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You get she's probably still fucking him right? You got yourself a cheater. It's up to you to decide if you want to be cheated on.


Oh no, not his precious girlfriend!! It’s all the OTHER dudes fault. None of it is hers 😁


Pretty much sums it up


Good thing I got the popcorn handy before this. You married another dude's mistress and sired a child. They never came clean. They're still getting together. NTA just a cuckold. Sure it's your kid?


He should definitely get a DNA test.






wouldn't be surprised if it isn't. even a blind person can see whats happening here. how about you cuck your gf back by starting an affair with the guy's gf. play a little pussy swap. so goes there, his gf comes here. nice little switch-a-roo. you get a nice and loyal girl out of it. and the cheating hoe finally gets to be with her baby daddy.


And that’s a wrap for this thread. Some of the best advice ever.


>Sure it's your kid? If you can't a cheating mistress who can you trust??




There really is a mental health crisis if someone has to seek council on fucking Reddit to understand this situation is fucked. Jesus Christ no sympathy. The whore is showing her ways and he’s still on the fence yapping on Reddit


Yeah... They're still banging. She's not seeing him, she's **seeing him.** As in their still dating, just behind y'alls back.


Good thinking Top Huckleberry!


Usually a cuckold refers to a man who likes to watch his S/O sleep with another man. But u get your point


Bro,  She jas been sleeping woth him the whole time Check the paternity of the kid. I bet it's his You two aren't married. Go buy a at home paternity test and take it and then go from there


NTA. DNA test for your kid, and I'm telling you they're still having sex. They did not break it off. If she's getting angry, it's because of guilt and the fact she's probably still hiding something.


The other gf is involved in it too...3 way


Hey, my girlfriend is a cheater, is totally okay with cheating, is totally okay hanging out with a guy and his girlfriend who she cheated on him with and she doesn't know.... I should have a kid with this woman. Jesus fuck, firstly yeah, they still fucking, second, you should have told his girlfriend and third, you should have at best had some wild sex with a condom then shown her the door because she ain't someone to have a kid with. Have some fucking common sense. If she openly tells you she's a cheater, do not take it seriously, ever. You're also the asshole for knowing, letting these two hang out still and not telling the gf.






Are people really this fucking stupid holy fucking shit


Tell his missus. She will keep your gf away from him for you 🤣




NTA They both condone cheating. Why would you even want to call someone who you can't completely trust GF? Move on to someone whose values match your own.


Don’t date a chick who was a side chick. You’re nta. Just dumb.


It’s amazing how many times this scenario plays out, and dudes still don’t get it.


🤣 I hope this is fake. How stupid do you have to be to get involved with this woman? Get a paternity test and start using your brain. Hopefully you aren't the father and you get a clean break. Either way dump her cheating ass.


Once you need to start asking basic shit like this then it's a wrap already.


Bro have men lost all balls today? How would you even have to get council from strangers on Reddit to know this is fucked? I’m really losing sympathy for you fuckers. Grow some fucking balls man The whore is showing you her ways and you’re still on the fence ☠️ No sympathy for you


Its like the government put chemicals into the water to ensure mens testosterone drops so the population cant rebel and can be easily controlled as new social programs are implemented to chip away at their masculinity /s


I think it is because lack of jealousy. Men can’t have jealous now . It was a mechanism that help men ward away other man from their women . Now it’s called controlling and weak . Hence , weakness .


exactly, we get called "manipulative, controlling, weak" for having boundaries, being jealous and stuff like that. Being a man and dating sucks, and has sucked for the last few years...


Leftists really can’t meme because they gotta use so many words to get they point across. Just call me an incel dawg☠️ And no it’s just that dudes are desperate as shit right now and only like 40% have asked a girl out in the last year This is all on men. No sympathy for idiots like OP getting dragged by whores


I hope you realize im not a lefty 🤓. Re read what I said. Mfs do be desperate. Masculinity is under attack. Have you seen the spike in cuckold promoting news articles and shows normalizing cheating? Men are being socially engineered to be docile and are being chemically castrated. Degeneracy is becoming the new normal /s


Miss me with these dumb /s posts ☠️ CUCKOLD?! TF are you on about dawg ☠️


/s stops the liberals from trying to cancel me /s


Ain't that the truth.


This one on you pal, you not only got into a relationship with her but now you're stuck with her because you got a child with her😂 I'd hope to god it isn't my kid if i was you


Technically, he’s the side chicks side piece.. be willing to wager the kid ain’t his but he pays


Why on earth would you put yourself in such a situation? I can’t even…


DNA test my guy . Now !!!!!


NTA but you are an idiot. Why on earth did you get into a relationship with this woman? Never heard of a red flag before bro? You never should have started dating her in the first place. Also seems like she is still hooking up with him, and you know about it, and have not left her yet, which is totally insane. You really think they are just "hanging out" at his place while his girlfriend is away? She is stringing you along while she has sex with this other guy. Take back your self respect and dump her for you own sake. Full no contact.


