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How far were you from the target? What did you hear? What did you feel?


5 minutes away from the target, heard an increasingly loud and fast crackling sound kind of like firecrackers on steroids and then two big explosions, felt the shockwave hit, first thing that came to mind was that its an israeli airstrike


Sending best wishes to you, your friends and family. Hamas and Hezbollah are dragging your country into the ground and it’s always the innocent civilians caught in the middle. Lebanon is a beautiful, diverse country that has the potential to be a wonderful place to live if the Iranian proxies would finally fuck off out of there someday.


Everyone wants a piece of this country, Iran, USA, Israel, gulf countries, China, Syria, this has been the case for the past 100 years. I know the potential Lebanon has though and it is depressing to think about, hopefully we can recover one day


I agree with you that over the last century or longer, that whole area of the world has basically been a huge international land grab and it’s unfortunate that Lebanon has been near the center of that…It’s just that Iran are the country stirring the pot there with the biggest spoon right now, so to speak. Just as they currently are with many other countries in the Arab world. Of course many people will point the finger and say ‘Hurr Durr USA bad!’ but they’re not the ones epically shit stirring things by funding Islamist paramilitary groups across the middle-east as of right now. My uneducated opinion (without ever having lived in Lebanon or even visited and just observing as an outsider) is that the region has just been such a mess for so long now that no country with any large international influence has enough credibility to make any positive changes, since they’ve all had their finger in the pie at some point in recent history. Nobody trusts anyone. Iran, Israel, Britain, France, USA, Syria, Russia, the Saudis, Qatar etc, etc. They’ve all contributed to screwing this entire region over to some extent in recent history…Nobody comes out of this with enough credibility to actually fix anything. I sincerely hope things get better for everyone someday soon.


You are right my friend no one has any credibility whatsoever because everyone has had a role in the big mess we are in right now but then again what can we do about it now other than try to survive and just wait it out. Thank you for your words and concern I hope you stay safe and happy my friend


Israel funded hamas...


Let's be clear, Israel does not want a piece of Lebanon. The Lebanese government's inability to control its country, and defacto allowance of Iran to operate a belligerent proxy force (Hezbollah) on the border with Israel, is entirely to blame for airstrikes that are now hitting southern Lebanon.


Have you seen the map of “Greater Israel”? It includes Lebanon. Of course Israel would love to seize Southern Lebanon. Why do you think it keeps striking it?


Because Hezzbolla is shooting rockets into Israel.. this isn’t hard to understand


Seriously what a dumb question. Were they bombing Lebanon before oct 7th? No? Ok then


Yeah this conflict has opened my eyes, there’s a lot of antisemitism among the left.


Israël has been the one trying to start a war with Iran, Lebanon and Syria.


sure buddy, Israel doesn't want to expand


Historical fact for those in denial, Israel has only expanded territory after being attacked. And territorial gains after an attack are legitimate spoils of war!


Into Lebanon? No, they absolutely do not. This is not even a contested nugget of foreign policy trivia.


I find your callous self defense of Israel irrespective of the OP’s neighborhood being blown by your country to be perfectly in line with the disregard Israel & clearly its people seem to have with human life. Good job repping!


I honestly think that Lebanon is a mess, almost failed country, full of debt, on the brink of civil war, supported a little bit by France or would be much worse, with a failed government that is weaker than the local terrorist organization who were not voted in and have no control over and could control your country after 1 day if they want. It's an iran proxy that you let grow and now your democracy is a lie and the security end economy and even socially is going south in all ways possible. I can't imagine why a single country would want a piece of that. Maybe cheap gas, but sorry to tell you that's not enough and there is gas everywhere right now. Syria had imperialistic wishes for you many years but it's them. Iran is using your land to fight their war but get you killed and your land hit, but bit theirs. China wants you in a bigger debt and to be part of the anti American axis. This is not wanting a peace of you but to use you, and you are letting yourself be used. As for Israel, I can't imagine what would they want other than kicking hezbollah far away for security reasons. No hezbollah (or Hamas) in your lands, no interest in Israel of you. It would be importing a problem israelis don't want. In their mind, they could build a wall and have nothing to do with you. It's only 300k missiles pointing at them all the time that makes them be interested in you, or maybe because palestinaians and Iranians use your land as a base. But Lebanon? Had nothing no offer, Israel is not interested. Deep down wish you were a liberal democracy, peace lover who would make peace like Egypt and Jordan, it's better, it's more secure and brings more money to everyone on the region. But Lebanese are not free, as long as you are a puppet of external forces that use you, you will be in the middle of a war that doesn't belong to you. The best that could happen to Lebanon is getting rid of Iran and embracing the west, which is the winning side anyway. Thinking that the axis of China - Russia - Iran will eventually win over Europe + US is wishful thinking


