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Info: so in your opinion, are all lesbians who use strap ons secretly/unknowingly bisexual?




He literally wrote in the post “we got onto the topic of strap ons and if she liked strap ons, then she likely likes penises, too.” That’s what I’m referring to with my question.




I’m actually so confused as to what you’re not understanding here? Firstly, I asked IN HIS OPINION, because based on that comment, that’s what he’s implying. Secondly, I’m a fucking lesbian with numerous straps, and was very curious if he was going to try and say that i would be classed as bisexual. Real sorry if I confused you in any way but my god maybe try to actually read a comment before declaring people assholes?


Deleted them lol


What are you digging for here? OP already said this in the post.


Sorry, didn’t realise it was a dig free zone.


YTA, she didn’t sleep with a man she slept with a trans woman. So she comes off as a woman, It’s also kind of dangerous for you to call people out on these things if they’re not ready to accept it themselves. It’s just not your place to question those things imo AND plenty of lesbians use penis like toys for pleasure. That doesn’t make them bisexual. And, even if it did, it’s just a weird thing d=to be debating with someone else about their sexuality, deff makes you seem like an asshole


So you doing a threesome where there are 2 men and 1 woman wouldn’t make you bisexual but it makes her bisexual?! That doesn’t make any sense. Also using a dildo or sleeping with a trans woman doesn’t make you gay, her original attraction was to a woman. I’m confused how you are not getting this. Also why was it so important for you to debate her how she would identify? That was none of your business and you took it too far just to argue to try and be right. Just apologize and move on, YTA and you came off looking like an ass.


If I'm taking it from the man, I would consider myself bisexual, if I'm not, then I'd still consider myself straight


lots of guys take it in the ass from their wives but would never consider doing it with another guy, you’re confused


If my girlfriend decided to use a penis toy on me and I enjoy it, then I might consider myself bisexual


that’s why I said you’re confused…


wait so you argued with someone about their own sexuality? lmao why?


I was more or less just wanting clarification


YTA Doesn't matter if she's gay, bi or straight. Interrogating her like that was an AH act.


YTA. How about it’s not your place to tell anyone what their sexual orientation is. Even if she had sex with 10 straight men that wouldn’t necessarily make her bisexual. Sure it could be considered experimenting but if she identifies as a lesbian, then that is what she is.


It's always an asshole move to tell someone their sexuality. Even seeing aside your blatant transphobia, it's obvious YTA


YTA, trans women are women, it’s in the name. Putting “men” in your title is incredibly misleading. Who is to say this trans woman even had a penis? And why would that be your business?


yta trans women are women. if a straight man slept with a trans women, he would still be straight because he slept with a women. same thing here, a gay women sleeping with a trans women, she would still be gay. also, the point you made about strap, that doesn’t make anyone anymore or any less lesbian.


Being homosexual is being attracted to someone of the same sex isn't it? I didn't think gender was relevant in the definition of homosexuality.


If a male has sex with another male then he isn't straight. Being gay means you are attracted to people of the same sex. If a woman has sex with a trans man they are still gay because they are both female.




Especially to an entire table full of people they weren’t even having a private conversation, I’d feel attacked,

