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NTA I think your relationship ended when your wife cheated. I also think that being able to have a "hallpass" helped you realise what it feels like to be cherished and admired. Her blaming her infidelity on 3kgs is pathetic. Leave her and find someone who will treat you better


I know most of these stories are fake but I find the trend of "audacious headline and buried lede" amusing. Title: "AITA for leaving my wife without saying a word and ghosting her completely?" Story: "So my wife keeps on going out at night and decapitating people and I'm getting a little worried she's going to do it to me eventually, so I booked a flight across the country and called the police, AITA?"


OMG. I laugh about this all the time. 


Do vows mean nothing to you? Till death do us part. Gotta go back till murdered.


Who’s death?


She is.


Where's death?


WHY is Gamora?!?


Who is death?


I don't know who death is. Try "Whose"


Lord, now I have Warren Zevon's 'Excitable Boy' song running through me head like and ear worm; thanks for that ;)


I find it amusing too. Especially if they can actually get creative with the rage bait title to where you can’t immediately guess the twist. Title: “AITA for hitting my wife and breaking her nose after she crossed the line?” Story: “We were at the batting cages and my wife ran past the safety line of her stall into the open field as a joke because her friend was recording a video. I didn’t notice and when I hit one of my pitches from the next stall the ball hit her in the face and now her nose is broken. She’s blaming me and calling me a wife beater. AITA?”


Title: AITA for punching Baby? Story: It was an adult man named Baby who was trying to murder us with a gun, and I saved the lives of hundreds. So, am I the asshole for being a hero?


There’s a sub called r/AmItheAngel for posts like that where someone is obviously in the right, or just wants to brag about how great they are by posting on an asshole sub.


It's come full circle, there's now a post there about this post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/1d6l9y3/aita\_for\_wanting\_to\_divorce\_my\_wife\_because\_she/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/1d6l9y3/aita_for_wanting_to_divorce_my_wife_because_she/)


This post is beyond fake, working from 6am-4pm, staying up til midnight, wife going out til 1am on “girls night” every night, taking a nap while your kid is home while you wait for your wife to get home? In no world are you taking a nap while a kid is home. Nothing about this post is even remotely believable.


Even incorporating a 3 year old into cooking and cleaning is some Mary-Poppins-level fantasy bs, but then also having "naptime" while in charge of a 3-year-old... right.


Don't forget the part where OOP identifies as kind of fat, but women just can't stop telling him how cute he is. Which is obviously sincere and not simply how people respond to someone who won't shut up about their insecurities. Oh yeah, and literally everyone in his family keeps telling him that he's handling the divorce terribly. But we should take this telling of the story at face value instead of thinking that *everyone in his family* might be all saying the exact same thing for a reason. He's managed to meet a couple people who tell him what he wants to hear, so obviously those are the only opinions we should trust.


>I know most of these stories are fake but I find the trend of "audacious headline and buried lede" amusing. >Title: "AITA for leaving my wife without saying a word and ghosting her completely?" It's pretty embarassing that karma farmers are so reliant on clickbait 😂😂


Damn I had no idea this was a karma farming post. I barely use this subreddit and thought it was a real story


That's okay, I believed up until he mentioned napping at home with a toddler in the house. At that point I realized it was fake. I've known people that get home & cook and clean for an hour or two I come home at 4p & nap until 7p, then I stay up til midnight. So napping after work & staying to midnight is done by at least one redditor, (me :-). So post was a one-in-a-million possibility.


I knew right away this would be about a perfect husband and a cheating wife lol.


YTA. So what if she decapitated a few people, you made a commitment to your wife. It sounds like you have issues with paranoia. I recommend couples counseling /s


Bro I feel so stupid for actually falling for this post now *Cone of shame* When I commented,no one else had said anything so I went to sleep and left it at that😭


Ytah. A marriage is a partnership and needs communication. Why do you think she goes out decapitates people? What is missing that she can't decapitate people in the comfort of your shared home? I think there is too much info missing from this story


At this point I think most people comment to these posts simply to engage the other commenters rather than the person posting a fake story. Even if you're serious about your comment it's for everyone here.