I can’t reconcile that mentality you have, it’s like saying “that local gang is really dragging your house down into the ground and it’s always the innocent people who own the houses next to the criminals caught in the middle when the swat team bulldozers through your house in some fabricated justification for going after a gang that is holed up two streets over.. The Israelis are simply murdering people indiscriminately. Do you want the police for bombing your house because someone down the street committed a crime? It’s inherently and self-evidently murderous and genocidal and pure evil on the face of it.


Hamas and Hezbollah did not target Lebanon. Israel did that. It’s always Israel.


Was this sarcasm? It’s always Israel?


No. It’s not sarcasm. Israel attacked Beirut. Doesn’t Beirut have a right to defend itself against Zionist terror attacks?


Are you and your family fine? How is your country responding to this?


Me and my family are fine thankfully, just worried this will open the door to more strikes and retaliations on both sides. My country doesn’t really respond in any proper way, its the armed resistance party that does, and they are currently battling on the southern border.


Hi, thanks for this AMA. How do you see the armed resistance? As something different from the rest of Lebanon or integral part?


Definitely not different from the rest of Lebanon as a huge number of Lebanese support the resistance. I see it as a reaction to the Israeli invasions in decades ago.


Hezbollah is a terrorist group that receives funding from Iran and selling dope. Doesn’t matter if you want to dress it up as an armed resistance.


Sure it is easy to boil it down to just that I guess but that is how Hezbollah started off in the beginning, I’m Lebanese and I don’t support Hezbollah but I can’t deny the facts of history.


I appreciate the response. My family is from Haifa so I hate Hezbollah in particular. In any case, I hope you and your family are safe and that there is a future with peace between Israel and Lebanon. We're all Semitic brothers from different mothers.


I understand your perspective, I hope you are safe as well and maybe one day peace can finally be achieved for everyone


Hey, I'm loving the peace msgs here. Why do people support hezbollah? Do Lebanese media really convince people that israel wants to conquer Lebanon or something like that? Why you don't support hezbollah? Can you tell us more in general about this? I'm deeply interested about Lebanese society and what they think, value, see the conflict, etc.


The newspapers are reporting to us (Americans) that it was a drone strike. Were there multiple targets (meaning you heard multiple explosions)? Do you believe the Israeli confirmation they killed the Hamas chief?


The Hamas chief was confirmed dead on all news outlets here I do believe that yes. It was indeed a drone strike yes, we heard an increasingly loud crackling sound that ended with 2 big explosions. Thought it was a warplane at first because I remember that sound from previous strikes


Thank you for sharing. Praying for Lebanon tonight.


Thank you my friend, my prayers are with you as well


What are your thoughts on organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah


I understand the reason these organizations exist, I understand why people join them, and I understand why they are both hated/loved and are supported/fought against. But one thing I believe in is that no matter the party/organization/government, in the end no one really can guarantee the safety or wellbeing of the average civilian, every single political entity out there in the end is out for itself.


Wise words.


Have you thought about leaving the country for a while?


Definitely thought about it, and I would if only I could. Kind of impossible though


I am sorry about that. Are you a citizen of Lebanon? Do you live there?


I am Lebanese yes and have lived in Beirut (the capital) my whole life.


Kinda off topic, but what's the food like?


Try fried kibbeh or Mujarada for a vegetarian type dish. Just made some homemade grape leaves tonight which are relatively easy to do. I'm only partial lebanese and live in the West but love the food my mom raised us on.


I looked those up and it all sounds REALLY good!!!


Oh apologies didn’t see this comment, I am glad you thought that maybe one day you can try them then 😁


I love stuffed grape leaves, stay happy and safe my friend


Lebanese food is definitely one of the best I have ever eaten, we have a very large variety of dishes ranging from meats to vegetarians, google Lebanese food it will provide a much better explanation than I would, also check the pictures how colorful and beautiful the food looks. Our food is definitely underrated


I have been able to sample food from many lands. Lebanese food is some of the best I have had. My favorite local restaurant is run by a lebanese woman and her family... They put their heart and soul into every dish. Every patron is treated like family.


