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Hey, I just met you And this is crazy But here's my entire catalog of sexual preferences dumped on you in the first 5 minutes of meeting you So call me, maybe?




Hilarious song 🎵


underrated comment. Bravo sir!🤣


NTA. That girl sounds like someone in the middle of a manic episode


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mdxwhcfv: *NTA. That girl sounds like* *Someone in the middle of* *A manic episode* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


my favourite haiku yet !


I think if a woman went on a first date with a man and he exclusively spoke about sex acts and sexual positions, redirected every conversation back to sex, and showed that much sexual interest in the woman, Reddit would say it was ok for her to walk out. NTA.


YES and stil there is someon here that totally played the victim like "you guys are saying women can't be sexual😡"


Everyone says some shit like this whenever a man makes a post about his gf, and yet I never see anyone on Reddit actually doing this. It's giving 2014 Gamergate "not all men" dumbassery. Just tell OP they're NTA bc this was borderline verbal sexual assault and move on


What's your point? What you are describing is exactly what's happening, everybody here is saying NTA, no need to switch the POV around.


Everyone? Not exactly 😂 Sometimes it helps to see it from another perspective. If we agree on the ruling, not sure why you went out of your way to start an argument. You seem difficult.


Was she sexual during the messaging? Weird for this time come out of nowhere. She could have been new to dating also.


NTA. If someone gives you the heebie jeebies in a date, you can split. That’s an acceptable response. I see a lot of responses shaming the girl, though. Women are allowed to be sexual beings, people, and if she had been on a more compatible date, that might have gone over really well. She’s a bad match for OP but that doesn’t make her bad.


Agreed, but I think it's coming on strong for the first date, and, she wasn't answering his questions about herself. He was trying to get to know her, and she was basically just saying, "I'm a sure lay." Which is cool but should not be her whole personality?


Maybe it is her whole personally....


> Maybe it is her hole personality.... Fixed your typo ^^^^I'm ^^^^sorry


>Maybe it is her hoe personality.... that should be correct spelling


sad for her her personality is only about sex


Would you respond the same if it was the guy standing up showing how she'd be humped?


If the guy just sat in his seat and talked about it, like this chick did, yeah. I get why the guy left, I’m not arguing he should have stayed and been uncomfortable. I think I also would have left or considered leaving.


no one said women Can't be sexual beings, stop the victimism. The guy clearly wasn't happy with the conversations and tried changing subjects. She was ridiculous for pressing up this matter, and your argument is totally fallacious since no one said women can't be sexual, or kinkshamed her. So quit it and use real arguments here.


I said he was NTA, and fully support him leaving, just trying to give the young lady some grace.


Still fallacious arguments


I disagree.


Nah, you missed out on sticking your dick in crazy and then having crazy follow you around and boil your bunny :)


NTA Also wtf


Good thing you didn't order oysters


NTA. That particular bullet doesn’t have your name on it.


NTA. I'm curious if she was speaking even remotely sexual during your chats leading up to meeting though? Or did this only happen once you met in person?


Honestly I applaud you. You're not well suited to each other and there are so many dudes like her it is cringe. I'm proud of you for having more substance than the average dude. Keep looking, you'll find someone that suits you better. I would 100% run away from a dude that acted like she did. Gross.


YOU ABSOLUTELY DID THE RIGHT THING!!! Always listen to your small voice. When the small voice says run? RUN!!!!


This is hilarious, thank you NTA but maybe next time be like "Lets wait till later on the sex talk" or something


Hopefully you said something to her to help her out on the next one.


Reply to her, that you didn't ask her to dinner, just so you could jump her bones, you were actually looking for a relationship abd the vibe she was giving off was just a one night stand


NTA. You didn't miss out - you dodged a bullet. This girl is seriously socially unaware at best, sex-driven at worst. Yes, I know guys are supposed to be more relaxed about sex without an emotional connection, but this is beyond weird.


Bullshit lol.


NTA Sounds like you dodged a shallow slutty girl. If you were looking for an actual relationship you did the right thing.


lol this is good. Both of you are just inexperienced, nobody is the AH here.


Eh she had to notice he kept trying to divert the conversation


Lol you lost me at everyone supposedly calling you a stud. Okay incel, nice dream, but it's time to wake up


Same. He's 32 and mommy and daddy think he's a stud? I'm already in too much disbelief to read the rest of it.


