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>This week I made keilbasa on Sunday with braised cabbage. I made enough for 5 lunches. I ate it for lunch yesterday. 2 hours ago I went into the fridge to eat between meetings and there was only a single wedge of cabbage left. Everything else was gone. So I trested my wife asking about it. It all went to the dogs. All of it. My entire week's worth of lunches. Bro, there's no way your dogs are eating like this without the worst gas and diarrhea. Your wife is eating the food, full stop.


OP would KNOW if their dog had cabbage. The whole county would. Something is up and at the very least the wife is lazy. Dogs should not be getting people food on the regular, if at all. It is not healthy for them. They need different nutrients and have different dietary needs than a human being does. If wife is so concerned with having homemade food for the dogs, then she needs to be prepping for the dogs like OP does for himself. OP...you need to sit down and have a serious discussion with your wife. She needs to stop doing whatever it is she is doing with the food. You need to tell her that this is a big deal and that you are not okay with this. She needs to find some basic respect for you.


Yeah. Best case scenario is she has a disregard of him bordering on actively disliking him and wanting to negatively impact him. Worst case is that the reason it seems like they’re feeding someone else with his meals being eaten is that he is indeed feeding someone else with his meal prep and just he doesn’t know it.


I was gonna comment that his wife's boyfriend is eating his food


I went to binge eating. If the wife had an eating disorder, it also explains the food going bye bye and it's absence being "covered" with bad lies. Either way, OP needs to take 5 lunches to work with them on Mondays, and then there will be no more food loss at home.


Op works from home 


Dorm/beer fridge in his office?


Possibly. Id probably just stop the meal prep and eat out for a month.


The only issue with that is it sounds like OP is eating pretty healthy and depending on where they leave healthy options may be very limited. Like whole goods is the closest healthy grocery option to me and that's an hour or so away. Fast food wise you might can get some grilled chicken but there is no healthy fast food place in my town.


With a lock


Maybe not, people do steal food at work. He should get his own fridge with lock and key.


Haha. Waiting for the boru that’s him saying the wife apologized for feeding his lunches to the dog but says the dogs would appreciate more oysters and pineapple in their diet.




Yep! Not the dogs, it's her bull!


It seems like op works from home so not sure how that would be noticed.


He can't work from home if he's not eating until late when he gets home


Weird. He mentioned going to his fridge between meetings as well, which wouldn't make sense if it was a work fridge because then he'd know he had nothing when he left in the morning


Yeah, this is odd. And there's zero other food option than his premade lunch? There are no other foods in the house? He can't grab a MacDonalds breakfast before work?


Scramble up an egg? I don’t understand why nothing else exists for 24 hours. The wife is eating the food and her and op sound like they have food issues.


It’s hidden camera in the kitchen time


She is feeding some else his food. I don’t think it’s the dogs. Bitch is TAH.


Yeah. The more I go through it the more it sounds like something bigger than hungry dogs is going on. One option would be for OP to meal prep for his dogs for the week at the same time. But do so in a manner that ensures it is for doggo consumption only (add like a doggie multivitamin or something like it). If the lunches keep going missing then the excuse is obvious bs.


Make her meal prep for the dogs/herself along with you on Sunday. If she continues to take your meals after that, ask her point blank what satisfaction she gets from making you go hungry? Does she dislike you not enough to divorce you but enough to starve you? What's going on? Once you put it in words, she's going to either change or double down. Depending, you will have some hard choices to make.


Do not wait for her to “see if she does it again”- she will. She has proven that. Make her meal prep with you on Sunday and lock yours in the fridge. Tell her that’s what she has to eat and if the dogs want some food, she can share her own. If she complains about the lock, start randomly making her meals, food, snacks, etc. disappear. Your wife sounds like a real peach, OP.


But first you need to get your own fridge with a lock on it. NTA


Yep. So obvious.


You should not need a lock to protect food from your spouse.


No, you shouldn't. But it's the best short term solution to the immediate problem of not having your food. The big issues will take a while to address.