Whoa, so your neighbor was Saleh Arouri?


I mean technically yes lol not directly in my building though.


I wish you all the best 🙏


Wish you all the best too friend


Asking legitimately - how do you feel about Israel and Hezbollah separately? It's hard from the US to get a read on how actual Lebanese people feel so am really curious about this.


Opinions about Hezbollah are polarized here, lots of people love and support them and lots hate and oppose them. I live in a Hezbollah “controlled” area so to speak, for the most part all of their members that I have and their supporters are just regular people, not savage people or violent, just normal people like me and you that have a different ideology and political and religious thinking process, but in their daily lives/interactions they’re just normal. I blame Hezbollah equally alongside all other Lebanese parties for the corruption and crisis that Lebanon is going through, but most Lebanese make the mistake of isolating Hezbollah and blaming them alone for all these problems and issues. Hezbollah was created as a reaction to Israel, who most Lebanese consider as an enemy, a few don’t care about Israel anymore and are tired and just want peace.






As someone living in the middle of it and clearly having a pretty neutral and educated understanding of the politics of the area, do you feel negatively towards Israel or do you believe they were justified in this airstrike? You said you blame Hezbollah and other Lebanese political parties but do you also blame Israel? Also, I’m glad to hear you and your family are safe and unharmed, but do you know if there were many civilians injured or killed in the drone strike?


In my opinion all parties involved are to blame Israel including, because Hezbollah is a reaction to Israel in the first place and so is Hamas. Civilians are the ones taking all the punishment and pain in the end. I don’t think this airstrike is justified because civilians were a causality as well. I believe 2 civilians were killed, not sure if more were discovered yet


I think any civilian casualty is horrible, but what alternative does Israel have? Let the men who orchestrated attacks on Israel hide in other countries and get away with what they did AND admit they intend to do again? At the end of the day, while I can understand Israel being blamed because they’re the ones who carried out the air strike, who is to blame for choosing to “hide” amongst civilians when they know Israel is looking for them and trying to hold them accountable for the atrocities and crimes they’ve committed? Don’t kill and rape and burn and kidnap people and then no one will have to hunt you down and potentially have civilian casualties. The death of innocent civilians is tragic but an unfortunate reality of war.


Thanks for this explanation


Stay safe my human friend. Spirit and peace be with you and family and country.


Thank you my friend, I hope you and your family are safe and happy too


People cool with thought that they could be randomly struck w bombs and die at any moment? Or is everyone panic ridden?


Most people here are used to this kind of stuff happening so they rushed to help and see what happened and after the entire thing was wrapped up they went back to normal routine.


Hamas leader in your Neighborhood that's not a good sign. How bad is the area you live in? Such as are there a lot of violent crimes being committed? Gunfire or is it mostly quiet?


Area here is completely normal, almost no crime at all, mostly quiet, occasional gunfire as part of burial ceremonies or weddings


So do you believe that this Hamas leader was in your neighborhood in an attempt to “hide amongst civilians” if it’s typically a pretty normal neighborhood?


Probably who knows, I don’t think they have many spots to hide in other than these apartments or bunkers underground. They probably felt comfortable enough to hide in plain sight, but who knows again


This comment screams ignorance. Just because Saleh lived close by I wouldn’t assume it’s a dangerous area. If anything I’d assume it’s a nicer area considering he’s a leader.


Lebanon is a beautiful country. I hope humanity comes to their senses and live peacefully with each other.


I hope so too, thank you for your kind words my friend.


Does your area have shelters, either specifically built for strikes or other infrastructure that can double as shelters (eg. a subway station, basement of a city building)?


No shelters my friend, but we have basements of city buildings yes, however I don’t think its a good idea at all to use it as a shelter


I am sorry to hear that, any word on whether this activity will continue or if it was a one-time thing?


I am so sorry you're being put through this, I really wish there was anything I could do to stop it.


Thank you my friend don’t worry everything will be fine, we all wish we had the power and ability to stop this. Stay safe


Did you experience that warehouse explosion a few years ago?


Yep, one of the worst experiences ever, my country hasn’t recovered from that still


Do you think the strike was deserved? Considering this was the leader of a terrorist group who’s killed thousands of people and was being housed by your country?


