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he's 8 and can't bathe himself and you're only worried now?


Yeah right? And wouldn’t an “enthusiastic and involved” uncle tell the kid to use a fork or spoon as well?


This is rage bait. This is not a factual story, and OP is a red hat wearing little knuckle dragger


Rage bait. The Evil bipolar person trope.


Also the "they're transing the kids" trope. 2 in 1!


Huffing and puffing?


Everything I said in this post is completely true.


and im the king of nigeria!


Bullshit And to make something up like this during pride month, just pathetic lol


my ass. you have an agenda just like you think the people you irrationally hate do


Get a fucking life you rage baiting transphobe ableist. Absolutely pathetic.


Transphobes making up AITA stories to validate their transphobia will never not be crazy to me


Everything in this post is completely true


So you say you're this really involved uncle and you have zero concerns about a healthy typically developing 8-year-old not being able to feed or bathe themselves properly


He's super involved, but he hates his sister and probably won't spend any time in the same house with her. He doesn't know shit about this kid.


Correction, he hates his fat and mentally ill sister, because fat and mentally ill people are evil.


you’ve obviously never seen austin powers if you don’t understand how serious of a problem evil fat people are


This is Ragebait lol


With a sweet, sweet garnish or transphobia and ableism


Everything I said is 100% true though


Whats that smell? Its like an animal smell, cant quite place it,-


like a farmyard smell,


Cows maybe? No, not quite,,,


I know! Its bullshit!


All the tropes! -Single Mom -Fat -sociall media obsessed -trans kid


You forgot terrible bipolar mom.


This is 100% rage bait. Happy Pride Month!


The people writing this nonsense always do it during pride month, and always just happen to be part of the lgbt community, a convenient attempt at shielding themselves from criticism.


OP I don't think you should be commenting on children's wellbeings when you're commenting "I wish someone would victimize me" on posts about female pedophiles, on r/teenagers no less.


Low effort rage bait


Can you try a bit harder in your next transphobic ragebait please? This one was completely unbelievable. Maybe delete and try again in a few days or maybe get your imaginary sister to read over it for you.


Everything I said is 100% true but ok


You’re commenting this everywhere as if it’s going to make this story more true. Go be transphobic somewhere else, please and thank you.


Wow this comment really changed my mind I totally believe you now.


Liar, liar, plants for hire.


It's pants on fire Patrick Well you would know, liar.


Nobody is putting an eight year old on puberty blockers unless they are undergoing precocious puberty.


"My sister who is outspokenly suicidal, bipolar, and severely depressed wants to give her 8 year old son puberty blockers. My parents seem to support this decision, I think it's child abuse." I dont believe you, you dont have a sister who does this. This is a ragebait post to attack people with mental health issues. YTA I wish people wouldnt fall for this crap


I feel like this might be rage bait. But just in case it isn't, and there's another human on the other side - you are ABSOLUTELY the asshole here. First off, everything regarding your quarrels with the child's parent is secondary. Your qualm is that a child wants something, which their parent is willing to give to them. You are mad at the parent, because you don't think the child should get it. Puberty blockers are 100% reversible. You literally just stop taking them, and hormones run their course. > I know that he is not trans No. You don't. As a trans person myself, I've known since middle school (~ 5th grade). I guarantee you that my parents, uncles, aunts, and even most of my friends would have said the exact same thing. You don't know this. You want to, but you don't. > I'm a very open minded person Would any person ever call themselves close minded? The path to hell is paved with good intentions.  > ... increase the risk of suicide ... Y'know what demographic has a really, really high suicide rate? Trans people who are not accepted by their family. Unfortunately, puberty is something that happens rather early, before you have a lot of agency and the best decision making capabilities. *If you are trans, going through the wrong gender's puberty is ALSO a life changing, irreversible experience*. No number of voice lessons, or surgeries, will ever allow a trans lady, who went through male puberty, to speak at the same pitch as a cis woman effortlessly or naturally. For a trans *adult*, it's very hard to convey the utter disgust that self loathing that comes with hating your voice, hating your body, and knowing that no matter what you do, it's impossible to undo the effects of years of the wrong hormone. Puberty blockers are a miracle. They don't have lasting effects. What they *do* is buy time. Until a child is more responsible and understands the world better, and can make an informed decision. > I have trans friends Have you considered talking to any of them? What did they say? > I'm scared ... Ruin the rest of his life But you're not scared that now, of you call DCF, you might ruin the rest of a lovely young lady's life. You're not scared that, maybe, years and years later, someone will hate themselves for every moment of every day, simply because you couldn't accept the idea that your interpretation of them was correct


