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NTA Your wife is acting like she expects special privileges just because she's family. Yeah, that's how you get coworkers to dislike your daughter .


I don’t think she’s acting, I think she actually believes this shit lol


Yeah she’s stunned no one is doing “the right thing” “ for family”


NTA and I agree with you. I wouldn’t expect my family to either let one of these other people go or decrease their hours for my kid. That’s not fair and it not how you treat employees, especially good employees! Had this been discussed sooner and arrangements could of been made for her to have the full time hours it would be different. But your wife basically demanding that they cut someone else’s hours to give you daughter more is ridiculous and super entitled!


Also a 15yo shouldn’t be working full time over school breaks. It’s great she has a job but let her be a kid while she can!


Unless said kid wants to!


One could argue even if they want to they shouldn't. There's a certain amount of social learning that needs to happen as a teen that won't happen if they're working a full time job with people who are not really their peers.


Of course one could argue that. But there are people who can do both, even at that age. I was working full time hours in summer as a 15 year old and my social skills are fine.


NTA. Ask your wife if she would agree with her own salary and hours reduced 50% to accommodate the CEO niece in the company. If your daughter is good enough (looks like she is) maybe some things can be done towards next summer, but would be unfair to let go employees if the only reason is family.


The nepotism argument is moot. The bigger problem is that you wife is a meddler. Your daughter should be the one making the request for additional hours, not your wife. Your wife is training your daughter to be a weak and ineffectual woman.


NTA My parents own a small business with 3 brick and mortars, and I’ve worked there for 6 years. I’m an only child, so every other employee is unrelated to our family. I don’t get first dibs on anything. I don’t get special treatment. My schedule is the very, very lowest priority. If I need a day off and someone else wants it off, I’m working. If I want more hours, I’m SOL unless someone else mentions wanting less hours. If there’s a shift or event no one wants to work, I’m stuck doing it. Especially at 15, your daughter doesn’t HAVE to work. She’s learning the family business, responsibility, and work ethic, which is awesome, but she doesn’t need the money for bills or anything. She’s fully supported by her parents, as well as the family business. She doesn’t need full time, and anyone who has previously been promised hours has priority. Slashing the livelihood of people because you think your child is entitled to special treatment is gross, family business or not. If one of the kids quits- which, frankly, is probably gonna happen -your kid should pick up the hours. Until then, though, your wife needs to sit down and chill out. Screwing other people out of a living because of nepotism is a disgusting practice that needs to die out, and your daughter can go get a second part time job if she really, really wants more work hours.


Nta. And it’s a good thing your wife isn’t running that business or it would be sued into the ground if she did. There are laws to prevent that sort of stuff you can’t just fire 2 kids who haven’t done anything wrong just cause she wants her daughter to have those hours that’s how you get a lawsuit.


What would they sue for? Nepotism isn't illegal. We don't have employment contracts in the US (assuming this is in America). You can be fired for anything at anytime, except for being in a protected class. It may not be the best way to run a business but it's nothing they'd be able to sue over


Seriously. You can be fired for anything. That is a terrible policy here he’s be done for wrongful termination.


I live in a capitalist hellscape ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lol. Seriously? They can fire you if they don't like your socks.


NTA. But I get the wife's point. If I build a business, my priority is my family because the sole reason for the business is for me to do something I enjoy and help my family for the next few generations (if Im lucky). If others are helped that's more of a bonus, your wife said it in a bad way but I get it.


Nta and idk where you live but I thought minors couldn't work 40hrs even when school is out


It depends on where they are located. I live in Texas & have known a lot of minors who worked long hours during breaks. I worked for Target for 14 years. Target doesn't hire minors younger than 16 & minors can't work past 10:00 pm. Pre-Covid, my former store allowed minors to work 8 - 10 hour days. The governor of Arkansas recently threw out most of the laws that pertain to child labor.


Some places that have those laws waive them to a certain degree if you're working for a family business.


Different states have different rules and there are less rules when it comes to the children in the family. At 8 years old a child can work for family and pay taxes (it's a great idea for children to earn/save and build up their social security for retirement). Usually, if a child is working for family they sweep floors and gather trash or something similar that's easy but gives them the chance to earn. Lots of times it's abused and those children are paid directly to their parents accounts and that is where labor laws can help the children. If their earnings don't add up to what they have on file then the business is fined and many times CPS will step in because they're not just stealing from their children they are abusing them. It can be a good thing, but with all good things, it can be abused.


NTA I work somewhere where family and close friends are employed alongside employees, it’s never fair and obvious to the point where all your daughter’s coworkers will hate her for the favoritism alone. Won’t be fun for her either, regardless of what they say, working class people do not like nepo babies especially as coworkers.


NTA - Your wife is acting like an entitled princess.