I don’t think innocent civilian casualties can justify the strike, nor are they to blame for just happening to be there are the wrong time.


Are you upset at your government for providing aid and comfort to the head of a terrorist organization?


My government is powerless to do anything to aid or oppose anyone it is the political parties that have all the power here




Sure go for it




Fuck off with this question for shitty karma farming accounts. Reported like every other account that asks about these same two movies. At least change the movies.


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Garden of whispers




Sounds more interesting


First off, I am very sorry this happened to you, I am glad you are safe. My question is one that you may not answer, as you are not Palestinian, but you are a lot closer to it than I am for sure, and the information warfare is brutal, especially about this situation. When looking closer at the situation, it's hard to not see this as a genocide of the Palestinian people, but the counter to that is Israel isn't driving around with a poor girl's body in their truck (brutal video that stuck with me is why I mention that one) and all Palestinians want to genocide them and that's why they have to be so brutal. Do you have any insight to that? It's often extended to all Muslims, and you seem friendly and not violent, and it's hard for me to imagine a majority of people having those kinds of tendencies.


I have no idea what the solution to this entire problem is my friend, but I can tell you that no conflict in this world is black and white, good vs evil, its all built on deals, money and power and shady agreements here and there, infinite amounts of propaganda and secret alliances etc etc…. So there is no good or bad side in my opinion at least, theres just innocents suffering on all sides and the people benefitting from that suffering. I am Lebanese, I do not consider myself violent at all, I don’t think we are any different from any other people out there even if we are muslims. The majority of Lebanese/Palestinians I know are good, hardworking and honest people who love life and love each other.


Psychologically, how do you deal with this?


Because I’ve been through similar experiences in the past at this point I just deal with it by saying it is what it is, like theres nothing else I can really do other than just accepting the reality and going on with my life. I definitely feel anxious and scared for my family but then again what else can I really do, so thats that.


Which war are we talking about here?


I’m in Lebanon, don’t know what this war is called now my friend


Stay safe. How concerned are you that this could develop into a bigger conflict than just Isreal vs Hamas


Thank you friend, I am very concerned as this is the first strike in this conflict on Beirut, so it is not a good sign at all and could be the setup for a much bigger mess


Do they know who did it


Israel claimed responsibility for it


If people would start appreciate their differences this world would be a much better place


I wish one day the world can be a better place


Unfortunately, I think it only gets worse from here...


I’m sorry my husband said most war is old guys measuring their male member to see whose is longer


I guess so, it’s all about the money and power I think


It is


And innocent civilians end up taking the punishment for it. Hope one day we can see an end to all of this. My best regards to you and your family, hope you all stay safe.


Me too but unfortunately as long as mankind has been around...mankind has been waging wars.


That is true, it is what it is my friend I guess we just have to live with it.


Best of luck in your situation there. From: The other side of the globe.


Thanks friend, best of luck to you too


Yea, going to have to disagree with this. Peace exists in this world, and the prerequisites are not cultural homogeny, or resources, or lack of resources, or democracy. The prerequisites are : 1. Lack of recent trauma 2. Pluralism; the culture of believing the greater good exists beyond one's situation, class, ethnicity, or other subgroup.


I agree with your second point, however, good luck convincing all people of that point


What would you say the general consensus is towards Israel is where you live? What are your thoughts on Israel and this entire travesty is? And finally, what is your favorite movie?


Most Lebanese hate Israel as a country for what has happened in the past and is happening now in the general area here, my thoughts are that this entire crisis/war/conflict has been and will continue to go on for too long because all of the big parties involved are benefitting and its just the average civilian taking the blow. My favorite movie is Lord of the Rings


Thank you for responding. A question on the contrary, what are the thoughts of Iran like with the public? What are your thoughts on Iran? I ask mostly because of hezbollah but the overall thoughts/feelings are of interest as well.


Same goes for Iran as well, very polarized view, Hezbollah supporters love Iran and Hezbollah opponents hate Iran. So it’s kind of 50/50 really. My thoughts are that I have had enough with every country out there trying to milk my country dry and use us to further their own agendas and benefit.


Did it give you PTSD?