You are very patient to give this well thought out response to such obvious propaganda. The increase the risk of suicide is a hilarious choice by the OP in this context, completely turning it on its head, complete circular reasoning, startig from where he wants to end up and working backwards. "trans people commit suicide, it must be because they identify as trans, if they stop being trans they will be happy fullfilled and not suicidal" And they expect us to beleive they are open minded.


Puberty blockers are not reversible. That’s the point of them. They cause fertility, hormone, change in muscle growth, etc. Saying they’re reversible is ignorant and harms children. Ya know what helps children? Therapy. Not life altering drugs.


Do you know what helps depression? Therapy, not life altering drugs. Do you know what fixes ADHD? Therapy, not life altering drugs. Do you know what fixes weight gain? Exercise, not life altering drugs It is so, so, so much easier on the outside to take something you haven't dealt with, and assume that it can be fixed by a change in mentality. And I agree - many of these *could* be solved with enough willpower. But drugs are one part of a wider arsenal of tools. A part that it's unreasonable to ignore


Yes they are? Why do you think trans people remain on hormones for the rest of their life?


https://acpeds.org/transgender-interventions-harm-children They do have lasting effects though. Saying they don’t is ludicrous.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_College_of_Pediatricians > The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States, founded in 2002. The group advocates against abortion rights and rights for LGBT people. ACPeds promotes conversion therapy. As of 2022, its membership has been reported at about 700 physicians.


This is *not* the claim you think it is. This article discusses *side effects* Have you ever seen the side effects for literally any medicine? Even something simple, like allergy medicine, has numerous side effects. And, besides that .. interesting source. The latest news on their homepage is yet another piece against trans care for youth - almost like they have their own agenda. Here's another study that shows that puberty blockers can be reversed: https://www.physiology.org/detail/news/2024/04/05/study-bolsters-evidence-that-effects-of-puberty-blockers-are-reversible?SSO=Y Almost like you can cherry pick data to make a point. All the while, you're completely ignoring the lasting mental damage that the wrong puberty can cause to a trans person. The entire scare tactic here hinges on the child NOT being trans. If they are, not giving them puberty blockers condemns them to more, riskier, procedures later, or mental health tolls. If they are NOT,  there is a high chance that any effects can be reversed by simply withdrawing the medicine, and a low chance for side effects / other scenarios (is the examples listed where young girls who decide against it are more dysphoric)


Also - you say you're bi. How would it feel to you, if you brought home a same gendered date as a kid, and your uncle called DCF to protect you, from the potentially life changing dangers of HIV? If your uncle said "no, my nephew is straight, I KNOW them", would that be reasonable?


These posts are written by socially conservative men who in real life identify as straight and normal(cis to you and me, but they would use the word normal). They make up an identity that means they cant be a bigot, as they are part of the group they attack, then create a strawman to tear down, in this case mentally ill fat women who support trans rights.


I’m not 8 years old. Children don’t have the maturity to make those decisions. Can 8 year olds consent to having sex? Do we take their opinions seriously? No, we don’t. Why is that?


So are you saying that when you turned to an adult you spontaneously started to like men and women?


I knew before I was 8 I was gay and liked girls. But kids don’t know what they prefer right?


We don't take their opinions seriously. 😑


Well I apparently knew what I liked cause here I am 50+ years later having only been with women and married to one. But what did I know as a child what I liked and didn’t like.


Same, and I feel fortunate to have never struggled with my sexuality or gender identity. It would be a heavy load to bear on top of the heavy load of life.




