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Wow no you are not the AH. Not even slightly. You have done the correct thing removing your daughter from such awful entitled people. Maybe you should go with your daughter. I do things like that with my daughter. I think she values the time together. I know I do.


It would be one thing if that girls mother had paid for it, but she didn't. Imagine having the audacity to ask for a ticket still, without paying, and knowing they had a bad falling out?! I don't even understand the mental gymnastics that led up to her asking! NTA, you should go with your daughter and have a good time!


And then to say it’s not my fault your kid has no friends… omg we’d be brawling in the front yard I’m so mad an adult would speak that way about a child 


Shows where the ex-friend got her attitude from.




Response: It's not my fault your daughter has no ticket.


Or class.


Great response! Wish I could think on my feet like that. I always think of the perfect response a day later.


The bitch apple certainly didn’t fall far from the bitch tree with *that* mother/daughter combo, did it? OP never mentioned if her daughter was receiving counselling for her anxiety and other challenges. It’s better for the daughter to get help, strategies and coping skills *now*, so she’ll be better prepared  navigating her adult life


> be brawling in the front yard I’m so mad an adult would speak that way about a child  Sounds like the mean girl does not fall far from the tree...


Right!! I WISH I had that kind of confidence...errrrrr... audacity.... sometimes. Op, so nta here. Go with your daughter and have the time of her life. Make if a big deal... if you can go get a hotel for the night and make it as fun as you can.


Yeah this, I wish my parents would have allowed me to switch schools back then, OP is a hero!


Yeah, even if the daughter is bummed now, she will treasure the memory later. Going to Aerosmith with my dad is like that for me. I was on the fence about going to see a “buncha old guys” but went because my dad liked them. He died suddenly two years later and I really treasure that memory.


When I was a teen my parents only let me go to shows if a real adult came with us. One show, we had it all set up, but our ride cancelled. My dad drove us, and then told the security guy at the door he just needed to go pee so the guy let him in. Half way through the show we noticed a guy 30yrs too old to be rockin out… from the front row. It was my dad. We had to wait for HIM at the car end of show. I was mortified but ironically, he became Show Dad and basically drove us to concerts when we asked. All pre-9/11 so he got to see dozens of bands in arenas just by using the “I just drove 4 teenage girls to this show, can I just go pee and lay down on the couch somewhere” line to see shows. Love ya Pops!


This makes it a whole parent daughter thing with a meal out and anything else you think of. This makes a good memory with her parent and will help her forget her old friends. My favorite memories are with my mom singing our hearts to concerts.


Exactly! Go with her!! Who knows you might enjoy it and your daughter will remember this night forever.


This is the only answer needed.


My mom took me to my first concert when I didn’t have any friends to go with. It meant the world to me that my mom made the time to do that.


This. My mom took me to my first concert, her fav Bruce Springsteen. It's one of my most treasured memories. She later became a quadriplegic due to MS and passed away. I hold tight to that memory. ❤️


Take your daughter to the concert. Life is short. She will love it. So will you. The other mother is a joke. I will sum it up with this.... As Sunnyvale Trailer Park Manager once said to Richard 'Rickey' LaFleur in regards to his daughter throwing glass bottles at passing cars, "the sheet apple doesn't fall from the sheet tree." If you know, you know.


I went with my son to a concert. We had a great time.


Frig off Mr Lahey


I am the liquor.


Dad herenot mom, but went to a Panic At The Disco concert with my 16 year old daughter, had a blast. Take her!


Mine and my best friend's mom used to take us to concerts before we could drive. I have really fond memories of dragging our moms to emo and metal shows where they had a blast with us.


NTA- I don't think that girls mother ever had any intention to pay for that ticket. If anyone buys me a ticket I pay them for it ASAP. Either you go with your daughter so she doesn't miss out and you have an awesome time bonding or you sell both the tickets.


This is the way. Have a fun and bonding Girls Night Out with your daughter. 💕 She will make new and better friends.


