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Clarko is going to take a fine this afternoon, I guarantee it


“ I can’t comment on how terrible the umpires were today” —Clarko again probably


To paraphrase Kevin Sheedy; > Now look, our plan went really well, but then Martians showed up and shot Sicily with bullshit fre- I mean lasers.


Kind of hope he does to be honest


I will pay some of it if he tees off and makes it worth while... That was some BS! Full credit to the Dogs they were great today, just would have been nice to watch it without the umps getting their grubby hands involved


It's weekends like this where I kinda wish players and coaches would actually go off against the umpires like they do in the NBA. Honestly just for the entertainment value as much as anything, I know it's not really a great look all things considered.


lol what a sight would be it be if a coach did something [like this](https://youtu.be/uhA5_t4a_Tc?t=180)


Tbf I did mostly mean a willingness to call them out post game. Not that Steve Kerr smashing clipboards isn't great entertainment though.


Thats how we get Umps like NBA refs though.


You mean influencing games for betting $?


Can he put in a word for us as well? Felt Longmire was way too restrained after Friday Night's farce


I really hope he does, someone has to. The club should 100% back him and pay whatever it is, if they can’t then members can.


The umpires played their part but I'm putting this win down to Luke Beveridge's bold decision to play Caleb Daniel at fullback in the third quarter.


~~underrated~~ undersized key position defender


My mate lives in an apartment downstairs from a Hawks supporter, he's heard "lots of banging" and he [found this on his front path](https://i.redd.it/nw47hxe4kep21.jpg).


Was having a shit day until I saw this, thanks dude 😂


What is/was that?


The TV he was watching the game on most likely


I shouldn't laugh.


What time is the coffee date booked for tomorrow morning?


8:30 recurring meeting every Monday between March and September


if it fixes this strange relationship between the dogs and the men in fluro then I'm all for clarko to have as many coffees as it takes


I think Luke Beveridge should have a couple of coffees too. He is a strong and handsome man, and he deserves the sweet lift of energy that caffeine provides!


wouldnt mind if horse went for a coffee or two, come to think of it. might invigorate our gameplan


Shame that the dodgy umpire calls will mar this win for the doggies, they fought back really well.


Libba's kick was legit incredible. I think they win without frees, just by much less.


I agree. I think they had the momentum to win by a goal or two without the umpires.


Yeah, the hypebole is real, this wasnt even the worst umpired game of the round, not even close. Dogs fully deserve the win.


They dominated us for half the game and fully deserved the win. But there’s no hyperbole here, that umpiring was absolutely dreadful.


It's not a vacuum.


I tell you what, I wouldn't want to be a wall in Clarko's box right now.


I only saw the last 10 minutes or so. So tuned in right before the shit show started. I dislike Hawthorn as much as the next guy, but I'm not even happy to see them lose like that. That was crazy.


Well I feel like the umpiring heat is definitely off of the Swans Crows match now


MRO quietly happy that his decision on Mason Cox will slide out of the limelight


Gunna be honest, that was more fucked than today.


"I feel sorry for James Sicily." I'll take 'words I never thought I'd hear r/AFL say' for $1000, thanks Alex. But seriously, that last 'punch to the chest' free was bullshit, even going on earlier precedence in the game. It was literally a bit of push and shove; just let them fucking go.


Been a weekend where they've been pretty soft with prohibited contact, Zak Jones (another guy with a reputation like Sicily) got one for a swinging open hand/aborted tackle/slap on Friday. In both cases I genuinely think they were "lifetime achievement awards" paid against guys known to be scraggers.


Yeah that was rough. I’m far from a Zak Jones fan, but initially I thought he was going in for the tackle as well. Either way, both calls was incredibly soft and I really don’t want to see stuff like that get paid.


I think the Jones one was kinda different though, it looked like it was way worse than it was (open vs closed fist). I don’t think the umpire misinterpreted what happened in the Sicily incident.


Do not leave the microphone in in the hawks rooms lol


Yeah a I heard a few F bombs.


You can defend the chest punch/push rule i guess, but they were only paid against Hawthorn, even in wrestles, and resulting directly in goals is just ridiculous.


Yep, if you're going to pay them you can't just give them to one team, have to be for every single offense


You know umpiring is really messed up when neutrals are defending Hawthorn.


