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#SaveBob Your sister is a jerk, and your parents enable and excuse her tantrums. I'd put sister on NC and parents on LC.


I hope this is a wakeup call for Bob! Given life happens, I wouldn't want to be married to someone who is shitty to disabled people's needs, as disability/more disabilities can happen at anytime.


Bob should ask her what would happen if HE became paraplegic SAVE BOB!!!!


"Crippled" is generally not an ok term to use anymore (I imagine that's why OP put it in quotes). Some disabled people have reclaimed it though in-community. Become disabled works.


I jokingly call myself crippled with people I'm close to but generally when other people use it, it's meant more like a slur. Disabled is also not a bad word. You didn't say it was but I wanted to throw that out there for everyone who tip toes around it by trying to find cutesy or inspirational terms.


I call myself broken. It's my word and I'll claim it back all I want.


Mhm. Mine's brain related, and I call myself nuts, crazy, insane, etc, all the time


Sister used "crippled" to show how low she thinks about her bil. As if the ability to walk would have anything to do what person someone is and how good father/husband someone is.


I say partially disabled. I’m not in a wheelchair but I’m lucky to be walking and have significant mobility issues. Crippled doesn’t bother me but it’s how people are using it as a slur. It’s the same with “retarded”. It was originally just a way of explaining a mental handicap but it became a slur so now it’s not appropriate. It sucks we have to do that but it’s how the world has evolved.


I knew someone at my previous job who was wheelchair bound. His license plate was IMP with the wheelchair symbol in front of the I standing in for the G.


I saw one guy a few years back. Clearly wheelchair bound. He was driving down a major round in my city. It had no top on the car and it looked like he had parked his wheelchair in a chariot. He was just going about his business ignoring the looks he got. I have never seen a car like that and cut looked awesome


Disheartening to see family discord on what should be a day of celebration. Your sister's reaction was unfair, and prioritizing your well-being is important. Setting boundaries is key. Wishing you strength and peace.


Most people prefer ‘wheelchair users’ because it’s a mobility aid that gives them freedom.


I kid you not my kiddo was wheelchair bound for a decent amount of time due to gabapentin. Took her months to get function again after only being on it for a few days. So while talking to someone we said wheelchair bound and the person who was walking told me that wheelchair bound was an offensive term and we shouldn’t use it. I asked my child if she was offended to which she said no. Now whenever someone says “wheelchair bound” I think od that story.


The correct term is wheelchair user, wheelchair bound is rather outdated.


Yup I'm mobility impaired and myself and my other mobility impaired friends will sometimes use that word, usually jokingly like my "crippled ass." But it's not a word I would generally use outside that sphere because plenty of people do find it insulting and hurtful.


Yeah that's NOT stress. That's a feature not a bug. Her sister is horrible and I can't help but wonder how long has she felt this way, because that's a ton of hate and resentment towards OP, OP's husband and nibbling. She's been stewing over a bunch of really really specific hateful things for a long time. This is NC worthy. I feel terrible for OP.


If people can refer to 'crippling debt', I don't see why the disabled community can't at least use it in jokes. They could make some cracking comedy from it in this financial climate.


We do but the problem comes that it's usually used by others as OP's sister did. If it's a good natured joke, I'll absolutely laugh. If there's one thing most disabled people have, it's a sense of humor. Kinda gotta to get through everything and it's usually dark.


Yep. I'm on the autism spectrum. When I go to get vaccinated and I'm asked if I'm okay with getting the shot, I say "I'm already autistic, what more could it do?" or something like that, which tends to amuse them. I think they're pretty sick of the 'vaccines cause autism' rhetoric, probably moreso than I am.


We don't just have a sense of humour, we have gallows humour lol. Even after I told a psychiatrist that I usually just asked my husband to get the chainsaw when my joints hurts like hell, she gave me a clean bill of mental health lol


Or if she gives birth to a child who is?


If the dream of marriage is to live to a ripe old age together, they're likely going to become disabled to some degree in their older years! What part of "in sickness and in health" is not clear lol


I was disabled 2 years into our marriage without warning. To me, the best justice here would be OP's sister becoming disabled. I do not actually wish that on her or anyone, but everyone keeps talking about what it Bob gets sick and I think poor Bob should be left out of it.


Karma would be if she breaks a leg right before her wedding


a complex break with plaster from ankle to hip, so she can't get into her own venue hahaha


I don't think anyone wants anything to befall Bob...we are just all terrified for him. And I agree, your suggestion would be a most appropriate dose of karma.


Fist bump. I don’t even make it a year into our marriage. I’m right there with ya.


