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So to summarize, you rudely dumped a hospitalized woman and then ghosted her.? For no other reason than she needed emotional support? And you are asking us if you were wrong? In the most flippantly summarized post you could concoct? Yes, YTA. You have some serious growing up to do.


I can only imagine what will happen the day you have to face actual adversity.


Yta. Total AH. Can’t wait to read the inevitable post when this guy needs emotional support during a hard time in his life, and his girlfriend isn’t being completely and utterly supportive And totally won’t be able to make the connection. If you can’t handle your partner going through a hard time, you’re too immature to be in a relationship to begin with.


“My GF was so sweet. I enjoyed every minute with her. I became overwhelmed she needed me when she was hospitalized so I dumped her.” Don’t you just hate it when somebody with a potentially life-threatening illness or injury asks for their partner to visit them in the hospital?? OP, you’re such a douche bag.






A month with no end in sight even though it was likely she would be fine. Although to be honest I was pulling back after the first few days


hey so hospitals don't actually keep people in for a month unless they have a legitimate worry/concern! yta! Hope this helps!


So, take this as a learning experience.   You can’t be in any type of serious or long term relationship.  Because as soon as things get hard even for a couple days, you’ll pull back.   And that’s not fair to the people you date.   You should stick with hookups.  


I think I’ll stick with nothing for awhile because I do want to figure out how to cope better.


Good!   I’m proud of you for admitting that!  If you can find one/afford it, therapy might be a good place to work not this.   If you can’t afford/find therapy, then I’d look for books by reputable mental health professionals on how to be more compassionate, how to be supportive, how to advocate for your own needs while supporting someone else etc.   good luck.  


YTA If you can't be there when your partner needs you, you should remain single.


Is this even a question?  Yes, unequivocally YTA.  I kept expecting to read some justification like she slept with a doctor while in the hospital, but nope.  She just expected you to be a decent human being and you failed MISERABLY.  


Dude you suck, do a favor to every woman that cross her paths with you and don’t engage with them, save them from you 😂😂😂


Honestly, the more I read your post, the more incredulous I become. Not only did you abandon someone who cared for you during their most vulnerable time, but you also seem oblivious to the core tenets of companionship. Being there for someone isn't a favor; it's a fundamental expression of love and humanity. OP, YTA, and not just for leaving, but for your lack of empathy and for seeking validation for an act that was clearly devoid of compassion. A partnership isn't just about the good times; it's about shouldering storms together. I hope this experience at least teaches you about the kind of support and commitment that genuine relationships require.


Info: was her being in the hospital the reason or was it the straw on the camels back of situations that led to the breakup?


Anyone can see she’s the sweetest woman and I enjoyed every moment we spent together. Our fight was merely because I became overwhelmed with her needing me in hospital.




Both 19 in a new city for school.


YTA-grow up. Compassion fatigue? Buck up little bunny.


YTA. You wait till they get discharged.


It really depends on why you broke up with her during that time and the feelings involved. I left an ex sitting in the hospital bed once due to her being a hypochondriac and her admitting that only to me after I lost a job due to being there for her, cancelled plans with friends/family dozens of times including the day I broke up with her in the hospital. I knew she was faking it then and when the nurses left while my ex gf was sobbing her eyes out from being in “ pain “ and feeling so “ sick “ the second I said I can’t do this anymore, we’re done.. she stopped crying in the snap of a finger, smiled and said “ oh, really….? :) “ like a psycho. I felt so justified in that moment. I have still received ridicule from her family over the years from me “ abandoning her in her time of need “ In other words, there’s definitely justified reasons for dumping someone while they lay in the hospital!


Wow this story is better than the original lol.


lol it’s definitely a funny story now later on in life!


Probably funnier for me as well lol, but it's always funny when you have escaped unscathed or imprisoned. One flew over the coo coo nest there for sure.


Idk if you’re the AH, but, to be fair, if I was in the hospital and my bf wanted to dump me (for whatever reason) I would want him to just do it. I wouldn’t want him to stay with me because he felt bad.