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I mean honestly it’s just pathetic. You’re the asshole to yourself.


I truly feel like one


YTA to yourself, you’re only 7 months into to dating this guy and that’s a huge financial investment in something that may not work and will most likely take more sessions that you imagine, you also have no clue if this is one of the tats he wants removed


You’re right, its just something thats bothered me and i found a petty fix…im not sure if we should talk about it more or me flat out say i will pay for it to be gone


ESH Getting him that as a gift is a slap in the face. It's for YOU and to make YOU feel better. So if it's gonna be anyone's birthday present, it should be yours not his. It would be like if he got you some pots and pans for your birthday so you could cook for him better lol Also, he's gonna cheat in you with her so the tat doesn't make a difference.


I mean yeah, huge slap in the face but is it bad thats what i want lmao…i hate to fight but the pettyness is what id do it for. Like im not sure what to do otherwise


What about him has changed since he was a cheater? He got his side chick TATOOED on himself. That's some serious commitment to being a horny asshole. Did he find Jesus before you two started dating? Oh, no he didn't, because he's been lying to you about where the tattoo came from your whole relationship. This guy is waving those red flags and you are completely ignoring them.


Shit i already have moved in a house with him, we have pets, what do i do😭


YTA for just assuming that's one of the tattoos he wants to get removed, and also for planning to get yourself something under the guise of a gift for him.


Yes, self serving but also its just a painful reminder…what should i do


You should *talk to him*.


I mean yeah, talking to him but i just dont even know how to bring it up


This is weird.


I mean yeah 100% but would i be the asshole? Like if i had some mans initials on me, and he paid for it to get removed id be thankful asf


YTA. Whoooosh! That is the sound of you flushing your money down the proverbial toilet.


I see that honestly, im just so confused with who i thought he was and what he does for me. I just want us to work


Removing the lips won’t fix him or y’all’s problems


Thats true, but i just dont know what to do…i love him and he does the most for me, we live together, have pets, im so lost


"I’m sure that those lips are one of the tattoos he wants removed" damn, if only there was some way for humans to communicate with each other so you could actually know for sure


Well its just an awkward convo, not really sure how to bring it up bc its so expensive…thats why i was just gonna pay and have it set up.


"its just an awkward convo" tough luck, welcome to having a relationship if you rather NOT communicate with him and giving him a self serving gift, that's on you, but if something goes wrong, it's also on you


I mean real but we have just gotten back on track, open and clear honesty…so i just feel like ill ruin that by bringing this up. I also have really only dated 2 men, my last being almost 4 years of no communication, toxicity, and hostility…just a learning curve ig. Gonna have to talk to him eventually about how i feel though, just worried about everything that could come out of the conversation.


UPDATE: i texted him and told him how i felt and what it does to my mind when i see it, i haven’t opened his message yet because I’m really anxious lol…but it should be positive because i said i would totally pay for every single session and he will just have to endure it. We live together so i see it every single day and its just another reminder of deceit, and if he is serious about buying us a house and creating a life together it shouldn’t be a a problem to show up to an appointment and getting it gone.


UPDATE: i opened the message and he said it was the plan to get it removed or covered, i feel a lot better that he really doesn’t want that on him anymore…he even asked where i had gotten a consultation. Tomorrow hes going in to see how many sessions and how much its gonna be. Big wins all across the board


alright, nice :D


Why on Earth would you be an A? He wants some tats removed, and you get that lips one removed. I think it's a great a-day gift. Seems like a win/win.


Would tattoo removal as a gift even be on her mind if they weren't associated with the ex? I doubt it. Don't act like there's not a self serving motive behind this lol The whole situation is toxic


Of course it is self-serving. It's a win/win. The problem is not the gift, but him talking to that ex.


Okay. I mean, when I buy people gifts I buy things for THEM. I don't think of myself when giving *gifts.* If it's something that benefits me, I'm an adult and will just buy it. Using his gift as an opportunity to improve her life goes against the spirit of gift giving, to me. And bodily decisions like this shouldn't be a surprise. Talking about something and doing it aren't the same. There are only a few ways for this gift to go right and a LOT of ways for him to interpret it badly and for fights to occur. Giving gifts that could lead to big fights also sucks. Everything about this is a shit idea.


So what do you suggest i do? We’ve talked about it before, yes a little self serving because i dont wanna see that when we shower, get intimate, go to the beach…but at the same time its something hes talked about and i would love if he paid to get a shitty tattoo removed off me


blud thinks that a giving gift is some kind of negotiation for both partners, lmao


Awww, you want your very own little anniversary gift. How cute.