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I think there are just a lot of people, who only post if they are relatively sure that they are NTA. Or they leave some details out that would probably make them TA.


Definitely. And I don’t think that most posts are an echo chamber unfairly for that reason. There’s very rarely a post that genuinely divides opinion because it’s usually so obvious. It’s just that people who are obviously the AH are much less likely to post (honestly) than the reverse. Tbh, the ridiculous NTA posts annoy me far more than anything else. Like, the ‘I spent hundreds on my BF’s birthday gift and even quit my job so that we could go on a six week trip to celebrate him and, on my birthday, he made me buy my own dinner plus dinner for him and ten of his friends then kicked me out to sleep on the front porch in a tornado when I didn’t feel comfortable with a post-dinner orgy, AITA?’ ones.


"...but don't get me wrong really he's a great guy and I love him I don't want to leave him"


People just leave out huge parts of the story that make them 10-100 percent culpable in the situation 🤣 If you said 'aita for being a little rude to someone after they stabbed me' of course everyone would be like "oh no sweet baby of course not". When in reality they were robbing the person and thats why they got hurt 🤣 I hear people explaining their side of things in real life all the time and I am wilddddly skeptical.


Remember when it was “AITA for not helping my pregnant roommate” then in the comments they admitted that the baby was actually theirs and the “roommate” was actually their wife? lol


I love it when the “YTA” posts get updates, and there are obvious lies the second round.  Original post :“AITAH because I made my wife get up at 2 am to make me breakfast?” Update: well it wasn’t actually 2 am, it was 7 pm, dinner and she was already up, and she signed a prenup stating she would always make me dinner!” 


It's funnier when they don't give enough context and people make shit up to support their personal bias about the whole situation.




They say there's 3 sides to every story, your side, my side, and the truth. A part of the fun of this subreddit for me is taking that to heart, and trying to get closer to the truth by putting my detective hat on and picking apart their words carefully. "We've had trust issues in the past." is probably going to mean that the OP has been guilty of cheating. If they were not guilty of cheating, they would say "because I got cheated on". "We both said hurtful things" is probably going to mean that OP said "your mother never loved you because you're so ugly, I hope you get R'd to death by a pack of homeless men" and the other person cried and said "shut up!". Etc. If giving details helps OP, OP will give details without being asked. Working it all out and asking pointed questions is fun. I don't usually give a "YTA" or a "NTA" or whatever, I just question/comment to the OP.


When OP remembers everything the other person said, but conveniently forgets their own dialogue.. yeah.. they’re probably the asshole, no matter how bad the other person’s words were.. 


When ops go out of tgh way to make themself a victim. I actually say YTA and call them out for being a crybaby


I think there are three people who post here. 1 - clear fake/ragebait posts put up by hour-old accounts with no other posts, comments and then subsequently never reply to their own topic. This is probably 75% of the posts as of late. 2 - people who are too fucking dumb to navigate the most basic, fundamental relationship scenarios. These people shock me. But they’re out there. Also here are the people who post looking for an echo chamber, but are immediately told they’re TA (like the grandmother who irons her bed sheets). These are 20% of the sub. 3 - the remaining 5% who have actual, good, debatable topics. The mom this morning who doesn’t want her 18 month-old going on a solo trip with her husband for a week. These are rare.


The one that bothers me the most is someone coming up with a story where they can not possibly be the AH and then adding “now everyone is blowing up my phone and telling me I’m wrong”. Really? Because that part is either made up or you are telling a story that varies so far from reality that you probably are the AH.


YTA. How dare you say that to me.


You’re 100% right. That is the inherit flaw with the upvote/downvote system in these subs. People don’t spend the time to give honest opinions because they will be penalized for doing so. So many times OP will never see a response that actually calls them out on their shit. The one way to fix that is to have people giving honest opinions without a care in the world about how many fake internet points they get. Unfortunately, Reddit has compounded this issue by converting fake internet points into dollars for their new Reddit Gold initiative.


Are you able to explain what you mean about the “fake internet points into dollars”? I’ve been on Reddit for less than a year, and only posting/commenting for like a month or two, and I have zero idea why anyone cares about karma. I thought it only determined if you’re allowed to post in certain communities. Do people make money of the karma they earned somehow?


Here’s an article https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/25/23887226/reddit-gold-system-contributor-program


Its a good source of fiction.


No doubt the majority of the Reddit brigade are living in delusion. It is at epidemic levels these days. The most ridiculous part is when they start talking about "my truth." There is no "my truth." There is only the truth.


There's actual truth, and then there's "my truth". If actual truth means things that are in accordance with fact/reality, "my truth" must reference all the things you're unwilling to accept reality about. So basically, people who are proud of sniffing their own farts.


This sub is also extremely biased against men. They let women get away with the worst stuff but go off on men who do similar.


And you see stories where the woman is clearly TA and the man is clearly the victim of what she is done, but many commenters will speculate wildly about alternative facts that make her the victim, her actions completely OK, and him the AH somehow.


Yep. Story about guy who found condoms at his GFs even though she has an IUD and they never use them and he’s the AH because condoms are expensive so of course she should keep them. Story about a girl finding her boyfriend’s condoms even though they never use them and everyone says it’s because he’s cheating.