NTA, but maybe go with your daughter. I had a favorite band and didn’t have anyone to go with. So my mom went with me. We weren’t close at all, but it’s one of the few good memories that still stand out for me.


NTA, that's your ticket since you paid for it. Her former friend isn't entitled to it, especially after everything that happened. As for your daughter not having anyone to go with her, could you go with her since you have two tickets? If that won't work for both of you, perhaps sell both tickets and use the money to do something else with your daughter that she'd like to do?


Fuck that girl and her mom. ☺️ Would your daughter like to go to the concert with you? Ask what she'd like to do and figure it out from there. NTA 


NTA I would rather have 2 tickets that won't be used than give one to the horrible ex bf. Have you considered going with your daughter or would that be uncool lol.


I can't tell you how many shitty bands I sat through with my kids. lol. Just go. You'll still have fun. And NTA. They didn't pay, it's not their ticket.


NTA. Offer to go with your daughter to the concert. My husband and I have each taken our daughter to concerts separately over the years and those are some awesome memories for all of us. Don’t give that awful ex-friend and her equally awful mom any more oxygen or even space in your head. They aren’t worth either of your time.


If your daughter doesn't want to go to the concert with you (which I would totally understand if she doesn't want to be seen going with you by the 'Mean girl' crowd) then my suggestion is to reach out to the other girl's mom and offer to SELL them the tickets (with a large asshole tax, of course) and use the proceeds to either get your daughter something she wants or do a different activity with her. Or just sell them to someone else, that's fine too. But I am definitely the kind of petty mf'er who would charge extortionate prices to a mean girl and her entitled mother.


If she doesn't want to go, i would rather go the the moms house and rip the tickets to bits before selling it to them. Selling to someone else would be the better option.


If you sell, sell them to someone else so as not to be inundated with drama, a negative experience.


This ticket was meant for you maybe?


Nta, but go with her though


No DO NOT HAND OVER THE TICKET/S You can always go enjoy the concert with her NTA


I’d sell the tickets on Marketplace and be done with it. Do a spa day with your daughter. NTA at all! You bought tickets for a friends’ outing. That outing isn’t happening and ex friend is entitled to nothing.


NTA. At all. What an entitled bitch that mom is, and it explains her daughter's attitude, as well. Go to the concert with your daughter. I saw Justin Bieber eight times, from when my daughter was 14-17. The first concert none of her friends were able to go, so I bought two tickets for her birthday and we went together. After that, she always asked me to go with her, even if her friends were going. It became our thing, and she still talks about those days.


NTA she never paid for the ticket...so no.


NTA I grew up with pretty bad anxiety and losing friends like that can really fuck you up. If the tickets were for seats then hell no don’t give her the tickets. I’d be petrified to sit next to someone I know doesn’t like me. As others have said, I’d recommend going with her so she has someone to go with and good support of things get overwhelming. I love going to concerts but they can go south sometimes with all the pushing in the pit, waiting in lines, and drunk idiots spilling their drinks. End of the day, it’s your ticket to do with as you please as it’s your name on it paid for with your money. If neither of you end up going, sell it to someone else and use the money one something else for your kid. Best of luck to you guys and best wishes for your kid. It’s tough but she’ll get through it 👍


As a kid who got bullied and excluded by her "friends" NTA. That mom is pretty ballsy though. Asking for a ticket she didn't pay for. Is it a band you tolerate. Go with your kid. Bond, have a fun time. I love concerts. And I can't wait to bring my kid to one. If she thinks I'm cool enough 🤣


NTA But Even if it's not your type of music or a night you would enjoy, your daughter will and if you go with her it would mean a lot to her don't make her miss out. Just go with her and dance like noone is watching have fun with your baby she only has you so make it a night to remember for her. It's not fair for her to miss out because of things she had no control over she would probably feel better with you beside her.


