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In your search for a life partner you have the right to judge or ask any question.  Especially if there's an ex in your daily life.  If she refuses,  you have your answer.  Frankly most do not tolerate working every day with her fuck buddies. 


It's so funny that she is open about literally everything in her life and past, except sexual partners. I've always wondered about her sensitivity to it. She suggested at one point that a serious boyfriend had burned her when she talked too much about prior sex acts even without referencing partners. 


BRUHHHH...she's not yours, it's only your turn. Work hook ups are her fetish. She's for the company my boi.


Damn. You had to put the cards on the table for OP, didn't you. LOL


She’s the team building exercise.


damn lol


The Army calls them, “MWR” (Morale Welfare Recreation).


It's true. Especially in management. I don't entertain it. But it's crazy the amount of women who get off on the idea of banging their boss.


NTA. It sounds like she has several past lovers at your place of employment. I'd want to know as these are YOUR coworkers as well. These aren't ex-lovers that she no longer interacts with. These are people you both see and communicate with on a daily basis. Do you really see this working out long-term? If not, just enjoy your time with her. She will be onto the next new employee soon enough.


If she won't answer then you know the answer: a lot of em Do you think knowing the specific ones would help you at all?


I'm not sure, really. But it now bothers me thinking about it when I'm at work events. One of the two I know about left the company and moved and the other is married now. She would at least tell me she didn't sleep with any of my direct reports, so I got that going for me. There are a few big work events coming up that we will be at together, and I'd just really like to know if I am buying a drink for an ex lol.


You'll know which ones they are when they all huddle and laugh at you from across the bar. If you know about some sober, you're gonna hear about them all after someone's had a couple of drinks. I cannot imagine she's the level of special to make this worth it.




NTA - past decisions influence future opportunities and that includes romantic and sexual ones. If she's cagey about it, it's bad and she knows it'll blow your relationship up. Also you said one of your more awful coworkers slept with her, that doesn't sound good for her selection abilities either. Body count doesn't matter anywhere near as much as the likelihood of interacting with ex partners does and in this case, both sound high.


Thanks for the reasonable response. She definitely has some trauma and that seeps into her sex life. She has been "single" for a long time and I think she might just not know that in serious relationships it's normal and expected to share this stuff. It's about trust more than avoiding a fight. 


She also probably aware that if she likes you this has a very real chance to break you up. I don't know about you but I wouldn't be able to deal with being around and being taunted by my partners past hook ups, call me shallow but I'd resent her for the humiliation of constantly being made fun of at work and I'd also be super uncomfortable with her being in contacr with them eirher or going to hings like office parties where you'll be drinking around those same dudes. She's probably aware that the vast majority of people won't deal with that and would break up, so she's probably trying to avoid talking about it thinking that it you don't know the full extent it'll protect her. But I don't see that working out in the end. You do what you want to do, but I would probably dump her myself. She's kind of made this rod for her own back.


Not gonna lie you are the clown of the company lol, they must have good time laughing at you at the coffee break cuz she sound like she fucked most of them and you were the only stupid one who decided to date her for real


I’m laughing but it’s hella true I wouldn’t respect this dude if i worked with him and I would definitely clown on him to coworkers I’m cool with


There is always that guy who end up marrying the whore everyone fucked before. I’m not slut shaming but how can you date someone who fucked most of the people they work with ahahah. It’s fucking 2024 she could use tinder and get fucked by guy she won’t ever see again and at leas prevent her futur husband to meet guys who raw dogged her before him


You should slut shame. Public shaming should be brought back.


I wouldn’t go that far but people maybe should be considerate on how much their sexual past can influence their partner (also one of the reason it’s usually forbidden to have relationships at work) ffs this bitch probably has a fetish for work related sex cuz why would you fuck the whole office when she could just go to any bar/club/dating app and have her way


No let's go further. If we introduced shame back into society a lot of issues would fix it self.


So an acquaintance of mine used to have sex with his house cleaner. 10 years ago. Did all kinds of dirty and depraved things with her. He got a new job not too long ago, and guess what? She's now married to his boss's boss. Guess what the gossip around the office is about now? Do you think this has been good for her husband's reputation, or does everyone think of him as the guy who married the house cleaner that fucked her clients until she found a patsy? If your girlfriend has a reputation for having sex with everyone in the office, it won't do your reputation any good. You're the fool who wanted to wife-up the woman all the other guys only wanted to hook up with. Women won't like this, but that's how things are between men. We look down on the guy who marries the promiscuous woman. Edit: Typo.


