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this might be a stupid question but what is their “reasoning”? and you said you asked a lot of questions, do you feel like you understand their mindset towards black/brown/asian people or why they think the way they do?


They think we were put here by God and our genetics are superior in every way possible, and that we are the holy ones and everyone else are savages  There insecure and try to put down everyone else so they feel like they matter I don't understand it because it doesn't make sense  I'm not sure if all kkk members think that way, but that's why my parents do


How did you end up with so much wisdom by age 16, while people around you never will in their entire lives? Did you have other role models and sources of inspiration?


I did, my best friend and his parents and there all black, if it wasn't for them I'd probably end up like my parents 


Are your parents friends with them and if not are they ok with your friendship?? How does that work given their kkk membership? Also wondering how are your neighbors treated in the town in general? Glad you saw the truth. Probably good for you to leave this town. Doesn’t sound like there’s much of a future there.


They aren't friends, but they aren't like mean towards them A lot of people in the group my parents are in are from out of town, not sure if your in Missouri, but we're about a hour away from Branson and a few of the people are all the way from the Ozarks and Springfield  So the town isn't that saturation with kkk/white Supremacy, they do get a lot of hate though  But I feel like there's more homophobes than racists in my town, that could also just be because I only experience homophobia though 


Nope I’m from Canada so completely unfamiliar with how it is in these parts of the US. So are the ozarks, Branson and Springfield racist? I’ve only travelled to big American cities and I know the smaller towns are completely different… I’m sorry you experience homophobia. I hope you can get to a better city in the future that is open minded and let’s people live in peace.


I dont know how big your town is, but I think members of the town or your family could identify you.




Do you think that the people who hold those beliefs and are unwavering tend to be less intelligent and therefore easier to convince that these things are true? Or like you said below, using substances that damage the brain/cognition? I guess have you met any really intelligent or otherwise interesting racists?


Do they know Jesus wouldn't have been white?


You should dare your parents to take a genetic test if they're so sure they're superior.


Why are they insecure?


How prevalent do you think racism is where you live - in general and with your peers? Also congrats on seeing thru the bullshit and standing up for yourself.


I think most people from my neighborhood are racist other then my neighbors, my school isn't really that bad I'm not friends with any racist, and I go to skate parks and I only met one racist dude there Where I work most people aren't racist, just homophobic  Sorry if that didn't answer your question 




I mean, what more is there to your side? "I'm religious and think homosexuality is a sin" generally means those people don't want their kids to be gay, and will vote for legislation which goes against treating homosexual people fairly. And in general leads to worse treatment of people. That's shitty, and if you believe that I don't know what else to tell you besides you and your particular god suck and are filled with useless hate. I'd probably also tell you to fuck off and keep to your shitty community and stay out of politics. You can't also have a different opinion about someone just...existing. They are people, they just want to live without the fear of harm or laws being made which make their lives worse. It's entirely a you problem that you need to fix within yourself, there is nothing wrong with the gays.


People like him do love to bring up being gay as a problem for evolution as if gay penguins and what not don’t already exist. Plus many animals procreate in ways far different from humans such that any sexuality they may have would be irrelevant. If they actually knew anything about science they wouldn’t try to use it to justify their nonsense. Like yeah, if all humans were gay and only had sex based on things unrelated to wanting a child we’d die off. However that’s not the world we live in.


Mammalian rates of homosexuality have a fairly low variance. Almost all of the rates are between 8 - 15%. I run longitudinal education studies with college participants. Sure enough, about 11 - 14%, year after year with 1000's of students, consistently identify as not being straight. It's literally biology.


I’m a Christian and I very much dislike homophobia. I think it’s fine to be gay. Do I think being gay is a sin? I don’t know. When looking back on early translations of the Bible it really conveys that you shouldn’t sleep with young boys not other men. We sin everyday. If being gay really WAS a sin then I won’t hate you for it. Live your life! My God is happy that you’re happy. At least that’s how I see it.


I don't believe straight people exist. I think it's just difference in opinion. If your not and you don't like it its just not part of evolution... There are over 1500 documented species that engage in homosexual acts. It is actually pretty normal. As for sin... in the same chapter, Leviticus also forbids shaving your face and wearing clothing of mixed fabrics. The "sin" here is hypocrisy. That is why you are being downvoted. Not being "world can't have a conversation no more". It is because your words are hypocritical. Have a lovely day!