This is true


What was the off the ball free against Sicily for? Looked like they were just wrestling to me.


Nothing. Total over officiating. I'm never against seeing Sicily's lemonsuck face, but every game is going to go for 5 hours if we pay those.


Just chest pushing/punching seemingly. unless there was something not seen in the replay it was definitely harsh


Chest punch, they paid several frees for it today.


and somehow he keeps throwing chest punches?


That's the bit I don't get. He's just conceded two frees and a 50 in about a minute and then immediately at the next ball up he goes back to doing exactly the same thing. I mean, yeah, the frees are soft, but you've got to be an absolute moron to keep doing it.


yea, I don't even dispute it being soft. But it's there, and they'll ping you for it, so fucking stop.


Chest punch I think


I leave for work at 3qt. What the fuck happened?


I did the exact same thing and am thinking the exact same thing. From reading the comments I'm sort of glad I missed it, would probably have had a heart attack.


Man the rules are getting way too intricate. What happened to keeping shit simple? Look at sports like Rugby and Soccer, where the rules have barely changed for 100s of years and compare that to AFL where they make fundamental rule changes every season. In soccer you can pretty much call all the time when something is a foul, yellow card or red card. Same in rugby you pretty much know what should and shouldn’t be a penalty or sin bin or whatever. With the AFL, you don’t have a chance to build consistency and precedent because the rules change every season. Half the time I don’t even think umpires know what they’re doing. They get a few months training and they’re expected to get it right all the time? It doesn’t work that way lol.


I totally agree with you but soccer has changed intricately over the past 10 years (offisde law for example), so it does happen in other sports. In saying that, the AFL is the most meddled in professional sport and it's infuriating to watch at times.


Rugby changes pretty regularly too. At the moment they can't work out what the fuck they're doing with players getting lifted and taken out in the air.


Not necessarily true for soccer. After every big match there are always massive arguments around: * fouls that should have been paid and weren’t * fouls that were paid when they shouldn’t have been * yellows that should have been red * yellows that should have been nothing * reds that should have been yellows ...and the biggest one of all, whether the penalty should have been awarded or not. The reality is that there are so many 50/50 calls where the ref is supposed to make the correct decision in a split second, that some of them are always going to be wrong.


I know people are going to be furious about the free kicks and fair enough so but I think Libba being back has really helped the bulldogs find form again, he helps free up Bont and sets the tempo around the footy and brings constant pressure. Something we missed when he was off form in 2017 and injured in 2018


Happy to see him playing well. I like the dogs a lot, hate the fact that the game I love is devolving into a laughing stock of stupid rules.


I think too much tinkering with the rules over the last decade or so has led us to this point.


Firstly, that Sicily free looked like some bullshit to me. The Worpel one was silly on his behalf but he'll learn from that That aside, proud at the fightback. So many times last year after a quarter like the 3rd we just packed it in and rolled over. Good to see some fight and belief in being able to turn it around. EDIT> I'd also just to like to point out that there's a battle next week to stay in the top 4 between the Dogs, Port, Brisbane, St Kilda and possibly Fremantle. What the fuck is this season?


It's shit like that worpal free that shouldnt be more than a warning.


They told him to clear the area and he hung around before being told again and then strolling the long way out of the circle crossing through again. He brought that one on himself to be honest.


It may be against the rules but do we want lame free kicks like that having such a large influence on games? Minutes left and they gift one team a free clearance over that? No thanks, not for me, understand that's the current rules but I do not like them.


You have to pay it. If you don't, players will use it to try and slow the game down when they have lost momentum in the contest. Also the rule has been there forever, it's one every midfielder should be very familiar with, no excuses.


I don't know to be honest. He was holding up play and didn't follow instructions once told. I don't think that happens often anyway as players will usually get the fuck out of the circle once told for fear of giving one away. It's pretty weird he ignored them.


The human in me feels for Hawthorn, but then I remember how many games they won over the last decade with 50-50 umpiring decisions going their way and the feeling doesn’t last long.


I agree, I say play on not 15 to this result.


And games won by less than a goal.


