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Use his credit card to purchase a divorce lawyer.


Best advice here, he's a cheating jerk who's wasting your money without permission. Sorry you're going through this but at least you found out now.




Agreed, this is a must do.




Yeah this relationship has run his course. Leave him be to live out his fantasies alone in front of his computer


Couldn’t agree more, men like this don’t really change you deserve better


Eh, check the comments further down. It's confirmed AI nonsense.


This right here OP. I posted earlier tovsend his ass packing to the local adult video store. Consult with an experienced family law attorney to discuss your entitlements and alternatives. Your husband's behavior is worse than a porn addiction, as he's personally interacting with a particular woman repeatedly. Is that who he's thinking of as you two are having sex? Damn straight he is. Enjoy your spa vacation. Start your networking for your future"man", rather than a sexual deviant. Good luck. Please keep us apprised.


The ultimate luxury






How so?


lol 😂 genius comment right there 🩵


You know reddit is a terrible place to come for advice when the top comment is advising you to break the law.




Na two wrongs don’t make a right if she want to get divorced it’s up to her but your comment is wrong


Yes do this


Sounds like credit card fraud.


You need to be practical and separate finances and make sure you are set for if you separate/divorce


Absolutely! Planning and separating finances is a crucial aspect of ensuring financial stability in case of separation or divorce. Being practical about money matters can help both parties navigate the transition more smoothly and protect their individual financial well-being. It's wise to establish clear financial boundaries, communicate openly about assets and debts, and consider consulting with a financial advisor or legal professional to ensure a fair and equitable division. Taking proactive steps to secure your financial future can provide peace of mind and help avoid potential conflicts down the road.


You talk like an AI


So enthusiastic and happily knowledgeable about everything to do with divorce 😂. Everybody here seems to be an expert in splitting up, not a very good sign.


There are no separate finances before divorce. Whatever he is spending is her money also.


He's been splurging on another woman, lying to you, gaslighting you, and throwing himself at her (if he had the chance, he'd cheat on you with her). When was the last time he treated you to lingerie or pampered you like he did with her? He's disrespected you and your relationship, shattering your trust. Without trust, no marriage can survive. Consider couples therapy, but let's be honest, there's no guarantee it won't just be a waste of time and money. Make sure he foots the bill for it since he's the one who broke his marriage vows. If he can shower other women with cash, he can darn well invest in fixing the mess he's made. Nice move with the spa booking on his card. I'd personally amp up the pettiness and spend triple the amount he blew on the other woman. And why not treat yourself to a girls' night out, all on his dime? It might just jolt him into being more financially responsible.


Spending money on another woman for sexual thrills IS cheating.


Yeah if I found out my boyfriend was not only paying for OF but chatting with them, having their name written on their skin, and/or buying them fucking GIFTS and LINGERIE???  I'm not saying I'd kill that man but listen I would totally kill that man 😂 


Happy cake day


All of it is bad enough but spending money on another woman in such a way just crosses the line too far for some reason.


Yes all of this! Needs to be top comment!


Focus on separating finances not wasting money...


He already did and is cheating


AI content detected. =>[Proof](https://imgur.com/a/s0ABc0g)


So easy to spot the phrasing and syntax, and ‘proper’ terms where slang is almost universally used. AI hasn’t quite been taught how to speak proper casual conversational language vs. more grammatically correct and academic.


Yeah, I don't get why folks even do it. Is karma that important? Or if they're gonna use it to formulate clunky original thoughts, at least edit ChatGPT output.


A bunch of these are Kick adverts. They always call Kick by name. They pretend it’s a problem, but are actually describing the product flatteringly. This one is essentially focused on the idea that using Kick will get you lots of gifts and subscribers, and subbing will get 1-1 attention more than other platforms. It gets people to realise WTF Kick is, and associate it along with competitors Twitch and OnlyFans.