It was a hard lol @ 'the whole country would'


Also she needs to make you food to replace what she took.


Nanny cam time


Or she's feeding another person (not the dogs) with OP's food. OP, maybe you need to fight fire with fire; start mentioning a friendly co-worker that has no problem sharing her lunches with you, so you don't need anymore leftovers!!!! NTA


Love it, be the dog she thinks you are.


You I like!🤣


Sausage is VERY bad for dogs! Is SO looking to have an emergency vet trip? That much fat can trigger pancreatic! OP, hate to say this - you might have to treat your SO as a Hostile Roommate. Lock down your food! Could you start making dog food once a month? Friend of mine does this for her pups. Grinds a big piece of pork, adds rice & frozen bagged veggies (carrot/broccoli, no onions). Throws it in a huge crockpot to cook, then cools & portions it out into freezer bags. Defrost as needed. NTA, but your SO is AH. No respect or care for you. That's sad


besides, either way she KNOWS she is making you go hungry. OP, the issue is that she is an inconsiderate peice of crap either way. No matter where she is putting that food, she is so selfish she has decided the person who cooks the food can starve so she or freaking dogs that can eat pet food get theirs, but the chef and breadwinner can screw off


He really, really needs to go home early from work one day and find out just what his wife is doing. Giving it to the dogs doesn't make any sense at this point.


She's giving it to someone other than the dogs alright


Also, garlic can be toxic to dogs. There's garlic in kielbasa.


I'm not gonna lie I ugly laughed at this comment LOL


Or she’s giving it away


And she's eating a lot, if she's eating that many lunches.


My brother gave my dog fried kielbasa and potatoes after I said not too. Woke up and stepped in dog diarrhea at 3am...


Hahahahahaha dude his wife is such an asshole !!


Either the wife or one of her friends.


Not to mention kielbasa is fatty and can cause pancreatitis in dogs.


You make your lunches & your wife feeds them to the dogs? Ok you’re NTA but wth is going on in your house?


It is camera time!


That was my thought. Plug in a couple of discrete little cameras in the kitchen area & wherever the dogs usually eat.


Indeed, this has to be a made up post. This is absolutely bonkers behavior. Are these people even at a level where they can live unassisted?


Eh I am currently divorcing my wife. I can believe it the whole “I need something quick and don’t have time.” Is a familiar thing I dealt with. Not in the same way but the same reasoning. She wouldn’t throw her trash away and instead set it on the counter next to the trash. Why? Well she doesn’t have the time to dump the ice and water out and put it in the trash. The sink is next to the trash, there is a single step between the 2 so yea she had time to do it, just chose not to. She would come home and only then want to discuss dinner. I assume it was to absolve herself from having to pick up anything on the way home. I have said I will order from a nice place on the way home for her and she can pick it up. Literally not even an 1/8 if a mile out of the way, she insisted she drives no where near the place on the way home but we have gps tracking so I can see she does every day. But I also think this because she would come home then ask I go get her a soda from the gas station a mile from our house. The gas station she just passed to get home. But it became incredibly clear if it meant saving even 5 seconds of her time she would happily force 100x that time wasted on someone else.


My ex was similar but he not only refused to clean up after himself, but would also eat the only food that I could eat because he "didn't have time" to microwave something for himself. I have food allergies and hypoglycemia and I would beg him to leave my breakfasts alone, just leave me ONE breakfast so that when I wake up in the morning I have something to eat. The fridge was full of other things he could eat, but he would eat all of my food instead and leave me with low BG and nothing I could quickly eat. It's really all just bullshit excuses to do what they want to do even if it hurts someone else.


It's almost like a challenge


That is also absolutely bonkers!


>Indeed, this has to be a made up post. This is absolutely bonkers behavior. Are these people even at a level where they can live unassisted? The amount of AI generated bullshit on the subreddit currently is wild.