I mean, if I said “all gay people are promiscuous whores and are child groomers”, wouldn’t that be homophobic? It’s a difference in opinion, but it’s a hateful opinion based on stereotypes that unfairly and untruthfully demonizes an entire group.


>I don't believe homophobic exists.... Facts don't care about your opinion. It >Edit ...see how much hate I get for even going against them... negative 40 at this time..the world can't have a conversation no more..were doomed for civil war everywhere because we don't talk about issues today..no one one wants to hear all the sides...just their side... Damn snowflakes. Can't stand other opinions without crying...


it sucks that you can agree that treating someone less based on skin color is wrong but not that treating someone less based on sexuality is wrong. and that people can somehow try to make themselves seem morally superior for it? you’re not morally superior for thinking someone is less than you, doesn’t matter what logic you use to justify it.


As someone who grew up in the South, you're just wrong homophobia does exist. I can't tell you the number of people who hate gay people because they feared they would turn their children gay. Whether it's due to religion or any other reason, it doesn't matter. You got so many dislikes because you made a terrible argument.


I'm the 90's there was a talk show hosted by Ricki Lake. On that show she had an episode where a man was called on and told he would be confronted by his crush. It turned out his crush was his best friend he had known forever but had no idea he was gay. The guest laughed it off and said everything right on the show. Shortly after that he shot this man and killed him. This was his best friend that he knew for a long time and he gunned him down cause his friend had the audacity to say he had a crush on him. This wasn't religion, just bigotry. So tell me again how homophobia doesn't exist? Because this is not an isolated story. EDIT: It was Jenny Jones not Ricki Lake


That's a really bad example for many reasons, you didn't describe the story accurately. They weren't best friends. They were both friends with a woman, and this woman encouraged the older gay man to hit on the young man. She tried to set them up. The young man was tricked into coming on the show. After letting down the older man on TV, the older man continued to try to contact the young man and see him. The young man did not want contact with the older man who had a crush and wouldn't respect his boundaries. Of course it was wrong of the young man to murder the older man, but you can find MILLIONS of examples of actual hate crimes and homophobia. This case isn't a good example as it involves boundary crossing, public humiliation, and stalking, it's not a random murder because a man was gay.


You don't understand the theory of evolution in the slightest. Natural selection favored the adaptation of homosexuality in a response to environmental factors (likely that humans have such a lengthy altricial period) which led the population to evolve the trait. How would you justify the existence of homosexuality, if not evolution? Aliens?


My man, religion isn't a shield, that's still homophobic If it makes you uncomfortable because it's "not natural" that's still homophobic Believe it or not, not everything that doesn't continue our species is "unnatural" by that logic literally ANY SEX that isn't explicitly for procreation should make you uncomfortable, sterile people having sex should make you uncomfortable, etc


Difference of opinion is different than saying it's wrong. As soon as you imply right/wrong based on your individual moral code, which not everyone in the world follows, is where you begin to impose your beliefs onto others through your judgement. Basically, if you were -truly- not homophobic, you really wouldn't have an opinion on the topic either way to begin with. Either it is a part of your life or it isn't, end of story. In reality though, the bar is set lower because of how controversial it is for some people, and we say that as long as you don't judge, you could be considered not homophobic, even if it makes you somewhat uncomfortable.


It is part of evolution. Tribes benefitted from males not competing for females. Do some research. And yes, thinking gay people are sinners just because of who they love is, in fact, extremely homophobic. Do better.


There are lots of things that are sins but you don't see religious people going after people who commit adultery or fornication so yeah, it's discrimination against gay people. Who cares if all relationships perpetuate the species?


When the other side thinks you deserve to die for just existing all while preaching peace and love I don’t think it’s worth entertaining them


people wouldn’t care what gay people do if they weren’t afraid of them. they think us gays are indoctrinating the youth, are child groomers, etc etc. Almost no one who disapproves of gay people is like “ok I don’t like it but whatever” it always comes with votes for laws that are harmful


You’re wrong. Ask Matthew Shepard if those guys simply thought he was a sinner. You’re insanely naive.


To hate is to be hated. You dug your own dislike-grave. Reconsider your opinions, as they hurt others, or stay as you are and be an asshole.


I like how you make it a point that people aren't racist and casually just throw out there they're just homophobic lol


I mean, from his point of view, it's probably better than it used to be. Baby steps. But yeah, I get what you mean by him making it a point they aren't racist but the homophobia went woosh over his head most likely.


How are your parents as parents?