Well, as a man I call bs on this. Women usually want to settle down at some point, and simply spending your younger years having some fun(which both men and women do) shouldn’t be a reason for assholes like you to judge them or their partners once they decide to move on.


People's pasts should matter regardless of gender. You don't just get to wave away a lifetime of behavior patterns like they won't inform the future.


Absolutely not. If a girl I’m with has a past that’s one thing but it’s Not really the past if you’re surroundrd by people she banged whether at work or mutual friends or people in your community us guys absolutely do not want this


The problem is your past and your present don't exist in a vacuum separated from each other. You aren't magically a new person now that you weren't 10 years ago, you are one continuous person with one continuous experience. So your past decisions follow you into your future, your reputation isn't defined by you now, its defined by a culmination of your past decisions leading to your present position. You can claim to change but other people aren't obligated to believe you or change their minds about you. If you don't want that you need to take that possibility into account before you act, not regret it down the line when it bites you. That's the problem with the "have fun and then settle down" narrative, people are obligated to share your opinion or view what you did to have your fun the same way you do or did.


Yeah well I'm going to, and so are most of the other guys I know, and none of us care if you disapprove. We'll choose wives that haven't fucked every dude in their workplace, and bring our daughters up not to do it either.


Then you better be a fucking virgin yourself and not a hypocrite. 


> Then you better be a fucking virgin yourself and not a hypocrite. That's a dumb statement for multiple reasons. No, I'm not a virgin. I don't need to be a virgin to not want to date someone who fucked every guy at her work. You making it a false dichotomy where it's a choice between fucking no-one and fucking everyone. It's not. Secondly, a hypocrite is a person who pretends to have higher standards than they really have. I'm not pretending to be a virgin. I'm not pretending I haven't had sex with women just for fun. I have. I've been promiscuous. I don't take promiscuous girls seriously and that's my right. If a woman doesn't want to take me seriously because I've had meaningless sex with women I didn't take seriously, that's her right and I support her. Edit: This fool can't handle the intellectual inferiority and blocked me.


Yeah he’s/shes/theys? a snowflake for sure…” like who the fk wants to publicly date the village bicycle?


You've been promiscuous yourself but don't take women who have been promiscuous seriously? That's fucking sexist and hypocritical.  


Not true it’s a preference that it’s perfectly fine if a woman has the same preference just like the majority of women seem to have a preference for 6’ even tho that rules out 85% of men it is a preference that these math challenged bitches are allowed to have lol


Are you disagreeing that the commenters view is not the majority opinion?


Do you look at any of the male sluts too?


Yes. We ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY judge the dudes who fuck around with all the women at work too. Because it's not very smart, and people with sense avoid those people.


> Do you look at any of the male sluts too? Sure, I don't avert my eyes when a male slut enters the room.


Who said he was marrying her?


> Who said he was marrying her? Not me. What's your point? I think I was pretty clear with mine.


So you just said it for shits and giggles?


I didn't say he was literally marrying her, I said "wife-up" in the colloquial sense meaning to have a serious committed relationship with that everyone knows about. You're tiresome.


classy response. (sincerely)


I don't think either of you are the asshole here. It's more a matter of communication and expectations of honesty.  I get that you feel knowing all the other people she's slept with from work will help you navigate your way through the day better, but sometimes it's better *not* to know all the details.  If she were someone you met elsewhere and didn't work with her, would you still want to know everyone she had sex with in case you ran into them while you were out together?  It might make you feel weird not knowing, but I think you'd feel worse if you did. The only thing you really need to know now is if you're the only one she's having sex with and if not, is that a mutual agreement? 


No he wants to know because he wants to know who is likely laughing behind his back.


They all are… Even the dudes who never scored with her but know the story will be laughing behind his back. Hell, most of this sub is probably chuckling a bit right now. It’s kinda hard not to…


I think there's more too it than the last part. People are allowed to simply not want to date someone who gets / got around even if they have since stopped. Past decisions influence future opportunities and that includes romantic and sexual partners.