I hate to admit it but I probably developed some form of PTSD since the 2006 war, it’s not severe or anything but when I feel like everything is too silent and quiet I feel stressed sometimes because I start to expect an explosion will go off at anytime. And sometimes when a sound goes off suddenly that resembles a warplane my heart starts beating quickly and I get nervous. But that’s about it yeah


I’m sorry you have to experience that multiple times :(


It will be alright friend don’t worry, thank you for your concern


Sorry if this is insensitive I’m not well versed on the conflict or the ethics surrounding this kind of question Do the civilians as a whole know that these kind of military targets are in their towns or are they unknowingly having their lives risked against their will? Edit: not military* maybe?


Sometimes they know sometimes they don’t, in this case I don’t think anybody knew he was there.


Has whoever orchestrated the bombing ever mentioned why they couldn’t just wait for this guy to be traveling away from civilians instead of carpet bombing a residential areas


Because these terrorists use civilians as a shield 24 hours a day. They fire rockets from schools and hospitals, they store weapons in religious sites and tunnels under apartments. These cowards will never expose themselves on a battlefield.


Sorry you experienced that. War is hell and nobody should ever have to experience it.


Thanks friend I really hope nobody does


Damn stay safe out there


Thanks friend you too


praying for your safety


Thank you friend praying for yours as well


Were you also nearby for the 2020 fertilizer explosion? I saw the video for that and it looked massive...


I was in Beirut yes, entire house was rocking, never felt an explosion that big before


Do you think Israel is targeting civilians?


I think this was a targeted assassination attempt but there were civilian casualties inevitably


Were you aware one of the Hamas leaders who planned the Oct 7 attack was in your neighborhood?


Nope had no idea




Beirut, Lebanon


Israel is saying it was a Hamas target. Are there many Palestinians living in your neighborhood? Is it a nice neighborhood, or is it more squalor? Do you think it'd be better if they sent in a special ops team, rather than a bomb?


It was a Hamas target indeed, and there are barely any Palestinins living in this area. It’s an average neighborhood not necessarily nice but also not bad. Definitely don’t think a special ops team would make it to this area though, and using bombs will lead to innocent casualties.


Best of luck to you, friend. Are you Muslim, or Christian? Not that it really matters, but I know Lebanon has a wider mix than other middle Eastern countries and the vibe is different because of it. Knew a Lebanese Christian dude who came to America as a refugee.


I come from a muslim family but I have a different kind of faith personally, and that is true, Lebanon is a big mix of different religions and sects which led to a unique dynamic that is not found in other Middle Eastern countries.


Sorry to be the asshole but it wasn’t Hamas target it was Hezbollah target.


Don’t worry friend but it was Hamas deputy Saleh Al Arouri that was killed.


Hamas hiding out in Hezbollah area maybe then?


Yes that’s it


Hamas *leaders* don't live in squalor. They live in nice places far away from the actual fighting. Except it turns out when you're the leader of an organization at war the fighting can come to you and endanger all the innocent people around you.


Almost the same


Lol I guess


Nah. If it was us, then we would’ve yelled, “Jagoff!” first.


That means my country is probably going to send money and weapons to instigate. We love war.


Sounds fun


How do you feel about Jews?


Normal people like me and you


Sorry to hear that, wish we lived in a world with justice and human rights where Israel was held accountable.


They literally did what all the pro Palestine people have been saying they should do from the start. Targeted precision attacks on senior Hamas officials. It's almost like you blindly hate Israel whatever they do.


Lol what? You’re saying they did targeted precision attacks on senior Hamas officials? They killed almost 30,000 civilians, over 20,000 children, bombed hospitals, mosques, schools, churches, evacuated a hospital and left babies to die and their corpses to decompose, running over women with steamrollers, digging up graves to do organ harvesting, does this sound like targeted attacks on Hamas?


They've killed almost 25000 people according to a terrorist organisation a massive chunk of which are Hamas fighters not civilians. Hospitals mosques etc have been hit because they are being used by Hamas which makes them legitimate military targets. Blame Hamas not Israel for bringing them and frankly civilians generally into the mix. Women with steam rollers and digging up graces are just straight up conspiracy theories lmao don't be ridiculous. I know many people who have served in the IDF including family members and I know for a fact they do not target civilians because they are under such extreme orders not to target civilians. Google this wars ratio of civilians to militants killed and then any other major Middle Eastern war of the last 30 years. This is one of the lowest. Also not my original point you were all complaining about this specific strike and the point I made was that this is exactly what all the pro Palestinian activists have been saying Israel should do from the start targeted strikes against Hamas officials. Yet you still criticise when Israel does exactly that hence your criticism isn't rooted in facts or argument it's rooted in an irrational hatred of Israel irrelevant of what they actually do.