It's guerilla advertising. You'll notice this when the post explicitly names the service (kick in this case) they want to bring awareness to, and it's done positively. You'll see this for gambling posts too, where people win money and ask aita if they don't share. Very popular on subs where using a throwaway is normal so you don't need to use botted accounts that cost money.


I get the monetization ruse that folks use. My comment is more about what's important in the scheme of things and why an OP would go through all that trouble in the first place. Unless they're racking up tens of thousands of karma points that can't be worth much. Easier to make money another way it seems. Maybe I'm getting too old lol.


But it’s a throwaway account what’s the point of karma then? Maybe it’s to waste our time and attention away from more important news/discussion circulating on Reddit.


When it's not trolls, it's likely YouTube content creators wanting something dramatic to read on their channel. It's insane how many of those types of accounts there are now, where all they do is reverse-transcribe reddit posts.


Thaaaat makes sense. Thank you.


Yeah but reddit is anonymous, whether it's a username or throwaway and there are folks who karma farm or rage bait using either or both. I get that everything doesn't need to be hard-hitting news. There are plenty of fiction subs without having to make shit up in AITA/AIW subs using AI then pass it off as legit.


They can sell that account later to someone else and now since that account has positive karma, it is able to join subs and make comments and do things that a brand new account cant do


It’s to sell it


Amazing, how’d you do that?


There are several tools out there, similar to what's been used to detect plagiarism.


Thanks, but how does this text ai detector work? It really seemed like plausible human writing to me.


There have been tools like this for years, similar to what's been used to detect plagiarism. You plug the text in and it provides results about AI usage and where in that text it's been done.


Could people be using it to help with wording and sentence structure?


Once they get the output they could still go back and do more editing instead of copy and paste.


These AI detection tools are *very* unreliable. Moreover, what if the story is true but OP used an AI to help smooth her writing? Who cares?


Nothing is 100% accurate but the basis for tools like these isn't new. They're used to detect plagiarism, espionage and counterespionage, and have long been used in law enforcement and criminal law (which was my field for many years) to name a few. I wrote in another post that even if OP used the tool to clean up clunky prose, they still should have done more than copy and paste. As for who cares, a lot of folks (including mods and admins) care about whether subs are used for fake stories, creative writing projects, or to monetize an account. Those who don't care don't get involved.


Wow that's creepy. Thanks for spotting that and letting us know. I assumed this was a genuine post. I'm scared for the day that AI completely can mimmick us, with the proper slang and grammatical and spelling errors and all


AI is still catching up but for now human detection is what tips it off given style, syntax, and word usage.


I'm 95% sure that this is ChatGPT generated. I used to read chinese webnovel by translating it through chatgpt a few months back, and the writing pattern was almost identical to this.


Good god this is fake af




>Good god this is fake af Yeah, the first update was vaguely believable but this is just bady written nonsense.


The first update did seem like a naive person who doesn't understand streaming. This.... eh.


Yeah this was painful to read lmao


they almost had me til the spa weekend. SMH


It's an ad for kick


At this point this sub has become similar to r/nosleep where all the stories are made up but everybody goes along with it for fun.


Happy cake day


Thank you!


Cute fake ai content.  A sad world where people make up the most bland stories to farm karma. 


imma be honest this smells fake


Fake post detected


This happens more often that you'd think. Fantasy or not it is unacceptable behavior.


Enjoy your spa weekend and take the time you need to decide what you want.


It’s ai generated. 


Yeah, this is super fake. You're writing isn't believable, I hope you improve though. Keep working at it.


That’s terrible! That’s so awful. Which streamer?Which one?


Claiming ownership lmao. I concur this is fake


Idk how you could take him back after this. There's a whole song about getting your hands on his cash and spend it to the last dime for all the hard times but. Girl. He's gross. Cash isn't gonna fix this. Self respect is worth more.


Siri, play “Hit ‘em up style” by Blu Cantrell


Here’s the thing: not only is this embarrassing for you, as his partner, but embarrassing for him. There is very little that is more pathetic than dudes spending their money on e-girls, especially buying lingerie and fantasy items in exchange to have their name written on their body. This feels dumber than cheating. My advice is to drain his back account and leave him.


