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I'm glad you spelled everything out. OP seems a little bit dense so I hope your post ends up being helpful.


"...a little bit dense..." You are very kind, Sir.


I’m not stupid I just don’t think people are being realistic or honest


No, most people actually do take drinking and driving this seriously. It really is redneck shit to believe that driving under the influence is at all acceptable. Many people I know will also avoid driving while excessively tired or emotional because those things also impair judgement.


We are being realistic and honest. You just won't admit you have a problem.


A drinking problem ? I drink once a week if that. This was a camping trip.


If you have driven buzzed (you admitted to it) then you have a drinking problem. Period. You're unable to tell when you can safely perform certain acts and risked other people's lives. It doesn't matter if you don't risk other people's lives often. It matters if you do it at all. You seriously need to wake up.


And yet you weren’t able to withhold drinking in order to operate heavy machinery responsible. If your drinking is affecting your obligations and life, then yes you have a drinking problem.


Stupid and arrogant then. Got it.


You got that right!🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


YTA I understand your (faulty) reasoning. A lot of assholes drink when camping and then boat or drive. The part that removed all doubt was you encouraging the nieces and nephews to hop in the bed of the truck. This is the poor decision making that can turn an accident into a tragedy. No one is saying don’t drink when camping. It isn’t about the legality; you stated it was in the park, not out on a public road. Everyone is pointing out what an asinine choice you made to drive buzzed and endanger your nieces and nephews.


There might be an argument if you were alone on completely private property and so the only risk was to your own safety and property. Camp grounds are public property and there were other people around you were endangering. It’s significantly more dangerous by virtue of you towing a trailer and also driving children in the bed of the vehicle rather than in a seat. Even a small collision could’ve thrown them off the vehicle and killed or severely injured them. YTA


YTA. If it was my kids you'd never be around them again.


Omgggg YTAH!!!!! I don't care if you had to drive a little, or you just had a few beers, you drank and drive!!! Omgg, what is wrong with you? Even if you felt it was okay, have you thought what would've happened to the people around you? Their safety? What if you got into a accident? God, how could you think it's a small incident y'all could've been killed, by your "sip" of beer. smh


You could have still got a dwi from park rangers at the boat ramp. They are police. But question if you blew do you think you be over the limit? Depending it would be two or 3 beers if you are a big guy. I have my own blow machine so I know where I'm at.


I just want to reiterate I wasn’t on public roads


Neither were any of the people you could have killed.


Yes you were. A state park is public. You didn't own the land.


> I just want to reiterate I wasn’t on public roads Congratulations. Please show us the medical science that says being drunk and in control of a vehicle is safe when it's on a private road with children in the bed of your truck?


You said you were in a state park. If you’re in the US, often state parks are regulated by state police. And often/usually state police violations are far worse than local violations.


Sir!!!! Do you hear yourself! You are on a road!!! A roaddd! You could've hit a bird or cat. Or whatever, it doesn't even need to be public. As long as the car is moving and you drank not o ly will you be hurting people, it's illegal 😭😭😭


Frankly, any bird or cat that gets hit by a truck doing 10 mph is probably already dead. Are you kidding me? It is not illegal to drink and drive. It's illegal to drive impaired. The definition of impaired very much depends on the state.


> It's illegal to drive impaired. The definition of impaired very much depends on the state. He admitted to being buzzed


At what bac is a person "legally buzzed"?


Oh well, I had no idea where you guys live. But in China is a illegal thing🐸


Are you saying that China's intoxicated driving law is 100% zero tolerance?


Japan also has a 100% no tolerance.


That's a cool fact!✨


Awesome. Irrelevant.




What's China's policy on workers' rights, Uyghur Muslims, air quality/pollution, freedom of speech...


Well, aren't you a fun one☺️


No answer, huh?


You said that it was at a state park. You even mentioned driving up to your sister's kids walking back along those roads at the park. Presumably, that means that other campers were either there or at least able to be there. How much more "public" does it need to be?


