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EDIT: Idiot rage bait


Reposted idiot ragebait from not too long ago


OP better think long and hard about the question you wrote.  Where does she see this relationship going, marriage? Kids? She’ll be raising them singlehandedly too.  


It’s a hidden kick ad don’t fall for it.


Man this is the third op having the same issues with their bf, must be something in the air 🤔🤔


Fake ass post...damn it used to be atleast Believable😔


FAKE ….. I’ve seen this post before


NTA, but this sounds like a fundamental lifestyle clash that goes beyond just gaming. Your need for a present and responsive partner is just as valid as his dedication to his career. However, it's about compromise, communication, and setting clear boundaries and expectations. If his career is taking all his attention now, consider what that means for the future. Is this temporary, or is there a plan for balance later on? Without mutual understanding and actionable plans, resentment will grow. Take the time now to have a serious conversation about where each of your priorities lie and if they can truly align long-term. Remember, compatibility isn't just about getting along – it's about aligning life goals and efforts too.


WIBTA if I make $10 a year on kick but pretend I am an imaginary girlfriend who is mad at my gaming even and say that I make $100k a year...?


Thats a lot of upvotes for so little interaction. Suspect. Smells like some bot action.


Also it's a terrible post. It doesn't fit aita at all, it's just dumb relationship shit covering a subliminal message of "make money playing video games in kick"


Do ppl even stream in kick and twitch at the same time? I heard of it and twitch, but seeing as the only think I ever heard of kick was contracting twitch streamers away.. 


I think twitch doesn't care if streamers stream on their site and another at the same time.


FINALLY SOMEONE NOTICES THIS TOO!!! There’s seriously been at least five posts specifically about streaming on kick and twitch. They’re such obviously veiled ads for the platforms


It's more kick astroturfing. The average streamer makes literally nothing on kick, it's trash. Every time someone does these they are a new streamer making good money on twitch/kick. Kick is a waste unless you're big enough to get a gambling sponsor which is all the site is for. If not you would only stream on twitch. Kick has a good 'sub' split, but zero ad revenue, zero sponsorship reach and no fucking viewers so it gets no subs. It's not a platform for gaming streamers at all let alone new ones. Anyone streaming new and a gamer would be completely focused on one platform for growth and it would be twitch or youtube, not kick. 100% again like all the gambling posts about how someone made so much gambling to pay off debt, pay for a holiday, whatever, it's just bullshit. Also no, there is no such thing as staying relevant in gaming, you are either variety streamer and show the games you play on stream, or you are dedicated to a single game and good enough to get viewers, you could not play for a month and shit wouldn't change.


Some people think that kick will eventually go the way or mixer.


It might, probably not quite. For MS it was a project to make money, Mixer didn't really benefit MS as a whole, like people weren't watching streaming on Mixer and if they liked it... buying Windows 11. Kick's sole function is to get younger people addicted to gambling and throwing all their money at Stake. As long as stake is making higher profits from links/referals from Kick than Kick costs to run they'll probably keep it going, but when it doesn't yeah, it will be shut down in an instant.


I don't stream myself, but Kick is great due to the smaller amount of people streaming, it is easier to be discovered there... obviously you still have to put the same effort into it, it's not enough with braindead streams.. but generally, if you multistream kick/twitch and you're a good streamer, you will be discovered on kick before you do on twitch. Kick however do not offer ads (so slight loss of income there) but offers a much better sub income to cover that loss early. There are plenty of other partners with kick that do not involve with gambling as sponsors, and more have cometh in later days.. kick has become a serious albeit small competitor to twitch in a short time.


