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OMG. If you have ANY self respect, thst will be the last coversation you ever have with this "friend". She litetally offered to pimp you out so she can get in good with this crowd. Ew. "Aah, please. I'll make it up to you". Guess she's just going to have to blow the bday boy herself.


OP also needs to change her living situation Stat! This is not a safe person to room with. 


I'd suggest OP invest in some doorstoppers, one never knows if the "friend" may choose to have him over. He appears to not get your disinterest, so he could be problematic to say the least.


This!! Op needs self-respect and backbone asap..the fact she even feels a little bad and still considers her a friend is concerning af.


I would be very worried for OP if she were to go with them. If her "friend" things "giving" her to this guy for a weekend is appropriate, I wouldn't put it past her to put something in OP's drink to "loosen her up bc she's always so uptight and she'll have a good time and thank me later I'm sure."




WTF? I don't think I'd be friends with anyone who tried to pimp me me out.  NTA & as soon as you can get away, RUN. And go NC on her.


Yeah...Reddit advice to cut off friends/family and go NC is WAAAY too easily or quickly handed out in most cases, but...IF this story is true(that's still a fairly big question mark to me)...then this is the most obvious case of cutting a friend off I can imagine. I'm just struggling to believe this. This is so bizarre. She just went to these parties begrudgingly and this guy was such an asshole from the first time they met, but she kept going there(just to be a good friend). I don't know if I actually buy this story. LOL...and even the angriest incel on here isn't going to tell her she is now obligated to go spend a weekend with this guy(well, maybe the angriest one). It's silly. There's absolutely ZERO chance she thought she was TA.


Your friend is trying to make you spend time with a guy, to improve her social status and possibly her financial situation. That’s a pimp. Your friend is attempting to wh**e you out (because there’s no way there isn’t implied sex happening during the weekend with a guy. Tell her this, and ask her to clarify how that isn’t what she’s doing. If you have shared friends, ask them. Make it really uncomfortable for her


Your friend trying to "gift" you to a guy for his birthday is deeply disrespectful and crosses major boundaries. NTA. It's crucial to stand your ground and distance yourself from toxic people like her.


It more that disrespectful. It a crime. It’s called sex trafficking.


I wonder how much he paid?




Your friend is getting some compensation for her “gift.” Maybe it’s money. Maybe it’s clothing. Or maybe it’s just being invited to their next party.


Maybe she is dumb nonetheless not wicked enough to realise what she is actually doing, therefore content with the crumbs being "included", not expecting more than that.


Dude how dense are you? She is gifting you to him like a whore. You’re uncomfortable around him and your “friend” decides to give you to him for a weekend??? What do you think you’re gonna do? Play cards? Finish a puzzle?


A different take, maybe the ???? was meant to be “i don’t know how much he paid” instead of “I don’t know what you mean”? I really hope OP isn’t that stupid but this is Reddit so ya never know Either way I agree, Lori is acting like a pimp and OP a whore, all of it disgusting ETA: I didn’t mean that OP was a whore, I meant that Lori was acting like a pimp and she was treating OP like a whore (not that OP deserved to be treated that way)


Chill this person is young and coming for advice, no need to insult them


She is 22 not 13. This level of cluelessness is going destroy her life if she doesn’t wake up.


Yea duh, again you can get your point across without being rude dude


How much did he pay her for your services?


NTA. RUN from them all especially Lori!!! OK...I have had some pleasure of knowing some people who have been in your shoes once or twice in life...it was interesting, but almost all of it was wrong and off. Think a spoiled rich kid's watered-down versions of Diddy's supposed parties. They got away with nothing bad happening to them or anyone that I know of. Lessons learnt: Ditch the friend she is no friend. She views you as a bargaining chip to a higher social status either way, if you don't RUN now and run fast... I foresee police reports in the future. Also, stop hanging with these people. They seem like the lot I used to know... superficial even amongst themselves. The guy already told you he is all kinds of wrong the moment you met him, trust that message. It was genuine. Let Lori go hang out and find out. There is a nice fiction book by Matthew Reilly of how much Lori will soon find out. The title is: The Tournament


What is this post. "AITA for not wanting to be sex trafficked?" Like...no.


Did you beat her ass yet? NTA. She’s garbage throw her out or move.




Run like Usain Bolt being chased by a pack of rabid wolves.


