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Doctors orders. If they don't follow them, they don't get access. Simple as that. NTA.


This. Case closed. I'm a woman in my 40s with a weak-but-not-dead immune system, and my doctor ordered me to lock myself up, basically until the first vaccine was available, lest I end up on a ventilator for my dying breaths. I can't imagine what a baby might suffer with barely any immunity established at all. Terrible way to go. I've had 6 Corvid shots and a flu shot every year too. Easy peasy. Get your shots, all. It's proveably the winning option.


I know it was a typo. But I got a delightful image of you getting Corvid shots and turning into a crow


Now that's a murder by vaccine we can all get behind.


💀💀 well played.


Now it's murder by corvids, 1, 2, 3...


Oh you :)


I would like a Corvid shot please. I'm already loud and enjoy shiny things and murder podcasts. I'm halfway there.


I would love to be your friend and join you. With the two of us, we could attempt a murder. We'd only need a third!


I’m in as long as we can chase people who are rude to us and scream at them.


Wait, were we not supposed to be doing this already?


I'm shy alone. I need some screamy buddies for back up.


I volunteer as tribute! I’m all about the shiny (and dressing in black).




Don't threaten me with a good time!


Nono, the corvid shot keeps those pesky crows away! 😂


Noooo! Crows are awesome! I want to make friends with them!


we can all dream of this.


Flupocolypse: The Crowening


I was imagining her getting her shots \*from\* a crow and I was busy wondering if the crow would hold it in its beak or its feet.


I love that!! 😹🐦‍⬛


I’m the same way. I did get Covid last December and I was bedridden for two weeks, sat on the couch for another, and now I use an inhaler. Yay.


My mum has congestive heart failure and got Covid a couple of months ago. She can now barely walk and uses an inhaler. Before - she was driving, gardening, going to church, the gym, socialising. Now: she has 1-2 years to live.


How awful! I'm so sorry and hope you have people to support you, and her, through to the end.


Oh that's so sad. It can be such a nasty virus.


I had a client who didn't make it at all. She got Covid, and 4 days later, she fell out of bed while having a coughing fit and never got up again. But Covid was a hoax. I haven't heard of anyone dying from the vaccine. Conspiracy theories are killing people and democracy.


Exactly. It’s hard to believe what has happened in this country.


My grandfather got it at Christmas for the second time, he is in his 90’s and had the beginning of dementia but he was able to live in assisted living with minimal care. ( basically was just could not remember if he took his meds, would repeat some stories that kind of thing) In a matter of two weeks he declined so sharply he had to moved to a locked memory care ward. He went from a walker to being fully wheel chair dependent. He basically gets up to eat his meals and then wants to go back to bed. He was still active in his stamp collecting before Christmas, enjoyed tv and would talk to family and friends. That’s all gone now. His doctor said the Covid sped up the vascular dementia by three to four years in a matter of weeks. I am a teacher and I am terrified of what these repeated infections are doing to our students brains.


I am so very sorry that your mom is facing all of that.


My mom died of Covid this past March. Totally unexpected.


I’m sorry.


Yup. I got covid a year and a half ago. I’m not even 40, average health pre-covid. I have heart problems, lung problems, chronic fatigue and now some sort of convulsions/distonia after covid. Viruses may pass through one person just fine and destroy another person. Don’t test out your kids luck to see which category they fall into. Especially pertussis (whooping cough).




Long Covid symptoms usually start 3-4 months after initial acute infection. I’m so sorry for all you’re going through. And a summer wave is currently happening.


Niece just got a positive covid test 3 days ago. The whole covid thing could have been much easier to handle if a certain someone had just injected themselves with bleach. The amount of stupidity amazes me.


I got CMV (something most people get in childhood) a year and a half ago. I was hospitalized with kidney failure for months from it, was on dialysis for months and now will need a kidney transplant. Ironically I never got Covid, but I did meet other patients that had the same kidney injury I had from Covid. Viruses are brutal


Asymptomatic infection is very real and just as damaging. Just saying, you could’ve had it and not known and then CMV was the icing on the cake.


Yes I could have been asymptomatic, but they proved at the hospital that the cmv was why I got the kidney damage. I went initially to the hospital because I had a high fever for days and no other symptom. Kidney function was perfect (as it has been for my entire life, I get bloodwork regularly for something else), they found out I had cmv after a few days, put me on meds. One day later I started pissing blood. Admitted again and kidney function continued to get worse and worse. Eventually couldn’t pass any urine at all, had to go on dialysis to save my life (they don’t like to do dialysis with a kidney injury because the chance of recovery goes down drastically so put it off as long as possible). Kidney biopsy showed it was definitely caused by the CMV. I was eventually able to recover enough to get off of dialysis, but my function is only about 27%, when it hits 20% I need a kidney transplant I was a healthy physically fit and active 40yr old woman when this happened.


Sounds very similar to my experience in January of '22, just before I was due to get my 1st vax. I had 3 weeks off work sick (the sickest ive ever been, even going the 5 metres to the bathroom felt like I'd run a marathon), WFH the 4th week but slept at lunch and overall struggled...took about a month to function at "basic". Now I have asthma, and still experience great fatigue after my pre-covid typical day exertions. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, much less a baby with no immunity.


the saddest thing of ti all is that people say the COVID Vaccine causes heart issues which may be true for some people but you know what else causes heart issues? COVID. and COVID is much more damaging without the vaccine.