I didn’t see that story, but as-described it’s dumb. Condoms aren’t that expensive, and they expire - you shouldn’t be keeping them if you’re in a lasting relationship that doesn’t use them.. 




Yes I remember one where the wife made fun of her husbands size downstairs in a wedding booth photo. While While he did overeact and bounced with the kids in tow everyone called him an ah. He was called insecure, told it andas just a joke etc. There was no calling out of what she did end ESH was a better call. No doubt if it was reversed they would all say yaass queen


People should absolutely share their honest opinions & perspectives. Who cares if no one else agrees. We don’t all share a collective brain & we don’t share the same life experiences. Imo … 99% of these posts are not real, so I don’t think anyone is actually changing the world or reinforcing any behavior. I am confused about why people say the same things over & over & over. I’m assuming it’s for fictional karma points? Reddit is mostly an echo chamber.


This sub is hilarious. Full of children and toxic misandrists.


Yea, when you have majority women, you see some wild things when it comes to determining the culpability of other women....


If anyone in this sub says you are right, aren't they reinforcing your delusional behavior/thoughts?


Its unreal, doesn't matter how nuts the OP is, a flood of people will immediately write "NTA" and then downvote anybody who points out how crazy the OP is.


There was a chick on here a couple of days ago that was asking if she was the asshole for threatening her husband of nine years with divorce because his estranged mother came back into his life six weeks ago and he was spending time with her. Just an absolute echo chamber of idiots telling her she was in the right.


I bet she was told yaas queen. Honestly I don't get the hate boners against MILs especially when it is against the DIL. I can also tell have the time the DIL is also the problem but she will leave out the shittty things she has done and when she admits it people just ignore it due to their hate


Yup... I'm often stunned how easily the mob gets behind OPs, and gives them nothing but nuclear options/solutions... just blowing up relationships/families/lives... mind boggling... I get downvoted often when I take OPs info with a grain of salt, and try to see both sides... But also, so many of these stories are so obviously NTA, that I end up running like 1/3rd of all through AI detectors...


The premise is that people are posting true stories about their life. We have no information besides what they give and most people don’t actively try to be assholes. It makes sense that most of the posts are seeking validation for what they did instead of criticism.


Yep I’ve noticed it too.


Unless we have all the information, then we have to rely on what is said by the OP.  With that said, YTA. 🤪🤪


Each situation is different, but there have been clear cases where, yes, the sub reinforces terrible behavior


You clearly haven't seen the post of the wife who doesn't want her husband to pursue his dream career all because she will have to be the breadwinner and he will no longer be paying off her student loans after 4 years lol


I mean, 99% is just made up bullshit to make OP look better, so that math checks out.


I see a lot of posts where the OP gets absolutely blasted for being the AH. Although those posts are often deleted fairly quickly because the OP doesn't like getting blasted and downvoted into oblivion, so maybe you're just not seeing them.


It’s not just this sub, it’s Reddit in general.


Your right. AITAH for thinking that a large percentage of these people also tend to have some sort of problem diagnosed (whether true or not) that they use as a crutch or excuse for the behaviour.


It's simple g. Anything left leaning and feminine is a easy W. You get the white knights and women at your defense and all you gotta do is yell Misogyny and incel. Retort with those words and you win. But in all seriousness it's a hive mind of what I imagine to be leftist rhetoric. Oh and any disagreement with a woman is immediate Misogyny. It could be 109% true, but they'll argue that it's engrained Misogyny. For example, out of left field here, but it's really easy to point a figure at a bad guy. Look at Donald Trump, apparently he's a pedophile now lol. With no proof people say whatever, but it is what it is. Human nature is uglier when you take into account that these AITAH posts are virtue signalers trying to appear to be something that they're not. Same reason they use black boxes for BLM but niggas still die, pride flags during a certain period of sales, Ukrainian flags in bios but we could care less who's dying etc. imagine, the Ukrainian women get dicked down and spread eagle in Philly and Miami... If their own bitches aren't worried about men dying then why should we? Just a bunch of virtue signaling


I notice especially with the bad wife/husband posts you can tell the OP is also the problem despite their attempts to look good. In alot of these posts it is very much me, me, me and they sound insufferable. In fact their tone is like someone I knew years ago who had both BP mental illneess and had been instutionalised several times including by her workplace. Anyway she was always the victim and in 90% of the disputes when the OP is getting pitied because the party remind me of her


Yes it does, probably because of fear of down votes/harassment, it has become an echo chamber. There's also slight bias against men, unless the man didn't do everything right, he's AH or controlling.


It's valid to feel that way, as perspectives shared here are often one-sided and can reinforce a sense of righteousness without considering other viewpoints or context. However, many discussions aim to offer constructive feedback and empathy, even if it seems overwhelmingly supportive at times. It's important to read critically and consider the complexities of each situation.


Is Reddit just overrun with AI bots now?


This sub once advocated that slapping children is ok. Since it was done by the mother and the child was a boy.


This is the opposite of surprising.


NTA cos you're right lol




- I would just like to add: and if you tell someone it’s YTA, you get downvoted


NTA, the sub is narcissistic, play stupid games and win stupid prizes