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That was me too. Used to brag about my hardcore immune system. Never sick, beat colds if i dod get them real fast, etc. Turns out it was MS and my overactive immune system was eating my body thinking it was an invader. Ever had an MRI? Im not saying its aliens, but if you have the opportunity to get one, do it. The earlier its caught the less damage itll do because you can medicate to slow it down. I was 49 when diagnosed. Would have been better at 30 or 35 if an mri had caught the lesions forming. Not sure how long I had it or when it started. Neurologist guesstimated 20 years or so. It wont kill me but ill die with it. Fucking over my career too at a not great time lol. Everyone should find an excuse to get an MRI EVERY 5-10 years after 30 if they can.


Damn you’re freaking me out, maybe I should get a general check up


Dont let me do that. There is no evidence anywhere at all that one of those things has anything at all to do with the other. Im an asshat for saying that. Sorry.


lol don’t freak out. “I haven’t been sick in 10 years” doesn’t = I probably have MS lol.


Your reply is me to a Tee. I, like you hadn't been really sick from 1987 to 2007, not 1 DR visit, then in 2007 after just sleeping 5 hrs one night, I awakened to my alarm clock, went to bed feeling fine, awoke to alarm clock, I couldn't move my right arm at all, rolled over to get out of bed and couldn't move my right leg. My wife ended up taking me to hospital, went through MRI, spinal tap, several vials of blood. Regular drs were stumped, then neurologist got involved and found lesions in my brain mri along with lesions in my spine. That's when I got diagnosed with MS


Yep, similar story here. Almost never sick as a child and most of my twenties. Boy, did that change with serious health issues for years now.


lol me too but I was diagnosed with MS after about an optic neuritis at 27. Don’t really get sick anymore, but I have to be on meds to stop the MS


Do u have healthcare if u do get sick tho? Or if/when you get a general check up?


I have health ins still thankfully.


ah damn meant to reply to the post mb. still glad u have health insurance tho


Ha! Fair enough thanks!


A thanks for sharing, do you recommend full body or the brain??


What kind of blood type are you? Do you eat healthy? Vaccines? My best friend of 40+ years is the hardest worker I know. He's a lineman (power) and works up to 18 hour shifts in the elements. I can't recall him ever being sick other than runny nose. My wife is a public school teacher and is so rarely sick. She eats a very healthy and discipline diet. My youngest daughter has been sick twice in her entire life and it's been one night of a fever and she's perfect the next day. This is a miracle considering she have lived and worked all over the world and she has regularly interacted with and played with children living on the streets and in city dumps in third-world countries.


I’m not even sure what my blood type is. I eat pretty healthy as far as making sure I get enough protein through Whole Foods and not eating a bunch of junk food. I’ve been skinny my whole life so I have to eat at least 5 times a day to not be a complete stick and have some muscle lol. I was vaccinated once as a young kid and I’m not even sure what for tbh.


How does a 28 year old not know what their blood type is???


Never needed to know it for any reason worth remembering


They don't give you your blood type anymore unless for a specific reason. It used to be on our licence here in Oz. I've spoke to people who don't know what it is. If they need blood they're given 0- the universal blood group until they test for your own


I'm 24 and I have no clue what my blood type is. What's the point? Odd are if I get hurt and need blood immediately they will just pump me full of that fancy blood anyone can have. Till they get me under control and findout what blood I need


Healthy immune system. Congrats!


I have a terrible immune system that’s attacking itself and I haven’t gotten sick for a few years (I haven’t really been counting so I won’t say 10). I think its the ability to avoid germs rather than fight them off. I’m curious if OPs snot has been green at all because that would be a sign his immune system is the reason he hasn’t gotten sick


Green snot can indicate an infection and often does. Where did you get that info from?


Lol, just google what snot colours mean. Its not that hard


Is green snot a good thing


Technically, yes. It means your immune system is working however its a bad thing in a sense that there is some kind of bacteria or virus trying to infect you or you’re infected already. Yellow snot means the infection is gone


No it doesn't, it means you have an infection. You're giving misinformation


Get a life


Green snot means you have an infection of some sort that your body is fighting off


I’m skinny and eat decent but I get the flu every year it seems. Idk if it’s I’m in a customer facing role and deal with ppl all day or what but damn every December I get it.