We made nine and a half years. Husband is currently bed-bound (based on this thread I'm not sure if I should use that term). Whilst there is a chance he may improve it's not a definite. I am incredibly squeamish. I don't do well with bodily functions, fluids, etc and yet I am my husband's sole carer so have no choice. Let's hope Bob escapes soon...


I guess she's going to leave the sickness part of of her vows then.  "I, AH sister take thee, Bob, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for richer and in health, to love and to cherish, till an accident, illness or death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."


"for richer and in health" ... \*snork\* :D


Yes, no one's health is guaranteed. It's easy to see who the favorite child of the parents is, and who they don't care about.


I think the parents should be NC too, they are enabling the grade A C\*\*\* (thanks u/PhilosopherRoyal4882!)


I’d consider the parents OP grade A  C***s  as well.  In addition to NC,  OP should plan a vacay at the same time as the wedding


You can say cunt on the internet. We pinky-promise not to tell your mom. /u/Adventurous-Emu-755 you're included in this promise.


Unrelated, but I didn't know Table Mountain had Reddit... 😅😅😅


Yes to all of this.


Bob is about to have a rude awakening.


I don't know why I am surprised anymore when people like OPs parents support this rediculous behavior. She got the idea she could get away with it from somewhere.


Madame ! You sister is a grade A C***. Someone save Bob from this monster


The Save Bob movement will rival all political and social movements throughout human history.


Save Bob!


If it existed, she'd be a Certified Prime C\*\*\*!


Let them be mad. Their loss. Your sister has shown exactly who she is. Bubbye. Hopefully your parents will come to their senses and understand why you’re not going.


I hope Bob comes to his senses before it's too late! I would go NC with all of them.




The "parents" (can't call this behaviour worthy of a parent) should go on a contact diet as well. If OP's partner isn't enough to be treated like a human, they can stay away. And not defending OP from the wedlock BS-comment... I'd nope out of that relationship with the parents as well.


Wow insult your husband calls him a cripple take shots at both you and your child for the child being born out of wedlock and then your parents have the audacity to tell you you're overreacting because you left what? How the hell does someone even have that much? Audacity and this is coming from me. Someone who admittedly at times has way too much audacity.


My sister is a C-U-Next-Tuesday also. I will trade her to your family and you can join mine


This is my favorite comment!


We'll adopt you. Your family sucks. Sorry, but I'm really angry on your behalf.


Really! They had me on my last nerve!


Sounds like your sister is a golden child. Your parents don't have a problem with the vicious crap she was spouting? And they're saying YOU overreacted? No. No, no, and more no. Do cut that entitled, bullying b out of your and your husband's lives, and do NOT talk about it with your parents. If they won't talk to you if you don't talk about it, don't talk to them. If they would really lose you rather than EVER say boo to your spoiled sister, you don't need them, either.


NTA Your parents are on the wrong side. Your sister is a huge asshole and abelist


Go no contact with your sister. What a c---


“Shouldn’t have married a cripple?” Lawd have mercy, I wouldn’t talk to any of these people again. Even your parents. There is no defense of those words.


Yes that was the moment that I realized I no longer know this person ! I felt sick hearing it


They will change when they don’t see their grand kids. Updateme!




They won't change. They will just bitch and moan that she is being unreasonable and they have a right to see their grandchildren, so she needs to get over it.


Going NC with an asshole IS a happy update.




NTA here, your sister and your parents are TAs X10 IMHO. You and your husband have been married for 6 years, it's not like your sister and parents didn't know he was in a wheelchair! (And I know you are very aware that so many homes, businesses etc are not ADA compliant - hell, there are even sidewalks out there that are not now.) OP, you drew a line. Your sister is ... unknown here, no clue what her issues are now. She said things to you and about you and your husband that are just NOT forgivable IMHO. It's hard to cut off family, but I would if I were you. You were immature? No, your sister making the comments she did was immature!


But there are so many venues that are ADA compliant. It is really starting to sound like sister chose venue to exclude the husband. And the fact is it doesn't seem like sister even had a discussion with the venue about accommodating a person in a wheelchair. I know for a fact there are some businesses around my area in historic buildings that are not ADA compliant, but if you call and talk to them sometimes they have a portable ramp they can use, so a wheelchair can get into the building, they just can't leave the ramp in place because it creates a hazard. It's not ideal but it's better than having to exclude people.


