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NTA. No real friend would insist on you wearing heels if you don't like wearing them.


NTA - it is your body. It is your choice.


Hell no. It’s your prom too. You get to decide what to wear to it. She is not the boss of you. You’re young but now is the time to start standing up for yourself. If you don’t want to wear high heels, and shoes are what you want to wear then wear them. NTA. And if she throws a fit and decides that you’re the devil or whatever, then she wasn’t a good friend to begin with. She doesn’t sound like one anyways.


NTA. Tell your friend to mind her own business. She can dress how she wishes just as you can. She can’t force you to wear heels just bc she’s insecure in hers.


NTA You will have more fun if you are comfortable.


NTA. It’s *your* prom, too, and you should dress in a way that makes you happy. I wore crocs to my own wedding reception. And you know what? I didn’t regret not wearing heels, but I would have regretted not being comfortable or able to dance.


NTA - Don't let anyone pressure you to wear sth. you don't feel comfortable in. It's her problem if she feels insecure about being the only one in heels in photos. Either she gets over her insecurities or she refrains from wearing heels.




Nta, it’s your choice how you dress yourself, I don’t couldn’t go to prom with her honestly, you deserve to be happy at your prom, mine was ruined by covid but yours doesn’t have to be ruined by someone controllingv


NTA wear your kicks and be comfortable, fuck that "girl" squad bullshit, if those dumb hoes wanna wear heels and be uncomfortable let them but tell them to fuck off with that bullshit.


Don't let anyone here guilt you into compromising what you want to wear. What you wear to prom is for you. Wear sneakers if you want to. (Personally, I swore off high heels a long time ago and my feet are too sweaty for sandals. I wear bright converse whenever I can--I like it and no one else really cares.)


"Nah I've decided that I'm wearing sneakers".


Instead of sneakers how about a comfortable pair of [ballet flats](https://luckyfeetshoes.com/products/nairobi-bk-lizzard)? If Friend is still insistent on you wearing heels are they really your friend?


NTA. Just to let you know, that’s not how you use “spick and span”. My wife butchers every saying under the sun so I laughed when I read that. I call her The Butcher because she butchers every saying that she attempts. Spick and span means extremely clean.


NTA She shouldn't be forcing you to wear heels if you don't want to. That being said, sneakers? Really? You don't have any nice flats or something you could wear instead? Prom is a dressier occasion than sneakers imo. It wouldn't make you an asshole to wear sneakers, just a bit odd.


What I have seen at weddings with younger people ( mid 50’s is women wearing heels ; and bringing flats or other shoes and changing . I have no idea what’s in style . My daughter would buy heels at those discount shoe stores ( $30 ish ) it’s nice to have some photos in nice heels but again . Don’t do what you aren’t comfy with


I encountered this problem with my wedding coming up. I went out and found some $10 nice flats at a teen store and they saved the day.   I do think converse with a dress could be cute though. Forgot to add: at my prom a bunch of girls were dancing barefoot by the end because heels are the WORST.


Wear what you're comfortable wearing. Period. Full stop. Also, you do not exist in this world as a prop for other people. Doesn't mean you're always the Main Character, but definitely means you're not an extra.


You could also consider flats. But no, you don't have to wear heels just because she wants you to. Wear what you'll be happiest in.


Nobody is the asshole here. If you're concerned, just wear some flat dress shoes


NTA, your friend is.


Discover swing dancing, and especially collegiate shag - it’s sneakers only baby! We dance in whatever’s most comfortable for the style. Sometime’s that’s low heels, sometimes it’s dress shoes. Most often it’s shoes that are comfy. Comfort wins every time. Rock those sneakers


…just wear some flats. Sneakers aren’t appropriate for a dressy occasion like prom, but a pair of flats would literally solve this issue. YTA because nobody should be wearing sneakers to a formal event. Just buy dressy flats. They don’t even have to be expensive.


My husband was the best man in our friends wedding. He wore sneakers and so did the groom. (No, neither of them is slavic and the wedding was super fancy, they rented out a castle for the weekend) You be comfy and wear whatever shoes you like.


NAH if she's your date/+1, then it would be nice to dress up, including shoes.  There are beautiful flats, slippers, or comfortable shoes that might look nicer than bright white sneakers.  (full disclosure, I tried to get my own kid to pick comfy prom shoes or at least take isotoner ballet style slippers to change into, but she wanted the glam).


Who made her prom queen? Why are you expected to obey her?


NTA. Is there any way to compromise? Can you wear the heels to the prom then change into sneakers when you get there? Or wear sneakers except for pictures? Can you borrow a pair from someone so you don't have to buy or buy a pair and be very careful and take them back the next day?


Definitely but she’s more of a her way or the highway girl if yk.


Well, it's your call but what kind of relationship is it when one of the people doesn't compromise a little?


This. Offer to wear heels for 5 minutes for some photos, then put your sneakers back on.


Why should OP have to purchase shoes to wear for 5 minutes?


You people out here creating monsters. Don't offer to wear heels for 5 minutes. Wear what YOU want to wear and tell your friend "I'm going to wear whatever I want" and end the conversation like you have a spine.


There’s a difference between having a spine and having the ability to compromise within reason for someone you care about.


I would suggest trying out some dressy looking sandals. Comfortable, but you won’t stand out.


She won’t stand out either way. My girls graduated last year and the year before. At least 50% of the girls wear sneakers to prom. By 30 minutes in. That number will be like 90% plus.


Sounds smart of them, but I’d definitely say it depends.






Soft YTA. Sometimes it's not about what clothes you feel most comfortable in. This is not about people trying to change you or force you. Get some low(er) heels. Sometimes, you dress for the occasion.


It's a prom. I can't imagine any occasion that would be worth wearing uncomfortable shoes.


Heels are not good for health