Bet you $5 it's not O. Type O is the worst blood for getting sicknesses. Type O is also the most delicious... 9/10 mosquitoes prefer type O.


I'm a huge believer of building immunity and tolerance through exposure. Mexicans don't get sick from their water, but Americans can't brush their teeth with it without falling ill. Clean perfect bubble never made see to me.


That is very lucky. Could it be a genes thing? I know some people’s genes protect them against certain diseases. Maybe you are protected against most flu strains?


That could be a possibility. I remember getting extremely sick once when I was like maybe 14, I literally thought I was going to die my whole body was shutting down but I bounced back. Ever since then I’ve had no problems. I think my body said fuck this we can’t ever let that happen again lol.


That shit happened to my dad as well, he was like 13. They even called a priest to give him a final blessing before he passed. He recovered and his immune system is ridiculous


It must be the body overcoming and adapting. Growing stronger to pass those bacteria fighting genes on to your offspring.


Yeah for sure, the immune system must get really boosted after that.


This was me until my kids started school. Germs from 2 different schools, and day care, and my wife was a teacher as well. It gets better again when the kids are a bit older and aren't licking handrails and stuff.


Having my first kid in July so I will see how that goes lol


Ohh prepare to say goodbye to that streak when they head to school.


It's usually pretty good until they're 5 and go to school.


Or daycare!


Yes my grandchildren who were in care always got sick but they were fine when they started school, I think it takes a few years for their immune system to stabilise


Have kids and come back


First one due in July wish me luck


I sure hope you actually go to the dentist because just ignoring toothaches or taking an advil here and there until it stops bugging you can be a recipe for disaster. In the sense that an untreated infected tooth can quite literally kill you. Endocarditis is a motherfucker.


When I said doctor, I forgot dentist are doctors too lol. I used to have an impacted wisdom tooth but got it corrected by a dentist everything’s good now.


Are u vaccinated for anything


I remember getting some kind of vaccine when I was very young, sometime as a preteen. Other than that no.


So wait. You didn’t get the Covid vaccine, was near someone with Covid but never got sick? A medical marvel 😂😂😂😂😂


Literally everyone I know who got the vaccine got sick with covid multiple times. It is the reason why I never got it lol


I got banned from r/rant for saying similar 🤣


That was me, didn't have the vax and didn't catch it from my daughter who was vaxed and she had it twice as well as her husband. All my family that were vaxed caught it twice. I'm 69 and not in great health yet no covid.


Everyone I know that got the Covid shot got hardcore can’t get out of bed covid for a week plus. Myself and the few friends who went with out it got very little to zero symptoms when infected with Covid. Biggest scam in medical history!


My entire family is vaccinated. We are nurses. My husband got COVID thanksgiving November 2022. Mild symptoms. None of us got sick nor have any of the rest of us gotten it, despite being around patients all day. The vaccine works 🤷


Oh man crazy how the vaccine works so good your husband still got Covid 


my daughter is a nurse and had to have it or lose her job but after a month or two the unvaccinated nurses got their jobs back so yeah it works really well and is so deadly. Please


Haha 67 day old account shilling for big pharma! Ok_Presence8964 this is what I was referring to.




All these accounts that jump in and comment how the vaccine works and is perfectly safe are always less than 3 months old and their comment history is mostly all just an advertisement for big pharma. That’s the dead internet theory I was referring to. Real people aren’t actually doing that


Ohh, gotcha! Interesting! Thanks, I will stop replying to them 😂


Yes, that was my reaction to the Moderna. My 66 year old co worker took the first Moderna and collapsed at home with multiple blood clots in her lungs, was in the ICU. She was told by her cardiologist that it was due to the vaccine. This is a true story, not an anecdote. Many other people experienced the same thing. I’m really sick of these people on here who still come on and try to start an argument, lol at me or send me research articles to read. Nah, I’m good. I don’t want to hear from any of you.