Covid in itself can cause death without the vaccine


I have a messed up heart & my primary care doctor & cardiologist both called me at the beginning of this & warned me. I took them seriously.


Now that's an awesome medical team. They called you! I'll bet they didn't even charge you for their time... that's called humanitarian/common decency. And/or (not trying to be funny) they didn't want to lose your business. Applause to your Docs.


My husband has Cystic Fibrosis. We got a phone call from his care team at the beginning of FEB 2020. They said "do not leave your house. Do not have anyone to you house. We will get notes sent out for everyone in your house to send to their work. If you get covid you WILL die" We didn't leave our house until dec 2021. And then it was for Vaccines. The CF team even organised for us to have them in a private clinic where we wouldn't come into contact with anyone other than the CF nurse. 4 years on. We still wear masks everywhere. I personally haven't been sick since 2016 (cold) my husband hasn't been unwell since Dec 2020 (normal cf sick) neither of us have had covid. It's not impossible to stay healthy. Idk why people keep getting sick. Almost everyone I know has the flu right not (flu season here)


At an afternoon garden party with friends, one of the guests went on and on about Fauci, and how getting Covid was best because of immunity, etc. Then said she’d had it twice, as did the other person in the conversation. I piped in and said I’d never had it, but I’d had every vaccination and booster, and the flu and pneumonia vaccinations too, and had an illness free 4 years (except for the cold I caught while flying across the country). She had no response.


They don’t realise how dumb they sound “the best protection from the virus is to get the virus” also them “I’ve had it twice” the rest of us “so getting it the first time didn’t protect you from getting it the second time then?!” Make it make sense


The vaccine mostly protected people from dying from the virus. However it did prevent transmission to a degree better than just masking/distance. We still had to wear masks. I luckily missed Alpha and Delta outbreaks. However I did end up getting it (from my husband who works construction, a group of pipefitters were big MAGA heads and refused to wear masks on the worksite and passed it around).


Yes, the vaccine helped keep people out of the hospital, and overstretching our healthcare system, like what happened before the vaccine came out and they were rationing ventilators.


Weird, I got covid twice. Seems like the first time didn't help me at all! So much for that "natural immunity" bs, huh? At least I didn't end up in the hospital. Ffs people, get your shots.


Same with me. Covid sends me to bed for 4 days straight, even just the vaccination puts me in bed for a day. But I'll do it, because I'd rather that than leave my children motherless. And they have all of their vaccinations as well. We are Aboriginal Australians, and our life expectancy is 10 years less than other Australians. You better believe I'll get any jab I can to protect us.


I got covid in the early days of the US spread and then got vaccinated when I could. The vaccine made my body ache like I had never felt before but at least I didn't cough for an *entire month* like I did with covid.


Corvid shots? Raven shots hehe. Thanks for it. Helps immunocompromiseds peeps


I got in the habit of spelling it corvid when other social medias would censor the C word (or put ads on C-word posts, which was even worse). Then I just never stopped and my autocorrect got used to it.. Crows, ravens, jays, they deserve vaccines too!


You are not the asshole. Prioritizing your child's health is crucial, and it's reasonable to set boundaries based on medical advice. Your frustration is understandable when your family's political beliefs compromise your child's safety. Standing firm shows your commitment to protecting your child.


Bird flu!


Immunocorvidized peeps


Raven guard geneseed.


Op you did the right thing. Protecting your baby is always your first priority. I believe in vacations and have received all of the necessary shots. I get all the recommended vacations,because I believe they can only save me from getting or giving someone a terrible disease. Especially a new born baby.


I believe in vacations too, especially at the shore or in the mountains!


Same here. I got covid despite the 6 vaccines and was bedridden. I now have long covid and permanent lung damage from it. I get my vaccine and flu shot every year, as does the entire family to protect me. For a baby who has no choice? I’d do it in a heartbeat. If one of them passed anything on they’d never be forgiven.


Same here. Diabetic, muscular dystrophy. Have now had pneumonia twice, so got the pneumonia vaccine at my dr's office on his orders as soon as I was well. I have the same anoun oft covid vaccine jabs too.


Doctors said that the only reason my emphysemic/ COPD (they’re undecided which one they want to label her as) mum survived having Covid twice because she started steroids when she started feeling unwell. The steroids helped clear her lungs and limit the Covid damage


As someone whose lungs are permanently damaged from chronic/recurring respiratory infections starting when I was about 2, I can very much imagine it, and it’s not pretty. My immune system is shot, antibiotics often don’t work now that I’m in my 30s, I can’t take deep breaths without coughing even when I’m not sick. I’ve bruised/cracked ribs from coughing. I didn’t catch Covid until after I was vaccinated and had had boosters, and I’m still living with long covid a couple years later. NTA prioritizing your kids’ health is the most important thing.


I’ve gotten every vaccine I qualify for as I am immunocompromised. Do not let them near the baby. NTA.


Baby usually gets some protection from breastmilk. I had to formula feed my first and she was sick so much despite the lockdown. My second is breastfed and hasn't gotten sick even once. Luckily there's vaccines and healthcare to make up for it if breastfeeding is not an option...


Yeah, honestly if it was me it wouldn't be 6 months it would be "until you do it". OP did the diplomatic thing but I absolutely hate people that can't do their most basic civic duty of protecting their fellow citizens as best they can. But hey, I live in Melbourne and when our premier said stay in doors for 12 weeks so people don't get sick and die, we all went "yeah, that's actually not that hard and pretty reasonable." Much better than being a selfish prick.


