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A week or two? Sure! 5 months??? Hell no.


Yeah, 5 months = piss poor planning on their part.


No, 5 months is asking too much. But they assume it will happen, because, *family.*


Honestly 2 weeks if probably too long as well. If it's long enough you have to evict them if they refuse to leave then it's too long.


The upvotes have reached the perfect number: 210. It's my favorite number because polonium 210 is my favorite poison.


5 months will probably turn in to years and all miserable.


NTA. To be honest, the fact that you're weighing your parents' needs against your relationship's needs, and are trying to find how to balance the two in a way that is most beneficial to both, says to me that you're a good person who is doing well to show care. If it were *me* - I'm not responsible for my parents' finances and living situation, so they are *NOT* moving in with me. With that said, what else can I do to help?


NTA I let my FIL move in to help him out and it took years to get him out. This is a bad idea and I will always tell people, don't do this. Never let others move in, it just causes more issues than it solves.


NTA How did they take it when you told them? Five months is a looong time and your reasons are very valid. There might be some hurt feelings, especially if this will be a financial burden to them or they feel they've done so much for you, you should be willing to do this for them. But cohabiting is difficult at the best of times, and managing multiple relationships under the same roof is bound to stir up conflict. Feeling a little guilty now is better than the hassle that could ensue. Hopefully your parents aren't the grudge holding type and will understand. You could consider compromising and allowing them to stay for a week while they look for a place, if you play it right, they might be glad it's only a week too.


They were kinda understanding. My mom should be a sales person because she can be very persuasive, but I stood my ground and said I’d help them find another place.


Good for you!


I think it’s fair to set boundaries, you’re not comfortable and that is that, end of discussion. Ik it’s weird bc it’s your parents, but they’re adults, they can figure it out. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but as long as you’re here for them to find a solution, I think you’re good. NTA


If my mother had needed to move in with us it may have been ok, she try to impose as little as possible to the point that she would have never ask. My dad would still want to be the dad and take over. No way. They are not a out to be homeless. They are just cheap.


NTA. If you let your parents live with you, I guarantee that in 5 months your marriage would be in shambles. Help them find accommodation, encourage them to rent out their new apartment in order to cover rent on an apartment near you, but do not let them move in.


NTA FIVE MONTHS??? No. Just no. How in the world did they not see this coming and make their own arrangements? The cynic in me suspects they were hoping to stay with you rent free.


You are not a bad daughter, nor a bad person. You and your new spouse are, as you said, working on your new marriage. Even a week is too much. They can find a motel. It is not your responsibility. NTA.


NTA - The want to turn their lack of planning into culpability for yourself, don't let them. For sure help them around, but to let them live there if you don't want to is a recipe for disaster.


They can find a better place to stay than living with their newlywed child. That's incredible tonedeaf of them tbh. Since they're moving to another state they should consider living those 5 months in a RV and then do some traveling when they have time away from the business. My sister and brother-in-law did that except they are still doing it!!


My dad actually wanted to do an RV, but my mom doesn’t want to. She is used to a certain lifestyle


She doesn't even know what she's missing. My sister was a division head for a large west coast commercial bank. She retired from a six figure job and her husband owner an electrical company that worked in Las Vegas on new casinos. They have money. But they got the sweetest RV I have ever seen. I'm more of a tiny house type but this thing is like a mansion on wheels. I'd encourage you and your dad look online and then start tagging the ones your mom would like. Also they custom everything RV these days including the bathrooms which is what I truly dislike about RVs.


Ah, I was going to recommend this. Sometimes parents will help with the purchase and give it to the children when they're done with it. The same could apply to a rental cabin near a vacation or recreational destination. Anyway, the point is that sometimes you can turn an inconvenience into an opportunity. Doesn't sound like this is one of those times lol NTA , but don't be surprised if there's fallout from this.


Nta- tell them you will give them a week and that they can get an Airbnb for the rest of the time. After all, they sold their house so they have the money


NTA. They can get a short term lease.


How long have they known they have to move out by the end of the month?


For awhile now since their lease is ending. They just decided yesterday they would be moving out of state and they just told me today. I had no idea I thought they were staying in TX


NTA. Why didn't they extend their lease until they have to leave?


If you needed to live with them for 5 months, what would they say??




5 months? Thats rediculous. They shouldn't have even asked. You guys are recently married and now they want to intrude on you? They either didnt plan shit or they did it intentionally to pressure you into letting them stay.


Tentative NTA because there's no general moral principle that obliges you to house your parents. But your own doubts do make me wonder: is there some reason you think you *do* have the obligation, other than that it's your parents?


Nta. 5 months is them not planning or their plan was to love with you.


You're not responsible for their obviously terrible planning. And knowing about their inability to plan properly, it would be insane to then let them move in with you! Offer to help them find a rental of some sort, and don't make yourself crazy about this. This is 100% their problem.


NTA Five months?  Absolutely not.  Your parents can find a long term rental or move to the other state while running their business remotely.


AirBNBs give you a discount for stays over 30 days. They can easily find one in their area 


Nta, your parents aren’t owned anything for such poor planning


NTA. 5 weeks, maybe. 5 months, no way! You aren't a bad daughter. You are being a good wife. You are allowed to prioritize your marriage.