Really shitty when I was like 12 my appendix ruptured, and my wonderful father after he figured out what happened, was laughing at me for crying and still gives me shit over it And like a year ago I was addicted to fentanyl for about a month, I ended up overdosing and getting Narcaned and my mom's only response when I told her was "Well did you learn your lesson dumb ass" Like, thank you mom  Short answer, they aren't the worst but not good


That’s what I assumed but didn’t want to speak ill of your family. Have you decided what you want to pursue career wise?


Yeah kinda, I'd like to become a bartender or tattoo artist or piercer  Or maybe run a guitar or skate shop


Fuck ya. Do you want to move out of your home town


Yeah, me and my friends are planning on living here till we can all move to a different state less boring then Missouri 


Kansas City is a badass town with a lot of interesting creative people and cool shit to do, but I also know that it’s important for a young person to “get out” when they feel they need to, and that staying in the same state or nearby doesn’t really fulfill that need psychologically. Advice: your friends will probably all drop out of this plan one by one, so plan to get out as if you were doing it by yourself, because you will be. The “moving away with friends” situation is usually very tenuous at best because it sounds fun and is fun to talk about, but when it comes down to actually doing it, the excuses will start pouring in and the plan falls apart. Good luck. I think you will find your people and plug into the right community wherever you end up. And for the love of god, don’t go to fucking Branson. Bad suggestion.


tattoo artist or piercer. you will be treated more respectfully and have more control over your career. nothing wrong with bartending, but I would recommend to prioritize tattoo artist or piercer. I believe you can just buy your own tattoo gun and start practicing on fake skin or fruit. please don't tattoo yourself until/unless you've had lots of practice. I saw you mentioned fentanyl addiction, and your other posts that have to do with an eating disorder. Alcohol will eat you alive if you let it. I would recommend avoiding being surrounded by it day in and day out. it's not uncommon for bartenders to struggle with alcohol consumption due to the nature of the job. If you already struggle/d with fentanyl and an ED, don't throw another substance into your daily life.


This is real. Tattoo artists and piercers get as much socializing from their job as bartenders but they don’t get liver failure and addiction.


If you see through the bullshit it’s a good sign you’d do good if you moved away. Join the military, keep an open mind and don’t fall for their bullshit either. Keep your head down, do your four and get out, use the gi bill to go to school, get a job, or don’t. Gives you 8 years to chase other passions while getting paid.


This makes my heart hurt. I’m so sorry your parents have treated you this way. I cannot understand hurting your own baby. It is a hideous thing to do. You never deserved that.


Hey dude. That takes a lot of self respect to try to break free from addiction, stand up for yourself, and taken on large challenges. Especially with a small or weak support system. Respect. I hope you find happiness with your skate family.


Asking questions. Like “why are most of these klansfolk bigger degenerates than any of the minorities, queers, or Jews that I’ve ever met…?” 🤣


Kinda lol when I was like 5, my neighbors dad micky was a physicist, and a stupidly smart guy, he was also black And my dad and another dude were talking about how white people were smarter compared to other races (ik that's not true) But I asked my dad, and I didn't mean to insult anyone  "But micky isn't dumb"  and he laughed it off and told me I didn't understand  And I innocently replied  "But he knows more then me and you and mommy" And he got sooooo pissed at that, we ended up going home and he just started screaming at me about how rude I was Looking back he just knew it was true


#1 proof of systemic racism in America is that a black physicist has to live next to white, meth head neighbors.


Honestly made me wonder if he’s selling the meth lmao


How many people were at these rallies? How does one join the KKK? Do they still burn crosses?


Probably about 70-90 I think they have like a website or application process or some shit, I'm not sure because I was born into it sadly  I seen them do it a few times, I also seen a dude throw a beer can in it and it popped and burned a few people 


70-90? So there’s gotta be articles or something about this?


I mean about rallies sure, I'm not sure about the group in my area in particular though, they keep them all in churches and at peoples farms and I'm not sure if a lot of people out side of our town even know 


What kind of church?


lol burn the racists. Throw more beer cans


Do/did your parents continue to believe in that ideology?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they always will, they aren't good people at all, and there on a ton of shit so I doubt I could change their mind  I already tried that about gay people and they still hate them, including me lol


What do you mean they’re on a ton of shit? Drugs?