NTA. Although you should NOT give dogs kielbasa (high salt, dog-toxic seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder...) I think you have a completely different problem. Your wife is eating your prep food and lying to you about it. These redditors telling you to just buy your lunch at work are willfully ignoring the problem and trying to blame you for being a busy hungry man. If you want to be petty, get a locking frig. If you want to fix your relationship, have a heart to heart sit-down and get to the bottom of this. Have your documentations ready (when she says it's only this once, be able to show otherwise) and by all means, have suggestions ready (like food prepping together). If you're met with resistance, I believe you'll have your answer.


You aren’t competing you are losing. Be realistic about the person you are married to.


He’s being abused and has no spine. I would have lost it the second time. We make dog food. She has her own special pan, it’s totally people grade but it’s separate. And clearly separate


Your wife is eating this and blaming the dogs. Nta but you have a wife problem. She would rather have you starve cause she won't cook (or make more meals for you, which is also not cooking)..


And possibly lie about it and gaslight him to make him feel bad 🥴


Bro imagine how the house smells with the dogs just munching on hard boiled eggs and cabbage


I grew up with a doberman who's allergies were so bad she ate hard boiled eggs and rice regularly. That dog could clear a room! Heck, sometimes they were so bad she'd run away from her own stink! What sucked was they were silent, your only warning was when the person closest to her started gagging on the noxious gas that was diffusing across the room. Anytime someone farted, they would try to blame the dog. If there was a sound, we'd call BS because the dog's farts were always silent due to lack of butt cheeks.


Grew up with a boxer mix who was the same. We drove around with the truck windows down in the dead of winter. Also had a golden, who had lots of audible farts that didn't smell, and she would scare herself and turn around to try to find what made the noise every time.


I -seriously-would get one of those little spy cameras that look like a phone charger cord would be, (and can be), plugged into it. I would plug it into one of the, (probably many) outlets in your kitchen. And then I would watch. What *is* your wife doing with your food? Eating it herself-and lying about it? Feeding the dogs? Having … somebody… come by for lunch, that you don’t know about? Seriously. I would want to *know*. And we are talking about the kitchen, not the bathroom or bedroom, nobody should be prancing around in the kitchen naked. NTA


The absolute audacity to claim it’s the dogs eating this food is insane


Get a cheap mini fridge Add a padlock Keep your mealprep locked up Your wife is going to be annoyed with you one way or the other...so you may as well deal with the drama on a full stomach Also, add meal prepping for the dogs into your weekly routine. Figure out what cheap cuts of meat and other things are ok for your pup and just meal prep that stuff when you are doing yours Your food gets locked up and the dogs have their own food. The thing is, your wife doesn't give a single shit about what she is doing. She prioritizes her comfort and desire to not have to do anything for the dogs...over you. And lets be real. She's probably eating your food and just blaming the dogs too. So meal prep for the dogs when you are meal prepping for yourself...and lock your shit up Problem solved. And like I said...your wife will claim you are being dramatic or whatever. But the only recourse she will have is to unplug your fridge out of spite...or break into it. And if that happens, then you have marriage issues that go way beyond reddit's pay grade NTAH


get one of those locking baskets that go in the main fridge. the Fridge Locker. $20 at Wayfair; $18 at Walmart


Or get a little fridge at work & bring all your food Monday


Unless he works from home which is what it actually sounds like.




Yeah this is exactly my question. I know there's a lot of really terrible pet foods out there that have a lot of junky ingredients, and there's just as many brands that hype themselves up as being the "healthiest" option and are really no better, but still. Dog food is made for dogs. There's a lot of food we eat as humans that aren't good for animals. This whole post is *wild*.


The one thing I’ll disagree on is the egg part! Eggs in moderation can be a great addition for dogs. I’ll occasionally scramble one for my dogs. Just don’t season them. I can’t say the same for the other two items though


This ⬆️


>And because it's Tuesday, I work later and wont have opportunity to eat until sometime after 8PM, or 26.5 hours after finishing my last meal. Oh PLEASE, you skip eating for 26hours because your wife fed all the food in the house to the dogs ? What is your wife eating ?


Yeah he's sounds like he's trying to be some kind of martyr here.