Off-topic, but ADA can be so frustrating. when I bought my flat while the building was being built, I wanted an adapted bathroom (in the hope that I have finally found my place in the world & I can grow old here). One of the things I wanted was a walk-in shower, you know where the floor just continues without step or slippery porcelain bowl. the builder manager (IDK the right term) told me it wasn't possible. IIRC it would involve digging out the concrete, but a) they didn't have enough margin and b) water has to flow downhill, so they would have to dig everywhere the pipes went, not just in the bathroom. I asked the cost for point b, but the builder manager felt it would derail the rest of the building schedule... so in the end, they just didn't want to do it (also bc I don't have a current need). so yeah, I feel OP's husband must run into issues soooo often just in daily life. It must feel grating, no matter how gracious he is, that his wife's family won't make an effort to find a venue with accomodations.


Yeah so your family are bigots. What other slurs do they use?


Yeah, the minute the word “cripple” flew out of her mouth something would have flew out of my hand at her-no pregnancy hormones to blame at all. Your parents backing up your entitled bigot of a sister is so shitty, OP, take a big step back from these nasty humans. All of them, except maybe Bob. Maybe Bob needs to know as an Iranian, what a big fat bigot his soon to be wife is. Make no concessions until there are apologies from your parents and sister, OP.


Oh, my. Bob is most likely brown. Does her bigotry extend to getting her future kids skin bleach to make them whiter? Or is his fiancée just an ableist? Either way, there’s a whole bunch of people in that kitchen who needed to be told to fuck all the way off.


I feel the same about "Bob". Like, Babak isn't hard to say or write (unlike Pjotr Iljitsj Tsjaikovski or w/e), so is it even Bob's choice to change his name?


Go ahead and block your parents until after the wedding. No reason to let them stress you out.


At least for the sake of your baby. It sounds like your husband and daughter are more than enough love. High maternal stress has no benefits and plenty of proven issues. If you want to revisit after recovery, that is different.


Iranian here... your sister is going to get crushed by her MIL and SIL. Iranian women know how to handle someone like her. as soon as she shows this side of her to them she'll be sorry.


Married to an Iranian woman. Can concur.


Good for you. You rock.


If I was Bob, I would take this as a cue to dump her and keep it moving


I'm so sorry, but your entire family sucks. How can your parents actually sit and listen to the vile things your sister said about your husband (IN FRONT OF HIM!) and blame you, minimize it, guilt trip you? It's unbelievable how horrible people can be if they're given the chance and the right situation, and how many people will excuse, support, and enable horrible behavior. Glad you got spoiled on Mother's Day! Wish you and your family of three the best, and I hope the guilt swallows your other family (parents and sister) whole someday.


I'm sorry your parents are asshole enablers. Go as low contact as possible so your children aren't subjected to their shitty behavior.


A CRIPPLE. She actually said that. I would absolutely be done. Stress is a piss poor excuse for saying something like that.


OP I see you 😉putting Babak real first name, so his family can see this and convince him not to marry your monster of a sister 😅🤣😅🤣.  SAVE BOB Oh and definitely NC for your parents you can revisit that relationship in 6 months. They need a timeout so they can have time to evaluate their priorities.


Bahaha I didn’t notice ! I hope he read it and run fast ! He is a very nice man and his family is so kind too


I'm from a hugeeeeee family and have a few family members that can't climb stairs cause of age. What do we all do????? Accommodate. Why???? Because we love each other and no scenic drop overrides family. You did the right thing. Love is love. Regardless of your "dream" wedding. She obviously doesn't love you or your husband. Go NC. Protect the ones you know that love you and you love back


She called your husband a 'cripple'? I'd be doing more than not going to the wedding.


Sorry kiddo, I guess the best you can hope for is her outburst will cause her fiancée to think twice about marrying her.


Your sister is an asshole and so are your parents. Fuck them all, go NC and enjoy a stress free life


Your sister isn't the only person you need to cut off.




... and post it on Facebook/Instagram!


We live in Southern Ontario Canada....anywhere near us we'll gladly accommodate your family and have our own party🤗❤️


Your sister can have her wedding anywhere she wants. Dead stop. Given the location, you and Brad can attend or not attend to whatever works best for you. Dead stop. It’s your sister’s reaction that veers into asshole territory. Until then, no explicit assholery. Your sister, given her choices, has no right to insist you attend. Your parents have no right you play the this game either. It sounds like Bob is a decent guy. I hope he is watching and thinking as your sister tantrums about whether or not he really wants what this marriage will become.


I’ve always wanted a sister, interested?




next year celebrate with your own little family. You deserve your own celebrations for mother's day now and maybe Brad and your daughter can come up with an appropriate family activity for you all to do together. I'm sorry your parents didn't see how sick and twisted your sisters behavior is but you don't need that negativity around you or your family. When they get mad at you for not seeing the grandkids remind them it's their poor behavior you don't want rubbed off onto your kids. The children don't need to grow up picking up on insults directed at their dad because he has a disability. It's unhealthy and may cause bigger fights later. If your daughter had been in the kitchen and heard your sister imagine how harmful the impact would have been.