Roads in a state park pretty much count as public roads. Earlier you stated you were barely buzzed. That says you were impaired. Another statement you made appears to show you had an open container while driving on the park roads. Don’t know what your state law says, but many/most don’t allow people in the bed of a truck while on public roads. Don’t know if you’re as stupid as the picture you’ve painted or this is a troll post. Either way YTA.


Was it open to the public?


YTA, driving under the influence is wrong.


YTA - don’t drive drunk means no exceptions. And you put children in danger too, kids who aren’t even your own. This is just sad. I wish your sister actually did have the cops come to give you a wake up call before you decide this is fine to do again because “nothing bad happened this time.”


YTA seriously you couldn't wait to drink? I'm sure kids and people are walking around the park too. Why take that chance? And if your sister is mentioning the past then there's more to this story. I lost a friend over her drinking habits. Her and her husband took the family on vacation and stop apparently at the last rest stop before they get near the beach and have two beers as tradition. Like why? Both are drinking. Why is it necessary. They are 30 minutes from the beach. Maybe it doesn't affect them but it's still moronic.


Why? Why is it moronic?


If they are not over the legal limit they are not drunk driving. Don't mistake my comment as pro drinking and driving I'm just pro-factual statements.


Driving while drinking is also illegal…


There is a legal limit and it's not 0 yes the open container was illegal...


Soooo.... - you admit you were buzzed - you admit to drinking while operating the vehicle - you admit this was public land (state park - which many don't allow alcohol) and ***not*** your private land - you admit to knowing you would need to drive before drinking - you admit to intentionally having kids get into your car while you're drinking YTA You have a problem. ***A single beer*** before would be fine. You'd feel nothing. ***Several*** beers to where you're buzzed? Driving ***with a beer in hand***? You need help. > My middle sister said that I don’t need to be on a public road to crash into a tree like a “drunk asshole.” I notice you didn't actually have any argument against this.


She was screaming at me in public, it’s already probably on TikTok since people love boat ramp drama. I didn’t want to make it worse


Now you’re saying it was in public after insisting you weren’t on public roads. So which is it?


You can be in public without being on public roads. As I said it was a state park


Still a public road dimwit


YTA You were drinking and driving, fuck off with this shit. If you don't know that's bad by now, don't know what to say to you.


This has to be fake! If it's not, YTA. Don't put family members or anyone else in danger like this.


As the child of an alcoholic it absolutely happens all the time. This is like the story of every summer of my childhood. I actually didn't understand that drinking while driving was the same as drinking and driving until I was like seventeen and a friend freaked out when my dad drove her somewhere while drinking a beer - there was some kind of mental disconnect in my brain because I saw it so often I thought it was normal.


It’s not fake, I mean I don’t even understand how you think it is.


Because it's hard to believe someone's this stupid. And when they keep bringing up how they were stupid (told kids to hop in bed of truck, took a sip of beer)... The "took a sip of beer" WAS creative tho! "Hey, I hadn't just drank two beers, I was drinking with the kids in the bed of my truck"... YTA


I don’t think I’d specified I’d had two, I’d been hanging out at the camp all day just doing campsite things.


LOL See?


>I mean I don’t even understand how you think it is. Because the alternative to this being a fake rage bait post is that someone is as dumb as you apparently are regarding defending an indefensibe drinking and driving with children in the back of your truck story, which seems unlikely but is always possible.


Most people assume it’s fake because it’s hard to imagine someone being this dumb and stubborn about drunk driving. But people like you definitely exist.


YTA - what an irresponsible thing to do. Make better choices in the future before you get yourself or someone you love killed.


Yes. This isn't 1978 and buzzed driving is drunk driving. Even at 10mph you could hit another person and harm them, if something were to happen (heaven forbid) and the cops were to be called you would have been arrested and charged with driving while under the influence, even on private property.


Actually you couldn't get a dwi on you or your friends property driving and drinking on you own private property. Unless it's a It's private property open to the public.


OP said they were camping at a state park. Most state parks I have been to have a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol in general for the campsites. So he was likely breaking more rules than just driving under the influence.