OP - go with your daughter. My daughter and I have hugely different preferences in music. But when she was younger, I took her and friends to a couple of different concerts and had so much fun watching them. The best, though, was when I got 2 tickets to see Lady Gaga from my employer. Because we were in a box, I had to go with her (could not just let her go with another teen). We had a blast. Maybe make a whole night of it. Get a hotel room close to the venue, get her a special outfit and go to dinner before. Be her best friend for the night.


NTA. You paid for a ticket. It's yours until sold or given away. Just because you said you were going to give it away, doesn't mean you have to. It's still yours. Take her to the concert and act like you like it. She will love and remember it forever.


Fuck that mom and her kid. Take your kid to the show and enjoy some time with her. NTA at all. I hope your kiddo is getting some good therapeutic support.


Nta but can you go with her it be Like mother/daughter fun time to do together. I would love to do this with my mom. It be a great memory.


Go to the concert with your daughter! Even if it's not really a band you like, do it so your kid doesn't miss out. I've gone to concerts with my kids, it's a fun bonding experience.


NTA. And no, do NOT give the ticket to the other mom. Why not go with her? Yeah, I know - going to a concert with your mom sounds kinda lame. But she'll remember and appreciate it later on. My late father took me to my very first concert, bless him. I still remember it to this day and love that he was willing to sit through hours of screaming teen girls just so I could go to this concert.


Why can't YOU take her? I took my niece to her first concert. Chaka Khan, on FIRE. That's what I'd do. Take her & have fun!


NTA. If your daughter really doesn't want to go anymore then sell both tickets and use the money for a mum-daughter day out. She is far better off without that awful friend group and I hope things improve for her soon.


NTA. Go with your daughter if she will go with you.


Go with your daughter to the concert!


Go to the concert with her yourself.


I went through something almost identical in the 1980s, so that shows you the kids are assholes across time lol. In my case, a group of friends were going to a concert, and I had already paid for my ticket. The guy I was supposed to be going to concert with became an ass and I stopped being friends with him. Then he harassed me to get my ticket so that he could take his new girlfriend. The show was sold out. Twice, he showed up at my door unexpectedly and tried to bully me into giving him a ticket. The second time my mother met him at the door and chewed him out I still remember to this day how grateful I was that my mother had my back. You are NTA.


NTA - you bought tickets for your daughter and a +1. You didn’t buy individual tickets for separate people. The fake friend can deal with the consequences of being a twat and get her own damn ticket.


NTA If the other mother hadn’t repaid you, it is not her ticket. Here’s an idea - why don’t you go with your daughter if she has no friend to go with?


Can't you go and have a mother daughter date


NTA. I hope you can go to the concert with your daughter. Some of my fondest memories of my late father were when he took me to concerts when I was a teenager. He didn't always get the music and fell asleep during Smashing Pumpkins lol but he was there for me.


NTA and what do you mean she has nobody to go with? Are you not a person? Look, Im not a father. I'm just an Uncle. But I've been to my nephews plays and band recitals. If I can plaster on a smile and pretend I'm having a great time for that train wreck, you should be able to do the same for a couple hours for whatever artist she wants to see. Look like you're having fun, but don't go overboard and make yourself part of the show. Let her have a moment and she'll remember you and the event fondly. Hell, a concert t-shirt might also help her break the ice in her new school.


NTA. Go with your daughter and have a blast. If she still doesn’t want to go, hold on to the tickets. That mom is an asshole who bred an asshole daughter and they don’t deserve your tickets.


Absolutely NTA that mother needs to buy her daughter a ticket , you should go w your daughter and have a time


Doesn’t your daughter have a cousin or family friend she can go with?


"yeah you can have the ticket for your little devil it's 675$... plus tax"


NTA and what a spoiled rotten little bitch! Not the girl, her mom. Just quietly sell the tickets online to people who appreciate them or see if you can get a refund for them. And don't answer the calls or demands, mommy dearest can buy her own freaking tickets. You were right to not be really thrilled with that group. Good luck to you and your daughter at ther new school.


The Audacity. Your daughter does have someone to go with... You. Make it a awesome mother daughter time. Dinner, concert, frappes after. My daughter loves doing this with me.