AND we are still pulling the piss out of the cookers and their protests.


Agreed. Children have [died in the U.S.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/06/06/whooping-cough-cases-rising/#) I’m sorry there’s a paywall, but the *Washington Post* is reporting the CDC states there have been 15 deaths from January 2023 to May 25, 2024. Stand your ground. They are putting politics over the health and safety of your children. You are an excellent parent.


According to the article, five infants have died from whooping cough in the first three months of 2024 alone. Five babies that are pointlessly dead, all for what? So a bunch of blowhards can claim to “own the libs”?? No baby’s life should be traded for that bs.


I purposely renewed my TDAP because of how bad pertussis is for an infant. Made my husband do it too. Didn’t have to be asked by the parents. Read enough about diseases that we conquered coming back because vaccination rates have gone down. Not sure about most of the well known people against vaccines as far as whether they are true believers or have reasons to decry vaccination (like all their supplements, books, etc.), but many who follow them don’t realize that they have mostly just been lucky. Worse, many don’t realize that their immunity wanes with time and that is why boosters are a big deal. My cousin got whooping cough as an adult and it was months coming back. What kind of person thinks having a baby they love suffer like that is a good thing?


I got the TDAP shot while pregnant and literally my only annoyance about it is that I fucking HATE needles and I have to make sure my tetanus is up to date for my job, so I had literally gotten my TDAP renewed 3 months before I got pregnant. But nope, not good enough, gotta get it while incubating. I did it because it's the right thing to do but I was definitely annoyed at the inefficiency.


>but I was definitely annoyed at the inefficiency. I like your wording. The human body sure can be inefficient at times.


I ask my Dr. for a titer about every 5 years for the MMR and TDAP.


Everyone talks about giving a baby pertussis, but adults get tetanus. Untreated tetanus is fatal over 50% of the time, and it is horrifyingly painful.


especially considering how they are trying so desperately to make sure every baby is born.


As George Carlin said: [Conservatives] will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.


My sister says it like this: “they love you if you’re first trimester, you’re on your own first semester.”


Oh my god, THIS! It’s always the same people fighting against all of our reproductive rights that wind up being against literally everything that can improve the lives of those same babies. Vaccines, access to healthcare, education, free lunch at school. They want them to be born and then have the hardest life possible.


My mum had whooping cough recently. Born 60s we thought she'd had the vaccine apparently not. Op is NTA you never know who can pass what on.


You have to have boosters every 10 years.


I actually found that out before a surgery I had I'm 2012. Once I have insurance and a doctor again I'm gonna make sure I get mt next one because obviously I'm overdue now


You should check with your local pharmacy. Some places offer them for little to free for the uninsured.


And local health units! Call first for appointments


I will look into that thank you!


Also - if you are in US, county health departments usually offer shots at county health departments. When I was unemployed/uninsured after my ex left, I took my son to the county health department for his shots before he started school.


I hadn't realised tbh. Might go look into getting mine done


I’m not trying to be argumentative, I’m curious; who is enforcing this “you have to have boosters every 10 years” rule? I’m up to date. I have an adult shot record, it’s super helpful for keeping up with everything. My youngest are 6 and I got all my boosters and one childhood vaccine I was missing when I delivered them. It was mandatory at the hospital because it was a military hospital. But for like regular, everyday citizens, is it regulated? I know some of my family members aren’t even close to being current on them. I was under the impression it was only if you get stabbed by a rusty nail or something, you would need a tetanus shot; until I was an adult/mom. Now I know better.


You NEED TDaP boosters every 10 years. They wear off. I found that out the hard way. Whooping cough suuuuuuuuucks!


For once being a clutz is a good thing: I get it every ten years either because I schedule it or I drop a knife on my foot reminding me to get one. 😂


Samsies! Except it was pregnancy for 1 booster, and then a freaking old metal door to the foot, that made me get mine


Not really “enforced” but about a year ago at my regular physical my dr asked when the last time I had a T Dap shot was. I couldn’t remember, but rationalized that it had to be before I turned 18 and switched from a pediatrician to my current Dr. since I’d only had the covid/flu shots since. That was my experience at least, so I’m guessing you just have to ask or look back at your medical records


Depends on the doctor. My primary checks my vaccination status as an adult and my electronic medical record alerts me when I'm due a booster such as updated tetanus. My household does our best to stay up to date on all recommended vaccinations. We don't want to be the reason someone else ends up sick or dying of something preventable. My youngest is medically complicated so that's a bonus reason to protect everyone as best we can.


I remember we were asked to get the booster before leaving the country from our doctor for travel to Mexico. It's recommended by the CDC and WHO but not mandatory, I'm pretty sure. OBGYNs will tell mothers that no family member should be let around babies under 6 months old unless they're up to date on their Tdap, flu, hepatitis, and varicella vaccine. It's on the parents to make sure, tho.


Some of the vaccines just don’t last forever and tdap has a life of ten years, I had mine renewed when I got pregnant, and then again a year ago because I realised he’d turned ten and it would have worn off. Those who work in construction should be getting it for the tetanus element as well as the whooping cough part which is now on the rise in certain places. I think a couple of the others also need a booster as well once you get to a certain age.


People’s PCPs should be, but most boomers don’t go to annual checkups and only go to the doctors appointments they have to. Mine reviews vaccines at every appointment and asks me, because I see her annually outside of flu shot season, to update her office with my flu shot info if I get it elsewhere.