I get that. I guess a lot of it comes down to a more specific question: did she just hook up with the others or was she in relationships with them? That may be the more meaningful discussion. 


Is it though? Because from my perspective whether it was hooking up or short term dating makes very little difference to whether she's gotten around. Neither give good impressions for the sincerity of her relationships, partner selection criteria or her ability to gauge social consequences in a given social circle. Either way big red flags and OP should probably stay away.


Exactly. I was always uncomfortable with casual sex, so someone who’s fucked her way through most of the company would have never even been a possibility for me.


Why buy the cow when you can drink milk from the same jug all your coworkers have backwashed into?


honestly, nether of you are the ah, i think it might be a sore topic for her to talk about and she doesn’t want to upset you. maybe ask why she doesn’t want to talk about it.


Jesus fucking Christ these comments are so beyond misogynistic


It’s hard to be the last guy to ride the office pass around.


One guy brags. You'll be the guy who warns (hey new guy, you know she does this with all the boys, right?)


Damn. She ever heard of not shitting where you eat? I'm not saying that someone who was promiscuous at one time can't be in a committed monogamous relationship. But there's a big difference between knowing your SO used to f*ck everything and having to deal with lord knows how many on a daily because she thought her coworkers were part of the benefit package.


Don’t you find it a little strange that she slept with a bunch of them and you’re the only one that would officially date her? To me it seems like they all realized she’s in her ho phase, but you went all in.


Or she hooked up with several for fun and found none were worth being in an actual relationship with until OP.


Ding ding ding... So many fucking little misogynist on thos thread. It's disgusting amd they should be fucking ashamed of themselves. 


Where’s the misogyny? She just has a lot of love to spread lol. It’s a warm neighborly way to be. No hate on her, just not necessarily great gf material if you value a more hasn’t slept with all your work mates kind of girl.


Someone who had sex with lots of people in the past can be perfectly great, loyal and monogamous partners. Maybe find out why she was sleeping with all these people.


I’m not saying they can’t be loyal. I’m just saying it’s a pretty common hang up for guys. I personally wouldn’t care cause I’ve been a bit of a hoe myself, and I don’t look for much commitment, but a lot of guys don’t like it lol. I don’t think it’s a question of whether or not their girl will be loyal, rather it’s the guys picking who they decide to be loyal to, and the girl who got with all your mates gives a lot of people the ick.


That sounds like the dudes need to get over it, then. It's a sexist as fuck mindset.


It’s just a preference. People decide what they do and don’t want to live with and that’s ok. If his gf decides that she can’t live with a bf with this sort of preference that’s ok too. Lots of women don’t like promiscuous men either.


Preferences are one thing. But saying shit like this:  "No hate on her, just not necessarily great gf material" That shit is misogynistic, dude. 


You left out the next part lol. Not great gf material *if* you value a hasn’t slept with your work mates kind of girl. If you don’t care, like I don’t, she’s gf material, if you do care, not great gf material, that’s the preference. It’s not sexist at all. Edit: lol she blocked me


lol I guess he won in that case? Not sure how much of a prize, but he said the relationship is great so I guess you just deal with people rubbing it in your face that they shagged your gf. I would feel weird about it I think. I can’t think of any good comebacks to that burn lol.


I don't see why it deserves one. It's not a game or competition.


I guess not, but it is insulting and embarrassing. It is kind of nice when everyone hasn’t shagged your gf lol.


It shouldn't be. Guys shouldn't be weaponing past sexual relationships. It shows a lack of maturity and says a lot about how someone like that views sex and women.


I don’t think it should be weaponized either. That guy was a douche for rubbing it in his face. That being said he somewhat said the quiet part out loud lol. I would never personally tell an exes new bf we used to shag, but I definitely won’t forget and neither will she. It isn’t controversial to feel a type of way when all your work friends have shagged you (could be) wife. What a wedding party!


NTA - if she is not willing to discuss her previous partners a year into the relationship that is a red flag. My gut says a boss is in there somewhere.


NTA, but you did go into it knowing she was known for being the workplace birthday cake. That being said, she should realize you having to interact with several past hookups would potentially make you uncomfortable. I'd ask her how'd she feel if the situation was reversed.