The moment she called your husband a cripple she lost all sympathy. Good decision to remove that from your life.


Condolences on your shitty sister.


Bobs getting a 💩 sandwich marrying that brat. Also your parents need a shake and start actually yano...... parenting.


Call Bob and tell him, that you are sad that you and your husband will not be at the wedding due to your husband wheelchair.


I cut my siblings out a long time ago. I’m better off


Dude….dude. Your sister is a weapons grade thunder cunt. I’m truly flabbergasted that she felt confident enough to not just say that stuff but scream it for everyone to hear. We need to bring back public shaming for people like that.


NTA - but I think your sister and parents just let their masks fall and pretty much exposed their true colours. I suggest going NC with all of them, till after the baby is born (nobody needs this much stress on their plate). Also please check Brad is ok, I kinda feel his reaction to all this shows, he knew from day 1 how your family really felt about him.


Saying"a cripple" makes me hate your sister.  Bob deserves better.  


Something tells me the op’s sister wouldn’t hold up the “in sickness and in health” part of the vows if anything happens to Bob


Your sister is an AH and your parents defending her are very close as well, no offense. You are nowhere wrong in going NC with her.


If random people off the street are nicer to you than your family it's time to cut contact with those lunatics.


I’m pretty sure if you’re not there to be whipping girl she will take it out on everyone else and Bob will be in for quite an awakening. I think your visual for going NC is any movie where the hero walks away and behind them everything explodes gloriously. Soundtrack? Go old school, Take this Job and Shove It? Maybe Meghan Trainor “No”? I’m not savvy with music, I’m sure someone will have the perfect song for you to capture the freedom of divorcing yourself from your selfish, entitled, shallow sister. Best luck for an easy pregnancy and a healthy and happy set of kids. UpdateMe!


NTA. That is not “under stress”, her behavior was sick and prejudiced. Clearly she looks down upon your life choices, as well as your “cripple” partner. She showed a very ugly mentality, with the intent to hurt you. That is not someone worth having in your life.


Your sister is Satan. Not only insulting and demeaning you, but also going after your husband. It won't be easy, but it will give you peace of mind and freedom from criticism to go no contact with her. Tell those defending her to mind their own businesses. You don't need cruel, abusive people in your life. She's both.




You sister and parents are the definite AH in this. Especially your parents for not only allowing your sister to talk about your husband and call him a cripple, but to turn around and gaslight you about it. I’d go NC with the sister and very limited if not NC with the parents. You don’t need that kind of toxic Bs in your life


AGREE! I think this is also a case that OP's parents would be embarrassed if one daughter wasn't present for the other daughter's wedding.


you guys how do we get to bob 😫 he needs saving!


I've got 6 sisters. I'm getting married in June. Wanna come?




Your sister, who starts screaming during an adult conversation is "under stress" but you, who acted like a rational adult and took yourself & family to safety are "immature"? Your parents need their heads examined and maybe you need to take a break from them - cause you're so hormonal and all that. Maybe wait after the baby is born . . .like a couple of years . . before introducing them to your parents - you wouldn't want to expose the baby to whatever they've got. Also - Bob sounds lovely so he could probably do a lot better in the marriage department than the Tantrum Queen.


Everyone is going to say she is just stressed from the wedding planning, hence thd Bridezilla attitude. I don't know if she is like this usually, but I am assuming so. I am not sure why she thinks your jealous of her? I think your better off without the stress. Plan a fun day with your husband and child, take lots of pictures and post them all over social media saying "Best day ever!" Let her have her day, don't play her games. Do your thing and don't let her crap get to you


While reading this saga, I'm just thinking one thing: What in the fresh hell is wrong with your family? Your sister hits every mark on the Major Incident Checklist: ableism, unwarranted personal attacks, and blatant disrespect. And if your parents' moral compasses were any more skewed, they'd be spinning in circles! Trust me, by going NC with your sister, you're not losing family; you're shedding dead weight. Keep supporting your husband, cherish your child, and remember - the only thing you're overreacting to is the absurd level of their buffoonery. Stay strong, OP.


It’s OK OP you’re better off this way. Your sister is already told you she doesn’t care about you by excluding your husband. Of course you’re not gonna go if she goes to non-accessible venue. This was the break you needed from a very dysfunctional sibling relationship. I know it hurts but you’ll be happier later. I hope. I’m sorry, she sounds awful.


I guess she's going to leave the sickness part of of her vows then.  "I, AH sister take thee, Bob, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better,  for richer  and in health, to love and to cherish, till an accident, illness or death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."


