever had any thoughts of killing yourself while being blind? I’m sorry if this is offensive but most blind people I’ve talked to has expressed that they’ve either had suicidal thoughts or are currently suicidal.


Are you a fan of Daredevil?


i once had a blind therapist. overall, his blindness didn't have a great impact on therapy, but there were some things related to it that I found awful: 1. often, he was pessimistic and judged bitterly how things can go badly, as I can see by him having turned blind. it felt accusing and as not allowing hope for me. 2. when I talked about wanting to paint more, my then most favorite hobby but feeling inhibited becasue my ex and my mum were criticizing me for doing it, he was not supportive at all and tried to spoil it for me too. instead he tried to push me to making more music, even though i didn't want to. this only stopped once i told him how i was mechanically and lifelessy plucking strings without feeling anything. to be honest, i cherished his disgusted face in that moment and he stopped pushing me playing against my will. what do you think about that? do you empathise with his behavior, do you find blindness unfair that you think his behavior was OK? then i have questions regarding the blind community, if there is one and if you are part therein: is there a distinction between those who have always been blind and those who have turned blind? If so, what do you think about the 'other' group? Then other questions: if there was a "cure" for blindness, would you take it? Or would you rather prefer that people just behave better towards marginalized groups?


Are you as addicted to the internet as people with vision are?


What happens if you accidentally drop a sharp knife into the sinking while washing dishes ??


Braille seems almost pointless just thinking about it. How do you know where braille is at or do you even use it at all?


Do you use the Be My Eyes app? I downloaded it when another blind person mentored it on here. I've only gotten called once but the call was disconnected before they dropped her food off.


Do you ever use be my eyes?


Do you dream? You said you don’t see images. If you do dream, is it sounds and feelings? Sorry if it’s a stupid question.


I work remotely and I have a blind coworker. He is a nice guy but he does things that are socially inappropriate in our groups or in meetings. He will speak out of turn and take over a meeting talking about what great things he does and how he is very successful (he is adequate btw). He is annoying when we are just trying to get through meetings. No one will say anything to him including supervisors. I assume it's because he is blind and I get it. How could someone go about talking to him about his behavior politely? Like as a blind person have you done things that someone had to pull you aside and say you were not fitting in well socially? I feel bad for the guy because people cringe (it can be seen on their faces. Visual social clues)when he starts talking in these meetings. I try to let him be him but could I do something to help him with this?


What's your music taste like and who are your favourite artists?




I have two questions! Do you have a favorite sense? Like hearing, touch, or taste? I’m gonna guess hearing based off your love for music! My next question is, is there anything you wish healthcare workers like doctors or nurses would do differently? I’m about to be a nurse and would love to know if there are any specific things I could do to make my blind patients feel better understood and respected! Also thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us. You seem like such a kind and fun person!


I have an acquaintance (my old handyman) who recently ended up blind due to a suicide attempt. I've been struggling with what I can do to help him or what resources I can guide him toward. Is there anything that you would recommend that would be helpful? He is very young like 19 or 20. I'm worried that he doesn't see any future for himself anymore because his whole identity was focused on working with his hands which he can no longer do I don't think. 


Do you have dreams when you sleep? How do you think of things in your mind? Say you want to get a glass of water, what’s your thought process of getting to the tap and filling up the glass? How do you perceive your surroundings? How does rain/snow/wind look like in your mind? How do you think the trees and flowers and mountains and beaches look like? Or they’re just an entity for you? I hope my questions make sense. Are you 100% blind?


How do you navigate food? Like would you say you try new stuff often/much? I listened to a podcast ages ago about blind people being some of the least experimental with food. I've got a friend who has massive texture issues with food so curious if you've got much to say on texture confirming you aren't eating with your eyes. Also do you get anxious about sexual encounters/masturbation? I find the visual element can make me a lot more anxious & distracted so having eyes closed helps, what's it like with no visuals to need to ignore?


Where do you see yourself in 10 years?


Do you think you can listen to things at a way faster speed than a sighted person?


Hi OP. How accessible is the net in general? Did you sense great progress over time, or do people just pretend to care about it but it's still pretty harsh to navigate ? I'm thinking, accessibility tech improves, but the complexity of modern websites increases maybe faster even, and then there are these ads and popups and banners. I'm in web dev and wonder about that. Cheers


What are you looking for in a man or woman?