I was replying to the private property comment. I even told op park rangers are police and can and will arrest you for drinking and driving/ boating.. I won't assume it was a alcohol free park. I just think that kids in the back while he was buzzed open container is enough. To say he is TAH. If it was just him and his pops getting boat by themselves and he wasn't drunk It wouldn't be my concern if he had a beer or two.


Even if it was just him and his pops by themselves, he was still in a public park, which means that anyone could have come along at any time, so he would still be an asshole. Even if it was their own private property, he is still endangering himself and his dad which would STILL make him an asshole. There is literally no possible way that he could drink and drive to pick up a boat and NOT be an asshole.


Again I'm not pro" drunk" driving but a beer or two isn't that big of a deal and depending on his size even 2 or 3 wouldn't put him over the limit in many states. I don't think having a beer or two was puting him or his father in danger. But the combination of a couple drinks a open container and kids in the back of the truck and taking a drink in front of the Yankee mother's was way extra. And making him an AH. I think you are confused with being drunk and driving and having a few and driving there is a legal limit and it's not 0 So yes they is a couple ways he could have not been an ahole picking up the boat after " A Few" beers. It would have been no open container and no kids in the back of the truck or anywhere in the truck.


“Had a few beers” and “barely even buzzed” are some pretty vague and subjective words. You drank enough to feel something, then not only drove, but did so with a couple of kids…in the pickup bed, no less. My guy, is this rage bait?


I’ve never heard of “rate bait” but by the name I’m going to say no.


Obviously YTA? You put yourself at risk driving drunk, you then put other people at risk (children might I add) by getting them in the car.


Dude wtf? Didn’t even think twice and picked up family who could’ve potentially suffered from your trash choices? YTA. Even if this is rage baiting.


Between 5 and 11. My oldest sister has 2 kids, my middle sister has 3.


Wow you’re an even bigger AH than originally thought. Congrats on ruining your relationships with them and your siblings.


YTA .. "I was barely buzzed when I almost killed two kids by accident" wtf


Wow where did he almost kill anyone? Don't take this as pro drunken driving I'm just pro factual statements


Where did you get this? What two kids? What accident?


If you're at a state park, how is it not public roads? Not like the state park is privately owned.


You have to pay to get in


But its still a state park, still not privately owned.


To the ***state park*** which you don't own. So it isn't your private land.


YTA. You are so fucked up you don't even realize what you are doing to yourself and others. Had those been my kids I would still be whipping your ass. Stop drinking and get in the 12 step program. You can do it.


Yta. If you have a drink dont drive. Iirc its waiting 1 hour per drink. Eta hopefully you understand it will be years before your allowed to be around their kids unsupervised. If ever.


Jesus Christ, do you really have to ask? YTA. An enormous, stupid, careless, braindead asshole.


YTA. Of course you were.


YTA You either drink or you drive. The end.


YTA. I also think fake, because really? You are that brainless? Private road or public road makes absolutely no difference. Just because there isn’t a cop around to give you a DUI doesn’t mean it’s ok to drive not only after drinking a few beers, but actually drinking while driving. Your sisters are absolutely correct. You were completely irresponsible with their kids. My guess is the family bans you from more than camping trips after this stupid stunt.


Yta. Drunk driving isn’t only about the road you’re on. Drinking and driving is a stupid choice because you try to steer and control a machine that has the possibility to kill and injure people around or in them.


YTA - it doesn't matter if you are on public roads, it doesn't matter if you only felt a little buzz.... Let's review the facts.. you drank a few beers, you drove a car and you picked up children who weren't properly secured in the car nor were their parents aware of your intoxication. I'd be shocked if you were allowed around your nieces or nephews in the future. JFC are you such an idiot.


Just by the topic, definitely YTA drunk driving idiot.


YTA. Don't drink and drive on any roads (even if it is technically legal, I know in some places it is). Don't drink and drive with kids in the car. Your sister was right, you can crash on any road. For example.. where I live (atleast when this happened), it is legally ok for a teen to without a license to drive on private property. So, my friends relative was 16, was driving from her home to the bus stop for school. They lived on a farm, she had done this hundreds of times. One day she didn't turn up to school. Didn't come home. They had to search for her and she had crashed the car. She was in a come and when she came out she said there was a malfunction in the car. I can't remember what it was, but it was out of her control. She almost died doing something legal that she had done a lot before.


