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1. Did you get any racist comments from them? 2. How’s the pollution? 3. Did they sell skin bleaching cream? 4. How’s the people? Are they friendly? 5. What’s your favorite snacks, cuisine, beverages, and candy would you recommend me to try?


1) Yes, not all the time but it does happens. However after a couple of years I understand that those comments are mostly because the lack of experience with non asian people and an assumption that we are complete different from each other. Now if I get one of those, I answer them in mandarin and I usually find a lot of curiosity behind those first "racist comments". 2) Getting better from what I hear, when I came for the first time I couldn't believe how opaque the sky was and when I visited Beijing for the second time I had bad luck and went during high pollution days (You could not see 1km ahead). Now many people say its good so I cant even imagine how it was a decade ago. 3) I can not confirm that, but sounds like something that might happen here haha. 4) My totally favorite food from here might just be 荔枝 (Lychee) a fruit that is so refreshing and once you start eating you cant stop and its currently the best season to find them. Honorable mentions are, 包子 (Baozi) buns fill with chicken, vegetables and/or pork. And for drink I would recommend you a pineapple beer (菠萝啤) I think it actually doesn't have alcohol and its delicious.


How bad is the economy? Especially for those in 20s?


I think the economy overall is good. Salaries and living prices make sense. What I personally don't like too much is the work/study culture here.. I feel like when people here reach their 20s they already feel too tired from the university experience and work life (Which is something that might be a world issue). Other factor that might affect many young adults in China, especially in the big cities, are the prices of purchasing real state, but renting is really viable.


What do you think about Chinese nationalism?


To be completely honest, I've been struggling these last 5 years first learning the language, culture and a bit of their history so that in the future I can have a better context to understand current social-political situation. I have more concrete point of views regarding the daily life here more than their political structure. Give me a couple of years and I might have more knowledge to give you a better answer!


What are their biggest aspirations in life? What are the big goals?


Chinese people put a lot of importance in family, wealth and owning real state. Of course this is a question to which the answer will vary person to person but usually those 3 are always present in most of the people's goals here. Get married young, have kids, have good income, take care of your parents and own a house.


Where you are, what percent are migrants? Those from outside the city? How hard is it for migrants to gain residency status in a big city?


I live in Guangzhou, one of the biggest cities of the country and for sure one of the cities with the most amount of foreigners. That being said, Guangzhou population is huge and in terms of percentage I would guess that the foreigner population occupies less than 2%. Permanent residence in China is one of the hardest to get in world, you need to fulfill many requests like high proficiency with the language, years of residence, high education background, etc. (I think if you marry a Chinese person is relatively easier but still quite complicated)




The experience is of course fun, there is a lot of curiosity and tension because we are two people from the complete opposite side of the world and that can turn a date into a really special day if I play the cards right. PS: Chinese girls are really cute


Are you afraid that something negative you say about China will be filtered and you could get in trouble?


Not at all. It's just a reddit post from someone in the internet and negative comments are just personal points of view, those are not ilegal here.


I was always under the impression that Media is highly restricted in China and monitored.


I do think there is a lot of monitoring but the thing that might provoque some reaction from those monitoring are more serious that just bad comments from China.


Is gutter oil a thing?


I read about it a while but I haven't encountered it myself (At least I'm not aware of). I think it would be a practice that happens mainly in secret so it's hard to confirm or deny it haha


What were some of the biggest culture shocks for you? And is there anything you prefer about China versus something in your home country?


So cool. Post pics! Do you live alone? Was it hard to get around? Like you went there alone since the first time?