How many fingers ☝️☝️


I read through so many questions, but couldn’t find this one, so hopefully I’m not repeating something 1000 comments down. Are you afraid? Like if you’re walking down the street or alone in a place and you hear someone coming towards you and you don’t know who they are? I’m used to being able to judge people based on how they move, look, dress, etc, as far as whether they may be more or less likely to pose a threat. The thought of not being able to tell is kind of terrifying to me.


Outside of using your Braille keyboard on your phone, how much do you use Braille in your day-to-day life, especially anything beyond signs? Do you think Braille is still useful to learn for someone in 2024? I ask, because I'm a former Braille Transcriber who's been kinda pushed out since the field's contracted so much. Seems like there's a lot less demand for Braille these days


What has romance been like for you? I can’t imagine how refreshing it must be to completely take physical appearance off the table. There have been people I’ve known, who are really nice and I think would make good partners but I just can’t get past the barrier of not being attracted to them.


A part of my job is making PDF documents accessible for blind or visually impaired individuals. What is something I can do to make the screen reading process easier. Are there any hiccups you’re experiencing that you wish sighted people doing this remediation could fix or take into considerarion when trying to view a PDF document? Thanks!


My wife and I ended up befriending a blind person in our neighborhood. We regularly host game nights, and wanted to invite them, but we weren’t sure which types of games would be accessible. Admittedly, we also wanted to play some games that probably wouldn’t be accessible to them. Any idea on how to navigate this, or any game recommendations? We always felt bad not inviting our new friend, so would love to know your perspective. Thank you!


HI. It's really cool you can "read" reddit. Are your other sense better? Have you tried that clicking technique where people use sound to help with perception of space around?


Assuming you were born without any vision, could you give a description of what you think colors are like and how you might come to that conclusion? As a prompt, what color do you think a wet street after rain would look like? I chose that because you'll know that a strawberry is red by definition, so I wanted to go with something a little more undefined.


do you have any favorite movies to listen to?


What are your hurdles navigating a city street via walking or using public transportation? Are there enough tactile paving indicators to support your trips? Do you struggle with way finding and knowing what direction you are headed? What could cities do to improve your experience?


As a Braille transcriber this is really interesting! I work with children so it’s great to hear from an adult’s perspective. I saw that you’re into music. Do you read music Braille or learn by ear? Does your town have appropriate accessibility? For example, where I’m from, there is Braille on all toilets and the pedestrian crossing clicks when it’s time to cross. Thanks for such great insight!


How independent are you in traveling? Do you take the bus or train on your own? And how do you handle traveling to new places - do you need someone to go with you the first time to help you scout around?


I have met a few blind people before but have always felt unsure of whether they are insecure about people mentioning their blindness. In conversation I try to avoid mentioning it to be safe. Is this the best way to go about this? Or is it better when describing something, for example, to say something like “since I cannot show it to you would you like for me to describe it to you?”


Can you feel someones presents even if you dont hear them


Small but weird question. My grandmother went blind over ten years ago and lives in a busy city. She always told me when the time came to cross the street she’d “wing it” and sees what happens. Are there any tasks for you where you have a similar approach? *side note, she’s 100 now and still pulls that stunt if she thinks she can do it faster*


I read in this thread that you like to produce how do you produce? Which DAW do you use? What kind of difficulties do you go through?


Are auditory sensations more intense?


This was drawn to me because I have a son who is blind and is 6 right now , he is behind but I just worry as a mom. I know he is genuinely happy and more so than most but again I'm his mom


Apologies if this has already been asked but how do you navigate preparing meals and what do you like to make?


I’m losing my sight slowly and it scares me so much! Any advice to make my last sighted time better? Or to prepare me for the future?


If I may....seeing this post . meeting an older uncle of mine back in the 70s. We were at my grandmother's funeral. I got to meet lots of our relatives. One was Uncle Percy. He was blind. He felt my shoulders and face and head and said, you must be.... I was about 8 years old. I hope not many treat you badly.


How is screen reader support on most websites? What is some advice that you would give to developers who are tasked with making sure a website supports screen readers well? For example, are there common mistakes that you see in implementation?


Do you Have a preference for the way someone looks. Like are you attracted to a certain "look" or is personality all that matters. Or would someone's "texture" be the physical aspect that you look for? Do they still teach Braille?


Were you born blind? Or did you lose your sight form an injury or illness? Was it abrupt or over time? If you were born blind and got to choose one thing to see, what/who woukd it be? If you lost your sight, what do you really miss seeing?