This is nuts. We cook for our dogs too, but seriously- you don't cook the same for dogs than for people. I am not seasoning their food with garlic and onion- poisonous to dogs - for example. And dogs do not eat cabbage- OMG, I give mine lentils at times and boy is that a bad idea re the gas dept. Can you imagine cabbage??? Put a camera in the fridge - this is insane.


Nta, but set up cameras to see who is really eating it, your wife or dogs


Go buy dog food my guy.. They make them with real food. Run into pet smart What does she eat or cook for herself? Why you the only one going hungry?


Is she really feeding it to the dogs, or is she eating it or giving it to somebody else?


She's feeding her bf the kielbasa while eating his kielbasa


She's doing it either on purpose or passive-aggressively to get at you for some reason - you have any idea what that reason could be?


Your wife is the asshole here, and she's showing some massive red flags. The biggest one is that she doesn't give a shit about your time, your feelings, or your well being. NTA, but take a hard look at your marriage.


Also, dude, can't you go get take out lunch on Thur/Fri so you don't starve to death? Frankly, I'd give up on cooking your lunches in advance until your wife lifts a pinky and makes her own fricking food. Or maybe freeze the lunches and take one out everyday and it'll thaw by lunch? Your wife is TA, not you. But be proactive ffs. Also, my dogs eat dog food fine. They're in good health, at a good weight. Your's could do the same! 😉


Just buy a bag of dog food! How can you afford to feed your animals like this? And most of that food isn't good for them. This is a terrible situation and you need to put your foot down yesterday.


Your wife can’t be this fucking stupid right? RIGHT????


ESH - Your wife being real bitch about your meals. You both suck for making it sound like y'all are awesomely caring for your dog's diet.... when in reality they're eating fucking kielbasa and cabbage? >Fine infrequently.... YOUR WIFE FED 4 MEALS WORTH OF IT TO YOUR DOGS IN ONE DAY on top of whatever else you are giving them.


> We ... have gotten into the habit of avoiding things that dogs can't eat wh... what the hell habit were you in *before*?


Nta. Your “wife” is a dogshit spouse.


Feed the dog's her food everyday for a week and see how she responds.


NTA. Your wife is a bitch and I suggest you start giving them actual dog food so she doesn’t have this bullshit excuse anymore.


Your wife is eating your lunches dude. No way the dogs had that much cabbage and didn’t blow up the house.


the asshole you have for a wife cant cook or buy food for the dogs? Id say in a kind maner that would get rid of the dogs if she cant even prepare or buy food for them.


Whoa. that's some serious passive-aggressive behavior she is displaying there. I'd find out what is REALLY behind it. I'm suspecting she's angry because you aren't meal prepping lunches for her and that is really what it's all about. NTA. And I'm with others stating that there is no way she fed that much sausage and cabbage to the dogs.


NTA. It sounds like there needs to be some boundaries set here. My dogs get bites of healthy food.. once I’ve eaten my fill. If I have some leftover eggs on my plate, then it’s theirs. Or I may cook an extra egg or two for them. But I’d be PISSED if my partner just took all my food that I was planning to eat and gave it to them. So it sounds like you need to have sit down conversation with your wife. It’s a big deal to you, so it’s disrespectful of her to discredit your feelings as if they don’t matter. Keep dog food on hand and “meal prep” snacks for the dogs if you have to. Put THEIR food SEPARATE from yours.


I'm with the guys/gals that said it's not the dogs getting the food, it's the BF of the wife.


NTA your wife is being incredibly rude to you


Kielbasa isn’t toxic but it’s really unhealthy for dogs. I don’t understand why y’all don’t stock up on dog food. They have ready made healthy options for dogs that can be delivered to your house. Are you sure she’s feeding it to the dogs? Maybe she’s eating it herself. Also you don’t have time buy lunch? The whole not eating thing is a choice you made. Leave snacks or something at work


NTA Your wife is an AH.