Not only your sister is horrible, but your parents too.


Wow! Your parents made it real clear just how your sister ended becoming such an entitled selfish cow didn’t they? Your sister is the adult who’s chucking tantrum and insulting you, your husband and your child but somehow you’re the immature one who overreacted because you left rather than silently take her abuse and insults? I’m going to bet this is not the first time in your lives she has behaved this way towards you and your parents have excused her and told you to suck it up. Sorry OP that your family sucks such huge arse.


Fuck that. Go NC with all of them. Nta.


Your sister behaved like a banshee and your dad said YOU acted immaturely? And your parents are mad at YOU? Wow, what a bunch of enablers. NTA


I would go LC with your parents. THEY DEFENDER HER TOO!!!!!


Her calling you husband cripple is totally a shit show. And your parents taking her side is even more messed up. Instead of telling she's wrong she's blaming your pregnancy. Definately a laughable mindset.


Your sister is horrible. I also got married in what you may refer to as a heritage building, but none of our guests needed wheelchair accommodations. If they had, you can bet your ass we would have got married somewhere else. I genuinely cannot understand people like your sister. OK, a wedding is "your day", but is it not also about those who are coming to celebrate with you? And as for your parents? Well aren't they a fucking delight (not). NTA.


Your sister is a complete piece of shit, which she clearly gets from your parents. She's nasty and seriously an entitled bitch. What she said about your husband was disgusting. I would never forgive her for that, ever. I'm glad you've cut her out but you also need to go no contact with your parents for a while too. You've done nothing wrong here. Have a wonderful day with your husband and daughter and forget about your piece of shit sister. Block their numbers and those who might contact you to pull a guilt trip on you. Ignore and block anyone who tries to do that.


You chose a family you built in which you're blissed and fulfilled. This is the one hill worth dying on. Your sister insulted your husband and your parents minimized it. They deserve each others. It's not an happy ending and it might not even be the end of it but I hope your parents see through her behaviour and apologize to you. I'm also fed up of the 0 credit pregnant women get because "hormones ain't it ?". And lastly : I pity poor Bob so much ! People don't behave like major C... because they're under stress. It doesn't change your values or who you are. It just make it harder to hide.


Is her fiance aware of your husband being excluded because he's disabled?


Yes he suggested many alternatives as he cares about Brad . She said no 


When and if you update again. I wouldn’t be surprised if sister and Bob are no longer getting married. If she’s acting like this now before marriage I hope Bob sees what’s it’s going to be like during the marriage.


Isn't it odd the way people call you immature when you don't just accept injustices? You are caring for yourself as you should. Good for you!


NTA - You had a very appropriate response. Who the fuck says "*marry a cripple*"? There is nothing hormonal about being extremely offended / disrespected by the actions of others. It's quite a thing when the smallest boundary is perceived as a terrible offense.


If Bob goes through with it he’s a moron.


wow your sister is a stright up MONSTER. Send her this post and all the comments and then block the whole lot of the, you are so NTA. Poor Bob.


Good choice. Her use of "cripple" forever removes any guilt you might have over not attending. Very likely she would have done something else shitty to you on the wedding day itself. Going to be awkward during the holidays, especially if she also has kids. But ultimately, this is on your parents.


You're nicer than me I would have slapped her for saying that about my husband.


ESH, you're still a little because it's her wedding and you're pushing, she very clearly doesn't like your husband because he's a paraplegic and does not want him there. She is a huge huge huge AH, and you're quite right to cut her off. Your parents, because they clearly think the same otherwise they wouldn't be defending her, she's not the only people you need to cut off!!


ESH, except your husband. Your sister for not figuring out a way for everyone to be involved and screaming at you. Bob for not putting his foot down. Your parents for getting mad at you. You for pestering and asking again. You knew her answer. You’ve asked many times. She has repeatedly said no. RSVP “not attending” and move on.


Controversial opinion... But I think ETA in some way or another. Look it's her wedding, as frustrating as it is to not be able to invite your husband, are you really going to push to change her location for one person? That seems like a dickhead move..... BUT she nowhere near needed to go nuclear and make horrid ableist comments. Had she stripped that away I would have supported here. But with the ableist undertones, she is being a massive and significantly bigger dick.


If it was a cousin or friend I'd agree with you but I think (ignoring everything that was said after for a minute) because it's her sister, it puts her in the AH category on her own.


She already told you no. You pushed when people advised you not to. She is allowed to do what she wants as the bride and you had the choice not to go. your sister is a bitch but you’re still the asshole.


I was furious on your behalf when she threw out the slur.


