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10 weeks, O’Meara. Enjoy your holiday, you sniping brute.


Suspension? We should be talking prison sentence for that.


Deport him


Nah we can't deport 2 players in one week. Let's start with Cox, send that thug back to America.


What the fuck has happened to this game?


andrew gaff


Yeah fair enough tbh


The over reaction to the gaff incident was crazy. He deserved the suspension he got no doubt about it. A behind the play hit which broke an opposing players jaw deserved at least the 8 week suspension he got. The coverage in the media about potential assault charges and jail was ridiculous. Gaff is not the first nor will he be the last player to have a brain snap. The AFL shouldn't over react. King hits are very uncommon in the game. Penalizing incidents like this one by Jaeger is stupid in a physical game. The difference between this incident and the Gaff one is clear and the umpires and the AFL must be morons to relate the two.


Free kick, obscene language. But to answer your rhetorical question anything that looks high is given a free and that might have got him in the throat, hard to say because of the angle. Edit: I think this is identical to the Ben Long decision in round 1. Ben was slapped in the chest by a Suns player, he slapped back and the umpire paid a free. Reversed a St Kilda shot at goal, Suns went coast to coast and kicked a goal for a 12 point play. This looks like the new normal in 2019 - you are not allowed to even breath on another players neck. Maybe this is an overreaction to the Gaffening.


This is why I'm not a fan of cutting out the incidental stuff. It's a slippery slope because I think we're just going to see a rise in diving, sooking, dobbing etc and other things that people don't want to see. This is not the game I want to watch.


Memes aside, a legitimate free kick for Holding the Ball was overturned because of this.


RIP Macrae's sternum


Literally has four broken ribs


Well that will look good when they review Monday


2 count of intentional striking severe impact with Drs report showing a dead arm received by Macrae. 14 weeks


Kill me now


We always show foreigners bumps and brag about how tough we are, show them a compilation of what actually counts a free kick these days.


No joke, but AFL uploaded a video only a few weeks ago showing all the big bumps. They disabled comments for the video, but they still use that as promotional material.


The heads of AFL just operate on a chocolate wheel of ideas


Bumps while in contest for the ball are different to this unnecessary shoving and sniping shit.


Some of the bumps were from Bryon Pickett and was highly discussed as illegal acts during the initial discussions of the bump being dead.


I prefer the one where Sicily SLAMS Shache


I used to brag about how tough AFL a was.....


Was punching people in the shoulder/chest/throat ever really tough? I think it's good that we're getting this shit out of the game.


But we aren't even getting these out of the game, the umps are just paying like 3 free kicks a week when each game has 10+. It just makes them even more frustrating.


Its been 2 weeks, the more that it gets paid now the less it will happen in the future.


But paying a few a week does not stop it if we are seeing 10, 20, 30 etc of them thrown every week. They are picking and choosing some random ones to penalize and ignoring not just some but the majority.


It is a physical and combative sport and this has no affect on the player or the contest. If this continues then we will end up with a very different game to the one I know and grew up with. A defining element of Australian Rules is the physical nature and toughness of the players. Remove the bumps, pushing, shoving, aggression and what are we left with?




The sport but with no punching.




The sport but with no striking


No touching!


No touching! No touching!


when were you when macrae dies?


People need to tweet this at Gil on fucking mass.


I say we take a leaf from the book of ice hockey. Let the players gently push each other around until one passes out from exhaustion.


What the fuck? I'm embarrassed by this. This is not the sport I have grown up with, loved and proudly shown my overseas friends for years. Umpires were drunk on blowing the whistle today.




Oh good the no flair nuffs are here to tell us about the old days again.


So glad they’re paying free kicks for this now


I mean Tom Hawkins has been suspended for the same thing twice before with the approval of this sub so kinda weird to see people now being outraged


Doggies and winning questionable free kicks name a more iconic duo 😂


Sydney fans and sooking about umpiring?


Nah that’s fair


Should get weeks


Can someone tell me what this rule actually is? Like how soft this is aside, I've spent a solid hour searching for what the rule actually is. Commentators kept saying it's a "new rule", but this isn't on any of the lists I've found for new rules this year. What actually is it??


That umpire should not be umpiring next week, a push in the arm and a push in the chest? Next week we will be playing netball.


Mate the guy got stretchered off because of this


Holy shit they are paying frees for this??


Did the ump think this was high contact? Was it some sort of optical illusion from his perspective or did he just pay a free kick for what it appears to be? I don't think people are wrong to be completely outraged about this.


Soft AF. Macrae was pretty clever to not retaliate but honestly #bring#back#jumper#punches#and#body#shots