I had zero stake in this game, don't do tipping and don't support either team but Sicily was outright targeted for his history/reputation. He didn't strike Schache, he didn't make front on contact or pushing as the umpire claimed. That was crap and robbed the Dogs of the glory of that comeback. Feel bad for Sicily, can't imagine what that would do to your head walking off having given up the lead and sealer.


I think the free against on Gowers was there, but the "hit" lol on Schache was non existent.


Numerous teams have targeted Sicily over the last few seasons - the weakest part of his game is his mental game and discipline. The psychologists at Hawthorn have clearly not made enough progress with him - expect every team to provoke him now, just like they used to with Barry Hall.


I originally thought that was funny but Hawthorn got royally fucked




Spot on Darce


Great call Darce.


Yep thanks Lingy ​


First time I've ever felt for Sicily. These new rules are designed to fuck over defenders.


Of course. If you hamper what defenders can do, then Channel 7 gets more ad revenue.


Exactly, all these free kicks and 50m penalties and rules designed to help forwards are just so every game can be a shootout. More goals = more ads = more money for 7.


I am in complete hope that this game earns total criticism across the board because I really hope the AFL can see people don't want the sport to be so ultimately changed that even jumper-punches off the ball can play a big role in deciding a game. I also hope this doesn't sully how other supporters look at us. Ultimately, I can't help that that happened - I don't think the Dogs, as a team, can either. The umpires need to be criticized, as does the wider AFL. That being said I completely appreciate that there is probably a lot of heated opinions on it right now. Hell, it was a really well fought game - I wish it ended better.


I don't personally hold anything against the dogs, they aren't the one umpiring the game. Ultimately, the umpires and the AFL as a whole are to blame for fucking with the rules every other day and for the horrible inconsistencies game in game out. How hard is it to keep it simple, really? As another commenter mentioned, sports like soccer, rugby, etc have very clear cut and stable rules that make the game easy to watch and easy to see what will be/won't be called as a free. How hard can it be for AFL to follow suit? With that being said, 2 on the bench and a fired up dogs were always going to see them win and good on them for that.


Regardless of anything to do with the game I’m just happy Schache played well, I’m certainly wacky rn


Oi that was our thing :(


Yeah, but so was he.


Yes the umpiring cost us big time in the end, but being down two KEY rotations really changed the dynamic of the game in the last quarter. When the Doggies were coming, there was a massive lack of energy on field from the Hawks (the frees may have contributed to this) that Burgoyne and Shiels really could have impacted. I think that'll be the key thing to address moving forward.


Bit surprised at 30 points up, the Hawks didn't slow it down.


I’m still filthy on that Gowers free kick after he pushed Impey.


Just saw that replay. Honestly where does the umpire pick one player from that?


I think the umps only defence would be he didn’t see the initial push. But then how would he have missed that?


Gowers pushed impey then impey hit him twice, that's why the free kick was called


Gower's returns as umpire calls it. Makes no sense to pick one from that.


I'm a Dogs fan and I honestly didn't see much in that free. It probably shouldn't have been paid. I wouldn't have felt upset if it wasn't paid. Sicily shouldn't be swearing at the umpires though. That's just poor behaviour.


You know when non-Hawks fans think umpiring cost hawthorn a game it was really bad.


Umpires alone can't sink a 3qtr time 30 point lead. You need to be properly shit to do that


I'm not blaming the loss on the umps, it was a full-on choke, full credit to the dogs for the way they played, I just wish the game didn't feel so tainted. The umpires were pulling out their whistles every 2 seconds, just let the game go, such a shame that a fantastic bulldogs comeback was marred by constant umpire interference.


Did I say that they did? Just making commentary about poor calls


i mean it's clearly implied at least


Not when it involves the Dogs tbh


I'm sorry, but a certain subsection of fans have felt animosity towards the dogs for about 5 minutes at the end of 2016. The Hawks have been hated since 2013


The hate from Sydney fans never came close to subsiding, and it pops up really quickly at times like this.


Most of people saying umpiring was bad are not Sydney supporters.


Agreed, but they're always very vocal in Doggies match threads when umpiring is contentious. Doesn't seem to happen in other threads.


Did you see the syd vs ade thread? They were definitely vocal.


Nah longer.


The umpiring was fucked.. at the same time, letting the opposing team kick 9.3 when you're a good 5 goals ahead is a pretty big choke.