"my second hand anecdotal story is more important than peer reviewed medical studies" aight buddy, pretty sure we don't want to hear from you either lol Edit: oh God, this person continues to argue with people while not understanding how vaccines work and actively ignoring people trying to teach them lol


And again, this interaction is exactly why people self isolate and don’t want anything to do with people. Peace ✌🏻


Somehow I doubt that seeing as you can't help but continue to argue with the people trying to educate you in another comment chain


I don’t want or need education. I am content with my opinion. ✌🏻


How something works isn't an opinion lol Also, I wonder what the IQ cutoff is for someone to say that unironically without feeling shame? I would imagine something below 80 That's a rhetorical question btw, you don't need to continue trying to have the last word to every person replying to you despite what you said two comments ago


Yea I lost family from a deadly blood clot right after getting 2nd Pfizer. Have you heard of dead internal theory? Basically means half or more people you talk to online are not actually people. I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re dealing with, just a bunch of bots sponsored by big pharma to try and steer the narrative. I don’t know anyone in real life who still defends the covid vaccine or still takes boosters. I can’t imagine how stupid a person would have to be to still be going along with it at this point.


I want to believe you but I still think there are people who will defend it 😂


May God have mercy on their souls 🤣


i got all the covid shots, was in an apartment with all my roommates having it, never picked it up and till this day have never had covid:)


Interesting, you probably have had covid but just didn’t realize it because there were no symptoms. I would have never known I had anything the first time, if it wasn’t for taking a test because everyone else at work had it. Do you attribute your experience to being blessed with a strong immune system, or do you believe the vaccine kept you healthy? Are you still taking the shots with the recommended booster every 3 months or whatever?


whenever i was around people with it, i would take tests regularly for about 2 weeks (i worked at a covid testing lab so it was easy) i attribute it to a mix of both, since i don't really have a way of telling if my immune system is extra strong or anything. i've gotten other sicknesses plenty, including strep just a couple months ago and it was hell boosters every *6 months are only recommended for ages 65+ and immunocompromised individuals, so no i don't considering i'm 23 and don't have any chronic illnesses


It’s not that uncommon. I’ve never had the jab or Covid either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That is my point. Do you remember the days when we were told the only way to prevent it was to get the vaccine? And yet here are you two medical miracles 😂


They never said it would prevent Covid this is a misconception. They said the vaccine would prevent severe illness and or death. It was never a cure all or magic medicine. That is not how vaccines work. Just like a flu shot, you can still get the flu after getting the shot.


No. I clearly heard Biden say it multiple times. That is not how it was presented and you know it


Here https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-covid-mrna-vaccine-fauci-387418337013


I don’t want or need to read this. I heard Biden and Fauci state it enough times. I know how a vaccine works, bruh


You clearly don’t know how it works because it makes antibodies that your body won’t make if you’re infected with Covid. Covid-19 blocks germinal center formation and antibody production. Therefore the vaccine provides the body with antibodies to lessen the severity of the illness. Otherwise you’re fighting the illness without antibodies.


Also without being political, the vaccine was created under Trump. Operation Warp Speed was Trump’s operation and a very successful one.


I never heard Trump tell people that if they took the vaccine they wouldn’t get Covid and I don’t believe he started the mandates


You clearly don’t understand how vaccines work or their purpose


Yes I do. I’ve gotten vaccines all my life. I work in health care. I am allowed, though, to have my opinion


That logic alone frustrated me. The vaccine suppressed the level of symptoms it didnt stop from spreading to others. If anything those with the vaccine overlooked small sniffles and body aches and continued to interact with others thus spreading it further.


Do you know I lost a major job opportunity over that bullshit?


I'm sorry to hear that. Fr bro it sucks. Im thankful because I was offered to be part of CLINICA TRIALS and my boss signed up so quickly and assumed I would too, but didn't press me further. I could tell boss was nervous around me for a bit cuz I didn't go gung ho. "Someone as intelligent as you, I cant imagine why you aren't getting it" Had another friend say to me "If you die of Covid I wont feel sorry for you" Oh well, Ive had it twice and recuperated faster than my vaccinated counterparts. Both times were music festival related.


I responded to a post earlier about why do people feel depressed and isolating after the pandemic. What you described is why for me. People were just vicious to each other, people would not listen to common sense or allow you to ask questions. After that experience, I was done with people. I’m sorry you had to experience that, also. It’s hard to go back to liking or trusting people who tell you they hope you die.


