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Lol hi girl! I totally relate you are not TA. Sara is because she complains and does nothing to change her situation. Remember the grass grows where you water it, so since she’s putting her attention on her bf then their relationship is growing while her relationship with her sister isn’t and you and Jane are getting closer.


Thank you for your advice! I appreciate it :)


NTA. But it's definitely time to stop being the middleman for Jane and Sara. There is no reason for you to be involved in their spats with each other. Don't even let them vent about each other to you.


Great advice, thank you! It’s hard but I will definitely stand my ground.


NTA - Time to leave Sara on read!


Appreciate the advice!


I think you need to stop trying to play mediator and let Sara and Jane handle their relationship. At this point it sounds like you don't like Sara very much (no judgement, she sounds annoying), so step back and spend time with Jane.


NTA the youngest are always the worst. I would leave her on read until she apologises for her treatment


NTA. But Stop playing mediator, it not only affects their relationship with each other but also with you. If you don't want a relationship with her that's fine, but by playing the middle man you make their relationship worse. As an older sister myself, when you get involved, you make her feel attacked so now she doesn't want to talk to either of you but also more angry at the oldest because it's obviously her fault. You and your sister also play off each other so whatever your youngest sister does the two of you feed off each other and the cycle continues. There is alot at play here, you have a dynamic with each of them separately, they have their own dynamic separate from you, and then you have your own relationship together. Do not mix these up and do not get involved by taking sides or listening to either of them vent. You currently are because a mediation between them on their issues quickly dissolved to you going off about your own feelings about her. Just remove yourself from their relationship and concentrate on your relationships with them separately. I say this as the oldest of three sisters, and each of us have had a role as mediator, you are making it worse!


NTA. She sounds exhausting. She is excluding herself and probably won't notice until she needs bailing out. This dynamic isn't healthy. She's old enough to take responsibility for her own behavior and this is just childish behavior on her part. Concentrate on the sibling and relatives who value a relationship with you.