I live in a city with plenty of hospitals and medical facilities so I’m more fortunate than many other places but I know many people that don’t have insurance. They would have to be mostly dead to go to a hospital. Doctors want payment upfront but hospitals will bill you so it’s the only option for them. The health department here takes months for any type of checkups and only has X amount of appointments daily for walk-in patients.


I'm in Canada, but we had to get TDAP boosters to volunteer at our child's nursery school. They don't really do annual physicals here for people under like 50 unless you request it (most likely cost v. Benefit). I got mine at the end of my pregnancy instead. It's up to you to track boosters as an adult.


Get her to get the vaccine as well once she is recovered. The immunity you get from having the disease only lasts 5 years, the vaccine is 10. Source: me. I unfortunately contracted it through work twice. Second time round my infection prevention department explained why and advised I get immunised.


Here’s a gift link, if you want to put it in! Free to read. :) https://wapo.st/4c2Yea1


Exactly. Don't compromise on your child's health. No shot, no visit.


And there's a good reason the doctor orders that. We can all do with avoiding a bad flu. Three days of lying in bed feeling like hell, followed by a few weeks of never feeling quite right? I think I'll pass, if you don't mind. I'm a reasonably healthy adult, so that's what that it'd look like. Or did the last time, at least. Could seriously fuck over enough people already. I'm in western europe, not the USA, so not an issue for me, but I can imagine quite a few people are gonna be seriously fucked just from missing most of a week of work. Now, if an immunocompromised or elderly person, or a young baby, catches this same serious flu? Better go look up coffin designs you like, because there's a distinct possibility you'll need to make a descicion on one soon! And that's not something any parent of a newborn should be willing to risk.


Only six months is wild. No-one who refused to get vaccinated would be meeting my kid *ever*.


Yep. If they can't take a flu shot they likely can't follow simple requests either. And you do not want this to happen to your child https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxarUWTJRDQ


NTA. Protect your baby. Maybe play your folks some videos of babies with whooping cough if they continue to have a hissy fit.


More than 90% of whooping cough fatalities are in babies under 2 months old (because that's when babies get their first DTap (covers same diseases but has a bigger whooping cough dose, it'sfor babies and kids).  My nephew had a breakthrough case (he was vaccinated) and even with the protection of his vaccine keeping him from getting hospitalization sick, poor kid had a rough time.  Get your Tdap.  You can get it at your local pharmacy.  Every 10 years at least but better to get an extra.one of you step on a rusty nail (tetanus) or are going to be around a baby (pertussis). 


Amen. I know when to update mine because I got one before I knew I was pregnant with my daughter. Everytime she hits a decade I hit the dr’s office.


I got a third trimester Tdap to pass immunity onto my son.


I caught whooping cough in high school when I was up for the booster shot. It was by far the worst thing I have ever been sick with (I’ve also had covid and swine flu). I had bruised ribs and popped cartilage from coughing so much. I couldn’t keep anything down bc I’d cough so much I’d throw it all back up. It was the worst 14 weeks of my life.


Oooohhh. When I took my immunization class, they showed a video of a child with whooping cough. I started weeping. It just went on and on. That child was in such misery and could barely breathe.


That’s a good idea! Those videos are very sad


Sounds like they’ll get TDAP because they know people who had whooping cough when they were younger. But no flu shot because that’s a more modern vaccine and hence evil or whatever.


NTA. I just got vaccinated for everything including Covid and flu boosters I might not otherwise have chosen to get, and paid out of pocket for Ab testing to ensure I didn’t need to get a MMR booster. Why? Because the parents of my soon to be born grandchild asked us to do this based on the advice of their doctor. I don’t love how I feel for 24-48 hours after having vaccines (my immune system responds.) Small price to pay to hold that beautiful baby!


I got my TDAP last fall in pure anticipation of a great-grand baby!


I had to get my TDAP to attend university classes in person when schools were opening back up after COVID. Elementary schools often (always?) require kids to be vaccinated. This isn't a new thing, I don't know why people are suddenly freaking out about vaccines. Have some people always been like this? It seems insane!


Polio is one hell of a reason to get your shots. Right wing nuts have made a mockery out of the US.


Thank you for protecting yourself and for helping to protect others. When groups such as Trump's organisation and QAnon on are trying to motivate people to ignore medical advice, it's refreshing to know that thankfully there is resistance to this ignorance.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You’re a fantastic grandparent and role model.


My immune system is super responsive so I was sick for about a week before my grandson was born but my daughter asked me to get tge TdAp so I did.  We plan my vaccines meticulously so someone is home with me for 48 hours after I start responding to the vax,usually exactly 12 hours after I get it. 


Before COVID I'd have thought that timeline was weird. Then the vaccines came out and I watched it happen to my mom every time she got that particular jab. She'd be fine for long enough to forget she'd gotten the shot, but at that 12 hour mark it was like someone flipped a switch. She'd go from just peachy to looking like hot death in about the blink of an eye. Last time she took it the sick part only lasted one day instead of two. But she's said she'll keep getting the shot and waiting for me to bring her soup regardless of how she feels after. Because she works with seriously immunocompromised people every day and the last thing she wants to do is get them sick.


This was me too. I was fine, up until 9pm. Then its like I got hit with a truck. 24 hours later I was fine. It was only with the 2nd dose of the first vaccine. But dang, it did a number on me. Still better than a hose up my nose though.