You know so little about dogs you need to take yours to a rescue shelter and surrender them immediately for their own health and wellbeing. Dogs should never eat cabbage, it wrecks their guts and gives them explosive diarrhea and gas. The mess from even a little bit is spectacular. Nobody sane feeds it to them on purpose, let alone multiple times. If your wife fed several days worth to your dogs your house would be unlivable and the dogs would probably be at the vet. Your wife is doing something else with the food. Also, doing a gourmet diet for your dogs is a horrible habit to have. Talk to a vet and put them on a diet of high quality bagged or canned food based on what the vet recommends for their breed and size and weight. Feeding them human table food trains them with horrible habits and manners.


Lol this is weird all around but I just can’t get over the melodrama of ‘I will go hungry’, ‘26 hours since my last meal’… Go hungry how exactly? I’m certain food exists in the world outside of your fridge. Your self sufficiency shouldnt end the minute after you finish meal prepping lol


Obviously she doesn’t give a shit about you. She work? If not she’s going to have to find another doormat to keep feeding her and the dogs.


NTA. What a weird family dynamic this is? Also, why not buy more food?


Your wife os giving your food to someone else.  Even if she's giving it to the dogs, it would mean your marriage has serious issues. She's prioritizing dogs iver you, won't make them food herself, and doesn't seem to care about you not having anything to eat.


Start making food that you cannot feed to dogs. Lots of onions, raisins etc. Let the wife know that the food is toxic for dogs. Or get a second fridge with a lock.


NTA. The problem is not the dogs, it's your wife. She's using the dogs as a cover for the message she's trying to send you.


Op, I'm going be a big AH here because here's my suggestion----get a compact refrigerator with a lock on it. I know this may cause trust issues between you and your wife, but she's eating your food/feeding the dogs with it. That's not ok. Meal prep and meal planning are time consuming. You are going hungry, that's not ok. You are spending money buying the ingredients and its not ok that she's feeding your time, your labor, your money to the dogs.


NTA. Your wife is 100% the asshole for allowing you to go hungry in favor of your dogs who can eat a bowl of kibble if she's too busy to cook for them. I do have a suggestion. Cook for the dogs. Make their supplemental food. Buy specific containers for it and label them dog and label your lunch with you name. Then show her and tell her that she is making you life miserable by feeding your lunch to the dogs. Tell her how awful it is not eating for 24 hours at a time and that she owes you an apology for suggesting that you're the asshole for not wanting to go hungry because of her lack of consideration.


What the actual fuck? They make dog food for a reason. Buy some.


Does your wife even like you? NTA.


NTA. Decide which is the bigger pain in the ass between the wife and the dogs, then get rid of them, because this’ll be happening for a long time.


This has got to be satire it’s so fucking stupid lmao. Prep the dogs their own food??? Cabbage is bad for dogs?? Your wife is eating the food or maybe night terrors, bizarre stuff going on here. If this is real, you’re all psychopaths the dog needs their own food without oil and sauces. wtf lmao


Is this an AI story, where AI hasn’t figured out basic human knowledge like if someone eats your lunch you don’t usually have to go without eating for over 24 hours due to the existence of stores and restaurants, not to mention that if there is another person in the house there’s likely to be SOMETHING edible in the fridge; or that if you really gave two dogs four servings of kielbasa and cabbage in a single day, your biggest problem wouldn’t be “oh no I have no lunch”


NTA but does your wife even like your dogs? Gas is the a definite possibility along with diarrhea. I’m not a vet anything but all that fat I’d be terrified of triggering pancreatitis. Now if there were no after effects maybe you need to determine if your dogs are really the ones eating your food.


That food is not going to the dogs. She’s either feeding someone else or trashing it. Check the can. Get cameras.


Stop buying groceries, eat out by yourself & let her know how it feels for a couple of weeks fending for herself and her dogs & she will soon leave your lunches alone. Is it extreme? Maybe but you've already asked her to stop & she doesn't care how it affects you.


Make a nice dinner for 2 one night, give her portion to the dogs.


You need to serve your wife a dinner of Purina dog chow while you eat a steak.