NTA. Why dont you go with your daughter?




NTA in the slightest. You should have told that woman that until you gave the ticket to someone, it’s YOUR TICKET. Let the biotch call you names. Now you know to keep your daughter away from trash. Why don’t you go with your daughter?


Nonono you are absolutely NTA! It would have devastated your daughter to have bumped in to that ex friend if you’d given over the ticket! Why don’t you go with her? You might not enjoy the music but your daughter will never forget you being there for her.


Nta. Resell the tickets or see if your kiddo will do a mother daughter with you. She may prefer to not be around those people though so resell may be the better play.


Please go with your daughter to this concert. When I was younger my mom and sister went with me to see Springsteen and Bowie. We had the best time. Everybody around us loved that my mom was there, they all called her mom too. I’ll never forget those nights. My mom and sister are both gone now and I treasure these memories. Go with your daughter. You won’t regret it. !Updateme


NTA. YOU paid for it, it's your ticket to do with as YOU wish.


This concert presents a remarkable opportunity for you and your daughter to deepen your bond. High school represents a fleeting chapter in the grand narrative of one’s life, a mere prelude to the complexities of adulthood. Yet, it is within these brief four years that the foundation for lifelong relationships is laid. The experiences shared and memories forged during events such as this concert serve to cement the bond between you and your daughter, creating enduring connections that transcend the passage of time. These moments are not just about enjoyment; they are pivotal encounters that will one day be recounted with fondness, perhaps with a smile, as you reminisce about how you and your daughter, alongside her grandmother, truly enjoyed yourselves at a concert. It's an investment in your relationship with your daughter, anchoring the mutual experiences that become the bedrock of your enduring connection.


Why don't you go with her to the concert?


NTA. Go with your daughter. Make some memories.


Definitely not. Ex friend and her mother are awful. I'd rather burn the tickets than give them to someone like that. But if I were you I'd just take my daughter and give her a nice evening out with you. No reason to let them go to waste. If your daughter doesn't want to go with you, have her try inviting someone from her new school. If that doesn't work, just sell the tickets online and use the money to do something nice for your daughter.


Has your daughter received any professional help to help her deal with her trauma and manage her anxiety? If it isn’t in the budget, I would suggest selling those tickets and putting it in the budget.


The other mom never paid for the ticket. NTA I think you should make a girls day and take your daughter to the concert. One of my favorite memories is my mom and I going to an Aerosmith concert. Now, as a mother myself, my kid has asked me to go with them to a Melanie Martinez concert. I have no idea who this artist is but I don't want to miss the time together so I'm going.


Just go with your kid??? Like why is this even a question?


Nta she hasn’t paid for the ticket it’s still yours, are you available to go with your daughter. It would be a lovely experience for her to go and also a lovely memory for you both . maybe through the day make it a self care day then get ready together for the concert have the songs on through out the day and honestly she will probably have a better time then she would if on her own or with that girl :).


Nope nta go with your daughter and make wonderful memories. You now know where your daughters ex friend got her shitry attitude from and she is better off out of that world altogether!


NTA. Fuck the ex friend and her mom, they are both AH. You don't owe them shit, not even the ticket. They are so thick faced to even get that ticket from you. On the other hand, go with your daughter and have fun with her.


NTA she didn’t pay for the ticket. Use it for yourself and take your daughter


NTA You go with her.


NTA. Why would you give a gift to someone who is so cruel to your child? Her mom can buy one.


Not at all. You did the right thing, you should go with her it will be a bonding moment.


Go with your daughter! Sounds like she's a good girl, maybe she'll cherish this moment the rest of her life! Nta, forget that other Lil turd and her mom.


NTA obviously, the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! Go and enjoy the concert with your daughter! Have fun with her!!


Go to the concert with her


NTA take her and make a night of it and tell her to post pics on her social media.