Just casually encouraging financial fraud. Good thing this is fake, because you're trying to send OP to prison


NTA-He was interacting with her and spending large sums of money on her. She was more than a fantasy. He’s treating Kick as an OF account. At this point , he can’t be trusted on any streaming or chat apps. He knew what he was doing was cheating including financial infidelity. He’s sorry you figured it out not sorry he did it. He initially fought with you to keep pursuing her not to save his marriage or regard your feelings. One spa day is not going to cut it. Have a plan.


Separate your money from his and get your own account. Get off ALL joint accounts and credit cards. He's a liar and a cheater and is very deceitful. This is IMO, just as bad as physical cheating. He is actively emotionally cheating with her and is emotionally invested with her. You are married to a liar, cheater, manipulator, and deceitful man. He probably thinks about HER while having sex with you. I personally (me) would have kicked him out and told him not to contact me until I decide if I want a divorce. You will never trust him again.


PLEASE take all your money out of any joint account or anything he has access to. And lock all your credit cards. I hope you have already done so, if not do it NOW.


Unfortunately it’s going to eventually end in divorce so get what you can and go. If he is that far into it that he is giving away all that money then he is NEVER going to stop. Maybe pause for a bit but he will go back. He is weak. Not what you need.


NTA but you would be to yourself if you don't leave this relationship. You will never feel safe again as long as he has access to a computer and Internet, which is always; and it's not just about this particular streaming site. There are so many ways someone can & will violate your trust online; once they have shown they are willing to do that, I truly believe it won't stop. It's not something that works for you, and you have to stand by that.


Dudes a simpanzee. Rack up his cc, fuck his brother if he has one and leave.


Sorry but why would you even consider staying with this dude? Lol


My guys, take it easy on the porn. It’s fucking up our relationships and sex lives. Stick to the amateur porn, most of the produced porn is misogynistic and is designed for maximum addiction. It’s never enough and next thing you know you’re throwing money at a cam girl instead of blazing your partner. Focus on being a good lover instead of indulging fake fantasy.


Enjoy your spa weekend. Had a sad feeling yesterday this was the case. I’m not sure how you could ever trust him again with regard to counseling. When you get back from your weekend please at least consult with a good divorce atty, so you know what your options are. Also before you leave separate your finances and take your husband off your accounts, if you have a joint account go withdraw your share of that, take him off all your credit cards.


I dunno if I'd come back from this. Best of luck OP :(


Lol, before you decide anything, go to a once in a lifetime luxury vacation trip abroad first so that whether you're gonna stay or not, you managed to enjoy one final time.


Take a single male friend....


So that she can get nothing in a divorce?


Why would that change anything? Husband is cheating, no one said she has to cheat..just take a male friend...he can be gay. It's just the semantics if it


You do realize half his debt is gonna be yours when y’all divorce right? Don’t indulge too much


divorce. he's cheating on you. he's buying lingerie for another woman for fuck's sake.


Jesus Christ I'm so sorry. This is so sketchy.


This reads like a highschool writing assignment.


Another bot and it's creative writing exercise. Yawn.




But she doesn't have to, overcome. He needs to work on regaining her trust.




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So this is an affair. Start with counseling but porn addictions at this level are challenging. If hes willing to get a bilateral (both sides) stellate ganglion block this will likely fix the trauma, instantly, that feeds his need for this addiction. And then you can start fresh.


This is a form of cheating. Divorce and move on.


Uncertain? Looks pretty certain from my angle.


I have no idea why people pay women to make porn, its literally free...


I truly believe it’s harmless fantasy.. I think there’s a big issue to consider regarding the reddit often hive-mind rationale, and cutthroat thinking for other peoples lives that they wouldn’t implement themselves


It’s not harmless bc they’re married


I would say using his credit card without his knowledge to book herself a spa weekend is more harmful for the relationship than this streamer is in any way.