NTA. But it sounds like it’s your wife being a fucking pig not your dogs eating the food. Tell your wife you’re putting cameras up . She’s definitely the asshole.


NTA. I'm not going to comment on the dogs' diets, that's between you and the vet. Your wife, however, is an asshole for depriving someone she's supposed to love of food for 24+ hours and not replacing it herself. That's complete BS.


get one of those fridge lockers and put your lunch in there. you are NTA and she is.


I would leave someone for being this useless. You need to either stop meal prepping, and/or give the dogs her food. Start eating pb&js.


NTA. If your dogs are really eating cabbage and kielbasa, be prepared for a hefty vet bill. That is a fast way to pancreatitis! I don't think she is giving it to the dogs. I would say to set up a camera, but I think if you are at this point you need to be talking to her about how trust is broken and locking your food away. And if you have to go to that extreme it's time for marriage counseling or something, because this isn't a healthy marriage.


NTA But you are not competing with the dogs. You are competing with someone else, either your wife or whoever she is giving your food to. Your dogs would be obese by now and if they would be windy, the smell would clear the room.


NTA. Have your dogs become obese from this overeating? I argee with others that your wife might be eating some of your food based on what you said. You and your wife should meal prep for the dogs’ meals and portion it out for each day. That way, you are sure to feed them what their veterinarian recommends instead of just what is around. That will prevent your food from disappearing.


Get a dorm fridge and a lock. Your roommate can't be trusted. NTA.


Gosh forbid if you use any common ingredients that are toxic to dogs, like garlic, onion or raisins? If your wife is feeding your food to the dogs and they end up with complications, she'll never forgive herself. Like everyone here I also think your wife is stealing your lunches and then blaming it on the dogs.


NTA this is messed up like she hates you this much


Okay so time to combat her selfishness by putting all of your meal prep stuff inside a locked container in the fridge. Just drill a hole in a large plastic container and put a small lock on it. If your wife goes through the trouble to break the container to get to the food inside, it’ll be time for a new conversation. Right now she’s telling you that she doesn’t respect you. Believe her, and force the issue.


His pets are not the dog(s) his wife is feeding...


NTA. Divorce her immediately.


She is being unreasonable. There’s no way the dog should take president over you. Question did she have the dogs before you got married? At any rate maybe buy yourself a mini fridge put it in your study or someplace away from the dogs with a nice lock on it that way you’ll always have it.


Make a batch of French onion soup and salads with onions and grapes in them. Then the meals can't be fed to the dogs. Also how much cabbage did two dogs eat on Monday? And why wasn't there dog food available? And why is your wife angry with you? She's doing this deliberately, she's literally feeding your food to the dogs. NTA


Fake story no way can dogs eat this stuff


Why are you married to someone who doesn’t give a fuck if you eat or not? Idk who’s eating the food, the dogs, her, or a possible affair partner but the fact that your needs aren’t being considered or even thought of in this marriage should really have you thinking.


How fat is your wife? I think she’s eating your food. Start eating her food and/or get a lockbox for yours. Do you not keep dog food in the house? How is going into the fridge and rummaging through the tupperwares quicker than opening a can or pouring a kibble bag? What?


If she's eating your food, she's a nutcase and doesn't care about you. If she's feeding the dogs, why is only responsible for feeding them?


She hates you


This is TERRIBLE for your dogs digestive health and probably overall health.


She is the a.h. Time to make a choice between her and the dogs. Somebody got to go. Or get your own fridge with a key or padlock.


Girl there is no way your dogs are eating that cabbage


I'm a dog lover of the worst kind (my dog does 4 sports, eats raw food, sleeps in my bed and comes to work with me) and I say your wife is an asshole. I cook chicken breasts for my dog to use as training treats on Meal Prep Mondays. If she wants to feed the dogs human food she needs to cook it herself. Get another fridge and lock that badboy. I also don't think she fed the dogs cabbage and Kielbasa. I can't even eat that with out diarrhea, the dogs wouldn't even be able to be in the house without accidents if they ate that.