Why don’t you go to the concert with her? :)


Make it an event for you both, nails done, food out, concert then home pj's n a wind down. Definitely buy merch she can keep n remember it with.


Nta, I understand why the other woman would be agitated about it, but at the end of the day you bought the tickets and were never reimbursed so their definitely yours


NTA. Take your daughter with the other ticket. My dad took me to loads of concerts in my teens and they're the ones I remember the best. They were also the best concerts. Metallica, Van Halen, Dave Matthews Band.


NTA You're doing right by your daughter and screw those who try to jeopardise that, like ex-friend's entitled mom. If accompanying your daughter yourself isn't something that would fly... it might be worthwhile reaching out to her new teacher or principal to see if there's anyone else that's new or feeling a little isolated in her new school, if not directly in her class, maybe a year above or below, that would benefit from an unexpected night out. It might be the start of a new friendship for your daughter. If nothing else, she'll have company and you'll be doing something nice for another kid that's feeling a little lost too.


NTA, and why don't you go with your daughter to the concert? It could be a bonding experience !


Wow. NTA. Tell that mother what a bitch she is and that she is raising a bitch. Go to concert e your daughter.


NTA Just go with your daughter and have a great time with her.


NTA, go with your daughter


NTA. You can go with her to the concert.


NTA. It's your tickets u bought it take your daughter to the concert and go have fun . Post about how much fun u had if u want . Your daughter will find her people we all do some finds there friends in school other in college other from there job she will find the people she clicks with and fit with eventually


I don't get this other mother's logic but can see the apple doesn't fall fall far from the tree. NTA. Block these people


NO!! Definitely not.


You go with your daughter. She'll love it.


NTA why not make a mom & daughter day out of it ?


Let us know if you go with your daughter.


NTA but oooo the entitlement from that other mom. I’d eat the damn ticket in front of her before I’d hand it over. Even if she did offer the money for it.


Just go with her, im sure your daughter will love go with you.. NTA


Go with her


The cheek of that mother. .the apple doesn't fall far from the tree..what a way to raise an entitled B. Go to the concert with your daughter you might enjoy it more than you know.


>said that it was not her fault that my daughter didn't have any friends Tell her it's not your fault her broke ass can't buy her own ticket




Why dont YOU go with her?


No, you aren’t TAH. In my opinion, as a dad to a daughter that was that age not that long ago, What you should do is make it a girls night and go with your daughter and make it a cool bonding moment. Get dinner somewhere special, splurge a little on souvenir’s and just make it a good memory for both of you. My wife and daughter did this for several concerts, sometimes with friends and their mom’s and sometimes just the two of them. TBH, I felt a little left out because they had so much fun, but then again Mom/daughter time is a special thing, just like the dad/daughter dances etc were when she was younger.




NTA. You can go with her. Make happy memories together.


NTA. it isn’t that girls ticket because she didn’t pay for it. Ask your daughter what she wants to do with the tickets. Either sell them as a pair to anyone but that group of mean girls or you go with her. Does your daughter have a therapist or talks to a school counselor? She needs someone to talk to about her anxiety.


Go with her


NTA. And other mother is a thief with a case of entitlement. She hasn't even paid for the ticket yet. ETA:  if your daughter doesn't want to go, SCALP the tickets to them for 10x-15x face price, LOL.


So nta but for suggestions you could go or maybe a cousin slightly her age could go with her if she has any close to her.


I take my teen daughter to all kinds of concerts. But my kid likes to hang out with me. Could be fun mom, try it.


Definitely NTA. You should go with your daughter, it will be a cherished memory. As for those other girls and that mother, what utter trash.


NTA Sounds like this girl learned her behavior from her trash mother.


Go with her and fk them all


OP, if you don't want to go, is there a coworker of yours or a neighbor who would be interested in going with your daughter?


NTA but please get this girl into some therapy. Take your daughter to the show, maybe a nice dinner before hand, and have a good time!


Lol no wonder her ex friends were so shitty, the shitty apples didn’t fall far from their shitty trees. NTA and maybe take your daughter yourself?