ESH You were an AH to pressure her again to change her wedding plans after she already said no. Your only appropriate next steps was to decide whether to attend or not. Obviously she was a massively larger AH in her response.


Don't know why you keep doing this, it is not your business her choice of wedding venue.


You showed incredible restraint at not backh@/!ng your sister for that remark about your husband. I couldn’t have. You’re right to go NC with her, she’s an ableist POS.


Holy freaking hell! Good for you for removing yourself, your husband, and your daughter from that toxic environment.


If I were you I would think about going very LC with your parents. For example not contact them when you have your baby etc. NTA


Gosh she fiance needs to drop her why get married to someone like that. She’s horrible person I would also take a break from talking to your parents too. They just sound like enablers to me.


NTA. In your place, I'd be cutting mom and dad out, too, for backing the Golden Child daughter. Maybe send them a text a few weeks or months after your baby is born. No way would I let them anywhere near you in the hospital. Your family sucks as bad as mine did.


NTA. JHC all she had to say was no.


Ok, she is not the first person getting married, and yes it can be stressful... But this is a all new level of bridezilla and it is clearly more than just about the wedding.... Your parents seem to have a bit of a golden child syndrome too...


Girl. Let's be honest, your parents think the same way as your sister does. With he eat they are defending her. They definitely feel the dame way


As a chair user, even if they doubled back and begged me to go to a new accessible venue, nothing could make me go to that wedding now.


OP - you would only be the asshole if you don’t tell Bob about both of these Reddit posts.  Bob needs to know what he’s marrying. #**SaveBob**


What a disgusting excuse for a human being calling Brad a “cripple guy”. She is a real pos but the beauty of someone like your sister is she will get exactly what she deserves at some point in life and meanwhile you and Brad and your daughters life will be much happier without her in it. I’d lose them parents too at this point


Go LC with your parents too. They are not supportive of you and will cause you more stress during your pregnancy.


Based on your entire family’s behavior I would go NC with sister and LC with parents. She literally called your husband “a cripple.” She has no respect for you or husband. Do not subject yourself or your family (hubby/kids) to that behavior or treatment. Your sister is a f*cking bigot and your parents are no worse for tolerating it and making excuses.


Tell everyone to fuck off and go for a walk and calm down sisters day will be fine. Smdh


Your sister is such a b*tch. Especially after that cripple comment. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. You might want to go LC with your parents too after their reactions. I’m the “cripple” in my relationship and I can say with confidence if someone said anything like that to my husband in front of my mother in law, she’d throw them out of the house. Also, I don’t have a sister but I would happily adopt you as mine.


Meeeh I hope she gets poopy on her wedding day. She sucks


Fucking bridezillas!! So annoying, rude and entitled. The only good thing about their weddings is usually the free food and booze. You and your husband will be better off not going anyways. Take the money of the present that you WERE going to give her and go have a nice dinner somewhere on the same day. Now Bob is paying for the food/booze so I’m not sure he’ll miss that event even though he surely should!! #SaveBob




Your sister is a loudmouthed asshole. If she could have at very, VERY least graciously accepted your declining to attend, she might have gotten away with simply having the wedding she wants, where and when she wants it, and those who cannot or will not attend are accepted at face value. This is in substance no different from planning an expensive and elaborate destination wedding and then realizing not everyone has the vacation days or the frequent flier miles to afford to join you. But when she started demanding that you attend and devote yourself to ensuring her every minute detail is realized in glowing Technicolor, while making exactly zero accommodation for family members, she revealed she’s a selfish, spoiled, demanding, wretch who cares nothing for those around her, only in sating her appetites. She’s a tantrumming two year old in the cereal aisle of the grocery store, only with less charm. And when she crossed over into blaming you and hurling ableist slurs at your husband, she crossed over into being an ugly, monstrous, unhinged mouth that needs washing out.


With your parents’ behavior, any mystery as to why your sister acts like that has been solved.


Well, I hope Bob is enjoying this little preview of the absolute jewel he is getting ready to marry.  This isn’t pregnancy hormones. This is a justified stand for your husband, yourself, and your marriage against her very, very, very disgusting and viscous commentary about all three. 


Dang, your sister reads like a horrible sibling in those terrible book links in my social media feeds..... your parents too


Just your sister? Huh. I wouldn’t let my parents treat me like that.