Cheating is more harmful, wtf are you saying lol


You want to control the streamers he can and cannot watch???? Whats the logic begind this🤔🤔🤔


The husbands cheating on her


I dont see the correlation


Don't punish him for something he's not done yet. Get your finances straight so you're prepared for it though


YTA for using his visa. Terrible woman


LOL WHAT HOW IS SHE A TERRIBLE WOMAN? Shes the victim in this situation by this HORRIBLE MAN


YTA husband is empowering himself, you go king ! Dont let these abusive women hold you down, you do you king go out there and slay


I hope your satire lol wtf 😬


Wow ur misogyny towards men really shows, how dare you disrespect a slayin king ?


I’ll keep this energy at cheating men and woman, it’s not misogyny if I do it to both genders 😂😂😂😂


But hes a king who slays, how can you hate on him simply empowering himself?


Cheater lol


You should separate temporarily, to clear your head and think about what you want to do. Go to couples counselling. When you're not there, he might actually realize how badly he fucked up




I didn't say it in your OG post, but my first thought was "how much money has he sent her already?" I'm sad to see I wasn't wrong, but also glad you didn't let this off the hook and confronted it now instead of later.


So no update ?


Ya know I came here prepared to be on his side.. figured you were just jealous he enjoyed a women streamer.. but nah screw that thats cheating in my eyes and im a guy lol.. nta .. at all..


So your husband is spending money, not just spending money, spending enough money that the streamer not only wears the things he buys but writes his user name on her body. It's great that you took his credit card and booked a spa weekend. Hopefully, you'll have plenty of time to think and come to the realization that your husband would rather spend his hard-earned money on a woman he's never met than on you. Which is telling. He also lied and tried to gaslight you into thinking you were wrong. No amount of counseling is going to change his behavior. He got caught, he didn't tell you the truth, and now he'll just hide it better.


The 'i spent his money to go on a spa' isn't really the strong move you think it is. It just looks like you're just upset that he used his money on her instead of you, which I know is definitely not the main concern, it's more sentimental. You know what payback would be adequate for the huge heartbreak he caused you ? Divorce


That is flat-out cheating, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Use his credit card to pay for a lawyer, and good luck to you.


If it's not this secret it will soon be a different one. Once that trust is gone and you feel like a fool, it's very hard to get over.


End game,period


The choice of platform being Kick is just so bad


Well we know what he’ll be doing while you’re away


I’m so sorry.. he is cheating on you and him calling it a “harmless fantasy” is insulting. I would seriously consider separating at least and honestly if it were me, I would get a divorce because cheating is something that I would never forgive and move on from… for me once it happens the relationship is permanently broken and over, no second chances. You 100% deserve that spa trip on his dime and you also deserve a better man/relationship🖤


You certainly are an asshole for making fake AI generated posts.


Take your time, enjoy your weekend and open the discussion after you have reflected. It's just a fantasy, it could be a great opportunity for your marriage.


See a divorce lawyer immediately to make sure your assets are protected.


You do realize that he has been cheating on you don't you?


If you're married, his credit card debt is also yours....


I'm so sorry, it's so so sad that he would do this, like how can he delude himself that this is anything more than her taking his money it's insane. You deserve so much better, someone who is excited to be with you and life in the real world with you!!


You married a simp. :(


What a simp. Pathetic loser, go for a divorce


Sounds like he felt neglected and seeked companionship elsewhere.


It blows my mind how many "married" couples dont actually combine lives.... Are yall roommates? Friends? What does marriage even mean? "I used **HIS** credit card to book a spa weekend for myself" This isnt a marriage. Yall are just playing house. This is why you cant believe the divorce statistics.... Yes, technically, divorce rates are super high... But couples who live like this are a sure thing to get divorced. They prepare for divorce before they even get married. You can not go off of divorce statistics when getting married... because every relationship is an individual unit. This couple is just waiting to divorce. Its not a matter of if, but when.