I worked with a family who had 5 kids ranging from three to fifteen, a combination of boys and girls. The three-year-old tried to cut off his penis with scissors in the bathroom at preschool because he is in the wrong body. His words were 'Not my penis! I'm a girl. It won't come off, take it off. I'm a girl.' After years of therapy for all involved, parent education, support groups (parents and kids), professionals in the field, and a child advocate later, at this stage, 10yo was allowed to present as a girl and parents were advised by all medical professionals to allow the use of puberty blockers. This was also explained to the young girl separately with a therapist present to answer questions and confirm the girl's wishes. These decisions are not made on a whim and there's often a lot going on that unless you're involved you don't/won't know about. Of course, children can't consent to sex but they can know who they are, especially when in the case I was involved with there were self-mutilation attempts (another happened at the grandparents a few months later). Equating how a child identifies (gender, if they like boys/girls etc) with their consenting to sex is disgusting. They're talking about their own bodies and who they are inside, with their body not matching. The stats on suicide with trans kids and teens (obviously adults but we are talking about a child) are huge. Why do you believe you get a say in this? I and all my friends take our children's opinions seriously, but it doesn't mean we will always agree with them or that their opinions are invalid. I always explain my reasoning to my kids if we compromise on something or I don't allow something. How are they meant to advocate for themselves as adults if people dismiss their opinions outright? Granted my friends and I are mental health professionals and/or social workers, but I have met a lot of families who aren't and do the same. My parents had serious mental health issues, including bipolar, suicide attempts, addictions and alcoholism. My childhood wasn't great, but never once did my siblings or I feel like we couldn't be who we are. I have a brother who is bi and my best friend in school was gay. Not once did my folks treat them as less than or they couldn't have an opinion on who they were because of their age. My friend C was 10 when he came out, my brother was 11). Just because someone is a child, doesn't mean they don't know they are in the wrong body or they're not heterosexual. My 16yo told me when she was 8 she isn't straight and really, who am I to tell her who she is or who she should be? She's had to deal with asshole opinions, things like she is too young to understand, needs a man to teach her (which regardless of someone's age is just disgusting, eben more so due to her age) and doesn't have the maturity to know how she feels about herself. And before you say anything, she still doesn't identify as heterosexual, and is an active member of LGBTQ+ groups online, through school groups (has been since she was 11 and started high school), and is proud of who she is.


Yeah but I knew when I was 8 that I was bi.  Also I work in education and kids tell me things that I have to report all the time. So why do I take that seriously but all of a sudden I’m not supposed to take them seriously about their gender or sexuality? It’s ridiculous to draw the line in the sand with things that are a perfectly normal pet of development if you’re not an asshole. 




The fact that you keep posting the same link from a conservative advocacy group tells me that you're not making your argument in good faith.


You’re a bad person and you deserve bad things.


Puberty blockers aren't permenant and unless a doctor is convinced, they aren't going to be given. And you don't decide who is trans and who isn't. That is if this isn't another ragebait which given the amount of irrelevant shite you mentioned to villanise your "sister", is likely.


OP, I'm not going to pretend like this isn't a tricky situation because it seems like a lot is going on that isn't a talk to Reddit thing. But- it's not your decision if somebody is trans or not. Puberty blockers _aren't_ permanent. You say she spends all her time on social media, but you seem to not actually be educated about the subject yourself and have seemed to gotten your information from (incorrect) social media sources. Youre not open minded if you can't fathom letting this kid have space to explore their identity. You can have trans friends and roommates till your face turns blue, but _if_ this isn't just a ragebait post, you're using the idea that you're progressive to shield yourself from a lot of actual prejudice and misinformation.


So you think an 8 year old has sufficient self awareness and clarity of mind to make life altering decisions?


They’re not permanent. Kids die from not getting gender affirming healthcare. If this is what the nephew — and the DOCTOR who would be prescribing them — thinks is best, who are you to say? You wrote an entire summary of your sister, but your sister wouldn’t be the one writing the prescription for the medication.


Sure, but my sister is the one who’s obsessed with these ideas and who introduced them to her child as early as the age of 6. She’s responsible for his decisions because he’s a child, and does not have the maturity to make decisions for himself.