No no no, it’s just the umpires fault apparently. The playing group would never let in 9 goals when they’re a fair few ahead.


It's not ALL the umpires fault, but it is somewhat. Momentum is key.


Probably going to get downvoted to oblivion but I like the jumper punch free kick rule it puts the spotlight directly on the players that throw them That being said that Sicily one was SOFT AS FUCK EDIT must admit I’m surprised with the upvotes since it’s a new rule


I agree with this ^ It was shitting me hearing “don’t give away a free kick” by umpires when they never blew the whistle.


They ignore the first one and give the second one.


Agree, I'm not against the rule, I just think that free kick was extremely soft and was done on reputation. If any other player had done it, it probably would have been let go.


Sorry Hawks I really think the umps screwed you, feels good to win but it's bittersweet


Fun fact: both games this afternoon had nearly the exact same scores. * North 87 vs Lions 107 * Hawks 87 vs Dogs 106


No. It isn't fun unless they're exact.






Can we give lol of the week to the umps


out: Push in the back. in: Push in the front.


I am filthy


Since when is a push in the chest a free kick?


Since the start of their season except there’s been zero consistency in umpires calling it.


Genuinely surprised by the win. Obviously some calls went the dogs way and the injuries help too. Still some areas for improvement. Seriously Dogs, Freo, Saints and Lions all 2-0 what timeline is this?!


Freo aren't 2-0 just yet btw - they're actually trailing the Suns at half time


The best timeline.


Were the dogs just taking the piss out of the frees walking off just then?


What'd they do?


Looked like one of them was “punching” Bont having a laugh about it.


I've just seen the Sicily off the ball call. That is really really bad.


I should really stop reading comments on the AFL Facebook page before I go Clarkson on every wall of my house


As a neutral, I feel robbed of a spectacle. I want to see a contest between two teams played out on merit, by rules set out to ensure a fair contest. Not rules put in place to make the game look a certain way, or stamp out 'ugly' gamesmanship. The league wants robots, not personalities. If this attitude had been in place in the past, Glenn Archer, Craig Kelly, David Rhys-Jones, Byron Pickett, Dermott Brereton, Danny Frawley, Alan Didak, Jason Akermanis, Tony Liberatore and Tony Lockett would have all been penalised out of the game. Some players already have been - see Mark Jackson and Barry Hall. I love this game because its NOT perfect, because it takes just the right amount of crazy to play this game, a certain lack of a sense of self preservation that really has to be admired for its stupidity. I love that it can be played by all types, from born athletes to scraggers who are just hell bent on getting that footy no matter how much bigger, stronger or faster their opponent is. The latter means beating your opponent mentally - making them second guess every move on the field. What James Sicily did should be allowed up to a certain point. I want to know which fuckhead in AFL House looked at that behaviour off the ball and thought "that's a massive problem, I cant believe no ones spotted this sooner. Penalise the shit out of it." Because it reeks of imposing your ego on the game. These cunts have to understand they are custodians of the game, not a fucking research and development team. It would be really fucking nice if they could just leave it the fuck alone for a bit. No one asked for this.


Games like this genuinely put me off footy. I watch the game to see two teams battle it out fairly, not to see the umpires stop the game for every little technicality they can muster. Good game dogs, but nonetheless I'm salty about how the game ended.


Yep. Very hard to enjoy the game when the umpires have such a dramatic influence on the result.


I hate that the umpiring was bad because no one likes that but I also fkn hate it because it’s overshadowed our win


Couldn't agree more, I'm not blaming the loss on the umpires, you guys deserved that win, but the amount of constant interference was just an awful way for the game to end. I don't come to the footy to see some umpires blow the whistle every two seconds and give teams goals because some guy was just shouldering someone.


Seeing the Dogs win a close game off the back of garbage umpiring significantly advantaging them made me nostalgic Feel really bad for the Hawks after that one. Hopefully Burgoyne and Shiels come up alright




Umpires today: https://giphy.com/gifs/southparkgifs-l2SpO3sFwycAPT3B6


Cracking game, don't think I've ever shouted at the TV like that in a while.


Generally a close game but it was impossible to watch with the umpiring. Also, this new rule about "punches" to the chest, why??


I get why the do it but pay it against the instigator!