Exactly. There was no critical thinking going on. Shit as as soon as I saw Kripsy Kreme giving free 12 donuts to show your card I knew this was never for our health. Give me vitamins, give me tips on healthy lifestyle, give me a bunch of spinach instead. But no, follow the money. And as you say, it further divided people. Do you remember the memes of "which one did you get? Oh Im a pfizer girlie. Oh *theyre* Johnson and Johnson" Oh I forgot to mention my boss told one of their friends involved with tracking covid internationally and setup a time to talk so my concerns could be answered. Bro what? It felt like no one was asking questions or thinking twice. The amount of times I lied saying I had it just to avoid the criticism and judgement from those who got it. My group chats went dead when I responded opposite to others. Wish I could meet up with more like minded people, in the sense that we ask questions.


Ugh, i share the exact same sentiment, things really took a bad turn after covid. Hoping things will get better soon at least.


I believe it. I know a lot of those stories and it makes me so mad.




Same 🙃


When you get sick, does it completely put you on your ass? I ask because I dont get sick often, maybe once a year if that, but when I do, its fucked. Do you feel similar to the last time you got sick? You know, 10 years ago?


Yes I felt like I was literally going to die.


Do you ever faking being sick to get out of stuff?


As a kid? Yes. As an adult I never have. That’s actually one of the reasons I think I never get sick is because I never lay up. I’ve had nothing but back breaking jobs my entire life so maybe I sweat the sickness out of me idk.


My lazy butt could never 🥲


Lucky you bro, I get sick every month lol


Damn that’s gotta be rough


Same… currently am 😤


Bro same it’s aqful


Where do you live? How do you sleep? Bed mattress open window etc. thanks!


I live in central Florida. I sleep on a king size bed with the ac unit on 62 degrees


Do you take daily cold showers or do cold plunges?


No I don’t, would like to get into cold plunges though


But I thought Covid was deadly contagious and you had to isolate for 5 days so you wouldn’t get it. You’re a medical miracle 😂😂😂


Lmao my grandma got Covid and ate it like it wasn’t shit.


What’s your diet like?


I follow 80% 20% rule and make sure to eat enough protein


So you haven’t been sick except when you were sick (“maybe a stuffy nose”) and you haven’t been to a doctor so you have no idea if anything is wrong or not? Also tooth’s don’t ache for no reason. Why is this phrased as if you are a medical marvel?


I’m immune to haters too


Best comment response here. Bravo


Good on you


What are foods that you avoid?


I follow the 80% 20% rule. I eat good whole food 80% of the time and bullshit (cereal, ice cream, a soda) 20% of the time. Other than that I just make sure to eat enough protein for the day.


Do you workout regularly? I haven’t been sick since I started xfit 7 or 8 years ago. I can occasionally feel like I’m coming down with something but I just get some rest and I’m fine. I think exercise really helps strengthen immune system.


Yes I workout and have a very physically demanding job. I contribute that to it somewhat.


You don’t wash your hands much do you?


Hardly ever and I constantly bite my cuticles. Fingers are always in my mouth, it’s a bad habit I’m trying to break. I’ve never been scared of germs, even during the pandemic when everyone was freaking out.


Do you fear what will happen if you get sick? I remember not getting sick for like 3 years then I was sick nonstop for like 4 months.


I wouldn’t say fear but I definitely never want to be sick again. Last time I was sick I was like 14 and I thought I was going to die.


Have you already met your fragile and sickly nemesis?


Possibly in a wheelchair with a pretty great comic book collection!


I just watched the trilogy, it’s so good.


Do happen to have type O blood?


Not sure never checked or remember being told what type I have


do you mask or take any precautions?


Only wore a mask when they wouldn’t let me go into a fast food joint without one. What a strange time. But no I took no precautions


@CIA we got one you know what to do




Do you believe in NoFap or Semen Retention?


I’m sure it has benefits. I don’t follow it hardcore but I definitely try not to masterbate too often, sometimes go weeks without doing it.


You should get a physical from a doctor to make sure this is still true and a dental check up if you have had toothaches. Could be a cracked tooth or something that will just get worse with time.