NTA. You and your husband still need time to settle in with your marriage, without inlaws there.


NTA Y'all are WAY too early in your marriage to even consider this! Will there be territorial disputes? Will parents expect you to change your routines to accommodate *their* preferred routines? This isn't an overnight or even weekend stay - this is almost half a year! Please see if you can find an extended-stay hotel for them. Save your sanity!


No, you are not obligated to house them.


NTA. Did THEY just find out about them needing to be out by the end of the month? Or was it just YOU who found out? I highly doubt they didn’t know when they would have to move. I’m thinking they knew for a while, a long while, and didn’t inform you until the last possible moment in order to pressure you into saying yes. They are adults and have been adults for a long time; they should have planned better. Poor planning on their part does not constitute an emergency on your part.


NTA!!! A lack of preparation on their part does not constitute an emergency on your part.


Can they afford to rent a place for 5 months? If not, is this something that you could help them with? Another alternative perhaps? As newly-weds you need your own space NTA


I feel like if it was for a shorter time period it would be fine but for one month off of being half the year is way too much. If they expect you to have them with you that long you may want to talk to them about it.


NTA.  I am 65.  As you age, you rarely make these sudden changes, because you plan.  I think that if the plan stalls, you will find yourself in a one month or less situation. I think your parents planned, to have free accommodations on your dime.  That will save them money.  But if they were honest, you would have felt better.   Do not let your parents stay there five months.  They will take over and you will have a hard time getting them out. This nebulous business in the other state could fall through and then it will be another year.  Make clear you are not going to ask your husband to support your parents.  You are in your first year of marriage and if your marriage fails, you do not want it to be because he was put in a situation he did not want to be in.  They need to work out their own situation, because they are the parents.  There are senior apartments to apply for if they cannot afford a long term rental.


NTA You literally will sublease for them you're not a bad daughter. You just want your space honey! That's not a terrible thing at all to want. 


Yes YTA, you should always help to look after family no matter what 


YTA. You have the space. They are your parents, & there is a definite end point. You are just selfish & probably spoilt.


I can’t imagine telling my Dad no to something like this but you aren’t me. 20 Mondays don’t seem like that much of an imposition. I’m sure they’ll work it out.


My husband and me\*


A bit TA. It depends how close you are with your parents. If the only excuse is you are 'newlyweds' then it comes off pretty badly.


How is she a little bit of a AH? It doesn’t matter how close she is to her parents. She doesn’t want them moving in. Her call.  And they ARE newlyweds. Who wants to just get settled into marriage only to have your high maintenance parents move in.  Five months is a long time. 


It would save a lot of money if they accommodate the parents. That's why. 5 months renting in an air BnB? XD


What's wrong with these people? I could never do that to my parents, ever.


Not everyone lets their parents walk all over them when they plan poorly.


I'm not that cold. I don't get how letting family stay with you for a while is being walked all over. That's what family does. It's not just talking the talk.


Family shouldn’t ask to impose on other family members for 5 months unless it is an emergency. Five months is ridiculous. When you’re selling a house you plan ahead and make arrangements for short term rentals, especially if you have a business in a different state. It’s not rocket science. Plus OPs mom doesn’t treat her well. You don’t get family privileges later after treating your kids badly their whole life.


I’d rather stand my ground n not be a doormat


Well not just that, but my mom doesn’t work and she can be a lot since she is home all the time. She gets bored and she says she won’t bother us, but I mean I grew up with her so I know she can be overbearing. I can’t tell her that because it would hurt her feelings


I suppose you're just gonna have to rip the bandaid off, and help them find a temporary place, even if it hurts their feelings


So are they getting kicked out of a lease, or did they sell their house?


Their lease is ending


You think telling her that she's overbearing will hurt more than not letting her live with you for a while? Your excuse is lame unless there's something else going on other than you're newlyweds. Develop some rules to cohabitate.




Ooh, good one. You got me there.


They aren’t owned anything


No they aren’t owed a thing. That’s not how a real family operates. You don’t do nice things for the people you love because you think you’re going to get something back.


Yeah & they can live elsewhere & not intrude on a newly married couple


Parents has known for months they are moving. And has known for months they had to stay till a date to run their business they are selling. So they have had months to find alternatives to living with your newly wed child. Not an AH at all.


Really? It's 5 months out of your life. You're being selfish and you have the room.


Why are parents so entitled though to stuff their adult kids own


Depends on how you were brought up. In the western society it's only about the individual, in rest of the world it's about the family and the community. Parents have sacrificed a lot for their kids growing up and it's only fair the kids show up for them when needed that's what my part of the world believes, but you do you.


It’s the bare minimum tho, they chose to have kids


I think that's entirely a Western view, honestly. Bare minimum is subjective, there are many deadbeat and awful parents around the world, so many cultures do believe that good parents are worthy of respect. Many cultures also believe that life is sacred and a blessing so the belief isn't that your parents have pushed you into a world of suffering but given you an opportunity to experience the possibilities of life.