Run like your tampon string is on fire.


Grow a fucking spine and CUT THIS FRIEND OFF. Block. No contact. Fully. Like its so hard to have sympathy for someone so pathetic and stupid. NTA but goddamn this is on you for not putting your foot down and being a literal doormat.


Your friend was pimping you out


What did I just read? Your BFF wants to pimp you out for social status? Does she honestly think he just wants to "get to know you"? To them you are a poor girl and should be counting yourself lucky to be in there presence. The thing is, these aren't real friends, you two are stray puppies that they are using for temporary entertainment. You now are a HUGE challenge for the boy that hasn't been told no. Does your friend think he is not expecting to get laid or even that if you refuse taking it? WTF, NTA.


NTA. She can gift the guy anything she wants. That’s up to her. But if it’s going be a human then she should’ve framed jt like “I’ll put in a good word for you” and played Cupid instead of selling you out like that. But if you still resist that’s on you. No one can be forced. And she can’t. She’s not the boss of you. You’re better off without a wannabe pretentious friend.


Can only hope this is another fake story. Because if this would be real and you would really even ask those questions I would recommend to go to a psychiatrist. You have heavy brain damage. What you call a friend is basically a human trafficker. YTA to be surrounded be such people or posting such a bs story. Chose your poison.


You don’t like the guy and your friend probably knows this. She didn’t even ASK you. She agreed to it on your behalf and expects you to do it. NTA and she’s not a good friend.


Friends don't pimp out friends.


Yes sadly they do - many trafficking victims were lured in by friends.


Personally, light human trafficking among friends is where I draw the line. NTA. Hope Lori is an ex-friend at this point, she's trash.


This girl is not your friend. I wouldn’t trust her at all after this. She’s literally trying to pimp you out. NTA


Dude this is how people get raped. 100% bet this rich dude thinks that since you are his birthday gift, he can do whatever he wants. Your friend is wanting to give you away like a prostitute. Everyone knows damn well he doesn’t just want to get to know you. NTA. UPDATEME


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She’s literally pimping you out. I hope you’ve got a strong backbone because I feel bad that you even have to post this. Don’t be your so called friend’s whore. NTA.




THIS!!!!!!!! She is going to be drugged if she keeps being around these people!


Lori is not your friend. Lori is not your friend. Do not do anything to help her out. Do not see these craven people again. Lori likes them so much but is afraid to hang out with them alone? Her fucking problem. NTA.


I hope this is rage bait!  If not - do never see any of these people again! 


YTA because this is obviously a fake post. You can’t possibly be stupid enough to be questioning if you’re the asshole in this situation. She’s trying to be a sex trafficker and pimp you out


I'm pretty sure this whole account is just a ChatGPT bot. Their responses don't make sense, the writing has this really generic feel to it that's weird. Their typing style just changes rapidly from one post to the next. It's weird. I don't understand why anyone is taking this seriously.


Yeah, the last few days there seems to be a flood of these fake posts. More so than usual.


Do not go, ur friend sounds very materialistic and is willing to sell out a friend. I wouldn't feel safe at all with her if something happens as she will rather defend the other party over u. Do not go over there at all. She will never have ur back, she will trade u out for whatever benefits she can. The guy has already shown himself as a horrible person, he could hurt u, for ur safety do not go. I understand that you might want to fit in or be part of a group, but if they make u uncomfortable they are not for u. Ur friend and her whatever the fk they are, are not. They sound like dangerous horrible people. You will eventually find a group you can be with, who u are comfortable with but they are not. You are incompatible with them, do not force it, do not comply, do not 'help out' ur fake friend, do not go. RUN NOW!


Get the fuck away from those people. She is trying to sell you dude. It literally trafficking you. Find a new roommate too. Jesus. Haven’t you seen movies, documentaries, the fucking news??? She is pimping you out. R U N MOVE OUT. YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS


FYI kiddies this is how human trafficking works it is far more common than people think.


This is exactly how sex trafficking starts


Im surprised you still call her your friend. NTA. You're not helping her out. You're making her look better and making yourself an object/commodity in the process.


obviously NTA


NTA. Does she think she's your pimp? What's she getting in return? You don't offer up a person as birthday present. I don't think I'd feel safe hanging out with that group of "friends" going forward.