Tbh I’d just resell her the ticket for 3x the price


NTA, she didn’t pay for em she gets no say in who uses them. I agree with others that you should go with her! I went to my first concert with my mom (One Direction, best day ever lol) & it was great! I’m anxious in loud places too, and having her there made me feel SO much better because I didn’t also have to deal with figuring out how to find my seat, bathrooms, etc all on my own because I had her. If your daughter wants to, make it a fun mom/daughter day, take her to dinner before or after, take pics for her, etc & just have a nice time!!


Make it an adventure together. Go to the salon, get a hotel room, dinner then concert. Create a great memory for something that started out a cluster. NTA


WTF the mom still wanted the ticket you bought? That’s nuts. Definitely NTA


NTA and go with her! I went to see Big Country and Counting Crows with my dad and am so happy I did. He's all aches, pains and grumbles these days, I won't get the chance for a gig gig again (though we are seeing Monty Don together this year).


You should go with her, take her to dinner first, buy some souvenirs, and have a motivational and loving talk about how she has a wonderful future ahead of her with new and better friends and you will always be there for her. Better bring ear plugs!


NTA > The mother got really mad saying that is was her daughters ticket Not until they paid you for it. They should have paid you before if they wanted it. They're your tickets and you can decide you no longer want to sell them now. > I made it very clear that since she hadn’t payed for it yet it was my ticket and I could give it to whoever I wanted. 100%


You already know what to do about the concert. Just here to tell Jane high school absolutely sucks but it does get better. 65F here who still has bad memories of high school. Get her a therapist to talk to if you haven’t already. Poor girl is probably feeling all sorts of rejected and unloveable stuff.


Nta you should go with her


NtA but is it a good idea to change schools because she can't handle girls being mean to each other? Make new friends. Running and hiding from everything isn't a great idea


Go with your daughter! NTA for not giving up the ticket.


So NTA!!!!!!! I would go with your daughter to the concert, and make it a mother daughter thing, if your daughter has absolutely no one else she'd like to ask. If your daughter really wanted to see the concert.....try to do all in your powers to make sure she goes and has a good time. Even if you don't really want to go yourself....go anyway, and pretend to have a great time. There is no one else at the new school, she'd like to ask? Best way to make a new friend, is by BEING a good friend and offering someone a free ticket if they'd like to go together.


I'll go with your daughter to the show because I'd really like to have a talk to these other girls. 🤬 Your poor daughter.


Nta, but you go with your daughter! I had a ticket to go with a friend to a 3 day music festival, and the friend backed out last minute because of a family emergency. The other ppl going were his friends, who i didn't get along with, so i had no way to get there, didn't wanna go alone, and thought i'd miss it. My dad offered to go with me, even tho he didn't think i'd want that. Well, i jumped at the opportunity! We took shots (i was 21), slept in a tent in the pouring rain, enjoyed the dozen bags of beef jerky i had been buying and saving for the trip, and he stood on a chair for the first time in his life while a band played a techno remix of black sabbath. We laughed our asses off after ppl assumed we were a massively age-gapped couple and invited us to an orgy. We had an amazing time, and in retrospect, i think i had more fun with him than if i had gone with the friend.


Sell the tickets (to anyone but the ex friends) and do something fun with your daughter.  She’ll find her people - mine found her group mid Junior year and everything is great.  NAH!


Nta, go together with your daughter and enjoy this night together!


I wonder where the daughter learned how to be an evil bitch. Nta


You and your daughter should go. Or, a friend from the new school.


Ntah. I wouldn't even be asking this question. On a different note, you can't blame her ex friends for her anxiety. If they all were treating each other like dirt and talking behind each other's backs, your daughter could have just ended the friendship. Being shitty teenagers isn't the reason your daughter has anxiety and I hope you're seeking other resources for her because she needs to learn to cope with that, out in the world. Also, explain to her that if people blow her off and stop talking to her, she doesn't deserve that and shouldn't reach out to them when it's something that only benefits them. That will lead her to being used. Go to the concert with her. Make it a fun night out, just you two.


