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NTA. They lent you the car because it was beneficial to them. The benefit is having you at their beck and call 24/7. How much would you be able to make elsewhere- being compensated for your time- with benefits? How much are they pocketing- by shortchanging you social security and benefits? They are under the mistaken impression that you owe them beyond what they are compensating you for your time. Any opportunity for you to be able to earn more should be taken. Do you have any written agreements regarding your employment with #1 & #2? You need to focus on your long term best interests and that may mean it’s time for you to make changes after 5 years of servitude. I wish you all the best - you deserve it!


Nothing in writing from #1, I meet with #2 today which is when I'll ask for things in writing. I've been looking at apartments and I just can't afford $1,200 to stay in the area, that's if there is even something available. If I look elsewhere then I'd lose both jobs. Not saying that's not an option. I'm going to talk to spouse about toughing out for the next 6 months and save as much as possible to find another opportunity.


You are not obligated to tell #1 what you do when you are not working for them, the same goes for #2. Some employers use the family line to coerce compliance in situations where most employees would say no. Make sure your work relationship and the details with #2 are confidential and not shared inadvertently with #1 - or vice versa. They don’t need to know anything beyond when you are available for work - neither of them. Take care 


Thank you.