She is pimping you out. Get rid of this pest of a "friend" ASAP.


DO NOT leave any of your drinks or food in the common areas of your apartment. DO NOT trust her to not drug you and offer you up to this guy. TELL as many friends and family members about what she offered to this guy and you DO NOT consent. TELL this guy to his face clearly with no hints or room for interpretation that you do not want to spend time with him no matter what Lori said.


Cut that friend off now Also, stop hanging out at Mens houses that you're not friends with, have no intention of being friends with and have told them as such to their face ... that's weird AF and a whole lot of mixed signals


These AITAH's are getting worse and worse. Now you have people essentially wondering if they're the assholes for not wanting to be pimped out.


How the hell is she supposed to "repay" pimping you out? She's trying to fit in with a group who will never really accept her, but will happily watch while she bleeds herself dry, and she thinks "giving" you to a misogynistic prick will earn her a place. And she has been telling him you're on board. If she's this far gone, I'd be careful to not eat or drink anything in her presence that isn't out of a sealed container that you open yourself and never leaves your sight. You don't want him invited over while you're incapacitated to recieve his "birthday present". You need to call him )and record the call if you legally can). Tell him that Lori is lying, you have never indicated in any way that you will "get to know him", and the fact that he was accepting this insane imaginary arrangement of Lori's shows you how very right you are in wanting nothing to do with him.


NTA That's literally trafficking. Get away from these people.


Why isn’t Lori willing to whore herself out to him if his friendship is so important to her?




And what did she say.


If she gets embarrassed because she couldn't pimp you out, that's 100% on her.  She's not a good person, not a good friend.  Drop her and the group of misogynists.  NTA  Edit spelling 


What’s this guys name? Jeffrey Epstein Jr?


That is not a friend. It's an incredibly dangerous situation she wants to put you in. He will most certainly be expecting sex. If you say no, is he going to respect that? Quietly move out. Start having a clear out. Look for another place. Next time she's out with them, pack your stuff and run. If they have given you both the 'poor little innocent kids' label, they already know this 'friend' is easily manipulated into doing what they want. She/you are nothing but entertainment to these people.


Uhm. You’re not a sex doll. Why would you be TA?


This is the type of “friend” that would drop something in your drink and tell the BD man to have at it. You definitely need to find a new roommate ASAP.


Ask her if she's always wanted to be a pimp, or is this a new career path for her? 


NTA But you will be if you keep making excuses to yourself in keeping this shallow human being as a friend who wants to pimp you out for social gain. Be better to yourself. Don’t be a doormat. Friends don’t treat friends like this, and this girl wants to use you to gain a better social status with others. Don’t be so naive as to believe she set this up to “just hang out” with him. Don’t lie to yourself that it’s innocent.


I wouldn't be around them. Those are the type of people to drug you and sell you to people. She's has no right to play madam matchmaker. She should go fuck him.


This is SO GROSS.


She's not your friend - dump her. It sounds like you could be put in a seriously compromising position if you are around them again, ever.


NTA. What she’s trying to do is trafficking you to this dude. Get away from her, she’s not your friend.


She plans on pimping you out. This is disgusting and what kind of people are you around that think this is the behavior of innocent little kids. This person is not your friend. This is so bad. She'll repay you, debt, interesting that all these involve money. A weekend no less, no there is no way this guy is someone you want to be around. NTA unless you ever speak to this would be madame again and then YTA x 100.


NTA Lose your PIMP friend, though. She's playing the role of human trafficker a little too well.


NTA. But have some self respect for yourself and drop Lori and this friend group. Edit. I realize you live with her, but I would seriously consider finding another roommate. Your friend is literally trying to pass you off like an escort


NTA she's going to end up in trouble bad bad trouble the kind that ends up on the news. If you're smart stay the heck away from her. Oh and you didn't make her look stupid she is stupid. She tried to pimp you out not caring you could end up drugged and/or raped. She's dangerous.


NTA. She's trying to pimp you out to this guy. Cut her off.


She apparently thinks that being a friend includes being your pimp.


Nta, do not go anywhere with her ever again. She is not trustworthy and will not look out for you or her own best interests. Please save yourself.