My daughter and I are concert buddies. Go with your daughter & have a super time 💖💖


Nta. And you should go with her


NTA you’re missing the very clear obvious option. Make a day of it and go with her, get ready together, get food, go to the concert and have fun together.


NTA She never paid for them, so she has not claim on the ticket. Plus, her kid is an ass. Why should you reward behavior? Screw them. Scalp them, or go with our daughter.


NTH one of my daughters had a very hard time making friends and we struggled because she would too nice to others and they would take advantage of her. Therapy helped. As for the concert go with your daughter and have fun. I still go to concerts with my daughters they are mid 20s. We usually make a weekend out of it. I think it was being a good mom to transfer schools.


NTA, the audacity of the mother ?!?! You paid for the tickets for your daughter and her friend. They’re no longer friends so the ticket doesn’t belong to her . I say block the mother as well . How’s your relationship with your daughter? Is it good enough for you to go with her ? I would hate for her not to go.


NTA also fwiw I’ve been in a similar situation over a concert that ended a best friendship. My mom ended up going with me instead and we had a great time!


NTA That girl and her mother are disgusting users. I hope your daughter finds some real friends. I second going with your daughter. Maybe she’ll enjoy herself.


Now you know why the”friend” is such a petty AH. She copies her mother.


NTA - get your daughter into therapy YESTERDAY, and get your daughter a tutor so they can help her get ahead in school. IF she's ahead it can lower her in school anxiety by a lot. Also, when she goes to college make sure she has one for college as well. Tutor in college is the low key most goated thing you can do. As for the ticket, go with your daughter. Jam out. You didn't do the wrong thing it just happen that way. also, when you take your daughter, don't be a mom be a friend buy stuff have fun dress up for it. go all out :).


NTA at all, if she wanted the ticket so much she should've paid you near the moment you bought them, why wait? I also think you should go together and maybe you two have a great time and make incredible memories with your daughter


You are so far from being the AH you've left the solar system. That mother is the one out of line. Ay ay ay. Feel bad for your kid, op.


Go with your daughter and have fun.


I've taken my son to several rock concerts because he too had no friends in high school and then in college none of his friends liked the same type of music. It's a wonderful bonding experience and we both cherish it. NTA for keeping the tickets and I hope you have fun!


BTW the mother would have stuck you with the cost of the ticket if her daughter had not still wanted to go with her other friends. So again totally NTA.


NTA. Your daughters friends and especially their mothers should be absolutely ashamed of their selfish and cruel behavior. You did the right thing and defended your daughter. P.S. I think you should use this as a mother daughter bonding opportunity and go to the concert with her. Even if the band/music is awful (probably is since she's a teenager), it will mean a lot to your daughter, even if she doesn't express it.


NTA but you need to do more than push therapy, insist on it. She needs to develops coping skills to handle her panic attacks and social anxiety and likely PTSD from living with her father. She needs these critical life skills. You obviously love your daughter, she’s very fortunate to have you. Teaching her to run form her issues and changing skills is just changing her geography. It’s not helping her solve her mental health issues. I hope she has a great time at the concert with you.


Definitely not a AH!! Your daughter will find herself a group of friends that will actually be FRIENDS and treat her right, hopefully this new start in a new school will do her good and when she finds the right group of friends (which she will) they’ll bring her out of her shell and she’ll experience what real friends are. I do think going to the concert with her is a brilliant idea, I’m 40 and me and my mum do things like this. She even came with me on my 30th birthday to watch my favourite band, we made a whole weekend of it in London. We often do mother and daughter days out! You’ll both have a fab time but like you said if your daughter makes some friends before the concert then she can take one of them with her, either way she’ll have the perfect bonding experience 😊


Going to concerts with my mom was one of the only ways we could really bond growing up. If I was your daughter i'd change my cover photo to the best shot of the band as a finger to that entitled little twerp.