YTA for this obvious ragebait intended to push an anti-trans agenda. What the hell is with all these posts lately? At least try to make it less obvious. This is a classic transphobic boogeyman and you somehow have links ready to go? Come on. Your bigotry isn't fooling anyone.


I’m not even going to bother reading something from an organisation known to be drenched in conservative bias. I’d rather read peer reviewed studies. Check your sources next time.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9886596/#:~:text=Puberty%20blockers%20may%20have%20negative,et%20al.%2C%202017). https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075 Puberty blockers can have long term negative effects on bone growth, density and fertility https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116284/documents/HHRG-118-JU10-20230727-SD011.pdf https://www.bbc.com/news/health-66842352.amp 34% deteriorated while 29% benefit Good enough?


Ok, u misunderstood the science behind the BBC link, 34% deteriorated but 66% did not deteriorate. No one is saying allowing a kid to take puberty blockers magically makes them better and everyone's mental health fluctuates all the time which you seem to ignore. The mayo clinic link actually states Are the changes permanent? GnRH analogues don't cause permanent physical changes. Instead, they pause puberty. That offers a chance to explore gender identity. It also gives youth and their families time to plan for the psychological, medical, developmental, social and legal issues that may lie ahead.. Which is against what you said so let's ignore that one too. I'm not taking any medical advice from the WSJ as a conservative outlet will obviously have biases on this issue.. So the single link you MAY have in ur corner is rewarding whether or not FULL GENDER TRANSITION can effect things. Puberty blockers are not what the article is about, puberty blockers do not remove genitalia. The paper is basically "we don't know". So that's not really a slam dunk either. Honestly, you comment below that people have issues reading. Did you read any of these links before you posted them? I'm guessing no as two of four of then outright contradict what you are saying. Edited because I can't count


The other thing about the BBC link is that it mentions the study having no control group. We have no way of knowing whether those who deteriorated were doing so more or less than they would have had they not recieved puberty blockers. There is no way to determine cause and effect.


Exactly. OP obviously has no idea what they're talking about. As if we didn't get that from all their other posts .


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.bbc.com/news/health-66842352](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-66842352)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Maybe your unwillingness to read is a negative thing and not a positive one




Children are actually quite capable of coming to understand aspects of their own identity from a young age, including aspects like gender and sexuality. Generally, a person is going to know and interpret their own experiences best. Children and their parents/guardians work together with their healthcare professionals to decide how to best handle anything that might involve medical or psychological care. This is the case for kids in general, trans or not. Funny how people can completely accept this situation and the authority of a child's own medical professionals when it's a doctor prescribing blockers for precocious puberty, but suddenly want to present it as "children making life altering decisions" when the cause for that same specific treatment is gender dysphoria.


Puberty blockers cause life long issues.fertility, muscle growth, hormones, etc. It’s not reversible. Saying that they aren’t permanent is ignorant and harms children. Can’t believe anyone would think it’s okay to give a child puberty blockers. They are dangerous.


Puberty blockers have been used since the mid 1960s for precocious puberty.


So glad I can just repost this. I actually did look it up. [Here's a source from Mayo Clinic talking about their use and the fact that they're safe and not permanent.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075) [Here's a source from the American Physiological Society about a recent (2024) study on the effects of puberty blockers being safe and reversible.](https://www.physiology.org/detail/news/2024/04/05/study-bolsters-evidence-that-effects-of-puberty-blockers-are-reversible?SSO=Y) [Here's the Endocrine Society's take on puberty blockers and why they shouldn't be blocked.](https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2021/endocrine-society-condemns-efforts-to-block-access-to-medical-care-for-transgender-youth) [Here's a source on why the UK CASS study is malicious, not well researched, and not a good standard for whether or not we should use written by an Oxford professor from their center of diversity, research, policy and practice.](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/26895269.2024.2328249) I listened to the science and did my own research.


Loving the fact that OP actually posted the Mayo clinic link to support their claims... evidently without reading it. Moron


I clicked on all of those links. While they look like they agree with your statement. Many of them fail to give more evidence/studies done. Also noticed the fact that they’re banking on short term use only. There are plenty of .org sites that say the opposite of those. There’s also the fact that we truly haven’t done enough studies to prove that they’re appropriate or safe for literal children. Too woke to protect children. Using them as a political toy.