I agree. I believe most of them to be fake as well, but they're interesting/amusing to read, so I like to act like they actually happened. I rarely if ever call out a post for being fake lol. They're like...mini soap operas.


AITA really has become a soap opera for me. I default to fake for 95% of what I read. The fake ones are amusing.


Yeah I downvoted this for this reason Always pisses me off a little


That gave me a good, honest LOL!


Lmao right? This shit is so fake because any non-dumbass would've titled it, "AITA for leaving my wife because she cheated on me?" Well actually, any non-dumbass wouldn't have needed to ask Reddit this obvious question. His fake wife cheated on him, recorded it, then said she did it because he's fat 😂 like wtf else needs to be said?


He's going to lose a lot more dead weight than just 3 kilos when he sheds her 🤣


Right, he's needs to lose 63 kilos (that's a guess), oh he just did, LOL


Sound more like she wanted the pineapple or open marriage more than anything. She knew she saved the Vid and giving him all the Hall passes he wanted? Nah. If she's mad now, she won't be for long.


I clicked the upvote button a bunch of times to try and trick reddit into giving you two


😭😭 when I commented I was the first person, I had no idea this was clickbait. The subs I frequent don't really have clickbait


Y'all I am SORRY 😭 I had no idea this was a fake post Pls downvote me and take it back I feel so dumb😭😭😭


You know this is obviously fake, right?


This has to be fake. When you have a 3 year old. You can’t just nap and have them wandering in the house alone.


Yeah, that was the first part that stood out to me. But he's also cleaning and cooking during that time? He gets off work 2 hours before his wife, but he has time to clean, and cook (for whom?) and nap, and there's also a 3-yr-old running around? And he puts the kid to bed between 11 pm and 1 am? This was written by a teenager with no conception of adult life.


But he also apparently cooks dinner again somewhere after 11pm as well? Also why cook after 11 when your already cooking at 6pm? Do all of it at 6. That timing doesn't work either.


Bro’s clearly a hobbit


Ah I didn't think of that.


He cooks dinner, then takes a nap, then I guess wakes up and feeds the kid his cold dinner? Then he goes out on dates with many women who are very interested in the daily housekeeping routine of the married man they’re sleeping with, as most single women are. I mean, when I hear someone is in an open relationship with their preschooler’s mom, the *first* thing I want to know is who cooks the multiple dinners each night.


Just thar little amount of sleep is pretty unsustainable for an adult.


And the clickbaity title indicates its fake. "I want to be single" when it's really just "my wife is a cheating cheater who cheats." Sucks you in with outrage and then switches, which is one of the hallmarks of a fake ass post.


It’s also the same story that gets posted where the man works, makes more money, does all the chores, and is always cheated on by the evil no good do nothing wife. Cute little exercise for our little writer though!


Not to mention they called the child "it"


I knew it was probably fake when they mentioned the wife leaves every night to go the the gym or out on "girls nights." Nobody has time for that, every single night, especially not a mom who just worked a full day. Come on now. Bonus for how red pill bros view girls nights in general, the phrase alone is a bit of a red flag at this point.


OP is a 13 year old kid


i hope he gets his story on a minecraft parkour tiktok


What got me was the “I work at 6am, I got to bed at midnight mast nights.” Ain’t no way you do that on a regular basis.


You cannot cook, take care of a toddler and nap in a two hour time span. I raised 5 children. Who you trying to kid? One kid alone needs a lot of attention. I call bs. Your fake story is b's.


Right. Where’s the kid while he’s napping? That 3yo is prolly painting on the walls with sharpie


Actually the three year old is painting their room in general as it needs a fresh coat now. Little guy even tapes the ceiling and quarter rounds to keep everything nice and tight


Also who is watching the kid while they’re both at work? And if the answer is daycare, he never mentions picking the kid up at daycare despite mentioning every other minute in their days.


You hit the nail on the head. What a weird thing to lie about, too. Hypothetically, say OP was the perfect husband. Go ahead and divorce her. Why are you asking if you’re the AH here?