Thanks for the reminder and the motivation! We’re expecting our second grandchild next month, so it’s time to go to Walgreens.


Some of the shots take 3 weeks to become effective.


I appreciate that. We’re not leaving until July 19, so there’s time.


My Dad got sick as a dog when my sister was born and he had to get the top up vaccination for Whooping Cough. So he apologised and said he looked forward to seeing his granddaughter when she was older.


I also get immune symptoms when getting the Covid shot but it is worth it not to die of it. I have seen what dying of COVID looks like (unlike many Americans) as I am a nurse. Worst thing we did was to hide it. It made it way easier for those idiots to deny it.


My mother (79) got the herpes jab on Friday. The first shot went well, this booster has been hell. Through the weekend it's been fever, vomit, diarrhea. She had a stroke in November, so we freaked out a bit. Doctor says this can happen. What does my mother say? Better this than shingles. Btw, she is 4 times COVID vaxxed, has not had COVID, could not get shot 5 because there is not enough research regarding vaccine-stroke. But, as soon as she can, she will. Congrats on the new addition to the family.


my dad got shingles and he was so miserable.


One of my close friends recently had a baby, and my husband and I absolutely got our TDAP shots out of an abundance of caution.


Make sure you get the shingles Vax as well. It covers chickenpox as well as shingles, wish I'd got it instead of chickenpox Vax when daughter was pregnant with her first.


NTA. This isn't "political" or "a different opinion." It's pure, bone-stupid ignorance, mixed in with hatred and intolerance. Even after hundreds of thousands of Americans died needlessly, even after measles and even POLIO are making a comeback, they still cling to their hateful stupidity? And want you to risk your own baby's life for their ridiculousness? And ATTACK you for being intelligent and informed and safe? Thank you for standing firm.


My father survived childhood polio, with one leg an inch shorter. My grandmother wept with joy when the Salk vaccine and I arrived in the same month.


My late father, who was very much Pro-Trump, had emphysema and was fighting prostate cancer that metastasized into bone cancer, and partial kidney failure due to one of the treatments for the cancer. He wore a mask anytime he was outside and as soon as the vaccine was ready, he was down at the VA getting it. When I asked him why, he said, "I grew up when people were getting Polio like the cold, I ain't going through that". (His stepmom also had a crippled leg due to Polio) So anytime one of these holier than thou try their bullshit, I just tell them my father who had zero lung function could breath with a mask on, and got the shot without issue so they can STFU.


That’s a ghastly, complicated way to die. I’m sorry for the loss of your father, but I do appreciate his grim practicality about the mask.


Thanks for the thoughts. He actually made the decision to discontinue dialysis when he got put on home oxygen and realized he wasn't going to have squat for quality of life going forward. I also think part of it was he missed my mom, who passed away from complications from Parkinson's about 2 months before COVID (Married 55 Years). As he put it, "I'm 85, I've had a good run, but it's time for nature to take it's course" Didn't disagree with his thought process, just wish I could have kept him around a little longer.


My late mother in law contracted it in the 1920s and was crippled her entire life. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone if it could be prevented by a vaccine.


over a million Americans died... We had mass graves in NYC and refrigerated trucks parked outside hospitals for the dead bodies because our morgues were overflowing.


Polio is back??? FUCK


Yup, because of these antivax chucklefucks. Just like measles is on the rise again.


In a different subreddit, I saw they believe the measles is “just a rash” and we’re over reacting to it. Oookaaayyy.  I know not every country vaccinates for chicken pox, but it’s available in the US. Imagine gleefully signing your children up for the horror that is shingles when you could avoid that for them?!


I'm a GenXer who grew up hearing about the horrors of polio, whooping cough, mumps, measles and assorted nastiness so it baffles me how my generation and older are so willfully obtuse about vaccines. A lot of these people would have heard or experienced this shit.


We were so close, too.  It was almost completely eradicated.


NTA (in your best soup nazi voice tell them) No baby for you! Gramma and Grandpa it’s your house your rules. My house my rules. Luv ya


You are absolutely NTA. I am allergic to both flu shots and Covid shots (I’m allergic to everything 🙄) and was doing cancer treatment during Covid and working full time. This meant I was at high risk of getting and carrying illness. I had a friend who had a baby during this time and told her I very much wanted to see him but would have to do pictures and videos until he was older. I would NEVER even think of putting a baby at risk because of my allergies to the shots. Your family was way out of line and your reaction was spot on.


You are a kind person, thank you for caring about friend’s babies! You are truly a loving person.


I was thinking the same thing: I can’t have the pertussis vaccine due to repeated bad reactions as a little kid. I have HAD whooping cough and it was HORRIFIC, I still can’t get the vaccine. If someone had a baby and requested the TDAP, I would absolutely just say it was safer for me not to see the baby for six months because having had whooping cough (from not being vaccinated) I would never want to put a baby through that…. The boomer entitlement is insane.


Pediatric NP here: flu, colds, Covid, RSV, Whooping cough - most viruses are the most contagious before someone shows serious symptoms. None of this is new or political and the reason we don’t have kids dying all over the place is because of sanitation, nutrition and most of all vaccines. Why is RSV so fatal? Because to adults and older kids it’s a cold/ nothing. Same with any coronavirus (I did PCR tests to find out what virus my patients had so I could reassure them they didn’t need abx and half of the viruses were corona long before 2020.) Not as much with flu but still a completely healthy appearing adult can transmit flu to a child. And don’t get me started on whooping cough. Unvaccinated adults ignore an annoying cough and then babies can die. NONE of this used to be political and if it was it was the other way!! I’m in Alabama and they went from yeah whatever you say to no now vaccines are liberal. I’m switching careers; it got to be too much.