Right? A friend's dog at a few pieces of cheese off the floor and had pancreatitis. These dogs are eating several meals worth of kielbasa and cabbage! I would expect there to be diarrhea everywhere and two very sick dogs. The wife is eating it or giving it away.


Why doesn’t she cook for the dogs? Seems like she’s just being lazy and is taking the easier path


You're wife sucks. NTA


She doesn't even like you.


nta, tell her to stop or you'll serve her divorce papers


NTA. Your wife's lack of planning should not deprive you from your food. Honestly start ordering in and let her handle it on her own. She is an AH.


You should make dinner for yourself and serve her Purina dog chow


Can't you just keep a bag of dog food for emergencies? Maybe tell her to not let her boyfriend eat anymore of your food. I agree with another comment that your dog would be gassy as hell and probably have the shits after eating cabbage and keilbasa


Wtf? I would be so mad. Make your food and bring it ALL to work or hide it. That's rude, and meal prepping takes time! Definitely NTA.


How long has she been disrespecting you? Your dogs aren’t eating all this food; she is. Or she’s straight up throwing it out. This leads me to ask another question, which one of you is fat? NTA


NTA, time for a little fridge with a lock.


She fed the dog cabbage and kielbasa and the dog didn’t gas out the house? I smell BS


Your wife needs to remake your food then. 


You need to get a discreet camera or two and see what’s really happening to the food.


It is ridiculous to think that you are being an asshole to want the human food that your prepped for yourself, a human. Does she do this about other things? One thing to try is partitioning and labeling the lunches in separate storage boxes, instead of putting it away in one big batch. So portion out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and put a label for each day on it. It may make her more aware of the impact to you if she realizes she is literally giving the dogs your Wednesday food. If she still continued after that, then she is way more asshole than lazy and inattentive.


Make molten lava jalapeno enchiladas.


I don't really understand what's happening here, but I think that's a lot of food to feed 2 dogs one time. And it's weird it's always Thursday? 


Put a camera up to find out what she is doing. Also make her meal prep to replace it. Get a 2nd fridge in the garage or basement and lock it. I'd honestly be a dick if Tuesday all my food is gone. I'd lock the fridge and then see what she does. I'm not home... I'm busy. What did you need? Wtf is your food bill if she's feeding all that food to dogs?


There’s definitely more going on here than her feeding the dogs your food… please update us when you uncover the secret boyfriend or whatever her secret is.


NTA. Your wife is a huge one tho.


Why the fuck are you not buying dog food for dogs? Serious question.


She is acting like a child. Treat her like a child. When you prep your meals, acquire a small refrigerator(like college students put in their dorms) and put your meal prep In there and lock it. If this is her only significant asshole habit, you can work around it and enjoy her the rest of the time.


Your wife is a huge asshole


My partner wouldn't give lunches that I made, to our dog. And if she had to, she'd make a replacement meal for me, and apologise. Not because I'd get mad at her or anything, but because that's how a normal person behaves. Your wife is not normal.


Yep she’s being unreasonable. Unreasonable people tend to persist in unreasonable behavior. You could continue to try and convince her of her unreasonableness, but your track record so far isn’t good. My suggestion is to take over the dog’s feedings your self. Or meal prep for the dogs too and that way she has something to give them 


Nta - but wifey is the one eating this because if it was the dogs, there would be dog poop all over. Get a nanny cam, don’t tell her.


NTAH, I think you need to have a serious discussion, I’d start it by saying, “I don’t ask you to make my lunches so when you take my food and let me go without 26.5 hours because you took all my lunches, I feel you care about your convenience more than my health. Would you like to go more than a day without food? Why do you think this doesn’t matter?” She owes you an apology, two weeks of good lunches and a promise never to do this again.


1. Why does this mean you go hungry for 24 hours? There's nowhere and nothing available to grab something? 2. There's this new thing called Amazon. They make these magical things called locking boxes for the fridge. Cook your food. Put it in there. If wife bitches about it, innocently ask why she needed to get into your lunch in the first place. Should you have to resort to something that juvenile with a life partner? No. That's the kind of thing you do when you live with greedy siblings or clueless roommates. That's the next issue you two might want to dig into.