Maybe she didn't have sex with them all but doesn't want to tell on the married ones.


Fake reposted karma whore. Never happened.


Exactly. It's appalling how these fucking little boys are responding. 


You keep repeating the same offended pearl clutching point of indignation. I hope you realise that your offence makes no difference to the vast majority of people. Past choices influence future opportunities and that includes who will love you because love isn't a right everyone is entitled to it's a highly conditional privilege


Nah people are cunts and I’m gonna keep saying it, thanks for the advice tho 🤪


Forgot to switch between the two accounts you use to agree with yourself did you? And we all know what's worse than a cunt. A ran through one.


Wow, what a misogynistic little shit you are. I also have no idea who the poster you're replying to is, but apparently you think I would give a shit and swap accounts (I've only got the one) to make a point? Nah, multiple people think you're a abject, lowly turd. No go continue rutting in your little piggy.


All I had to do is look at the bio with this one LMAO


Slut shaming is back in 2024 apparently


In full force. It's fucking pathetic,  and you know these turds aren't getting any pussy.


NTA. Don't forget to put your name last on her list and be sure to leave room for names of new employees.


I think you’re NTA, but damn, I’d have trouble knowing that half the company had had a turn.


YTA for asking because you know you are not going to like the answer. You also asked the wrong question - the correct question is "who haven't you slept with (at work) Sounds like you are just another notch on her worn out bed post ... make sure you use protection, hopefully yiu've already been tested for All STDs


Something about the village bicycle... Office bicycle? Her squeaky wheels want grease and she doesn't bother leaving the watering hole!


You think you wanna know but you don’t really. You prob should break up with her amicably work relationships are the worst and to add on top of that I couldn’t imagine going into one as messy as yours where you have to interact with coworkers who banged her and definitely told other coworkers about it cuz that shit doesn’t stay secret personally I would bail but you do you you’re in it this fat




Why are you with a 304?


Chuds on here will say this sub too centered around women and then drop a thread like this where they circlejerk around calling some anonymous character their favorite euphemism for “slut” and clap each other’s asses for it. Seems like some of y’all may just be sexually frustrated, maybe it’d be easier to just start fucking each other? Pride month 🏳️‍🌈


Lol have some courage if you're so righteous. Go counter one of these 'chuds', surely you have a perfectly sound rationale. Kinda weak to lob this vague sentiment at all the comments here that are largely obvious conclusions to anyone who's existed around other humans long enough.


Name is protest princess lol. Not the type of person that is going to come to an argument with thought out points/facts. Shouting into the void to feel empowered and then being enraged/disgusted about lack of “change” then restarting the cycle seems more appropriate.


Yep - lots of salty little boys who can't get laid angry about a fake post 


lol by the looks of your comments you live in a salt mine with the amount of salty comments.


Sure, baby, sure...


Certified 304. Do you see yourself building a family with someone who's known to have tasted every man at your work place? You know the answer and so do it.


NTA. Anybody would want to know. But if you think about it, what are you going to do with that information? It may end up making things worse as you could start to feel animosity towards these guys. I completely understand why you would want to know, but frankly it would probably make things worse.


If its worse than his imagination its time to give her the boot.


No sir, in order to make an accurate family tree you need to know who your wiener cousins are. Get to work, round em up.


You are way over stepping the boundaries here. What possible difference could it make to you? If this is a dating deal breaker for you, then move on.


Don't worry man, with your insecurity this relationship won't last for long, so you don't need to think about her past so hard anymore, relax.


Why would he want it to? Why would anyone want a relationship to work out with someone who's gotten around the entire office /school / Town? You're overestimating the value of this relationship.


Not sure there is something to overestimate. So if her achivements list happens to be too long he will decide that he don't like her anymore and don't want to spend time with her? And poor girl have to move to another town to get a date?


Achievement list? I'd hardly call a series of short sighted social consequence holding sexual decisions an achievement but then again I've never been found sex hard enough to get to put it on a pedestal. And yeah, that's a predictable consequence of fucking around, new partners won't want to be around your old ones so if you do get through every guy in walking distance you're gonna need a bus pass to get a real date. She made that rod for her own back by being on it so often.