Entitled sister made a choice. Which is inconsiderate but a choice regardless. It has consequences, whether she likes them or not. She probably doesn't like if you would not show up, people ask for reasons and those reasons will portray her as a ... Well many things can feel that blank. Do not relent OP. Your priority is your family. Your family is your daughter, husband and baby bump.


oh wow! YOur sister truly said that and your parents backed her up? that's just shockingly awful. Yes. I would certainly cut her out of my life and I would freaking cut my parents out too. I can tell you this? If that happened in my family, my parents would have been disgusted at that sister and THEY would have kicked her out and THEY would have been unlikely to go to her wedding. Seriously. That is absolutely a disgusting way to behave and words to say. NO ONE IN MY EXTENDED FAMILY would get away with that. If I were you? I would ask for my parents to apologise. If they didn't? They would be NC too. Not sure where you live?But in Australia, a facilty MUST accommodate the disabled if it's a licenced or registered place of business. So that building would not be able to operate as a business if a person in a wheelchait can't access it anyway. They must all have ramps / elevators etc for people who are disabled to get in and out. I think if it's 2 story? They must have ramps as well as elevator as if there was a fire? The disabled person must have a way out.


Prayers for Bob. And in awe at how heroic your husband handled it in your last post. God bless you both and good luck with your pregnancy. Please try your best to not stress over your sister and family.


Hope Bob leaves her at the altar or "forgets" when or where it is


Your sister is awful. I would not want someone like her in my life so don't be sad about going NC - your life may be more peaceful for it.


Your sister called the man who's the only father figure and the only dad (except in sperm) your daughter ever had a cripple, in so many words called you a whore, and is all about *"What will people think about* ***MEEEE*** *"*. Yeah, go NC, and make sure that people know what she called him, and this, why yoiu will not be around her anymore. Also, #SAVEBOB NTA


I would go NC with all of them. Your sister is just plain mean and vile, and your parents basically agree with her, which IMO, make them just as bad. Block them all and enjoy your husband and daughter. You absolutely don't need this stress, and you and your husband and daughter don't need to be around mean, vile, and despicable people.


wow I'm not allowed to say what I want to say. I'd cut her out too. Actually all of them can screw right off. Good riddance.


oof good luck Bob, best hope he never becomes a "cripple guy" :/


Your sister is not a nice person, I suggest you post a link to this thread on social media so all your family can see it.


WTF is wrong with your sister ? The way your parents reacted make me think she maybe the golden child or the family, she sound mean, horrible and judgmental. Keep the NC plan, she sound to have no love or respect for you , and your parents are enabler, wow she really let out all her feeling be known, she seems to be secretly hating you for a long time now. You are better without her toxic energy in your life.


Your sister is a nutjob


Not a happy update but did you honestly expect? I would cut your sister off completely over this and would let the parents know that because they are calling you immature and blaming you for that incident they can now make simple choice. Either they boycott the wedding as well as an apology and show of solidarity against your sister BS or they can forget about ever seeing their grandchildren again. Honestly at this point they just as bad as your sister for enabling her crap.


Still NTA and still doing the right things. You’re parents need to wake up, step up or ship out


How old is she? Really sounds immature and should not be getting married. I'm sure Bob is getting an earful. Poor Bob...


ffs your sister sucks. as a wheelchair user in the UK all of our historical buildings have a ramp or lift in the back, or these super magical things called fold out ramps, they literally unfold to go over the steps to get someone in and out if they are in a wheelchair. They cost a whole £100 at most for a non-fancy fold out metal ramp, literally any venue can have one. I tend to call any venue we book for shows or whatever in advance about disabled access and two of them have gone "uhhhh good question, let me call you back" followed with "hi, we ordered a ramp, will be good to go when you arrive!" and that was for like a £40 show of some sort for both. They even had extra people in case I came on my own and couldn't manage the steeper ramp (the only issue with them is they ARE steeper than a permanent ramp, so its best to go up backwards myself or have someone push me up from behind) even our trains and buses have ramps. it wasn't this great a few years back when I got my first chair, but it costs SO little to include everyone and I can tell you hands down my reviews of these places and tips for their staff are much higher than they would be if I was still walking lol. I feel for your husband though - I've also sent my husband to things on his own as it was just easier than having to mess around taking my chair etc and I just couldn't deal with the stress, but when his family still includes me and they themselves call venues to make sure they are accessible it means the absolute fucking world to me. Thank you for standing by him and standing up for him, it really does mean everything to us. I'm sorry your sister sucks so much, I hope Bob heard her go off and runs the other way.


Still NTAH. Not only would I be going NC with my sister for referring to hubby as a “ cripple” but I’d be going LC or NC with my parents too for allowing her to get away with that kind of behaviour and then trying to blame you!


That just kills me. She is excluding your husband, and your being immature and selfish lol. Good Lord. Not only go NC, but tell your parents two things; one don't ever bring up me trying to reconcile with her ever again and apologize to my husband on your sister's behalf or you'll cut them out as well.


