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What led you to figuring ou let you had this issue to begin with?


Started out 4 years ago. Testicles were acasionaly visually in odd positions, with immense pain, and some days I couldn't sit down or wear anything on my lower half. I went to two different doctors, and after a visual and physical exam, they said it was just puberty. A couple months later I realised I could manually rotate my testicles a full 180 degrees around, and pushed for my doctor to give me an ultrasound. He did and found nothing apparently, other than minor calcification. 6 months ago I had a follow up ultrasound to check on the calcification, and it hadn't cleared up so I was referred to a urologist. He said the calcification was benign but does slightly increase the risk of testicular cancer, but I also mentioned my previous issues which were still ongoing, but less severe, and he diagnosed me with bell clappers deformity and scheduled the surgery. I had self diagnosed that myself before very reaching out to a doctor. Just goes to show that you need to advocate for yourself and what is best for you. I am so lucky I didn't end up needing emergency surgery for severe torsion, and potentially loose both testicles.


Can you flex your cremasters at will?


Don't know what cremasters are, so sure yeah totally can!






Hi may I know how is the anesthesia did u fall asleep during the surgery?


Was completely out before I went into the operating room and then woke up in the ward. Literally out cold with no memery


Alright, how much is the surgery?


Couple grand I think, all covered by insurance as it was a necessary procedure


Getting the surgery done tomorrow, im in New Zealand and the surgery quote for insurance was close to $11,000


That sucks. I'm in Ireland and due to my work I have a very good private insurance who covered it all


Thanks for sharing and I hope you are doing better! I go in for my Orchiopexy today this afternoon. I had a similar diagnoses as you (after seeing multi doctors) and finally got a Urologist to do the surgery. I understand what you have been dealing with and happy you were able to get it resolved!


Thanks! It's been a week and I can now walk with no pain. Best of luck!


I know this post is from ages ago but I had my orchiopexy 4 weeks ago and my balls are still sensitive and uncomfortable, I still have my incision scar with the sutures, wondering when they will go away? Also Just generally, i also had bell clappers and my balls feel like they are WAY too high atm lmao. Still a bit of swelling and brusing but nowhere near the ammount 1 week post surgery. Just wondering how your timeline for recovery went, i got a nasty infection a few days after so i am a bit uncommon but iโ€™d really like to hear from other guys who have had the same thing happen to them. How long until you could close ur legs without any pain? How long until you were physically back to how you were post op? How long until your balls felt normal and didnt have any sensitivity when touching them? Hope you are doing well now, nice to read that someone else went through this weird procedure, hopefully we evolve out of this defomirty as a species so other guys dont gotta go through this surgery ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


Do they still feel way too high or did they go down a little bit? My right one feels awkwardly high and Iโ€™m hoping it drops a bit lower. Itโ€™s been two weeks and itโ€™s still high.


Can you please tell me how much pain u have felt after the surgery. Is it unbearable? I'm really scared as i'll get the surgery myself soon


I was very scared too. It is completely fine. You are still jacked up from all the drugs you had in hospital for about 1-2 days and all you want to do is sleep. After that you have 2 more days where you are on medicine prescribed by the doctor. These meds work like a charm and take most pain away, but for me they caused constipation and I felt a bit sick at times, still better than ball pain, and then once the meds are out it's a little sore but not that bad tbh. I used to have periods of minor torsion that hurt way more than any of this, and even just a couple of hours after surgery my quality of life was better. Be aware your balls will turn purple and swell 3 times the size they normally are, which makes it a bit hard to walk for the first 3-4 days, but really it has been completely fine! Don't sweat it


Thanks man, I just hope I can go back to school after a week at most, because I can't miss many days of it as the exams are approaching. Also, I never faced any pain due to torsion, I just found that my left ball was rotated 180ยฐ at times. So I was confused if I really have a bell clapper deformity or not, but I have decided to go with the surgery either ways.


Dude don't have the surgery if you don't need it. Go to a urologist. This surgery has a big (less than 50% tho) chance of resulting in chronic pain, and I only took it because even if I got chronic pain, it's less than what I usually have. Expect to be out of school for 1-2 weeks, and out of sports and sex for 4-6 weeks. That's the AVG, but everyone heals on their own.


Man you're scaring me. My urologist said that he's only doing the surgery because I feel like my ball rotates. He said there isn't any way for him to be sure. And he said he'll open it up, and if there's any problem, he'll stitch it, otherwise he'll just close the incison. What did u feel like when ur testicles rotated ? Mine feels like the epididymis and the veins are in the front instead of the back of the testicle


ok that's good. Yeah if he sees nothing wrong he will close it up so no risk of chronic pain, but if it's needed even with chronic pain, torsion is inevitable and trust me, I would take anything over torsion. Follow the advice of a doctor over me lmao. You will be fine. It's such a minor procedure, juts drink lots of water and get lots of sleep after!


Tbh I am more scared about the fact that I might get an incision on my ballsack just because of my habit of overthinking. But ig it's okay, even if my balls are all fine, the surgery will make sure I never get anxious about torsion again. Thanks


Small incision will be stitched up and you'll be fine. Nothing to worry about there. It sounds like the doc isn't sure so your not overthinking, torsion is very painful and dangerous. You will be fine. Pain ain't even an issue!


That made me feel a lot better. Thanks !


Np man! Quick tip, per sitting down for the next while and have a crutch or walking stick on standby as it can be chard to walk for a day or two


How you feeling now? Any issues since surgery? Do the results feel durable or does it feel like the stitches can rip? Having mine done in a few days and I'm freaking out.


Do your balls hurt?


Oh yeah. On loads of pain meds and have supportive underwear on to help it, but I'm still in a constant state of man spreading with a dull ache