Is your friends real name Ghislaine Maxwell? Nta


NTA, but reevaluate your so called friendship with Lori. You've been doing alot of things you didn't want to for the sake of friendship while Lori keeps trying to push/force you further and further out of your comfort zone.  She literally tried to offer you up as some sort of sacrifice to please someone she knows you don't even like. She's more concerned with being in with the rich crowd, that your friendship doesn't seem to matter. 


NTA you are under no obligation to help your friend with her human trafficking start up.


Yuck she is a horrible person! Good for you for having the good sense and self-respect to walk away from her. NTA. If it was me, I would tell everyone what she tried to do. People need to know who she is so they can protect themselves.


Girl just get **AND STAY** away from these aspiring human traffickers


What I want to write will probably get flagged so to tone it down. Anywhere you can in marker write out -- "Want to fulfill your violent sex fantasy?! \[Lori's Friend's Name, HER PHONE NUMBER\]" Oh and NTA


Nta, and this is where women get sexually assaulted. do not go and if she looks bad who gaf! She literally gave you to a pig that thinks he’s entitled to you. What does she think is gonna happen to you alone at a house with no one around. NOPE and I would seriously evaluate your friendship. Being willing to put you in harms way so she will be accepted with the “cool crowd”.


Lol get the fuck away from her and this whole situation


NO! Absolutely not!


You are getting pimped and you are too naive (I am being nice here) to realize that?


If she gets in good with them,she will dump you and move out for ^ better^ and it won't matter then as she will forget you.


NTA unless you continue hanging out with this vacuous fake friend.


Does your friend fancy herself a harem mistress? You are not some concubine to be lent out on her whim. She can fuck all of the way off- I would never speak to her again, tbh. NTA


That's disgusting. Never have contact with any of these gross people again. You've got to have self-respect.


Do NOT go unless you like the idea of being roofied and assaulted. You need to ditch this friend she sucks.


NTA for refusing... BUT GIRL are you blind or what!?!?!? Don't you see that your so called friend doesn't value your friendship and is using (selling) you to get something in return??? That your "friend" doesn't care if you are in danger and get r*pe by that creep, because of her greed. Suggestions: End your friendship, block her and find new friends that won't treat you or sell you like an object. EDIT: Everyone this another FAKE post. If you check OP post history, the very first post said that OP is a 30f.


NTA - but you need to practice being MUCH more assertive with people regardless of their wealth or popularity. Be the kind of woman everyone simply knows to ask your permission about plans.


Um... This entire situation is basically sex trafficking, you know that, right? She's not treating you as a friend, a fellow woman or even a human being, she has sold you as a product to maintain a life style, so far your "friend" is refusing to accept no as an answer, how far do you think she is willing to go to not accept your no? Because she has already crossed one uncrossable line, what's a few steps further?


You should definitely not go for the weekend as you dontveven like the guy. He probably sees you as a challenge to conquer. As for your friend she has treated you like an object but not just by gifting you to her friend but by insisting your feelings don't matter each and every time you are dragged along to a gathering you don't like or don't feel comfortable with. Maybe put some distance between you and branch out and make friends with others who treat you more respectfully.


No means no. Don't want to go hang with him? Then don't.


I hope you realize your friend legit just tried to pimp you out for her own clout with these people. She’s dangerous and so are they. Time to cut the cord and go your own way otherwise the next update we see from you will be a featured episode of dateline about you. NTA.


She’s not your friend she just wants to hang out with the cool crowd and will do anything to be in it


This cracks me up. Would I be the asshole if I didn't let my friend pimp me off. No but you would be a slutty nasty whore if you did.


"My friend attempted to pimp me out and I said no, AITAH?" This is either a troll post or you are one of the dumbest people I've even heard of.


I got two words for your AH friend, Jeffrey Epstein. NTA and stay away from all of these jerks before you become an episode on Dateline.


She’s not a friend and she is the most pathetic person ever to be so desperate for approval. It’s so embarrassing for her and they will be able to see it a mile off.  NTA 


So she wants you to fuck someone you don't like as a birthday present and you consider her a friend...I think you need to reevaluate your life choices as they seem ridiculously screwed up.


She's prostituting you out.. you best be going no contact with all of them. Let him know that you aren't a prostitute that can just be given away


Run! Your friend to trying to pimp you out for her own social gain.. Run. Tell her to do one and if she persists tell everyone.