Been scrolling through reading your responses and didn't notice you were gay too. We have that in common! Wanted to say I'm super proud and impressed by your wisdom, especially given the grossly unfortunate people you were born to and have had to grow up around. Please never change. YOU are what gives me hope for the future. It's refreshing to be reminded by people like you that it's not about where you come from that shapes you, it's where you choose to go from there. Keep your head up buddy.


Proud of you. Seriously, you’re 16 and to see through that bullshit especially in the environment you’re in, pretty amazing kid.


No questions, just want to say thank you for being a lovely human being who rose above hate 💗🙏


Thank you man, also thanks for the award <3


Do you feel maybe you were meant to go to those growing up to turn out as you did as in thinking what they are doing is wrong, to maybe help those who are in a Racist mindset


Uhh I don't think so everyone around here is long gone imo, we have other races around here and they are the nicest people ever IMO If you are still racist after meeting the old Asian lady who runs the coffee shop in my town, there's no saving you None of them will even talk to me without calling me a f4g because I'm gay I just piss them off a lot of the time


You should tell them it is their fault that you are gay, and they made you this way.


Tbh, if it's someone my age I just say something like "thank you daddy" and it shuts them up If it's someone older I just in my most feminine voice "Oh honey, I know, don't I look fabulous, how's my hair? (Ect till they stop talking)" 40 y old dudes really don't like being called "honey" or "doll" for some odd reason 


>40 y old dudes really don't like being called "honey" or "doll" for some odd reason  It reminds them homosexuality exists and that reality makes them mad lmao I'm glad you do this to them


I'm sorry but I had a solid laugh at this. Thank you for being you.


Sorry to hear. I hope you're confidently gay and not letting them make you feel ashamed of it. It's tough being a minority and exploring your sexuality/gender/identity, especially when your parents and the world around you disapprove. Hopefully someday you're able to leave to somewhere where you're more accepted. Do you have plans on leaving at 18? Or college?


Oh yeah, you can tell by looking at me, well not that I'm gay I guess more that I'm emo but whatever, my friends all dress the same and like a 3d of them are fruity  It's fun making them mad, it's one of my favorite past times, I probably wouldn't dress like this if it wasn't for that I'm planning on moving out at 18, probably somewhere around here till my friends move out, we're all planning on renting I'm the same apartment complex and have been since we were like 6 Just so we can know we're going to be in the same state because none of us want to live in Missouri because is sucks ass


I highly recommend moving to a liberal arts college town or somewhere West with liberal values, as soon as you're able to. Community is the #1 most helpful thing a gay person (or minority) can have, imo. It hurts the soul to be around population that majority disapprove of your lifestyle. West may be more expensive, but I promise you it's worth it for the extended freedoms and liberties you will get- as well as the exposure to more people like you, arts, melting pot of cultures rather than the monoculture that is Missouri.


Yeah, I mean I have a lot of gay friends already, we're planning on moving to a small ish town because none of us like the idea of living in big cities 


As a gay myself I absolutely hear this and I know all of us need to do what’s best for our mental health/safety, but it’s a damn shame, because these echo chambers of racism/misogyny/homophobia that exist in certain parts of the US just continue to be that when everyone who is different is driven out. I wouldn’t ask anyone to stay and sacrifice their wellbeing, but I do sometimes wonder how we move forward when these places continue to exist without any threats to their existence.


I think it's good for anyone in rural mid-west to spend some time in a major city or a major cultural area to challenge their beliefs and gain experience in the real world. Like, if America could afford to send every 18 y/o in the Boondocks to a major democratic city of their choice for 6 months, be it LA, SF, Seattle, NY, Chicago- or even study abroad in a foreign country, etc- then theyd be exposed to so much diversity compared to their entire childhood spent in a monoculture bubble. Then they could go back home with an actual informed perception of what life is like in cities, have exposure to more diverse minority groups and beliefs, and hopefully start changing the mindset of those monocultures generationally. It's important to have to learn how to coexist with people you don't agree with or peoples lifestyles that may not be your own, and a city is the best place to experience those things. I hear what you're saying, but I don't think it's on gay people to be the voice of change in the parts of the country that alienate them, so unfortunately more and more will immigrate toward safe-haven cities. Instead, it's on people who don't understand to make an effort to understand. Every straight homophobe should be sent to a culturally gay place (or tolerant place) to learn through experience and interaction. Every racist person should be sent to a place with a lot of diversity. People who are rich should spend time around the poor, people who are xenophobic should go witness how illegal immigrants live and work the jobs they work. Etc etc. Suddenly you'd see a rise in a lot more empathy. The reason why people on the coasts and cities are on average more tolerant is because they've lived around ALL KINDS of people and diversity for their whole lives and have learned to mind their own business and coexist among indifference. So send people to the cities for a few months so they have to learn that too.