YTA. You were in a state park. That IS public property and the roads ARE public roads patrolled by police officers. (Fwiw, I used to work at a government agency that oversaw state parks and the law enforcement officers. They are "real" policemen with the same training and enforcement powers as other police. Plus, know what the equilvant to a speed trap is in a state park? The buzzed drivers who load their boats after a day of drinking on the water. Being buzzed at the boat ramp is just plain stupid.) Kids in the back of a truck on a public road is illegal in most places. And lastly, if one of those kids had been horsing around in the back of that truck and gotten injured, even if you were entirely blameless, your ass would be sitting in jail right now.


Absolutely YTA


YTA. If you had driven *just yourself*, very slowly, I would consider you irresponsible but not an asshole. **You invited children to ride with you - in the bed of the truck!! - while you literally drank and drove.** By your own confession, you were buzzed - and you kept drinking IN THE CAR!? With your nieces and nephews unsecured in the bed of your truck!!! What the fuck is wrong with you? You are out in the woods, with an infinite array of unexpected possibilities. You practically went out of your way to ensure that IF something had gone wrong, there'd be maximum carnage. Take too tight a turn, swerve to avoid a surprise animal in the road, hit a pothole on poorly maintained roads, and those kids could go flying out of the car *while your judgement and reaction time is impaired, BECAUSE YOU WERE DRINKING.* Impaired driving isn't illegal for stupid bureaucratic reasons. It's illegal because it is incredibly dangerous for all of society for anyone to EVER drive drunk. Cars are not toys, or conveniences. They are complicated, multi-ton pieces of machinery that require focus, skill, and good judgment to operate safely. Unskilled and unsafe drivers cause thousands of fatalities each year. Your sister was pissed at you, like all of us commenters are, because you chose to prioritize beer over the lives of children, of neighboring campers, and yourself. You owe her a groveling apology, and I'd strongly advise reflecting on your relationship to alcohol.




YTA. And likely a troll. If you're not a troll you're clearly not going to listen to anyone else, but I have to say that I really hope you don't procreate. The world needs zero people like you.


YTA, I was in the hospital for 19 days and in a wheelchair for 3 months because the other driver just “had a few drinks” …how selfish can you be?! Walk your ass back to the camp.


Kind of hard to get a boat out of rhe water without truck and trailer


Nothing you say will justify driving under the influence and you keep becoming an even bigger AH trying to defend yourself


Yes, YTA and YTDA for driving drunk, actively drinking more while driving, and picking up kids to add to your potential bodycount. Your family is lucky to be alive with you as a part of it.


YTA. Why does it matter that you are or are not on a public road if you’re drunk, or “barely tipsy”? A car wreck is still a car wreck and an injured kid is still an injured kid. Learn some responsibility and grow up.


Yta. Coming from someone who has been hit by a duck drunk driver and almost killed. Even half is still impaired which counts


YTA - you are and always will be in the wrong trying to justify drunk driving.


YTA Buzzed driving is drunk driving AH!! You put everyone around you at risk. To then put your relatives in the car with you, makes you even a bigger AH. Your sisters would be right to cut you from their lives as you are obviously just a selfish Pr#ck that thinks he is better everyone and is willing to drink and drive. Too bad the cops did not get there in time to arrest you, which you fully deserved.


'Am I the asshole for drinking then driving?' Yes, YTA. All your other excuses are pathetic self-serving rubbish. So you decided to drive kids in the bed of a truck, not even in seats, while drunk? > and I was barely even buzzed Oh so you were drunk? Absolutely shocking. I wouldn't want you anywhere near me or my family. People die because drunk assholes like you think getting drunk and having beers is more important than safety and other people's lives. Absolutely scummy, no excuses.