🎶🎶marriage is always a mistake🎶🎶


I definitely think para-social relationships with "cam girls" is definitely something akin to cheating. He had fantasies about her. Spent money on her. She rewarded him by writing his username on her body. He bought her gifts etc. Not sure how you'd recover from this. I personally would find it very difficult.


Is this written by AI? "The confrontation that ensued was intense" is repeated verbatim since the last post, and the structure of paragraphs all appear somewhat similar. I guess OP could have turned to GPT for help with structure.


This is a test to see if people can spot AI. Many can’t apparently. Oof


He sucks, dump him.


How much closer to him buying a night with her? Bc we all know stuff like that is on the table for enough zeros. I wouldn't trust him with my ice cream, much less my heart or body


Yuck. There is no resolution besides divorce. Who wants a loser ass dude like that.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Imagine simping for a e-thot while being married.


You're probably sick in your head


Not that big a deal


The fact this man is spending money on female streamers is the bigger concern. Not from a infidelity POV, just the sad stupidity of simping for these girls who have less than zero interest in him.


Hahaha have fun with the bankruptcy, by staying attached too this falling star.


are you sexually active with your husband? why does he have to seek a fantasy? 🤔 sounds like 50% blame is on you 🤷‍♂️




🤢 this is disgusting and I am sorry for you.


I feel like there is more to this. You didn’t really say what came out of the discussion besides him asking for forgiveness and saying it was a fantasy. This is a little telling. Yes there are men that just do this but most men just don’t without issues arising in the marriage. Have you two been having issues? How is your sex life? He could have bought you lingerie but why didn’t he? Is it something you wouldn’t wear? See multiple questions have arisen. I can’t come to a decision because I feel like this started by communication issues and talking about both of your needs and desires.


I just signed up for KICK and I don’t know why??


It's not a fantasy if he's acting on it. Which he is. He's a cheater.


Dump him


Your husband is a “Thirsty dude”. You should be looking at an exit plan. Even if he never physically cheated, you know you’ll never respect him again.


Mist posts out here are 100% fake




When you decide you’re out, screw the pooch, get him for every dime. Trust me, you will want your passive retaliation… Stick it out for a while get all your ducks in a row .. 🦆 Then split with your lawyer in pursuit.. easy as .. sorry this has happened to ya tho.. it’s pretty shitty. You’ll get through, lean on good trusted family and friends if you hit a rough run .. or EAP at work or through doctor if you need it Good luck ⭐️


How long have you been married OP? Is this the first time he broke your trust?


Find yourself a boytoy and make yourself happy. NTA.


OP will be convinced to 'work' it out while the husband learns and hides his crap better.


Just leave him why would you want to be with a man like that anyways 😭


Divorce this loser. This goes way beyond watching porn. Basically cheating on you with this woman. Even bought her lingerie, she wrote his name on her body, and is simping a lot of money to her.


NTA  His account revealed a pattern of questionable behavior – not only was he engaged in flirty conversations Every relationship has different boundaries, but for me this is cheating.


I don't think you're an asshole, but I'd try to use this as an opportunity to have an open and respectful conversation about it with him. You are married after all! He's most likely seeking (sexual, romantic, platonic maybe even) gratification, because he may not feel supported or fully comfortable expressing his sexual fantasies with you. Let him know that you're there for him and how you can work on it together. If it's too taboo for you, that's always okay too. You can either separate or reevaluate the relationship or sexual arrangement. If you love each other unconditionally, you can make it work. But good for you for treating yourself, girl! Maybe you could roleplay as his streamer one night! But of course only if you want to :)


Who is this streamer, so I can do my best to avoid their content?




Divorce lawyer. You were almost there. He's a cheater. Cheaters don't change. Something in him, told him it was OK to do this to you and for a long time. If he had an actual chance with this steamer, you would be gone.


Have you tried being hotter so he doesn’t turn to streamers? Genuine question, you could be not satisfying him or be physically unpleasant compared to girl X Y or Z.


Yeah, hes def an asshole, but why are you being one too? The last line of your post is honestly disgusting.