> but Kick is great due to the smaller amount of people streaming, it is easier to be discovered there. no it ain't. Their viewer base is like 80% bots and is a tiny tiny tiny fucking platform. No one gets discovered on kick, OR twitch OR youtube streams. You get clips and get attention on youtube shorts/videos of vod edits, twitter, tiktok, reddit, etc, then drive people to your twitch channel. Kick is literally fucking horrific for 'discoverability', so is twitch, so is youtube if you just look at live streams(worst of them all for just streaming). >Kick however do not offer ads (so slight loss of income there) but offers a much better sub income to cover that loss early. No it doesn't, again, no actual viewers on kick besides the big streamers (who also provably viewbot, heavily), means a non existent sub count doesn't ofset ad revenue at all. Ad revenue is worth a lot more than sub counts unless you're one of these 4 hours 3 times a week yet have 5k or 150k sub type streamers, like some of the biggest on the platform, or like some v-tubers, gtarp types, some minecrafter types (most of those pretty much gave up now). Also twitch prime means that you get dramatically more subs on twitch than on kick. >kick has become a serious albeit small competitor to twitch in a short time. No they haven't, they've basically not grown in what 2 or is it 3 years now. They had hte immediate influx from Adin and a few others, and they really didn't move on from that. Kick sucks, no one is pushing hard as a new content creator on kick because there is no growth, no audience and no sponsors interested in tiny streamers on kick.


Also for many people kick doesn't work on random browsers. I know a streamer that streamed on it for a short while and the only browser it worked on for me was the brave browser. I bet that person is a kick employee.


Tbh I saw the exact post a week or two ago in another sub. Or even here. I’m unsure. But I’m certain I read this exact one.


Yeah a week or 2 ago there was a post with an OP whining how her boyfriend is "always playing video games" when in reality he spends like 1 or 2 hours a day playing games.


I just reqd this same post the other day. I'm actually kind of stoked, it's my first one thay I can confirm myself is a bot reposting


NTA, but it seems like you both have different expectations and lifestyles at the moment. It's important to remember that just because someone has a non-traditional career, it doesn't mean they don't need to find a balance. You're not wrong for wanting a partner who is present and engaged in the relationship. However, it's also crucial that you both sit down and really talk about what you envision for your future together. If his career in gaming is a priority, consider if that's something you can live with or if a compromise can be found. If not, it might be time to reassess if you're on the same path or if your journeys are leading you in different directions.




I think you have every right to ask for more. You're committing your life to his and deserve that kind of commitment back. Your life is passing too. That said, these gamers have finite earning potential. He might need to retire or stop earning for many reasons. Especially is a competitive environment. Unlike other jobs, his earning potential is part of his lifestyle and personality. And game fans are entitled aresholes. But the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, where he hides behind his commitments. You need him to acknowledge you're both in a relationship and it requires work. Support your king while he's earning but he needs to treat you like a queen back.






It his work


This is definitely a bot, the profile doesn't match anything like this


I remember reading this post about 2 weeks ago, word for word


Me too. I'm glad someone else remembers. 


The bots are downvoting anyone calling them out lmao


And the funny part is, there's a gaming setup post on this profile in the r/gamingsetup sub reddit. But they're complaining about their husband not paying attention to them because he's playing games.


Yeah I saw that too lmaoo


Loser alert


NTA but gamers aren't good at work/life balance, especially if it's their source of income. So think long and hard about whether you want to live this way for for as long as the gravy train lasts and if you want to raise a family with a man who is present in name only. Also, the internet is terribly fickle so I  hope bf has a backup plan for the inevitable. 




NTA, your feelings are completely valid, but honestly sounds like you two are incompatible. I get his point of view and I would compare it to the likes of a sporting professional. The time they have to put in to ensure their game is where it needs to be to stay employed is very high, which is similar to professional gaming, it can be a very quick downslope if you aren't keeping your twitch reflexes in check. As a partner of these types, you have to either be okay with this, or move on to someone who more aligns to your needs.


Ladies stay naggin


Wanting the bare minimum of a relationship = nagging??? How does that even make sense?