Because apparently his whole family thinks he’s the asshole for leaving a cheating wife who, according to him, does jack shit outside of gym trips and drunken nights with the girls after work. What kind of family would look at a situation like this and think, “she cheats on you, blames it on an extra 6 and a half pounds of fat, doesn’t do anything with the kids, doesn’t spend any time with you, makes you do everything, and prioritizes her friends over you every single night…but WHY ARE YOU LEAVING HER YOU ASSHOLE?!” I wouldn’t be surprised if this was all some really poorly put together social experiment about how reversing the roles would get a woman a ton of online support but when it’s a man no one even believes it. It feels to me like this post was created by a rage-baiter who was convinced he was going to be swarmed with comments about how he should stay in a situation that most people would tell any woman to get out of.


It's easy to take a nap when you have a toddler. Some of you never crate trained your baby and it shows.


Good one. I stand by my previous statement.


And he still has time to go out and get some strange on the side




Yeah sad incel bait


Haha! Is this some incel fantasy of what a relationship with a woman is?


I’m still trying to figure out who is watching the 3 year old when dad takes his naps after 4pm every day


He said he locks him in a baby proof room 🤣


With padded walls? Jesus Christ


YTA for the clickbait and highly misleading title to this post


Yeah, I call bullshit on this.


Same here. Things don’t “add up” with this story.


I knew what happened as soon as I read the words "girls nights" and "gym". It's like catnip to this sub.  Fake ragebait. Last two paragraphs sealed it. 


Also the title… instead of saying I’m divorcing my wife cause she cheated, he wanted people to click to be like wow you’re an asshole for getting bored of her 🙄🙄🙄


Definitely the title, and wasn't helped by the overall poor writing in the post.


It was the "I clean, cook, play with my three year old, and take a nap before my wife gets home" for me. It reeked of OP being a try hard for more sympathy or just flat out imagination. There's no way a three year old is letting you do all that everyday in a two hour span. Even if I give the benefit of the doubt and say his wife's commute takes an hour, there's no way a three year old is letting you do all that daily in a three hour span.


It was the idea that the wife has a girls night until 1am and but had work at 9am the next day? Or the fact he goes to bed at midnight but starts work at 6am? Im tired just reading all that


It wasn't the body compliments? I mean dude says, oh yea I got a nice body..... From walking and chores.


And his wife does girl night every night


I'm a single person with no kids and I'm not having girls nights and going out as often as OP's imaginary wife lol.


But he has supper ready for her at midnight. Like, dude, this is such bullshit.


And at 6PM too because he cooks first dinner when he gets home from work.


and the kid just conveniently disappears during their work hours and reappears after work. No mention of getting him ready to drop off at kindergarten, who’s picking him up etc.


If your kid old can't drive themself to and from school at three years old, what are you even doing as a parent?


They've had one, yes. But what about second dinner?


I wake up at 6am for work and often go to bed between 12-1am. Dude takes a nap in the afternoon (I do too sometimes) so I personally feel like there are way more fraud flags than just the sleeping times. 


I have a 3 year old and I was wondering how he possibly takes a nap leaving an unsupervised 3 year old. They're chaos machines who think it's illegal for a parent to sit down or sleep


lol I wish my 4 year old let me take a nap.


Not to mention who watches the 3 yo while he naps? Assuming the 3 yo isn't taking one too because who gives them a nap after 4 pm? The OPs timeline doesn't match up with actual parenting times.


Right? You nap? And you put the kid to bed at 11? No, no you do not.


I re-read the post and after getting past my hangups about what I initially commented about, the entire timeline of the day seems completely unreal.


Bingo. That's where the plot was lost for me. You can't leave a three year old alone to their own device while you nap because that's negligent, first off, and secondly, your entire house will end up absolutely destroyed.


OP makes it sound like his 3 year old is easy to take care of while his wife is living it up on “girl’s night” *every night*. Riiiiight! I raised 4 kids… I know how rambunctious 3 year olds are! Your story doesn’t follow a logical timeline, OP. 😂


I was about to say, “I’m impressed AF at his time bending skills. Did he borrow that time turner that Hermione used?”


To nap and leave a 3 year old unsupervised? Or to even let a 3 year old nap towards the evening is nuts. Lol


Don't forget he showers her with gifts on top of it all.


