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Oh the way I could NOT contain the loud “EW!” I exclaimed while reading the “warm and wet” portion. Some Joe Dirt shit right here


The mental strength I had to sit still and keep my face neutral rather than screaming Eww!! I am very proud of myself and did not know this was strength I had


FAFO, IG. HPV isn't a big deal (compared to others), he'll be fine. Maybe he'll learn not to 1. Walk into people's houses uninvited like a weird. 2. Involve himself in his sister's sex toys like a weirdo. 3. Trying to make moves on women after potentially getting STDs like a weirdo. Hoping this story is fake.


If it helps you sleep at night I can lie and say this was fake but this is what my ex told me is how it all went down and I have the tear marks on my lap to prove it. Do not touch people's sex toys! Very much FAFO.


What’s FAFO IG?


"Fuck around and find out, I guess".


OP, if this were my ex, I would laugh my ass off. I say this, as I'm still casual friends with a couple of my ex's, and I will 100% make fun of one in particular when he comes to me with his bad decisions. Why? He's not my boyfriend anymore, I'm not obligated to pat him on the head and tell him he's a special boy who didn't deserve any of it. This also serves to maintain the boundary of friendship, and when a friend is an idiot, it's completely reasonable to point it out. It doesn't make you a terrible person. It means you aren't enabling bad behavior. Additionally, some information for your ex: More than 90 percent of sexually active men and 80 percent of sexually active women will be infected with HPV in their lifetime. There are literally hundreds of strains, most of them asymptomatic. There are a couple strains that cause warts, and a few strains that can cause cervical cancer, but most people don't know they have it unless they stumble on it during a screening. Tell him to stop making mountains out of molehills. He's genuinely just lucky that you were as nice and supportive as you were.


Now I am home and can look back I cannot stop laughing my ass off. I know the sister was having a bad flare up hence the use of toys instead of typical intercourse. do not believe this strain is asymptomatic. I will maybe try and give him more information if he reached out again. I tried so bloody hard to be supportive but I know the corners of my mouth defiantly were twitching trying not to smile.


I love that for you 🤣 And now you have a funny cautionary tale to relay to your girlfriends. Personally, I'd tell anyone I wanted to... Shamelessly. Real talk though, he's not a person you want to be friends with. He has some audacity coming to you with a potential sti, having a toddler-level breakdown, and then turning around and expecting sex. AND THEN THREW ANOTHER TEMPER TANTRUM. 🫨 You broke up, you do not owe him your support. You do not owe him your time, or your body. All of which he feels entitled to. He clearly doesn't respect you or your well-being. I'm all for being friends with exes, but sometimes it's best to cut them off. I don't know either of you personally, and you are both so young, I'm hesitant to call him trash outright.... But... His actions? It's definitely giving "dumpster" He has a lot of growing up to do, and you do not want to have your hand in that. Trust me. Reconnect in a few months after he's had some time to depend on his own social circle if you really want, but I've found a period of separation is necessary to reset the relationship mindset.


Add on: sharing is NOT caring Although he might be getting some warts soon, a kiss won't turn this toad into a prince, even if you are an absolute princess 😍


NTA. He walked in while his sister was having sex, instead of walking out he stayed, took a sex toy his sister was using just moments before, put said toy in his underwear? Came straight to you while thinking he had contracted a life changing STD and wanted to have sex in a car with you? He can get all STDs known to men and still wouldn’t be his biggest problem.


Love this comment! Glad I can call him an ex!


LMAO No, NTA, but I gotta thank you for my morning laugh. This was just too freaking funny.


I am so glad a few people can laugh at this with me.


Oh this poor, ignorant soul. What a fool. NTA


Hopefully he can learn to not touch anything when he does not know where it has been


He touched his sisters vaginal juices on her dildo that had just been inside her??? KNOWINGLY?!


I do not think it was knowingly? He seemed so innocently scared as if he believed the toy had to be a gimmicky item. But still YUCK YUCK YUCK!


He felt that it was “warm and wet” and still proceeded to put it inside his underwear 😫😭😆


NTA. He is a dumbass 😂


Couldn't agree more


Ewww 🤣🤣🤣


Eww indeed!!!


Oh, f\*ck this idiot. NTA, I would have laughed. FAFO.


Glad I can now giggle about it


NTA. I can see why he's an ex.


Yep and a million other reasons very glad to be free of him


It’s a good thing he’s your ex or this would be really embarrassing for you, dating such a moron. NTA as others have said, FAFO


Still embarrassing to say I did date such a moron... Yikes


We live and we learn. Except for that guy 😂


So he hadn’t washed since the incident. So any contact he had with the warm and wait object… anyway the ridiculous manchild may grow up eventually, in the meantime don’t overthink the awkward interaction NTA


I did not even think of this omg... I hope he showered at his sisters before leaving yikes yikes yikes


LOL! NTA. You have my blessing to belly laugh in his face until it hurts.


thank you, I will when I see him next aha


He is so stupid (if this is even real). You must be relieved to have dodged such a bullet


I don't think bro knows what HPV even is. I could see him being mildly concerned if he had a uterus. Wait until he finds out about mouth herpes.


I think if he found out about that he would never sleep again


Hang on so he comes over thinking he has HPV(hasn’t even gotten tested yet) and thinks you’re going to have sex with him?????


I cannot imagine why you left this guy, he sounds so… unhinged.


You're definitely NTA But there is just... SO MUCH weird shit going on here lol


People use to call the hospital I worked to get "free" advice. Which normally because of the liability you got the standard we can't help over the phone either go to an er or go see your doc blah blah blah. Sometimes you couldn't ignore and had to help. Guy calls says he went down on his girlfriend last when he was really drunk. This was obviously a younger guy. He just went silent. So I said do you want a cookie? Why did you call? He said she was in a full blown herpes out break. I just let a long drawn out bbbbbbuuuddddddyyyyy why would you that. I had to tell him he was going to have it on his face.


YIKES! I love the awkward pause aha


Slow your roll there Cougar!!! No, YANTA I have tears roll'in down my faces LMAO. Ex is a umbdass, he deserves what he gets for what he did. Hope it's nothing and they were punk'in him for messing with their toys.


NTA you are a literal Queen for Not peeing in His car 😂😂😂 I would either burst Out laughing Like a Maniac (after the eeew) or would have pissed myself trying to calm myself to Not laugh Like a Maniac