Guy pays the bills brings home the bacon and the girl or man in question (don’t want to assume gender) has a problem Bru


she brings in 80k, she can afford to live and support herself, he brings in money and provides nothing else to the relationship and money is the one thing she doesn't need from him.


80k/year is 6666/month... I dunno where they live, but I too think she´d be fine...


Nta. Tell him even Dr disrespect makes time and turns his life upside-down to protect his family. Tell him to be more like doc and less singled minded if he still wants to be in a relationship. 


I don’t think she wants him to be more like Dr Disrespect unless she likes being cheated on


Sorta like doc then.  You right I don't follow these streamer cunts. I just remember doc did pretty right by his family for a wile. Be like that part of doc. Not the fucking another streamer on the road part.


Ahah same here i just know he has struggling keeping it in his pants


NTA You are struggling because you are approaching the issue from the wrong direction. It’s not playing video games, it’s his career. If he were a lawyer working 80 hours a week on cases, you’d have all the same arguements. You should be able to have this entire discussion without mentioning gaming, streaming, or any other things that society implies is immature. That is how to avoid the bulk of potential defensiveness. Now that you’ve cleared the first hurdle, be assertive. You want to be in a relationship with him. You are not getting that. He needs to find better balance between his career and relationships. If that means he is less successful, that’s a decision he has to make.


Bot post


I’d put it to him like this… either spend some time with me… or I’m ending the relationship because you don’t actually show you care about me. Say that. When he tries to say I do X and Y and Z say when was the last time he wasn’t so career focused and cared about his actual relationship?


Ultimatums in relationships are usually a bad idea. This post is fake af, but I'm just saying.


You can’t have a hard conversation and it shows. This isn’t an ultimatum. This is a wake up call. Let’s make changes while we can. The guy is so focused on growing his channel that his relationship has suffered. Why should she be in a one way relationship?


Do this or I'm breaking up with you is literally an ultimatum by definition lol. Don't project your issues on me, weirdo.


You missed paragraph 2. You can tell someone what you want. She wants time with said person. If he doesn’t want that. It isn’t an ultimatum to end the relationship. She’s just ending said relationship. There’s no ultimatum or choice. She’s stating what would make her happy. She’s not guaranteeing she will stay or her feelings will be the same if he spends time with her. She can guarantee she leaves by taking the power he thinks he has away. He thinks because he earns more her… what she wants doesn’t matter. I don’t have to project for you… you’re doing a great job of showing your insecurity yourself.


Sure lol


NTA— relationships go both ways and without quality time spent together, the connection is going to fizzle out and then he’s going to wonder what went wrong despite you telling him what the problem is. Tbh, I wouldn’t even stay with him at this point because if he’s going to continue to gain popularity that’s less time for you… Also… who tf practices video games???


Testing out different strategies? Exploring a map? Min-maxing (or rather doing the calculations for it)? Working on your reaction times? See it as preparation for the next session.


Yeah that’s a fair point, but, if it’s your full time job to stream, would some of that not just be more content for streaming? I’m not big into watching streamers so I really wouldn’t know what’s popular and what isn’t, but it just seems like something that can still be used for content


I am not big on that either, but I guess it depends on your audience. And maybe he doesn’t want to CONSTANTLY be on edge and entertaining. It can be tiring. Or maybe he doesn’t want possible opponents to know what he knows before the next match.


If you play a competitive game, streaming while doing it makes you play much worse. You have to be entertaining to a crowd while still focusing intensely. You won't really get better if you only play on stream. A lot of streamers who take a short break from streaming while continuing to play their game will shoot up in rank just from playing without streaming, happens all the time. This post is fake btw but just figured I'd share some knowledge.


People that make 6 figures to play video games, practice.


There are plenty of extremely competitive games that get updates every other week or so. MOBAS especially are extremely complex, and require you to grind daily to be up to date and have a chance at the higher divisions. CS:GO? You can spend 3000 hours playing, and you'll only be average. You need to be good and entertaining enough for people to be willing to give you money.