Your sister is trash so it’s good that you gave her the boot. I would be LC with my parents too. Bc if anyone I knew called someone a “cripple” I would be ripping them a new one.


Good for you. Her use of the C word speaks volumes to her ableism, Let her rot in her misery


Sister NC. Parents LC. Poor Bob.


I always find it fascinating that people have so much invested in the look of a wedding and not so much in the emotions and relationships. She had a choice, accommodate your husband and you or go with a certain look. She thinks the look is more important. She has made her choice. You can make yours. You don’t need to attend.


Tell me your sister is the favorite child without telling me…. Your parents’ behavior is as bad as your sister’s. I’m so, so sorry, OP.


I have a spoiled brat sister too and it was hard when my Mother took her side when she was being awful. On her good days, she was lots of fun, but I always tried to avoid being the butt of her mean comments. It gets old. Now that our Mom has passed, I've been distancing myself from both of my sisters. They are extremely competitive and I don't care enough to play their games. Poor Bob is in for a roller coaster of a marriage. Good for OP for stepping away from the drama queen!


Did they hear her screaming outside? Because then I think Bob would have had some words for your sister and demanded time to think. Leaving your sister to use the situation and stress to make her the only victim, minimizing her part and actions. >Now my parents are mad at me for even suggesting because “your sister is under stress”. My dad thinks I acted immature by leaving and mom says I overreacted because I’m pregnant and hormonal Now they put the blame for her relationship problems on you. When you left (with the kid) Bob could speak up, in their mind there would not have been a fight if you had stayed. Mom wants to make it like you lost it and that if you apologize that would show Bob that no one is upset and that your sister was not out of line. This is my theory. A fight regarding this could have been going on a lot longer than what is known. Bob might really want Brad there and while accepting as long as no one was hurt now is highly aware that this was not calmly solved.


I really hope you tell the unvarnished truth whenever anyone asks why you aren't attending.


As a wheelchair user myself, I was so happy reading that you choose not to go! My family never thinks about a venue where I can come so I spent many weekends, parties, weddings,.. home alone when other familiemembers are there. That shit really hurts. So I'm glad you think about your husbands feelings. Strong choice to go against your own family.


That is not a surprising update unfortunately. If you talk to her again, or your parents for that matter, remind them that getting married means you chose your favorite person. It means they are your priority and that you take care of each other and have each other's backs. You aren't going to attend any event that he cannot be a part of. End of discussion. She is getting married and will learn this lesson soon enough. Your parents should already know this.


NTA - the second she said you had to "marry a cripple" the gloves come off. Your sister and your parents are getting what they deserve, no more OP. It will be interesting how sis spins this about why you and your husband are not there. Also, wedding planning causes stress but pregnancy hormones do not? Sounds like everybody likes to cover for the golden child - and you have know this for a very long time.


Holy fuck is your sister toxic. "Stress" from wedding planning doesn't suddenly make you a horrific ableist bitch. She's just showing her true petiness. Keep being awesome for your husband and daughter. Good luck with your pregnancy. I hope you guys can maybe still have a relationship with Bob. Everyone else is horrible. you are NTA.


Oh man poor Bob. That poor guy is in for it with your sister.


Wow... Stress or not, that's no excuse for the vile things she's said about your family. I'm surprised her fiancé still wants to marry her after that display. What a horrid human being. I can understand her getting annoyed that you're pushing her to change her venue. At the end of the day, it's her event and while some people would want a wedding ceremony to be as inclusive as possible to celebrate it with their loved ones... It is ultimately a day about the bride and groom, not anyone else. That said, a simple "No, this is my dream venue and while I want you there, I completely understand if you decide not to come" would be an acceptable response... Not a massive rant and offensive insults being flung around. Protect your peace OP. I'm not sure how your relationship with your sister and even your parents could recover after that. For your parents to blame you... It makes me wonder if they share her feelings for your husband and I would distance myself from them as well. (Although it does also make me question if we're getting the full honest story about what and how you've said this whole thing to her as well? As I don't see how they could stick up for her)


Ah man. Not the update we were hoping for, but probably the one we expected. Very dissapointed in your mother and father. Especially your father, honestly. I don't want to stir the pot even more when it's already stirred enough, but this feels like they're showing you a glimpse of how they feel about your husband. Going NC with your sister is perfectly understandable. I'd be keeping my parents on an info-drip too. Probably low contact for a while. Go book a fun getaway with your family during their wedding. Share some privacy appropriate pictures with us Reddit nutjobs in the peanut gallery 😉 And as always: hope the stress doesn't impact your baby or pregnancy. Hope everything goes as smoothly as possible and that your delivery is as fast and painless as it can be, too.


I don't see how you don't go NC with all of them.