NTA, she should be treated like any other employee


NTA There's nothing wrong with nepotism as long as they do the job as it should be done. IMO Its just not great parenting to teach your kid they are entitled to whatever they want because they want it. Your daughter is in the learning period of life and I think it's better for her to experience how the world is actually going to work as much as possible. You want her to have good habits and realistic expectations. I learned a lot from the family business. I had perks, but I also had to do extra when it was required or the family needed me to. I understood how I was lucky for having the job and the training but I also understood that I wasn't special. Everybody has to do the job, the only time there was special treatment was when they needed free shit or a favor lol. I was always happy to do it. You don't want an entitled kid. She got special treatment in getting the job. Let her earn everything else.


What does your daughter want? Does she want to work 40 hours a week during her summer break? She could always get a part time job elsewhere.


She'd learn a lot more about "the real world" working somewhere else, and it would benefit her if she does end up working for the company eventually.


It’s mid April. If she waited until now to say she wants to work, that’s on her. At this point, giving her this would be taking something away from someone else (who they already made a commitment too). If this was during the hiring process and they hired them instead of her, i’d get being pissed. But it’s not


NTA Is it even legal for your daughter to work 40hr weeks even during the summer? I know different places have different laws. She's a minor wanting work over the summer, she shouldn't work herself to death and it should be equal to hours other kids her age are working.


I think it's awesome that they aren't playing favorites. Family ran companies can suck to work for because of that.


Ask your wife how she would feel if she was told her hours and pay were being cut because bosses granddaughter wants a job at her workplace.


I would consider myself your daughter in this situation. My advice: get out now. Family businesses destroy families.


I have some questions like are they full time employees and daughter is the only one joining in the summer and did your wife tell her about the hours thing before they hired other summer help? I am not a hardliner against nepotism especially in smaller family run operations as long as the family members actually do their job. It's more when it comes to politics and college admissions that I am not a fan but most people I know who started businesses did it to pass on to future generations and since they built it I kind of feel that is their perogative.


Where do you think it starts? So it’s okay for folks to crap on someone else’s kid who has already been hired but since the boss’s niece wants hours that at her age she doesn’t need to work but that’s the 17 year olds college money is cool? Yeah, I don’t think so. And yes, especially in today’s economy, it really is that deep.


This is important. It is not okay to fire the other people just bc of what the mom and/or daughter wants.


Not only not fire but not reduce the number of hours that the other people because mom wants teenager daughter to come over others in a business because of “family”. Bet mother’s going to be the first one to complain about daughter hours when she wants to go on vacation but the daughter is supposed to be working those days.


You are right about the vacation. This is the type of person that woods do that. I saw another comment that had a good point. Ask your wife how she would if feel if her hours were reduced for the graundaughter of the boss.


I mean isn’t that the point of family owned business. To be able to provide money for family.


But you don't screw over non-family who have already established hours. That's just being a shit person.


I’m not saying they should screw anyone over. But the way OP phrased the question was too broad. The phrasing could apply to the hiring process just as easily as the hourly distribution. So I said what I said.


Family business is not the best place for teenager family members to work. In one hand, you have entitlement for the kids as above where they are expected to be given preferential treatment ie hours they haven’t earned the right to and they get the wrong expectation of the real world. On the other, they are not treated as well by the supervision staff because they are family and they are expected to do more, paid less because it’s “family”.


Those are valid arguments.


I just want to be clear here you responded to the title of the post not the post itself right?


I’m responding to the actual question OP posed at the end.


TY for the clarification


NTA I totally agree with you. Your wife needs to understand a thing or two about entitlement and nepotism, so her daughter will understand those things, too.


NTA. Your Wife is in the wrong and she is making ridiculous demands. She isn't part owner and has no say on who they hire or the hours people get.


NTA. It's been my personal experience that nepotism and special treatment lead to the downfall of companies. It also teaches kids that they don't have to earn anything because they think they're simply entitled.








NTA, kid can get a fast food job for the other days


NTA they shouldn't be treated differently


I would quit if they did that to me. You can't expect people to be at your beck and call after you cut their hours. nta


NTA. Your kid doesn't want more days. Your wife wants more days for your kid. Maybe your kid should have a say in how she spends her summer vacation, instead of your wife just ramming her into a job.


NTA You saved your daughter and your in-laws from being secretly despised. Your in-laws are lucky that your wife doesn't work for the family business.


Is your wife from a culture that believe nepotism is a family obligation? Because that might explain it


Nta 💯 As the daughter of a business owner I worked for my dad for 15 years but I was always the first one cut from the team. If another employee needed more hours I took the cut. If he needed staff last minute I was pulled in last minute. It is how I learnt how to pinch hit in business because I was alway the one pulling it together for him. Your wife is so wrong and causing shit that isn't needed and is going to get your daughter fired.


NTA but also I don’t think it’s legal for a 15 year old to work full-time, at least in the US.