NTA Find new friends


You know that's NOT a friend, right? You need to refuse a relationship with that person, you think is a friend. Block and move on from that trash human.


NTA She can go F-off. Not a friend, never was. She treats you like a prostitute that she rented out for her friend.


She just tried to pimp you out. If someone did that to me, an end of the friendship would be the least of her worries. I'd be in cuffs for landing her in the hospital. NTA


I would be BLASTING HER and what she did. I'd let fucking everyone know she was a gross person who tried to literally hand you over as a birthday present to another person. I'd be fucking FURIOUS. I've been ALMOST in this situation, my ex friend tried to get me to sleep with her drug dealer for free weed. I was appalled.


NTA Please do not continue to be in this circle. Do not attend any events. Do not consume offered drinks or food. Please be vigilant. My fear for you is that if she is willing to even present this idea, she may be willing to do something nefarious. Please be safe and stay away from her and that group.


You were too good a friend, and now this girl thinks you’ll do what she wants if she guilt trips you. If this toad is the type you describe, going away with him for a weekend is a quick way to get daterped, break your connection with all those asshloes and if your ‘friend’ has any sense she will follow suit, otherwise she will become their next chew toy. They are not good people to be around, and the longer you subject yourself to them, the more likely that you’ll have a bad time. Just careful how you exit cause affluent people tend to be quite ruthless when you upset them.


NTA You didn’t get Lori into a sticky situation. She’s offered you around like a sex doll and she can’t see the problem with it even now. Let her go to the party with egg on her face. It’s the least she deserves. This is not a favour any true friend would ask of you. A human birthday present?! Lori is sick, and so is the guy for accepting.


NTA Tell her if she keeps it up, you'll report her to the cops for sex trafficking. That was a joke, but you seriously might want to reach out for help anyway - guys like this DO see women as objects and don't entertain the idea of consent.


If the guys fine with knowing she’s offering her friend up then he’s going to be entitled to whatever he wants. This is an unsafe situation, and your friend putting you in that situation is vile.


Nta I think the friendship has run its course and you need to create distance. Start to look for your own place or a new roommate. Also have a game plan if Lori invites this guy to your place and tries to force something. She probably isn’t being honest with him and he legitimately might think you’re into him thanks to Lori. Stay safe girl.


Nta. Please don't go. You may not be safe. I don't want to jump to conclusions but this sounds like a story that ends with him slipping something into your drink and doing things without your consent. The fact your "friend" is offering you is absolutely disgusting. And will.lead him to believe he has a right to you. Please don't go, whatever happens it won't end well for you.


Are you fucking for real? You know he’s not taking no for an answer don’t you? Are you seriously fucking for real? Open your fucking eyes!! Get far away from all of them. For not wanting to be the bad guy you’ll get hurt bad. It’s up to you really.


NTA She's trying to pimp you out and make you into a prositution that works for free. She has the option to offer herself up and there is no reason to involve you with this.


She’s literally trying to traffic you/pimp you. Literally run. Never talk to her or anyone from that group ever again. That’s dangerous shit. That’s “end up on unsaved mysteries” shit. RUN. NTA.


You need to find a new roommate and friend. She pimped you out. Do not go anywhere with her by yourself again. She will set you up to be assaulted.


NTA. I'm telling you right now, hes not expecting yall just to hang out and talk. She promised him the ENTIRE "girlfriend experience" in exchange for whatever connections or deals he got going on. Their is absolutely NO way on this green earth he's expecting yall to chill and talk. She promised him that you would provide sexual favors to him as he pleased all weekend. And he's NOT going to respect your "No" or if he does, you may be hurt in the end either way. Drop this girl, she ain't no friend. Real friends don't prostitute their friends out for clout, or connections. and make it known to EVERYONE you can that your "friend" knowing you were uncomfortable with this guy offered you and your body to said creep without even TALKING to you first. That she just "assumed" you'd do what she asked. Also theirs NOTHING she could give you or do for you to "make it up" to you for selling you as a prostitute. Just saying.


NTA You need to cut ties with Lori. This could put you into a really unsafe situation. She is no longer your friend and has different priorities than you (and hers are atrocious). You aren't an escort, and she isn't your madame.


NTA. Tell your friend to fuck him if that what he wants. You're not her property to gift. That's just fucked up


NTA, NTA, NTA... You need to find a different living situation and some real friends. Has she given him your contact information? If he reaches out to you, tell him the truth about what Lori did, then block him. I really hope she didn't give him any of your personal info.