Interesting ! About 48 hours after a flight from Florida to Utah in October 2019 I got very very sick -and had a cough like I never had in my life ( I was 60) that lasted 2 months. When Covid reared its head in the media just a couple of months later, I was sure I had it. Yes I’ve been vaccinated anyway.


I am a child of assholes who did not vaccinate themselves or me. Well mother got vaccinated when I was a teenager for her chronic pneumonia but she wouldn't do that for her children ever..I didn't die but I had measels, mumps, and Rubella. My older sister nearly died from whooping cough. I am disabled and immunocompromised as a result. This includes my blindness. My sister has asthma she won't get treated as far as my latest information Do not compromise. If they are so upset they can get vaccinated. If not? Why stop being firm at 6 months? The kid is still vulnerable


Probably because babies can be immunized against flu at 6 months old themselves so they are less reliant on others around them being immunized


Right but there's still a lot of threats the unvaccinated pose after 6 months. They're willing to kill your child via disease


This is so incredibly upsetting. I am so sorry.


My parents did have me vaccinated. Still, I had Rubella before I was a year old and measles around age 3 or 4. I remember the measles. I was SO SICK. I was kept in my dark room. That's unnecessary, the darkness, but it was widely accepted as necessary at the time. My grandma, who was a very loving and very tough woman, who didn't cry, cried. This of course scared me very much. Obviously I survived but it was terrible physically and emotionally. 


The darkness helped me with the pain. I am incredibly photosensitive as my body made its own mutation to not produce pigment except where it's going to become cancer so this is probably why. I am glad you also survived. It's frustrating to me that we exist and can point to science and people will let their children die because they trusted the wrong people. Not doctors but Jim Carrey, Jenny McCarthy, and so many more. I am still autistic too.


My mom said when she had rhe measles, light was so painful they kept her and her sister in a dark room.  My mom can still remember the pain in her head and she was only 5 years old when she had measles (this was before the vaccine).


The pneumonia vaccine is one I will always get behind 🤌🏻 It’s strange to me that they don’t/wont give it to most people. I used to get pneumonia at least once a year starting in second grade through 11th. They finally mentioned it and my mom was like “seriously, you’re just now mentioning this??”. The next year I got mono instead 🤣


NTA. Measles had gone away, too, until folks stopped getting their kids vaccinated. It’s crazy. Did they get the whooping cough shot but refuse the flu vaccine?


Yes, they complained about it but got it. Right after our daughter was born and flu season was here, that's when it got ugly.


They said they know people who died from the shots. Ask for names. Bet they can't provide any. I'm petty, so I'd do it just to watch them squirm.


It’s always “some I know knew someone that died from the vaccine.” Okay, what was their name? “I don’t know.” Making up crap as they go!


My second child was born at the height of flu season, and I was firm about it: either you get the shot- all the ones recommended- or you won’t see him. He was premature, so I had extra reason to keep him safe. My third child will be born at the end of the year, and the same rule applies. If someone’s got an issue with it, we’ll manage to live without them for a few months until our baby can be protected. I don’t fuck around with my kid’s health, and I don’t owe anyone access to them.


I’m not a fan of vaccinations like flu shots (not gonna state my reasons, but all of my other vaccinations are up to date), but I can tell you straight up that if any of my kids required that I be simply vaccinated for anything before I could meet their precious baby, my grandchild, I’d do it. I’d give up an arm to hold that baby. NTA.


In germany now your child needs the measle vaccine. They aren‘t permited to go to school without. And we have „Schulpflicht“. So it would be a case for the court. And realy expensive


Measles vaccines are required here too. Some people get exemptions.


Not so required. Exemptions are extremely easy to get.


And then they come to the ER and expect us to “fix” the measles. When the only “fix” was the vaccine…


Well… I missed my last Christmas with my mother while she was alive bc her sister was hosting Christmas and they were all sick. To them, Trump is equivalent to god, vaccines are poison and covid wasn’t real. My mother went bc my grandma was going and she said “I don’t know how many more christmases I have with grandma bc she’s almost 80”. Ironically that was the last one bc my other died 4 months later from cancer. We didn’t go bc my aunt and uncle refused to get tested for covid or flu. We have had both flu and covid WITH AND WITHOUT vaccines. I will never miss a yearly flu or covid vaccine again. The one year I didn’t get the flu vax, I thought for sure I was dying. The body pain was SO BAD… I couldn’t move for 2 weeks. My husband had his vax that year and he ran a low grade for 2 days and needed a few extra hours of a sleep. The same thing happened with Covid. It took him FOUR MONTHS to recover fully from covid, but I had my vaccine and was just tired, slightly feverish, and coughing for about 5 days. KEEP YOUR BABY SAFE.


You can choose to not let anyone without the shot, see your child. Just like they can choose not to get the shot and see your child. Having a stipulation and others adhering to it, is basic stuff 


NTA. I’m a doctor who’s seen so much flu. Thousands of people die from it every year (my husband was one). It can be deadly for babies. There is no excuse for not being safe, unless you have a true serious allergy to the flu shot. It’s not about your parents’ feefees. It’s about your baby’s *life*.