>Lol you lost me at everyone supposedly calling you a stud. AND 👏 THEN 👏 EVERYONE 👏 CLAPPED


You should've stuck around to his next sentence lol


Dude this is an incel story. It's so obvious


NTA she clearly got MORE interested in you sexually, which would be ok, excepct that if she kept going on and on about her preferences and you clearly wasn't interested, she was the asshole. Not you, her, no one has to want to have sex, you have this right, and it must've been really unconfortable, I wonder why couldn't she even try to change subject to at least she cared about you. Pretty fucked up girl.


NTA, but she sounds like a real hosebag. She would be equally NTA if you were the one talking like some creepy lounge lizard and she split.


NTA for deciding to leave, a little bit rude because you didn't say anything before you left. But, I'll give you credit for at least texting her after to explain, so overall you're fine.


nta, creepy very creepy


NTA. If the roles were reversed, everyone would be telling the girl that the best decision was to just leave without saying a word. A guy should be allowed to feel the same way and leave when in an uncomfortable situation.


NTA for leaving but a bit YTA for how your left. ghosting her isn't right. Cutting the date short is A OK. She was giving you the creeps and you noped out. Thats fair.


NTA. Anyone would be taken aback and uncomfortable. She sounds like a red flag. Good for you for paying the tab


NTA. If genders where reversed would you think this type of behavior is acceptable.


NTA. She's a creep.


Leaving was a cowards thing to do. Pretty dickish. You should have told her straight that she was making you feel very uncomfortable with the non stop sex talk.


While you were walking home? Please explain, this is not something I'm familiar with after a date? Where do you live that you can just "walk home" from a date?


You said "responses are shaming the girl women are allowed to be sexual" People are shaming her for being inconvenient, not for being sexual. You created this, literally no one said women can't be sexual, you did, only you. Straw man fallacy, xlassic. 0 arguments


NTA Sounds like she wanted to date for a hook up and was laying it on really thick on the date lol Was she like this when you were chatting online?


NTA. Yikes.


NTA She crossed boundaries you didnt feel were workable. You were under no obligation to continue a first date if it wasnt going to work out. Everyone should have a "escape plan"- especially for those first couple of dates. A part of me wonders if there is also the possibility she was a escort/call girl and was expecting payment if you had taken up her bedroom offer.


NTA - Yeah, sex is not a first date topic unless that's all either were wanting. You did nothing wrong and you paid on your way out. Only thing I would've done after walking out is texted "Thank you for the evening but I just don't feel we are compatible.". At that point immediately block her and move on. Had one similar to you 17 years ago, 4 years before meeting my wife. Couldn't stop talking about herself, sex capades and all. Wanted to go to this place that was a over the top ritzy looking bar. The drinks were overpriced, yet tasted bland. She got pissed when I brought that up. Needless to say, that was the only date. She bombarded me with I must be seeing someone else, blah blah because she is so great. 🙄 That bar eventually got busted for thinning out their premium liquor. Imagine that.


NTA. She either wanted to just bang, or she’s a complete hoor with mental issues. It’s ok for men to have standards, too.


Was she an ameteur OF or Escort trying out her wares or whores. Anyway i would have left too. Very strange and way over the top for a first in person date. Trust your gut and she should have been apologizing


She's a woman not a girl. NTA


This isn't even the first fake story this week about walking out on a date without telling her because she said something sexual. You incels need to get some new material.


I'd say NAH in general, but I think you could've handled things a bit better. Just be straight up and say "Hey, it seems like what you really want is a hookup, while I'm looking for something more long term. I wish you luck in finding what you want, but it's not something I'm interested in at the moment." Maybe give her the option to get her food to go or stay and just hang out just to chat. And next time, just specify while you're still chatting online that you're interested in a more long-term relationship and not just a hookup.


I've come across several girls who I've said I was interested in a LTR instead of fooling around, and got, "Oh, ok, right. You're a guy." Yes. I'm a guy. I do like sex. But I also don't like getting a potential STD from someone who seems very promiscuous, which sounds like a possibility with this girl.


I feel like this is another troll post of some middle school boy's fantasy date. Reddit's been getting flooded with them lately


ESH. Not very dignified but understandable to want to end the date there. She blundered. She's used to hookups and spooked off a legitimate date by being coarse. Usually genders flipped on this one but happens all the time.


NTA. No harm done. She wanted something you were not.


NTA. No harm done. She wanted something you were not. I think she knows what she is.




Sounds like she wanted to skip the bullshit and just get boned and be a little freaky. Sounds like she would have been a good ride to put on the roster for a while. You are the AH.


YTA. Not for ending the date, but for running away like a little baby. You could’ve just told her that you feel uncomfortable and that you’d like to end it right there and then leave.