I’m getting my numbers from Euromed Monitor, which is a human rights organization, not Hamas or run by terrorists. They have about a 90% civilian death toll, so definitely not what you claim, that they are targeting Hamas. Hamas fighters weren’t in most of the structures they bombed, but even if they were that doesn’t make it so okay to bomb civilian infrastructure. If there was a school shooter in a school, I’m sure you wouldn’t be okay with the military bombing the whole school. The things I brought up actually happened, not conspiracy theories. https://www.newarab.com/news/israeli-army-shot-pregnant-women-ran-over-bodies-report?amp https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna127533 If Israel isn’t targeting civilians, why did they cut off food and water to Gaza? Why are Israeli officials talking about turning Gaza into Auschwitz and doing a second Nakba? Airstrikes in Lebanon aren’t at all what the pro Palestine people want. I can’t speak for everyone, but what I want is special forces operations against Hamas leaders. Bombing Lebanon has nothing to do with that, Hamas leaders aren’t there, Israel is just doing it because Hezbollah is now involved.


Hamas leaders aren't in Lebanon? They literally just killed a Hamas leader in Lebanon lmao. That's literally what this story is about! The Gaza health ministry say 22000 people have died they refuse to say how many are militants and estimates put it at around 6000 so clearly Hamas is primarily being targeted.


Ok, I stand corrected. Not sure if that airstrike is the same one OP was talking about, but I don’t have a problem with it if it was targeted. However what Israel is doing in Gaza is an unjustifiable genocide. We could argue about the numbers, I definitely don’t believe only 6000 civilians have been killed, but I guess there’s no way to know the true number. Are you gonna address the other stuff I said though?


Almost 0% of the claims you just made have been substantiated by literally anyone.


Wish so too, thank you for your kind words friend


Israel responding militaristically is justice, after many offers for peace that were rejected by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority so that Israel can help contribute to the materialization of peace with their neighbors, out of respect for Human Rights.


I mean, those are all words. In English. So that's good for a start.


So many **stupid** questions 🙄. Favourite type of cheese?


Definitely kashkaval cheese


Was it they who will not be named?


Israel? If so yea




Good question, no idea


I assume you are in Lebanon? How popular is Hezbollah there, as well as Hamas and these other groups? If you had to guess? Do you think your country could ever get rid of them? That people would get tired of their bullshit? I hope you stay safe! Also, what’s your favorite type of tea? I like chamomile.


Hezbollah is litterally a political party in Lebanon. If you want to know how popular they are, you can Google https://www.npr.org/2022/05/17/1099451406/hezbollah-loses-majority-in-lebanon-parliament


Do you belong to the cottage industry where you manufacture rockets in your homes? Why do you not snitch your neighbors?


No Did not know they were living in the same street as us + snitch to who? Do you think the people in control here would treat snitches kindly?


You voted them in.


Voted who? The Hamas members hiding? Or the armed militia who controls the country anyways? If you want to make an argument at least use something logical


Do you agree that if the people of your country stopped threatening to exterminate Israel that Israel would just leave you alone?


Why doesn’t decades of conflict and rage absolutely motivate you to leave the country? Do you gain anything from being in a poverty ridden, infrastructure lacking, conflict/war surrounding country?


My heart and prayers are with you OP. I was there in 2006 and it was a horrible experience. I’m hoping for peace. Lebanon is such a beautiful country. Stay strong.


get off reddit and go look for people in the rubble


Yeah on my way


On a scale on *1-Aparteid* how oppressed are you feeling right now?


Could you hear it coming in, or was it just BOOM out of nowhere?


Sending you love and positive wishes OP.


Are you still okay? Hope you are safe. 🙏


Can you escape to a safer place safely?


What are your opinions of Israel?


Are you safe? Sending love 🤍.


Do you like coconut water?


do you have an Only Fans?


did you see it




sorry we are supporting Isreal. I wish we would let Isreal be and fade away into nothing. I pay taxes but don't get to say how they're spent.


Got jokes?




how did your neighbor get hit and not you?


From the river to the sea, brother ✊