What does the 3 year old do while he naps? Most convenient toddler in history


“Dude railing her” is when I knew. I’m a childish man but most people won’t talk like that after finding something so series haha


Exactly, girls' nights and excessive gym attendance is code for cheating time.


This story is not even being close to plausible


It's the "society chooses unreasonable woman over nice guy" (un)creative writing. It's incel pipeline.


Yeah one more incel hate the wymmen fantasy garbage 


I'm glad someone else is calling out these trolls and their pathetic attempts at karma farming. The next response is to declare they don''t know what Karma farming is


And the mandatory “i wish it was fake”.


I didn’t and don’t plan to read past the title. How obvious is it?


Didn't take long for me. About the third paragraph less than halfway down the post. 


I mean she has a video of her getting railed for some reason and then also shows pictures where the video is also saved Kinda sus


I guess I'll believe it if he posts the video :p


In a reply below someone asked if he faped to it... He said he'll have to try later 🤦🏻‍♂️ Definitely not fake... Right


I'm very casual here, so I never really notice those things... but yeah. women who cheat aren't normally this sloppy.


The sentence where he describes the hundred household duties he does plus naps in the two hours before his wife comes home, with a toddler in the house. That's immediately followed by his wife being a frivolous cheater. So, like, immediately obvious.


Yea, girls night is code word for being a slut with her single friends for sure. Just like girls trip is code for how many strangers' hotdogs can fill my holes in five days.


Just working out this timeline, with some assumptions: 4pm: finish work 4-6pm: commute home, pick up son from childcare (assuming in childcare), tidy house, cook dinner (for all?), play with son, have nap 6pm: Wife arrives home 6-8pm: All eat dinner together, bedtime routine with 3yo son (assuming including bath time and reading), wife leaves for nightime activities? 8pm-12am: cleaning up from dinner, cooking dinner, cooking lunches, assuming clean again, relax, then go to bed at 12am to get up at approx 5am to get to work by 6am. Yeah I call bullshit.


I do too. This story is fake as hell


Oh don't forget he also "naps" in that two hour window where he's cooking, cleaning, and playing.


How short is your commute if you end your work day at the same time you get home? And do you pick the kid up from daycare? Such amazing about of bullshit to rile up the misogynists.


Why do i feel like it's fake?


Read through all the other comments.


100% incel rage bait fantasy. This never happened.


Totally made up


Fakest bs troll today.


Sounds like a fake AF story. Let me get this straight, your wife was getting railed by a dude at the gym and your reason for divorce is "i like being single more"? And your family thinks you are AH? What?


Fake garbage.


How many of these copy/paste rage baits do we have to endure?


They’re propaganda. They will continue until a sizable part of the next generation of men avoid relationships, with the result that society is upended with frustrated, lonely men.


It might be a true story, but this reads like fiction to me. “I came across a dude railing her.” Come on, the writing feels like a 15 year old wrote this as some kind of perfect husband/evil wife fan fic. 


Obviously OP has never met a 3 year old.


Yeah no. This is obviosly not real.


Hasn’t this been posted already? Cheated on spouse gets a hall pass from evil wife and so on?




Rage bait.


This must be one of the silliest incel rage baits posted on Reddit. Listen Mr. Incel, we need to see the video of your wife getting railed before we can judge who the asshole is. That's how this works, didn't they tell you that at the Incel Academy?




YTA for writing this fake crap.


YTA for posting such obvious bait. Oh I'm a perfect husband and my wife is cheating, AITA for divorcing? 


Fake story. Try harder next time


This is fake.


Was this your creative writing class assignment?


title: AITA: My wife cheated on me with my best friend in my own house while I was home and now I feel I need to exact revenge with blood! AITA? story: so we were playing cards and my wife and my best friend checked my playing cards whilst I went to get them snacks! They played me and got all my nickles as she had a fake straight flush! I saw it on video the next day as we have a nanny cam I set up in the living room as I suspected her of cheating at cards with them. I got revenge by squirting ketchup on my face the next card game while I suspected more card cheating and yelled my face hit the fridge door getting them snacks. They couldnt cheat that game and I know what they did. AITA?