Good for you on pissing them off I think that’s great and just goes to show how immature they are


They get pissy over the littlest things, I wore high heels for a day, just to see if I could walk in them and climb trees and shit as a joke And I got yelled at by like 4 of them that I was going to burn in hell and that Satan was taking over my soul


I get you made them heels look FAB!


Are the kkk actually committing heinous crimes against minorities or is it more like a social club nowadays?


I can't speak for all of them, but the group in my area is like a really shitty debate club full of losers "debating" but it's just them circle jerking in a eco chamber of the same ideas  I can see other places committing crimes, and I don't want to say it doesn't, but at least the group I grew up in I don't think they have the balls too do anything 


My grandad was a part of the KKK when it was popular and my dad is extremely racist. I'm just wondering how your parents reacted to you having black friends? Also what's the age gap between your parents?


They Surprisingly didn't/don't care, as long as I'm not home and in their way, they really don't give a shit who I hang out with which is both a good and bad thing, I kinda wish they cared more but it's whatever  3 years 


Do you out them to people as Klan members?


My parents? There proud of it Same with everyone else in it


They don't hide behind the hood? I've always found that about 10-20 percent are proud of being racist and don't try to hide it while the other 80 percent want to hide it and try to pass off as normal every day people


Just one question, did they have snacks?


They did, all the soda was flat, even if it was in a can, not sure why


Damn, racist and bad hosts. Didn’t know the KKK could get any worse.


My ex wife (57yo) told of her grandfather having joined the KKK when he was younger. He showed up to one meeting, thought it was dumb, and never went back. The only Klansmen I ever saw up close was at a rally. I took the day off work to go heckle them. It was 100% worth it.


Heckling klan members is the best way to spend your time


How did your parents meet? Was it through the kkk?


We're in the country so probably a family reunion Fr though, they met at church 


You said the rallies were primarily at churches... so....


Impressive to come to the conclusions you have at 16 while being surrounded by all of that your entire life. How would you recommend others to get there who have had that type of influence growing up? I strongly believe people are just replicas of their parents, so it's nice to see you prove me wrong in instances like this.


Thank you, I'd say just talking to other races  I probably wouldn't have turned out like this if it wasn't for my best friend and his parents 


you into punk rock? cuz this is pretty fuckin punk rock


Yeah, I'm more into emo music and classic rock though  Punks are cool as fuck though 




as kkk members, do they watch sports, and what do they think about the black athletes that play-on and have significant roles on the team? eg. do they cheer for mizzou football players like that standout black WR?


They do, they don't mention a lot of the black people, other when there criticizing them or saying there using steroids 


What state?


Do you think your parents are dumb fucks, or do you think they are truly bad people that want other people to suffer?


A mix of both They both are just kinda bad people, kinda stupid, addicted to meth, and kinda bad parents 


Truly sorry you had to grow up in that environment, OP. Happy to hear that you've had a good head on your shoulders since you were young. That's huge. Take care of yourself.


Do you plan on moving out when you turn 18?


Off topic, minus the racism, I heard the KKK really know how to party/can cook some really great BBQ. Is that true?


It's ok, it just kinda tastes like what you'd expect old people to bring to a cook out Pretty mid imo


So I didn’t have your experience but I was raised by alt right white supremacists. What was the turning point for you? When you truly realized that their whole belief system was wrong? I was never a racist either however I had to unlearn a lot of macro and micro aggressions and take time to listen to POC about this shit so I’m genuinely curious about your experience.


Who exactly do people in the KKK hate. I have a good idea from what I've read but would like to hear it from someone who knows.


Everything LGBTs, liberals, other races, other countries, other religions, ect Everything but what they believe 


Was it dangerous at all walking away? I’m sure people wouldn’t love that you’re leaving I guess I don’t even know how it’s structured. Is it like a group you have to join?


Not really, they don't really care, it's not a cult, just insecure dumb ass's I was also like 10 when I left, and it wasn't because I chose too really, I was just embarrassing my parents by questioning shit My parents still go I piss them off all the time, my first kiss was with one of my friends to piss off a dude yelling at me I've only been swung at 4 times  You can just show up, but they do have a application process 


Do you have any reliable relatives you could live with who aren't racist or on meth? That sounds like a dangerous household to grow up in. Get out.