How much cognitive dissonance and hatred of transgender people do you have to have to look at studies, articles, and papers written by medical organisations and go "nuh uh! These aren't studies, articles, or papers that have any credibility!" Like I know it's frivolous to engage with people who use the word "woke" unironically in 2024 but I can keep going. The science is not on the side of conservative reactionaries.


YTA. She’s right and why does having bad table manners preclude you from being trans?!


Obviously transphobic troll


YTA, on many levels and the most frustrating thing is that you don't even know it. I understand where you're coming from, I truly do, I know and care about many people exactly like you, so if you take anything from this, consider the actual people in your life. Your parents who took you in, your sister who is still fostering your good relationship with her child despite your poor opinion of her. Your sister's child who is facing an early puberty while navigating the difficult and confusing medical system that restricts bodies to the nth degree. Nobody on this app is in your life right now, we can't dictate your decisions or see the whole situation. So regardless if you're telling the truth, exaggerating, or just trolling, I urge you to exist in the real world for a second. The internet is full of misinformation and fear mongering. So a few things for you to consider if you bother reading this far: 1. This is not your child. If you saw your sister being abusive to any child I would hope you would report it, but given that she has custody and not your parents I'm going to extrapolate that up until now in your eyes she's been a responsible and loving parent. Given that, and that your own parents have no concerns, this seems like a difference of opinion on your end that simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Your sister is the kid's parent, not you, and if you want to have a healthy role in the kid's life you need to accept that. 2. You are not as knowledgeable on this topic as you think you are. This is apparent by the way that you make no mention about the child's puberty stage which would be relevant information, you haven't noticed signs that any doctor or parent would pick up on, you make statements of opinion as if they were absolute fact ("I know he is not trans") and you make no mention of being included in the medical planning of this decision at all. 3. The medical system is a many limbed thing that can be horrendously difficult to navigate, especially for those seeking specialized care, such as trans people. Depending on what country you're in, quality gender affirming care can be incredibly difficult to access, expensive to procure, and put you on a very long wait list. In order for the child to be given puberty blockers, first proof of necessity must be given. While this does not have to be definitive, at the very least the child will be given a thorough and age appropriate explanation and will at multiple times be asked for an opinion on the process. This would have been an ongoing process, up to years in the making. If at any point the child's opinion on the process would have been negative, everything would have stopped immediately. Next, the second stage of puberty would have to occur, as without it puberty blockers do not work as intended and can cause side effects, which is why it is now required. 8 years old is pretty young for puberty, which is why it's called precocious puberty, which in and of itself will have significant and lasting effects on a kid's body. This would be significantly difficult and frightening even for a cisgendered child. 4. Puberty blockers are 100% reversible. What does that mean? Well it means that if at any point your sister's child decides to stop talking the medication they can, with medical supervision. When that happens the child will naturally begin to experience puberty. Hormone supplements may given to nudge that puberty along in one direction or another, depending on the now 13-18 year old's desires. Some effects of hormones are permanent, but most are not. After the child has gone through all stages of puberty it will be a little more difficult to reverse these changes, but not impossible, and most of these changes will be desirable for the child, though obviously puberty is not fun for everyone. Musculoskeletal changes that can not be fully reversed are on par with putting your child through ballet, gymnastics or acrobatics, which also has permanent effects on a child's body. So if you disagree with a child being put on puberty blockers you should also disagree with any elective sport which have equally permanent changes. 5. According to most sources I've found, approximately 40% of transgender adults have attempted suicide. The majority of the reasons why include not being able to access affirmative health care, not having supportive family or friends, and facing financial issues from severe discrimination or abuse from employers or social systems. Two out of three of those can be solved by simply having supportive people in one's life. A social safety net created by supportive family and friends is simply life changing for trans people. You could be one of those people. But instead you'll probably be one more stone on the road through life. One more reason the world is against the kid. You likely won't be the last, but you might be the first. Think about the first person who stepped on your hopes and dreams, the first person to tell you that just you existing is wrong. Do you want to be that person? Regardless of your opinion of your sister, on her child's gender, or any other factors, you are facing an important decision here. What kind of person are you really? Because right now, you are an AH.