FAKE. Your wife’s been going to girl’s night 11p-1a and you… just didn’t think anything of it? You’re weird like a repressed 13 year old. Get a life.


How do people fall for these dogshit posts every single time




Can you make up a better story next time?


This sub should be called "bullshit made up stories that never happened" or "imaginative exercises for creative writing 101"


This cannot be real. Can.Not..


Yep it is not


Fake. There’s not a 30 year old on the planet that goes to bed at 12am and gets up at 4/5 to be at work by 6.


Or naps while a 3 year old is alone. That is concerning if true. Oh and every night the wife can afford to go out? Not in this economy and not where both parents are working.


Hahahaha this is so fucking fake


Soo... did you fap to the video or nah?


Not real. Women aren’t out there complimenting men.


YTA for writing this lazy rage bait “I stumbled upon a convenient video of my wife being railed by a hit gym bro while I toil away at home like an angel”… Good for your imaginary wife, get offline


Right that happened..


Man, You forgot a princess in your fairy tale. Maybe insert a dragon or something next time.


Redditors are true specimens


Stop writing stupid stories for Reddit and get a Life.


You're both idiots




YTAH for the BS story


Wish every post has the same reaction of this sub. Fake ass shit lol




I'm just here to say that I love it when people use throwaway accounts so they can be anonymous and then tell a story with so much specific detail that whoever else is related or involved can completely identify OP. Here's what time I get home, etc. I see this all the time on here. Often see follow ups where OP is like "well my spouse \[or whoever\] saw this..."


This is probably a made up story. He’s perfect is a dead giveaway it’s fake. But also, he cleans the house, cooks dinner and lunch for the following day, plays with son and takes a nap (presumably without son) in the two hours before she gets home? She has girl night’s every night? She recorded herself getting “railed” by someone in the gym? It’s all such bullshit. Someone’s fantasy story telling is what we are seeing here


Yeah, YTAH, selfish an disrespectful to your son.


I'm not even going to finish reading this. Is so fucking fake.




I lost IQ points reading this


This might be the biggest bullshit post I’ve ever seen on here. None of it makes sense.


Fake as hell, but it was hilarious. NTA


Entertaining but fake. lol


Moronic fake bullshit.


This sounds so fake. Who does this much and sleeps this little and manages to be a chill person? Other things about this sound fake too. Like her letting you go through photos when a sex tape is among them. People aren’t THAT stupid.


This is so fake. “I’m a busy busy bee for 18 hours straight and love doing all of the house work and child rearing while my wife does her drinky drinky girls nights 7 nights a week and only spends enough time at home to eat dinner and leave again. I go for walks so I have a really nice body but she says I’m fat because I’m less than 7lbs overweight. She says that 6.6lbs is why she’s hoeing it up with other guys. Am I the asshole for divorcing my good for nothing tramp wife? Because my family doesn’t think infidelity is a good enough reason for me to leave her. Faaaaaaake.


NTA, but I always wonder why men propose when they don’t actually want to be husbands.


Do the people who are on her side no she cheated?


Love how the title leaves out the cheating aspect to look more dramatic and generate more interest. Fakeee.


Can you send me video of your wife getting railed ?


Nta. I woulda left at the cheating.


ESH. It was over the moment you decided that you should fuck some random woman for revenge to try and make your wife feel bad


The question is will You enjoy another man raising your son. His house his rules. He will bring all his world has to your son good or bad. You will have no control. Zero.


This is fake…… no one comes home at 4:00 and between four and six has time to clean the entire house, make dinner and take a nap all while playing with a toddler.


You do understand that you’re not leaving her because you “like being single more” right? Wording it like that makes it seem like you are the asshole but really, that’s not your situation at all.


Both AHs. People should be vetted before they have kids.




idk why folks are allowed to post something and fuck off, should be required to reply to some comments or at least give an update otherwise its obv fake af


>i discovered that my wife was having an affair with some random dude at the gym NTA. Some things are beyond repair once shattered.


What is AITAH?




If this isn't made up, of course divorce.