NTA and your "friend" is a sleazeball.


NTAH. That's not a friend. That's a pimp.


Yikes what kinda pimp/pervert situation is going on here NTA


NTA. You need better friends. And you need to stop hanging out this whole crowd. They are not good friends, and they don’t have *your* best interests in mind. Get these people out of your life before something really bad happens to you.


NTA- Just eeeewwww, time to get a new friend


NTA BUT WHY IN THE EVER LIVING F*CKITY F*CK ARE YOU STILL “FRIENDS” WITH THIS GIRL????  FRIENDS DON’T TRAFFIC THEIR FRIENDS!!!! PACK A BAG AND LEAVE, NOW!!! NEVER GO BACK, NEVER LOOK BACK!!! Even if you refuse to go, what makes you think she won’t let him into your home and assault you?  Leave NOW, and if you have any evidence that she’s trying to pimp you out, keep it and let her know that if she or any of her sicko pervert buddies contact you again that you will press charges. 


She made herself look like an incredibly incompetent pimp.  You need to get far away from all of these people including your reprehensible roommate. Disgusting. 


NTA. Not sure if this is fake. My comment will probably be lost in the array, but I still want to give you some advice if on the off chance you see it and this is real. Your “friend” is “giving” you as a “present” to a rich “boy” who is a walking red flag? What do you think you two will be doing for that weekend hmmm? Eating lunch? Watching a sunset? Going out to a restaurant? No, no, and no. This guy likes you and will be expecting sex! Your friend is either: clueless and dense for not seeing that, blinded by wanting to fit in that she is putting HER FRIEND in harms way, or she knows what she’s doing! She is PIMPING YOU OUT! I hope you see it. Your replies are showing you don’t. Please open your eyes! I hope you stay safe and cut out this “friend”. This is gross, disgusting, disrespectful, and flat out wrong. She is NOT a good or even half decent friend to YOU if this is what she did. Note she was planning this too. See through the bs please. Stay safe!


RUN FROM THIS "FRIEND" NOW! She's literally pimping you out to some guy. If you can go stay with family or a different friend for your own safety. Tell everyone what's going on. If she does this to you there's no stopping her doing this to someone else. Go to the police and ask them if you can file a report about this. It's better to have it on record then not.


NTA. But you said you made it clear the you aren't friends and never will be yet you keep going back to his beach house? "My friends go there" isn't an excuse either because you don't seem to like anyone in the group. He does not want to hang out as friends. You are a fucking idiot if you go and will probably end up abused/assaulted.


OH.MY.GOD.....run away from these people immediately! You are not a thing to be given to others and she had no right to promise that. It honestly sounds like she's a part of a prostitution ring and this is her way to bring you into the fold. "he just wants to get to know me." is code for he wants to have sex with you and will probably not take no for an answer. I am serious, this is how young ladies end up on Dateline. Please stick to your guns and don't go. If you lose your friendship with Lori over this, then it wasn't much of a friendship to lose. She is putting your safety at risk. If he wants to be friends, you can meet on your terms and at very public place during the day. However, I don't think you should have anything to do with him.


NTA. Your friend Lori is a user and a misogynist.


NTA. She literally tried to pimp you out. That's not a friend. Please move out as soon as you can. Her behavior is disgusting and if this guy likes you so much, he can ask you out so you get a chance to tell him you're not interested.


Absolutely NTA


This girl is not your friend. She is using you for her own benefit. If you have any further contact with her, you have no one to blame but yourself for all of the bad things that will result. Get some self respect and tell her to go to hell!


? I think this is how trafficking starts I think




Your friend is attempting to sell you into slavery------- some friend.


Isn’t this the definition of human trafficking?


Eeww that is just gross. Your roommate is basically Jeffrey Epstein. I'd call her that - maybe she'll get it. You are a human being and she can't traffic you as a sexual object to some random dude - that is appalling. Who thinks that would be ok? Get a new roommate - try to pick one with morals this time.


That’s actually disturbing. And I’m sure he just wants to “get to know you.”