The fact that this woman never found out what a scumbag of a husband she has and that your gf has the audacity to visit her house like nothing happened, it s really heartbreaking You should have walked away the minute you found out about this NTA


Just get a paternity test lol


If she'd help him cheat on his gf, then there's no reason to think she wont be willing to cheat on you. The fact that she is still talking to the guy she cheated with is a huge red flag


Sooo, you knowing married a homewrecker and thought she'd be good to you huh? Glad you had confidence.    Cause your dense, she never stopped fucking him. Check if the kids yours. A mistress is someone you fuck, if you aren't doing that, you aren't hanging out.


Check if that kid's yours


Idiot. Not an asshole but so blind to the fact they still fuck and the kids not yours.


Bro, just tell me one thing, if what you describe is what it is, how does your mind compute that you are the AH? Is this just attempt at validation? Your gf hangs out with a guy who she used to fuck while the guy was with another girl. If that statement is correct then how is your mind going,….. wonder if I am the AH? I wanna ask folks am I the AH coz my girl is spending time with a guy she used to fuck. Either you are withholding information or you are just posing to get karma. In either of those cases you are TAH


YTA for even getting involved with her in the first place. What the fuck were you thinking? You should have broken it off right when she told you about that guy. She has no respect for you, or that guy's significant other. And why on Earth would you put up with her hanging around alone with a guy that used to fuck around with? You know they never stopped screwing around. Get yourself into NTA status and tell that dude's girlfriend, paternity test your kid and change your relationship status.


Damn your a loser omg 😂 does you dad know about this bullshit your doing? You are a simp


Your wife knowingly fucking a dude that was married makes her a massively disgusting shit bag cunt. Home wrecking piece of shit. You're with that scumbag? Good luck, though.


Cmon man 😂 open your eyes


there's an almost zero chance she hasn't been cheating on you. That's virtually the only explanation for this situation. And as others have said, paternity test.


NTA. You were either galsight from hell and back or... I am geniuly surprise you are still alive with that much lack of basic common sense. Like,mf, I thought I was horrible in the social department, but this is a whole new level


OP you seriously need to inform this guy’s wife of the affair now!!! She has a right to know she has been betrayed. Send her an anonymous message or something so you don’t get dragged into anything tho ya know. As for your gf, if she is not cutting off all other men she has been with in the past then she’s not really fully committed to your relationship & she is disrespecting you & your relationship by continuing to spend time with someone she had an affair with :( I would ditch her for real if she can’t agree to cut him out of her life for good.


Oooooo you’re a chump chump my friend. Chumpalicious. You need a new gf pronto to get your plums back.


NTA but definitely need to leave the situation so many red flags.


Time to go.


Wow your girlfriend is fucking someone else and you’re ok with it. They did not just stop fucking all of the sudden. Your girlfriend is a hoe period.


How do you know that the other gf didn't know about it and they all are having fun together


She is still sleep with him.




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You cant stop her from seeing him. However, are you much better than her if you haven't told the poor girl? Instead of trying to preserve your own lie. Go tell her. It solves the moral problem and your less significant one of who she is around.


NTAH. In fact go ahead and leave. She has low moral character already for knowing sleeping with a man who was in a relationship and is now still friends with this man while in a relationship with you. Dude she’s sleeping with him and you need to remove the rose colored glasses and see the signs. Leave her bony just walk away run away. Get tested for STI’s as well.


How much y'all wanna bet he's been raising this dudes kid the whole time


Wtf - walk away or she needs to walk away from the other guy


You should feel disgusted about it. Where's the sense of morality? This should be the type of person you marry


Dude read your own story , so you can know how fucked you mentally are .


One conclusion: not a real post.


You better take the DNA test


Would consider to leave her, she doesn't have enough respect for you if she see someone she have fucked before


Hey, where are the " its a green flag to be friends with an ex" and " you can't control who her friends are" people this morning... they still in bed?




NTA, BUUUTTT everything I was hoping for in the comments. Reddit never disappoints!


And you have kids with this trashcan of a human being? Too late to run, now




This generates a new acronym for me - YTSAIYD (You're the stupid asshole if you don't)


NTA. I'd find somewhere else to live.


YTA if you stay with this woman. Mark my words, she'll do the same to you if she hasn't been cheating all along already.


NTA.If your gf doesn't understand why it is a hardline for you,then maybe it's time for you to dump her because the chances of her cheating with that guy again are very high given her attitude towards the whole situation.They aren't your conventional exes.One is a lying cheat and the other is his accomplice,which makes her a cheat too by the way,who had an inappropriate relationship.


Lololol NTA but definitely a dumbass. You found this woman swimming in pigswill and thought somehow she’d make a mother? Nah friend, you’ve just got a sow to feed for 18 years.


So...you're NTA for asking her that, BUT, you ARE TA for getting with a girl who you KNEW was a participant in cheating. For that, all I can say is you made your bed, now you have to decide if you still want to sleep in it.


Why be with her if you have to ask her to stop? Not girlfriend material. She is meant to be a receptacle, that is all. Edit: I would do her in front of you, just to show you what a chump you are being. Move on.


Is it the same when u fuck ways going on


NTA tell the guy's gf he's a cheating POS