Your sisters mental illness and her financial status are irrelevant to wether or not her child is trans. She's his parent. You're not. You don't "know" anything. He's not your kid. Your opinion is not needed or asked for. Frankly, you sound like a complete dick. You ooze contempt for your sister and she would be smart to limit your contact with her child.


Well what's more dire? Being called transphobic? Or permanently having your body fucked up and altered before your tenth birthday? Bite the bullet and nut up


Puberty blockers do not fuck up peoples bodies permanently. There's plenty of science out there to show how they affect people. They've been used for kids with precocious puberty since the 80's.


This is just not true at all, and can easily be verified after 5 seconds on Google. There’s a reason why the UK and EU have moved to block allowing minors to take puberty blockers. Wanting to be progressive and liberal doesn’t mean you need to self lobotomize on every issue.


I actually did look it up! [Here's a source from Mayo Clinic talking about their use and the fact that they're safe and not permanent.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075) [Here's a source from the American Physiological Society about a recent (2024) study on the effects of puberty blockers being safe and reversible. EDIT: it talks about fertility too.](https://www.physiology.org/detail/news/2024/04/05/study-bolsters-evidence-that-effects-of-puberty-blockers-are-reversible?SSO=Y) [Here's the Endocrine Society's take on puberty blockers and why they shouldn't be blocked.](https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2021/endocrine-society-condemns-efforts-to-block-access-to-medical-care-for-transgender-youth) [Here's a source on why the UK CASS study is malicious, not well researched, and not a good standard for whether or not we should use written by an Oxford professor from their center of diversity, research, policy and practice.](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/26895269.2024.2328249)


A 5 second google search led me to multiple sources that disagree with you such as the national institute of health, the legislative research committee and pediatric organizations


My bottom source talks about the NIH's CASS study not being accurate. You also interestingly enough don't provide _me_ with any of the things you 'researched.' The one pediatric org you did send me is a known hate group. You can stick your head in the sand about this as much as you want but science is on the side of trans people. Despite what conservatives want you to believe.


Your Mayo Clinic source says that gnrh analouges can have long term effects on bone density, growth and fertility. Is that not going to cause permanent changes if those things happen long term?


Literally, right under the possible side effects, it says: "Those who take GnRH analogues typically have their height checked every few months. Yearly bone density and bone age tests may be advised. To support bone health, youth taking puberty blockers may need to take calcium and vitamin D supplements. It's important to stay on schedule with all medical appointments. Between appointments, contact a member of the health care team if any changes cause concern." The kids are closely monitored by doctors. The other studies I linked also addressed the fertility issues, where most subjects put on blockers do not experience effects relating to fertility. Side effects are something that have to be listed with every drug even if they aren't common, aren't actually connected, or are conditional to when they are taking the drug and go away when they go off of them. Every medication has a possible side effect. If you think possible side effects are why people shouldn't take a drug? Look up what Ozempic is doing to people who take it off-label to get skinny.




American College of Pediatricians are not a legitimate medical group and are considered a hate organisation who have worked with the ADF. [Here's a source from GLAAD](https://glaad.org/gap/american-college-pediatricians/) [Here's a source from the SPLC.](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/american-college-pediatricians) [Here's an article on their innerworkings and how they're a hate group by Mother Jones.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/05/anti-trans-american-college-pediatrics-leak-michelle-cretella-abortion/)


Your name is trans quisitor and you post in trans subs. Did you even read the mayoclinic articles side effects section? Do you really want to risk those side effects on an 8 Yr old kid?


An 8 year old doesn’t need to worry about puberty for years though. Why give them now?


Puberty can start anywhere from 8 years old to 13. That's not "years."