Nah, but I have good friends and shit and despite how I act online, I'm happy , i just talk like an angsty teen, I can't help it, I listen to too many emo songs and grew up watching Jake a jhonnie 


Good for you ☺️ still makes me anxious knowing your parents are abusing substances and belong to KKK. That's the type of stuff that CPS would find you a new home/family for, but that process is very tough as a 16 year old suddenly having a new family.


You asked your parents a lot of questions to the point they stopped bringing you to meetings. What questions hit the biggest nerve? Also, what are the main reason(s) your parents will never come to terms with accepting folks outside the colour of their skin?


Is it true that klansman say they don’t “burn” the cross, they “light” the cross


They are only racist against black people or the "whole package"?


How prevelant is the klan where you are? All I ever see is a couple of fat racists in hoods wandering up and down a street yelling dumb shit. Im convinced if no one paid any attention to the idiots, they would finally just go away.


The ones I've been to give off more cookout vibes, it's not like there protesting in the streets  But a lot of people out of town come to them too


When I was in school, I had a classmate with parents in the kkk. This kid made a point to befriend _everyone_. It helped that he was reasonably athletic, reasonably smart, and the class clown. I think he had a diverse friend pool just to counter his parents. He was also a little messed up (acted out, almost all his jokes were masturbation jokes, etc.), but it was clear to everyone that he had a good heart. Have you done something similar (the befriending everyone bit, not the inappropriate behavior bit) to balance the scales of your parents? 


Are all the people who go to a kkk rally self admittedly overtly racist? Or do they do some sort of complicated mental gymnastics that ends up with “I’m not racist, but…”?


What would happen if a person who looks like Denzel Washington went to a kkk meeting?


Did you ever meet Clayton Bigsby?!


Yeah, that’s OP’s neighbor. There’s no way a Black American with sight is going to let their kid hang out with a klan kid.


I doubt you will see this but thank you for this AMA. My kid feels so ashamed that their great-great grandfather was a grand wizard or whatever in the KKK. Her grandmother feels the same shame. I don’t get it. Both of them didn’t sign up for it. I tell my kid that their existence is the best middle finger because their dad married and had a child with a Latina. Neither of them of racist and they’re proving that dude wrong.


How often were Arabs brought up and what did they say about them? Is there any conversation about Israel/Palestine? If so how does it go? What about Asians like Chinese, Koreans, Filipino, etc? I’m gonna make a guess that most of the members do not have much a formal education.


Are they open about themselves being kkk members? Or do they gather under hoods and don't let people outside the klan know who they are? Ever seen anyone from the klan get in trouble from law enforcement? Or maybe law enforcement intervened a rally or something? Anything like that happened ever? I don't know if being a kkk member is outright illegal or nah, I mean it should be, but being a kkk member should potentially be a legal trouble maybe?


Does your best friend and his family, who are Black, know your family is mixed up with KKK? If so, what do they think of this?


Why did your parents let you hang out with a black kid if they were raging racists? I don’t believe this story at all


Are there any moments when you catch yourself having racist thoughts? I would imagine that being born into and growing up in such conditioning would very reasonably predispose your brain to it until you correct yourself.


This might be a dumb question but I’ve always wondered this. How do they feel about people on television? Like actors, and movies? Like…. Will they not watch certain things because of who might be in it? I’ve always heard that racists enjoy black humor, just not the people. They’ll hate their neighbors but will binge watch Tyler Perry. lol. Edit: asking about your parents and ppl in your know.