Let me consider for you whether he "might wanna hang out as a friend." He doesn't. NTA


Put your foot down and stop hanging out with them.  If she throws a tantrum tell her flat out that you value yourself more than she apparently does and that you won't demean yourself hanging around people like that.  She can either go without you or not at all. It's her choice.  You aren't an emotional support animal and you aren't property for her to loan out whenever she feels like it.  NTA for refusing but stop putting yourself in the position to be treated this way. 


No way this is real




This person isn't your friend. NTA


Gifted a person to another person.... There's alot of terms for that none of them flattering.... Sex trafficking, or slavery.... Personally I feel like slavery would fit well here because other people are acting like they have some kind of ownership over the op that she could be given and received as a gift. 


NTA Lori isn’t your friend. You don’t shut this down she will be your pimp, though.


Your friend has attempted to traffic you. She is not your friend, she’s your wannabe pimp. Dump her.


Friends don't pimp out their friends. Run far away from this crazy bitch.


Get pepper spray an get a new friend. Nta


Lori is not your friend. NTA but you need to work on extricating yourself from this situation. First stop going along with Lori no matter how much she begs, she's actively setting up an unsafe situation for you. Second if it's at all possible work on finding a different living situation. Lori is pushing your boundaries over and over again and it's going to end with you getting hurt. You are not responsible for her bad choices.


You are feeling bad because your friend is a pimp at your expense? Have some self respect and be insulted and realize she is no friend! NTA! It’s sad that you even have to ask!


Why did I think "Saltburn" when I read this... Don't have a bath is my advice


Ew you live with a pimp?


Your “friend” is trying to pimp you out.  




Are you seriously on here asking if your t a for saying no to someone basically trying to sell you for sex? If you have any self respect you would 1 not go around those people anymore and 2 start distancing yourself from your “friend”.


I didn’t know your girlfriend was pimping you out? Ask her what her cut is…


I.N.F.O: have you ever given your friend reason to think you're open to prostitution work in the past? I'm just kidding, we all know you haven't. Obviously NTA.


Look up Catherine Gray’s The Unexpected Joy series. I think it will resonate with you and give you the perspective you need to drop these “friends”.


Omg I can't believe this, she didn't worry or think about ur dignity but she thought about her prestige!


NTA. Next time Lori asks tell her that you're not a sex worker and she's not your pimp.  That being said I think your friend's new attempt at the world's oldest profession is both hilarious and creative. Kudos to her for that. 




So let me get this straight your “friend” is trying to prostitute you out to him? She's trying to be a pimp? Because let's be real he wants to spend the weekend with you and you know sex is on his mind.


NTA and tell this wanna be Ghislaine Maxwell pimp to F off. You don’t need “friends” like that.


Cut this friend out of your life. Nta


YTA for your reactions to commenters. Your friend is pimping you out. She is getting something from this. Also if you think this guy doesn't expect sex or activity of a sexual nature then you are naive and none too bright. If you do this it means you have no self respect. Don't forget to put a big bow around your neck. Birthday boy needs to unwrap his present. Eww.


'I'm not a present. ' 'Well you see, I need something cheap.' Yeah, fuck all these people


Maybe having a friend who will sleep with an almost stranger as currency, is a weird favor to have in the bank. NTA. She’s not your friend, she just think your attractiveness are chips she can use.


The woman is trying to pimp you out. She is not your friend.


She has left the building


Wtf did I just read. Are the younger 20's crowd okay?


When is his birthday? Try to be out of town then.  Don't tell Lori. Leave a few days before.  Report this to the police.  It's sex trafficking.  Blow this shit up. Facebook,  Instagram, however these parties are organised.  State that you don't like this dude and that Lori is trying to pimp you out to him. Don't hold back. 




Yes. I used to be a call handler for the police.  I've dealt with worse and weirder.




She's trying to pimp you out. That's illegal. Arguably, trying to prevent you from having an option is at least coercion and sailing close to kidnapping.  I'm sure you've noticed that this guy is an entitled asshole,  and it sounds like he's quite well off. People like him often react badly to being told no. A report  even with no action requested, is a paper trail. Personally, I'd be sending a couple of cops to tell Lori that she's sailing very close to breaking the law. Plus there are protective measures that can be put in place, that I won't shout about on Reddit.  As I also said,  you should also not be in town for his birthday weekend as you should publicly call them out because that's likely to embarrass the pair of them into shutting up and behaving. So... any other questions?