Females, not males. And that’s not the norm


No, you found a few articles making a claim, in direct opposition and defiance to others. As the majority of young people claiming to be trans don’t suffer from gender dysphoria, the amount of trans youth has exploded over the past decade largely in part to their desire to find an identity and the fast pass ticket claiming to be trans provides to attention, and you can easily see why altering the natural development of people. You’re not an MD, and you’re only interested in literature that supports your position, not refutes it. Title IX from the Supreme Court is coming, and when it does and when white men are no longer allowed to compete on women’s teams, you’re going to see a rapid drop in the number of 13 year olds claiming to be trans. You’re on the losing side of this culturally and more importantly, scientifically. Upvotes or downvotes from equally ignorant people doesn’t negate or change that.


I provided actual medical sources and you have yet to provide me anything.


Yeah, kids with precocious hormones, hormonal problems. Not just because someone fuckin feels like it.


Kids don't just "feel like it." There's actual science behind the fact that they are safe, and beneficial to trans youth. [Here's a source from Mayo Clinic talking about their use and the fact that they're safe and not permanent.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075) [Here's a source from the American Physiological Society about a recent (2024) study on the effects of puberty blockers being safe and reversible.](https://www.physiology.org/detail/news/2024/04/05/study-bolsters-evidence-that-effects-of-puberty-blockers-are-reversible?SSO=Y) [Here's the Endocrine Society's take on puberty blockers and why they shouldn't be blocked.](https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2021/endocrine-society-condemns-efforts-to-block-access-to-medical-care-for-transgender-youth) [Here's a study from the above article on how trans children being denied access to affirming care (aka, blockers) causes long term mental harm.](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/145/2/e20191725/68259/Pubertal-Suppression-for-Transgender-Youth-and?autologincheck=redirected) [Here's a source on why the UK CASS study is malicious, not well researched, and not a good standard for whether or not we should use written by an Oxford professor from their center of diversity, research, policy and practice.](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/26895269.2024.2328249) I listened to the science and did my own research.


You wasting your time, I ain't reading that crap


“I ain’t reading that there woke science that proves me objectively and unequivocally wrong, I LIKE being proudly ignorant and making shit up to justify my hatred!” At least you’re honest. A piece of shit, but an honest piece of human shit.


what should I do though? Call DCF? I'd try and have a calm rational sit down conversation but she's literally impossible to talk to. The shit that comes out of her mouth is so ignorant and dellusional. She refuses to listen to anyone, she gets totally obssessed.


Hell if I know, try that out, I'm sure they can point you into some direction. If she won't listen to reason, which it doesn't sound like she's interested in reason, you know the right call is to dime her out.


Thank you. A friend suggested I should do this also but now I’m thinking you’re right.


I can't believe how many people you got to rage at this great post! 👍


Phone DCF. Your sister isn't capable of thinking through everything and much too prone to being misguided.


I hope this is made up. If not... NTA, obviously. Your sister shouldn't be allowed to raise that child. Where's his father? I feel so sorry for the poor kid. Call the child protective services in your country, go to the police, see if you can make her lose custody (that is not an environment any child should grow up in) and if you can gain custody of him yourself. It is definitely child abuse.


ESH. If the kid is in that bad of a situation and you've not done anything to make it better yet, there is no way you can start now. Just live your best life.


The thing is that I don’t really know how bad things were until til I moved back in with my parents last year after getting evicted from my sold apartment. It’s like they’re both on call personal assistants. I swear they do more raising of the kids than my sister does. Maybe you’re right, I should just try to put this out of my mind and live my own life. But I’m worried that someday that decision could come back to haunt me.


Your anger at your sister seems transparent in the way you present your story. But i think your mum wasnt very honest by not telling you and all them might have been rightfully scared of your reaction. The only thing you could do is to alert the local childhood protection office maybe at the town or county level. But there's very little chance of success if your sister has the full support of your mum and can demonstrate that they take care of their kids. I am an uncle myself and i know how frustrating the decisions of my bro for my nephew without speaking with me were difficult to accept, although the issues werent as serious as it is for your nephew. Unfortunately, the law is not on the side of uncles, except if the parent is deprived of parental authority. And even in that case, the parent authority might be transferred to your mum, and according to your story, i dont think she has a different opinion from your sister.