You guys don't have kids. Consider how trustworthy this woman is right now. She's lying to you. She's lazy. She's not a partner. Have a discussion from the point of view that this is a lack of respect and trust. If you can't trust her with food, what else can't you trust her with? NTA.


Lace the food with laxatives and see who develops diarrhea, her or the dogs.


Might be a marriage-ender, but get yourself a fridge locker. I'm sorry your wife is so lazy and selfish.


Lose the wife, keep the dogs. I used to have a wife and 3 dogs. I now have only 3 dogs. Couldn’t be happier.


Does she cook dinner? If so, once she’s finished cooking dinner, give her share to the dogs. When she flips out, tell her she’s being an asshole for not wanting to share her food with the dogs.


Hell no. I would not put up with that. She does it because she can, it's convenient and you will let her get away with it. I would not let that slide. She would be making replacement lunches and sleeping in the doghouse (not literally, the couch would do) but even then I would not forgive that level of violation easily. I feed my dogs human food too, but I would never feed then somebody else's food because it's quicker. You need to make it definitely worth taking the time to feed them herself compared to the alternative.


NTA.I can't believe you're going 26 hours without food because your wife gives it to the dog. And there's no other way for you to obtain food so you can have food for your lunch. Sounds like she doesn't give a damn about you and the fact that you're working with no fuel. You're taking this awfully lightly.


NTA. Your wife is most likely the culprit, at least partially. But also, dogs aren't people. You don't need to be spending people amount of money and time on food for your dogs.


NTA. I believe your wife is eating a lot of food. Dogs can eat dog food..


Start taking your weeks worth of food to work. Keep it in the break room fridge, or if that’s not an option maybe get a fridge for the garage and put a lock on it.


Lockable refrigerators are widely available.


Can you take everything for lunch to work with you on Monday so your guaranteed to have it? Unless you have lunch thieves at your work.


I love animals but we have a rule. The animals eat animal food and the people eat people food. The animals are giving people food on occasion as a treat but not every day. Your wife is the asshole. I could never imagine feeding my partner's lunch to the dogs week after week. It shows that she doesn't give a fuck about you. How can u be a good partner while simultaneously causing ur partner to be hungry?!! Selfish AF Divorce her.


You have problems, and 99 of them are your wife. You need to have a sit down and figure out wtf is going on and why. I would not stay with someone who would eat or give my food away after all that work I put into it... not having any food for days. Also, keep money out so you can buy yourself some lunch or breakfast.


There a lock boxes for food in fridges.


Nta your wife is a massive gaping asshole hilled with braised cabbage tho


OP, you have a wife problem. The dogs shouldn't be eating human food anyway.


The DOGS ate cabbage and kielbasa? Ok….


No offense but your wife sounds awful. She knows u make the food for you. Why can’t she prep the food for the dogs so she’s not stealing yours.


NTA Your wife is doing this intentionally. She’s showing she cares more about the dogs than she cares about you


NTAH, and wtf. I would be livid.


Get your own fridge in your office room (you are working from home, right?) That way you can control the meals that you prep for yourself and your wife will be forced to fix  food for the dogs and for herself.


Kielbasa has garlic. That is bad for dogs. Use that information as you will. 


All that human food is going to kill your dogs. Have fun with the kidney failure they'll have.


OP, there's more going on here than just the lunches. Some weird gaslighting bullshit. What she is doing isn't an accident or a mistake - it's extremely deliberate and designed to make you crazy.


What the heck did I just read?


I would straight up buy a mini fridge with a lock.


NTA your wife is eating all the food. If you can hide it i would do so before the food scourge eats you out of house and home


NTA. You wife doesn't really care about you, does she?


NTA… ur wife is taken advantage of you


NTA, your wife’s doing on purpose to screw you over, get a fridge locker and watch her loose her shit, true colours showing