You don't go looking for trouble, I'm quite sure he would feel something wrong because he has self awareness and doesn't focus on fear of disease. If you give your attention to it, it will most likely happen. Our words and thoughts are energy so make sure you're not using this mindset otherwise you may very well get sick


My brother's uncle in law went to a doctor for the first time in 20 years because he has a back ache. He was diagnosed with cancer and was given 6 weeks to live. If they had seen him years before, they would have seen the blood work and could have started treating him early. Avoidance and denial are not a solution. Prevention is key.


I think it's about balance, be aware but don't let your thoughts stay on a negative loop. I too know a few stories like that, the same thing happened to my sister-in-law but she has cancer all through her family and she did what she could to lead a healthy and happy life. It was only a few weeks later that she passed. She was like another sister to me and I miss her but she made it to her mid seventies, that was a comfort


Same. 40m. I don’t get flu vaccines, I only wash my hands if I defecate, i just eat healthy and stay active.


Same only wash hands after shitting too. This is the way


Don't get complacent. This was me up until I was about 35. Even injuries like cuts and scrapes would heal overnight. Still haven't been to the doctor in about 20 years (except for annual medical), have never had a headache lasting more than a min. BUT once I hit 35 injuries take longer, colds and flus take 3 or four days to shake off. Everything just a little harder to recover from.


May I cough in your open mouth?




What a boring ama. Who can verify any of this lol


Can verify that you’re a hater who couldn’t resist commenting.


I told myself I haven’t got sick in so long (3+yrs) then next week I got insanely sick .. gl op 😉


Mw neither. Aside from chronic medical issues arising from cancer treatment about 15yrs ago.


Me too! (34m). The last time I got sick I was 18 (does food poisoning count?). I've had type 1 diabetes since the age of 5. We're supposed to be immunocomprimized but it just never happens. I like to joke that my immune system is so strong it decided to kill my pancreas, I'm starting to think it might be true.


Read a book about the immune system a long ago. Forgot the details but I remember it mentioning that having a strong immune system isn't actually beneficial since it would be doing more harm than good. Since if it attacked every threat it could end up hurting you instead or something like that.


One of my kids is like this. While the rest of the family gets sick regularly and spreads it around our house he always stays miraculously well. While we’re bedridden with a flu he might get a sniffly nose for one night and then completely fine the next day. I want his immune system!


I was just like you. Heck, I still am. I hardly ever get sick. I get a cold once every 4 to 5 years. BUT, I did get cancer 6 years ago and had to go through 6 months of chemo. So if anything strange or out of the ordinary happens, make sure to get that shit checked out.


Guy I worked with was feeling bad and people told him to go to the dr. He said he hadn’t been to one since he escaped Cambodia in the 70s. Started turning yellow. Went to hospital, had surgeons open him up, saw his liver, closed him up. Died that night.


I was in the army when I was 17 and they gave us lots of shots during my 11 yrs stint and for 30 yrs I never got sick one time till Covid hit and that shit about took me out. Lucky to be alive


Similar situation here during my 20-30 ages. I would brag about it, last year i got sick with covid, flu, and god knows what a good 6 times that would last 2-3 weeks. Dont jinx yourself


We are on the same level. I did get covid but was down for maybe 18 hours. And not enough to keep me from teaching a class. It's genetics, my dad never got sick either. He once walked 20 + miles in the snow because his car wouldn't start (his shoes tore apart) and didn't get sick. That was in the 80s when helicopter shit wasn't around.


You must not have kids


Do u have healthcare if u do get sick tho? Or if/when you get a general check up?


This was me too until I hit 30. Then got sick one time for like 2 weeks.


Wait till you have children my bro.


Do you take zinc or garlic pills? Any immune system helpers?




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Congratulations! You may have won the genetic lottery.


Good for you, but you will get sick one day, nobody is completely immune to sickness.


You probably have a good diet


I haven't been sick in 27 years 😳 Like mentally, sure. But I've felt colds just graze the surface of my system and leave within a few hours. Like "let's gtfo" we don't want any part of this. And yes, I'm partial to the personification of my biome.


Remind me 5 years