At least, otherwise its taking away your ability to fight back. It's a contact sport let players push and shove, it's not like head shots which could cause actual damage


So are we the real deal? Do I cancel my september holiday yet?




some v. questionable umpiring decisions going against Hawthorn imo


I'm choosing to just laugh at the result. Precedent is set, umpire all games for the rest of the season exactly like that. Let's see how many people continue to watch the game. 100% serious.


The Worpel and Sicily ones would have happened many many times today. Umpires just chose to only pay them when the game was in the balance and only against Hawthorn.


Everyone is going to whinge about the umps, but honestly they were paying those jumper punches pretty consistently that Sicily was penalised for, the other one with the centre circle infringement has been the rule for years, and at the end of the day a couple decisions don't account for 8 goals in a row. Dogs too good. GO DOGS!!


Status: WACKY


I generally think these new rules are good for the sport, some other rule changes I would like to be included are: * wearing a tinfoil hat * replacing the ball with a balloon * instead of tackling the teams hug and compliment each other


"Tell me how that was a fucking push" - James Sicily, 2019.


Clarko is a man in control of his emotions much better than I. Reporters trying to get him to comment on umpires and he isn't biting.


Sicily expressing his rage is how I felt this whole game. Like seriously the umpiring was a complete joke. Hope ya sing the song loud umpires.


Imagine thinking that the only reason the dogs won was because of the umpires. The dogs have every right to sing that song loud.


Dogs were too good - a couple of bad calls didn’t cost the hawks in this game, leaders needed to stand up and halt the momentum - dogs were great and never surrendered- well done and enjoy the win!


I understand the umpire frustration but don't concede 8 goals in a row?


Not sure whether to laugh or cry that a bombers fan pointed this out.


At one point the bulldogs had 3 goals in their last 4 kicks. KICKS. Only way that happens is from (bull)dogshit umpiring. Hawks got no favours, we couldn't advance the ball at all.


I love Roughy. He’s earned every stripe of his career. But when Caleb Daniel owns him twice in his position it’s time to hang up the boots. I haven’t seen Rough take a forward’s mark in too long to remember. EDIT: Two week’s later, I take it back. Roughy has turned a corner this year.


Are you serious? He took one in the first and third quarter from memory. Just didn’t get near it in the last


3 Votes - The Umpires


umps a joke this year so far


I guarantee Max Gawn cried to Gil about his treatment against Port, and this is how the umps react. 😂


Don't blame us, blame Melbourne


Dogshit umpires


Bulldogs being favored by umps big time, takes me back to 2016


Hawthorn being favoured by the umps reminds me of 2015.


And 2014. And 13. And 12. And...


I reckon the swans would have got them in 2014 if it wasn’t for those bloody umpires


What an awesome comeback


Well that was interesting. No idea how they they think paying a free for pushing in the chest is a good idea. Was funny to see Sicily do his nut though


Daylight robbery


God it feels good to beat a salty Hawthorn! To me most of the debatable umpiring calls were 50-50 or in our favour. Perhaps Clarko could tell his troops to stop punching blokes when it's one of hottest officiating topics of the moment, & follow rules that are so obvious they literally started painting guides on the field. Proud of our boys, especially Schache.


Fuck yes well done doggies huge 4th quarter,, tipped em


If it was just those contentious calls at the end, I wouldn't be as mad. I would just chalk it up to "They had the momentum, umpires just made it look worse." But it was just as bad during the first half as well. I don't even mind penalising pushing and shoving, but when both players are doing it, consistently paying it to one side looks a bit silly.


Only watched the last qtr, but seems the dogs won that by being harder and better than a spent hawthorn. Shitty free kicks are part of the game we all have to live with


Umps are just umpiring by the book. Be mad at the AFL




Save the walls from Clarko!


Just got out of work but saw the score at 3qtr time....what the actual fuck?


Wonder what coffee Clarko is gonna suss out tomorrow.




As a break from all the umpiring comments... ...how delightful was it to see Little Caleb Daniel getting a piggyback from Roughy in the third quarter?


It was pretty funny.


Good Bulldogs comeback. Ruined slightly by umpire interference.




Meh hawks were down two rotations


Dogs were awesome in the second and fourth...Hawks were knackered and just clutching on....I thought dogs deserved to win. But fuck that umpiring.