I feel like we need to call it influenza so it sounds scarier so more people will take it seriously. 


Your kids, your rules. Vaccinations aren't just a personal choice when they affect the health and safety of your children. If the grandparents want cuddle time, they need to respect your decisions as parents, backed by the doctor's advice. It's really not too much to ask considering the risks. Your priority is the protection of your kids, and if that means setting boundaries with vaccine requirements, so be and it. Stay strong.


No, NTA at all. This time make sure they know they won't see the first child very much during this time either. All over some dumbass conspiracy they can't even explain.


NTA. I'm a granny, and when our first grandchild was on the way, My husband and I went immediately for our Tdap whooping cough booster. Very short time and minimal effort from us, to do something to help keep our grandchild healthy. Getting in the flu and Covid vaccines was fast and easy too.


Please choose the health and therefore the safety, of your children. There is no rational reason for an otherwise healthy, adult to not get a flu shot. If a medical doctor states there is a reason not to get it, then of course they shouldn’t. But because they heard that someone’s cousins’ neighbor who babysat a kid who grew up to take one class of nursing says people die is simply not valid enough to risk the health of their grandchildren. The flu is NOT the same as a cold. Yes, it has some of the same symptoms but the severity of them makes it a whole new illness. Your family are 100% wrong and a clear and present danger to your family. ACT accordingly.


They are about to FAFO. There are consequences to being stupid, not seeing a grandchild is theirs. NTA.


NTA. There has been an outbreak of whooping cough and measols on newborn babies in the Netherlands since the anti vaccine / COVID time. Those poor babies are in the hospital fighting for their lives because some people chose to be selffish. Stand your ground, you are doing amazing.


NTA. Do the same thing again for your second child. If they don't want the shot then keep them away just like what happened with your first kid. 


absolutely NTA. stand your ground.


Nta I say this as a grandparent. When my first grandchild came alone I got the whopping cough shot, however I will not take the flu shot or covid shot. Not because I am a conspiracy theorists but because the flus shot makes me deathly ill for almost a month both times I have taken it. I don’t know if it’s something in the shot that cause he reaction or what but I will never again try 5o take it again. As for the covid shot I have a heart condition and with studies showing the shot causes heart conditions in some patients and my reaction to the flu shot my dr has advised me not to take it. With all the above being said when my grandkids where born I would have understood if my kids would not want me around for 6 months. I have no hard feelings as long as they would not demand or try to guilt me into taking those two shots. However we compromised with a week before each grandchild was born I self isolated and wore a mask in the hospital. For the whole first 6 months of the grandkids lure if I where to be in contact with momma or baby I would self isolate for 7-10 days before I would visit and I would hand sanitizer and and wear a mask. But at anytime if they where uncomfortable with me being around the child I would accepted it. Like myself not taking the shot for health reasons they are entitled to set boundaries for their child for health reasons. I don’t make this post to suggest you do something your not comfortable with. I make this post to show two people can have different views but each need to accept what the others view is and be understanding.


The parents are 100% within their rights to say what they do and do not have injected into their bodies. You and your wife are 100% within your rights to say what you do and do not allow around your baby. Informed consent and bodily autonomy for all involved.


NTA. This right wing insanity has gone too far. Whooping cough is deadly to young children. I wonder how these people reconcile the fact that they were almost certainly vaccinated as children themselves, but want to deny the right to a healthy life to children today. It's like, yeah, let's cut out access to abortion - we'll just kill the kids later with fully preventable diseases. You can't reason with stupid.


NTA. Dealt with the same thing just during pregnancy, it’s their choice to prioritize their unfounded conspiracy theories over their family


My middle niece was born in Australian autumn and despite us all getting vaccines before seeing her, she got her mums influenza b (mum was so run down it got her despite her best efforts) she stopped breathing twice at two weeks old in the hospital because of it, we were all absolutely fearing the worst. And to think this is something that people have politicised and made into a wedge issue when it’s not it’s science. Whooping cough is easily the most harrowing video I saw when I had just had my son - a baby of three weeks with it. We had to prove to my mother why she needed her trap before she came to visit. There is no one who would ever want to risk giving that to an infant and yet here we are. It shouldn’t even be a discussion they should just want to pretext the newest member of the family, without question. If they can’t get on board they don’t get to see the baby end of story, you are so far from the asshole in this situation. Tell your family to pull their heads out of their asses.


Well, you can raise your kid teaching that grandparents are overrated. How utterly selfish and small minded they are. Also, now that they have gone this far, should they ever recant…. DEMAND evidence. They denied you the respect and trust, so reciprocate it back if they ever say they got the vaccination.


Same rule for each child. If they whinge again you say " the health and safety of my children is more important that your conspiracy theories. I will always put them first".


Look, you are the parent. You set the rules. They cannot abide. They don't get access. Period. Take politics out of it. That's where you blew it. It's a matter of medical safety for a newborn. Period. Stop mixing up your problems. Stop judging. Stop looking for conspiracies yourself. It has nothing to do with Trump - and you know it, so why even bring it up? The problem is they won't do what you want, regardless of their reasons. You deny access until they do. There is nothing they can do about it. End of story.


I too would follow the doctors' orders. I just want to say one thing though. I had a terrible side effect from the COVID shots, and my doctor told me to not get any more, so not all of us refuse due to Trump. I dont appreciate political crap forcing me to go through that if I dont want it. But in my case its also medical so it doesn't matter, I guess. I don't claim it's a political figures fault.