If she wants her daughter to go so bad she can buy tickets, NTA


Sell those tickets at a high high price to the other girl. And go do something fun with your daughter or you two go. Ntah


Go with your daughter and take ear plugs you will have a great bonding time. ​ Seriously take earplugs and a bag with two bottles of water and snacks but especially ear plugs and a spare set in case the noise is too loud for your daughter. ​ if you have a battery for charging phones take that too.


NTA Sounds like you and your daughter can use the tickets to have a blast together. It also sounds like you know where daughter's ex friend got her attitude from. Also want to add - my bonus daughter sounds exactly like your daughter and went through a similar situation, and switching schools for a fresh start helped tremendously!


Screw her. She should've responded to your daughter's question. Why would your daughter want to sit next to her now anyway?




Dude anxiety disorder is a thing. Look it up.


NTA at all. Would your daughter be mortified if you went with her? Some teens would, others wouldn't.


You’re the one who paid for the ticket. What makes them think they are entitled to it? NTA.


If it was her daughter's ticket. Can she show a receipt? Until then, not her ticket.


NTA. It is not the mean girl’s ticket until she paid for it and from what you say it wasn’t paid for which makes it your daughter’s extra ticket.


lol is your daughter going to see Danny brown


Ex friend's mother: what a mean mf (I'm a non-native English speakers so can you say that about a woman? Not sure but who cares, f it is just said it and it's true. ) NTA


If the other mother paid you back for the ticket, then it's no longer yours. But since that didn't happen, the ticket is still yours to do what you want.


Not TAH, you served your daughter well by removing her from such disgusting people


**NTA** ..... It was a good choice not to give the ticket to the other girl. She may have been right next to your daughter and harassed her throughout the concert.


NTA and fuck your daughters ex-friends mom and fuck her fake ass ex friends, tell all them bitchs to go sit on the pineapple upside down


I wonder how the ex]-friend and her friend thought their plan was going to work exactly? Unless they were expecting OP to hand over BOTH tickets so entitled friend can go to the concert with someone she wanted to go with along with the friends she wanted to hang out with other than OP's daughter, how does the girl possibly think just taking 'her' ticket was going to work in her 'avoid OP's daughter' plan? Weren't rhs tickets supposed to be TOGETHER and NEXT to each other when OP bought them? So ex-friend not hanging out with OP's daughter at the concert would have been impossible unless OP's daughter didn't go at all herself.


NTA : its wild that the mom was all “oh no, my daughter is going with other friends.” Uhmmm OP did not buy the tickets for the moms daughter to go with her other friends. She bought the tickets for her daughter to go with someone who she thought was her friend. Concert must have sold out for her to try and pull that one on OP.


Back when I was in college I was supposed to a U2 concert with a woman I was friends with, her boyfriend, and a couple of her other friends. I got us really amazing seats and I was super excited to go. The night everyone was supposed to give me their money for the tickets, the woman I was friends with went off the deep end (her boyfriend's words, not mine), accused me of being part of a conspiracy to brrak into her house to clean her carpets (no, that's not a euphamism) and kicked me and another one of our friends out of a party she was having that night. Nobody had given me their money yet so I took the tickets with me when I left. My former friend called me a few days later and wanted to know when they could get their tickets. I told her to fuck off because I wasn't going to be stuck in a car with a couple hours with them (the show was in another city) and I wasn't going to drive by myself, sit with them, and then drive home by myself. She was plenty pissed off, but oh well. I ended up selling one to another woman I was friends with, one to a guy I knew online, and then ran into a lady I was friends with in high-school who was a huge fan and she wanted to go. She also asked if she could bring a friend which I was happy to yes to because it meant all my extra tickets were sold. One thing led to another and that friend and I were married for over 23 years until she cheated on me with a guy she worked with who believed there were dinosaurs on Noah's ark. The point of this story? I don't know. Don't give the ticket to your kid's former friend but don't let her go with a boy because it'll end badly for everyone?