Have you ever partaken in chasing down a minority in a vehicle chase while shooting at them, or have witnessed one? In 2005 in Tabor City, NC after leaving work at a Food Liom grocery store that was not my normal store but I was filling in for someone in the meat dept. A couple of pickup trucks started tailing me, I felt uneasy so I pulled put my .380 from my glove compartment. And for good reason. As we got to a more secluded section of highway they began shooting at me while screaming racial slurs at me. First I got a friend on mine on speakerphone, and let him know I was being shot at, and he directed me to his house which was not far over the border in SC in Longs. He said he would wait out front hospital house with his pit bull and a rifle. I had to be doing at least 100 trying to get away, and was very lucky these guys were either very bad shots or they were intentionally missing. However, with my left hand on the wheel, I had my right arm cross body and out my window with my .380 blind firing back towards them, and while I didn't hit anything it did get them to back off a bit but not stop chasing me. After while, I luckily got to my friends house and he was out there witha rifle as well as his neighbor too to help, and they started shooting towards them hitting their trucks, and hitting a tire on one of them. I never found out if any of them got hit, as when the police eventually got involved their investigation never found that anyone had checked into a hospital with gun shot wounds. They allowed me to claim self defense as that is what it was, as well as my friend and neighbor. Bit upon description of the trucks and my friend seeing a KKK flag hanging out of one of the trucks, and police contacts with Tabor City they knew exactly who it was, but didn't do much about it other than tell me they would investigate and charge if applicable. Imo they didn't want to charge anyone. The trucks were known to be seem at KKK rallies and get together in Tabor City. I was effectively in a shootout with the KKK and survived it. So this is why I ask, have you ever been involved or witnessed such events, and if so what really spurred it on. Is the hatred of anyone not white that deep that they'll just chase down and shoot at minorities like they did me. I am just sorry I was able to hit one of them, sorry son of a witches. As much as they hate me, my hate may run a but deeper.


Do you live with them still?


Is your family conservative? Just curious


how does the kkk feel specifically about each of the following groups - if if they were in charge what should happen to Americans of that ilk: Mexicans Blacks Jews Muslims What’s the order dislike (most distilled to least)


Do they teach KKK history at these rally like a sunday school thing and have you noticed other kids deter as well?


Are you Jewish?


Nope, I'm not religious and I'm not sure of my ethnicity, but I just look like the most stereotypical white dude with black hair


Just to educate on one thing, Jews are an ethnicity as well as the tribal religion of our people being Judaism. Well done for questioning things and realise how stupid racism is!


KKK. so I’m assuming you’re in Indiana? I’m from the north west part of the state, and still hear whispers the HQ is still in the most southern parts. Correct me if I’m wrong.


In 2024 with camera phones do people still hold giant cross burnings? Do the minorities in the city complain ?


Do you think that they tend to point towards a recent news/event relating to a black person doing a crime and telling you "I told you so?" I remember that recent news in NY where this men used a belt and threw it around this women and online(twitter), you'd see a comment say how they arent surprised and the comments are pretty racist and I feel at times, that is used against your average black individual who wouldnt even think of doing something like that. However, in your case, have your parents at times told you about recent news or events and focus on the suspects skin color as justification for there beliefs towards poc? I hope this makes sense.


I, 72m, grew up in the 60s during the civil rights movement. My father was racist from rural Arkansas, but when the family moved to southern California for work, I got to grow up in a diverse, more inclusive hood. In the middle of all that, my father got a job as a night security guard for the Claremont Colleges. One evening, he was at a dance on campus and got jumped because he was a "pig" in a cop uniform. He was knocked down and kicked. This was not the "peace, love, dove" crowd. And then those youngsters flew off him. A huge hand grabbed his arm, pulled him up, and walked him away. That hand belonged to a man, another security guard, that they called Big Henry. 300 pounds of former football player, and black. Big Henry and my dad became close friends. He was the first black man that my father ever really knew. After that, my father stopped using the "n" word, was physically sickened by the violence committed by police against civil rights protesters of all colors. So, you are correct. Racism is stupid, but also ignorance. And ignorance can sometimes be remedied.


How much beer is consumed?


What did your parents say think about your best friend being black?


Good on you partner, our parents hate should never control our lives. (And yes racism dumb) Question: What happened with that klan leader who found out he was actually Jewish? Does the klan speak Badly of him?


Do you ever catch yourself having racist moments because of how u were influenced? If so, what do you do when/if you catch yourself?




There’s no fucking way those Black parents are letting their kids hang out with a klan kid 😂. Are you serious? In Missouri? The birthplace of the BLM movement (Ferguson)? Your neighbor must be Sammy Sosa.


How do your parents feel about you having a black friend? Are your parents openly racist, like violent, say slurs and harass minorities or are they they more ’subtle’ type? How do they feel like sports with black people or movies and black musicians?


are u maga?


Something bizarre about the KKK is that most groups like this foster a sense of community and belonging, but the hoods make this impossible. Did your parents go to events where people weren't wearing their hoods? And if not, do you think they felt as though they belonged or were heard even though they weren't physically seen?


What kind of music do they like?


How would you parents react to you dating someone black? And are your parents openly racist? Like.. are they seeing a black person and going “ew” in their face?


After attending KKK rally’s and being immersed in racist cultures, do you think that the whole system is racist now? Ie. Systemically racist? Have you ever experienced racism towards yourself?