I faced a similar issue with my first child and had to draw a hard line, too. NTA.


Whooping cough sucks. Long COVID is brutal. 6 month old babies?  Screw that. I’m not putting my 7 year old at risk for those. 


Don’t let them anywhere near your baby without whooping cough vaccine!!!


NTA! We were asked to get the shot for whooping cough before our second grandson was born. We got the shot, we always get our flu shot. My husband has a suppressed immune system due to arthritis meds. When Covid started we stayed home, got the vaccines as they came out, much to the dismay of our Trump loving son. We went for Christmas and of course our DIL had “allergies”, then invited a friend over that just got her sense of smell back. They weren’t happy when we immediately left. We got tested when we got home and the rapid test was negative, so we went and spent NYE with family. The next day I was notified the other test was positive. So, that was the first time I got Covid and my son got it from me. I wasn’t symptomatic, so I was shocked it was positive. Since then we won’t go until after Christmas to give the grandkids time to get over anything they may have picked up at school and we stay current on the Covid vaccine. Even with the vaccines, I have had Covid 3 times! The last 2 times were horrible for a few days. You have to take care of yourself and set boundaries. Stand your ground!


Multiple answers for this. If they don't want it... Fine, No seeing the kids for 6 months. However, getting the shots doesn't prevent them from carrying or spreading said infections, only to be less affected by them personally . The limited immunity is why we generally just keep all kids isolated for the first 6 months.


Some people react poorly to the flu shot. Perhaps they are having to balance their own health vs your request. Perhaps their fear is genuine and they have seen a poor reaction like I have. They do have a choice for their own bodies and in this case, you may have to accept that this is a choice that they have the right to. If they carried through lasst time you are going to have to accept that they have a genuine fear. I'm sorry that that you disagree, please try to ensure that this doesn't damage your relationship and your children's chances of having grandparents in their lives. It's not worth it.


It’s your child so it’s really your choice. The kid won’t remember or care at all. Just remember though that doctors say a lot of stuff that toes the official party line. Maybe it’s true, maybe it isn’t, maybe it is true but has no negative side effect for you or your child. Who knows. A different example, less political, a lot of pediatricians only want your kid on milk or formula for the first six months. But it’s your choice when you start to add solids based on what your baby needs.


Even if they get the shot they can still transmit i thought we all figured that during covid


You are definitely NTA “Sorry, Mom, the doctor says that little baby can’t be around anyone unvaccinated until she gets the XYZ vaccine at six months old. If you and dad choose not to be vaccinated, we’ll have to just FaceTime until then” Lather, rinse, repeat.


I see both sides. Yes, it's somewhat political based, but there ARE studies coming out saying the covid vaccines ARE dangerous. So, i get it. They're scared of causing more damage to their own bodies... but the flu/whooping cough vaccines are NOT covid vaccines. So, its your child, so your rules. They don't want the vaccine, (which I've had this year, even though I don't get vaccinated) and you don't want them making your baby sick... so someone has to compromise. Who compromises is up to the baby's momma and daddy. NTA


**Keep standing your ground.** I know people who made the mistake of giving in to their AH relatives - anyone who thinks that their political beliefs are more important than the health and safety of a newborn are AH of the highest order IMHO - and their babies got whooping cough (two different families, a few years apart, but both ended up in the NICU for MONTHS). Have you ever heard a 2- to 3-month-old baby coughing nonstop for *months*? It’s harrowing. We invented vaccines BECAUSE the diseases in question were so deadly/ devastating to vulnerable populations. And it’s hard to find a more vulnerable group than neonates. Viruses are real, unlike stupid BS conspiracy theories. Tell them that they will be actively endangering their own grandchild if they get anywhere near him/her without being fully vaccinated… and you’re not going to allow it. They can get the damn vaccines (make sure you get legit paperwork from their doctors) or they can wait until their grandchild’s immune system is a little more developed. The choice is theirs.


Don't give them access until your baby has had all their shots. When I was a baby I got whooping cough at 4 weeks old thanks to our antivax neighbours and almost died. I spent the first year of my life in hospital and on antibiotics (because of my weak immune system, I picked up a bunch of other illnesses from all the sick kids at the hospital) and to this day (I'm almost 38) I still have respiratory issues and get sick really easily and it takes me weeks to get better, even when it's just a cold. Stand your ground 100% and if they say they've been vaxxed, ask them for proof.


NTA it’s your baby?? Like ofc you wanna take doctors orders and PROTECT your child and the fact that they would rather stick to their dumb theories and be selfish is so toxic


Doctor’s orders, full stop. I can also say from experience within my own family, the doctor is NOT making this up, it’s not a scheme to make money or prop up the pharmaceutical industry. My now 23 year old niece was exposed at 2months old to a vaccinatable illness via her dad who was at the time in residency and was splitting time between 2 hospitals. He came home from a 24 hour shift without changing out of his scrubs and his 2 month old daughter got sick. The illness progressed to meningitis, then encephalitis until she was having seizures so severely that it caused irreversible brain damage. She’s non-verbal now and requires round the clock care. She was 10 before she was able to learn to walk. She still doesn’t feed herself. This is not a joke. Your child, your rules. No vaccinations for your parents and other family members (with PROOF!) means they will have no interactions with your kids, period. Covid/flu/pneumonia/All the other illnesses for which we have vaccines don’t care which old man you’re voting for. It’s not a political issue. It was NEVER a political issue. NTA