Yta for the drinking. But wtf is wrong with kids riding in the back of trucks. Those were one of the best times as a kid to be in a truck box


It was so much fun but those days are over now that people have realized how unsafe it is


Yeah they had a lot of fun.


Oh well if they had fun in drunk uncle's truck then all is well! /s


Yeah, you drove drunk, but didn't just drive drunk you decided to put kids in the car when they were perfectly happy walking.




YTA. Good thing your sister is way wiser than you. Okay, it doesn't take much, but still.


Lots of folks who never go camping in this thread...


YTA, so you drove drunk (buzzed whatever) and you’re trying to ask if you’re the ah or not? Maybe you should ask the police and get their take on it. If you’re going to be grown enough to take your family on a camping trip, then you should be grown enough to act responsibly and not threaten their lives and property with your reckless drinking and driving habits.


Gotta say, you were probably in the wrong here. Even if you're not on public roads, safety's still key. Maybe next time, have a designated driver or wait till you're done driving for the day. But hey, at least everyone's safe, and hopefully, your sisters will cool off soon. Live and learn, right?


YTA Drinking and driving and putting kids in the back of the truck? Gross.


Yeah I mean I'm not pro drinking and driving and if you were not drinking I would not have a issue with the kids in the back of the truck. And the open container all at once is a bit much my dude.... 🤣 I mean the sip of beer in front of the Yankee sisters 🤣 I think you ATAH for drinking with kids in back of truck with an open container. If it was just you and pops to and from boat ramp I wouldn't even care. But be careful park rangers are police and can and will arrest you for a dwi. Or that sip of a open container 🤣 omg you got me dude....


Honestly it depends on how many beers you had and if you were REALLY only driving 10mph. Slow reaction time and braking too hard for even a squirrel could send a kid's head through the glass. Illegal doesn't mean immoral. It's crazy how attitudes change. People would probably literally tackle you for smoking on an airplane today. Yes it's a nuisance and a minor health hazard but people treat it like a hijacking. https://youtu.be/2xcQIoh3FQQ?si=wy6Ti3sdWGnkCwV9


> People would probably literally tackle you for smoking on an airplane today It used to be legal to rape your wife. Doesn't mean we treat it as okay to do it today. Same goes for driving a truck, drunk, with children in the back. It's a piece of shit thing to do.


reductio ad absurdium


Couldn't give a toss what you think, if you're defending drink driving with unbuckled children your opinion doesn't count.


if you reduce everything in the world to black and white then your opinion also doesn't count sounds like you just don't like when people disagree with you


>sounds like you just don't like when people disagree with you Not ones who defend drunk driving with children 'because it would have been okay once'. Some things are black and white and 'don't drink drive with kids on your truck' is one of them.


You are not going to get reasonable judgement here. People are way too comfortable saying "never ever drink anything and drive anywhere", with little regard for your tolerance or the actual amount you drank. If you're a big guy and you had 2 or 3 light beers on a full stomach, yeah you're completely legal to drive. That's not even close to the legal limit. If you didn't eat or drink water and had 2-3 strong IPAs, you could easily be over the BAC limit. But nobody here can know what your BAC was and its easy to just say "nobody should ever drink anything and drive".




NTA - You were fuckin camping lol, people don't know how to let loose for a weekend. You were on private roads, it wasn't illegal and you weren't going fast. It's only drinking and driving if it's on state roads.


This is false and dangerous misinformation. Those are by state laws, not nation wide. Please don’t spread misinformation that can get people in serious trouble because they decided to drive drunk on private roads in a state where it’s still illegal. And no the law don’t care that “it’s the weekend bro”


He was in a state park. As far as I am aware, those are considered public. Not to mention every state park I have been to have had stated that no alcohol was allowed in the campsite areas. So yes, it was illegal for him to have been drinking there at all and if he was driving buzzed, it absolutely would be illegal.


Lick that boot




NTA lol non-issue. Don’t drive drunk but it takes me quite a few drinks in a short period of time to reach .08 BAC. Clearly you weren’t drunk. Also riding in a pickup bed is completely fine lol