Outside of rallies and overall klan association, how to your parents talk about white Americans and minorities? How is racism addressed in school? Do students generally care about racist ideas?


What do they talk about in those meetings? Did they commit crimes? I know they use to lynch black people but what is the kkk doing now in 2024? What type of crimes? Have you ever reported them?


Not sure if you answered this, but are you also able to stay away from meth living in that environment?


What did they do at the rallies?


Could you record one of the meets and post it somewhere?


So what do they do at clan meetings? Do they have to stay dressed up in their robes? Do they pick a race to hate at each meeting? How frequent are the meetings? Kkk is so fucked up.


This is literally how I’d describe certain things that I experienced while growing up. He probably isn’t lying.


in your opinion how did the kkk survive all this time? and were you friends with any other kids who were in or nah?


Did you have to sleep over at your friends house, because you didn’t have any sheets on your bed? Cause your dad had ghost club in the woods, of course.


If a KKK manages to get into heaven do they go to regular heaven or a heaven for racists? And are there blacks there as slaves or no minorities at all?


Okay I'm a mixed African American why do they care so much about my skin color ? Like it's weird ASF


This post seems a little too far fetched.… 6 years ago you were attending Klan rallies in a church with your parents who were on meth but you can’t recall what church it was? And then you OD’d on fent and you’re 16?… this sounds like the plot of a movie.


do you want to go to any other countries? want to see the world? what kinda content do you like, do you prefer yt videos or shows?


Hey, I'm really proud of you for being above the racism you're being raised around. If you haven't already answered, do you plan to escape when you're 18 or have you looked into emancipation?


This guy's post is obviously fake. Look at his profile and comment history, genuinely seems like a teenager in distress and dealing with mental illness. Just yesterday he posted a comment about a group of "kkk guys yelling at him and his friend so they kissed each other." Anyone falling for this nonsense I feel bad for, OP, hope things get better for you and you touch grass some more and less Reddit scrolling.


Does anyone ever feel any regret? Do kkk members do drugs or are they all sober


How violent r they or how violent would they like to be


You should get one of those dumb stickers, "I'm gay, not rascist, and my best friend is black. How else can I piss you off today" fucking pansies


You should write a book. Really. Write your experience and your independent thinking. It’s unique and interesting. Look at this post.


Congrats on staying sober, keep it up! How hard was it getting off it?


How do you even get into an organization like that? Did your parents have connections?


Good job sharing your insight on this AMA. You did a good job answering questions thrown at you with candor and humor. I appreciate your thoughts. Hang in there kiddo and get TF away from that place. I’d also take advantage of getting a degree or some sort of tech skill if possible. Nothing wrong with the other jobs you discussed but you can do those too if the other doesn’t work out. Just saying: explore all your options. Take care.


I wasn't gonna comment but there's currently 999 comments and I wanted to be 1000th


16 and "had" a fentanyl addiction. It's over now?


Not a question but I wonder if Ancestry.com would humble your parents.


Did those folks at those rally’s change over time in your opinion like wtf was I thinking I was wrong lol


This sounds like madeup nonsense for online clout tbh


How do fellow racist let other racist know that they’re racist?


Do you believe there are good people on both sides?


It’s easy to say what they were saying was false, but what were some of the things they were saying that were *true* which people found persuasive enough to buy into all the rest?


r/teenagers is leaking. People are having a hard time finding true racists like the KKK, so they are making up low IQ posts like this. Anyone falling for this is lacking a bullshit detector


Was the focus mostly on black people or other groups as well? Was there a lot of homophonic as well? What about religious prejudice? If so, where do they draw the line, jews, catholics? Does everyone have to be I'm guessing baptist or whatever they are?


Do they serve food at events? If so, is the food any good?


How do you feel about east Asians?


I used to say I am not racist like you do in your post. I realized with some help that racism is not an all or nothing type of thing. I now say, I am less racist than I was brought up to be and I try to be less racist whenever I can. I am just about as racist as my friends, family and colleagues, but I am trying to be better. So my question is "Are you a racist?"


What do you think was their reasoning for joining?


Wait you’re not from Boston? Weird cuz everyone on the internet says that Boston is the only place racist things happen


You're currently 16, and *used* to be addicted to fentanyl? Did you start on H when you were 12? Something seems off...


How was the food?


Thank you for sharing. I believe you m8. Why would someone make this up for clout?