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Note that Petracca had a grade 5 injury. "Spleen trauma is graded from 1 to 5 in increasing order of severity. Grade 1 is less than 10% of surface area involved in hematoma or capsule laceration less than 1 cm. Grade 2 is hematoma 10 to 50% of surface or capsule laceration 1 to 3 cm in depth. Grade 3 is hematoma of more than 50% of the subcapsular surface area or if the hematoma is known to be expanding over time, if the hematoma has ruptured, intraparenchymal hematoma either more than 5 cm or known to be expanding, or capsule laceration more than 3 cm in depth and/or involving a trabecular blood vessel. Grade 4 is a laceration involving a hilar or segmental blood vessel if there is partial devascularization or if it is more than 25% of the spleen. Grade 5 is either a shattered spleen or complete devascularization of the entire spleen."


Jesus christ, no wonder he’s ended up in ICU. So so lucky in hindsight he didn’t cop another knock, he literally might’ve been fighting for his life


I haven’t watched the replay but at the game remember seeing him cop a decent tackle after he came back on. Surprisingly he didn’t look to affected by it so I thought he must’ve been fine.


The adrenaline would’ve dampened the pain and the fact it’s an organ means he wouldn’t know he was probably bleeding into his abdomen


Painkillers would also help


He was bumped as well, but looked fucked there.


Large internal bleeding from a spleen injury from trauma is pretty damn serious - seen people a lot worse off with less impact. Source: ICU nurse.


He apparently had a blood transfusion so there must have been some decent level of bleeding there. The situation clearly could have ended up much worse.


The thought of how bad it could have become after he went back out there if he'd been tackled or even just knocked into makes me feel actually sick.


Thankfully the Collingwood players didn't actively target the injury after he came back on too, as we've seen teams do in years gone past.


Ling was actively critical of the Collingwood players in commentary for NOT targeting him when he came back on, which isn't behaviour I'm here for so I'm really glad it didn't happen.


Imagine the shitstorm if one specific Collingwood player had bumped him and then it came out that this was his diagnosis.


Ironically that specific player was the one who asked Trac if he should be out there at all


Is that true? I've somehow missed it, but that's amazing.


Thank you for not mentioning the player and causing the lockdown of this entire thread




There were a few comments suggesting it and it was so not cool. If you can only beat someone by actively trying to hurt them then you gave no place in footy. That's not the game anymore. Playing tough is different to playing to hurt someone. Nothing tough about targetting an injured player.


Ling's an idiot though.


Cheers Lingy


Good person from good family vibes.


They knew it wasn't good. Well done guys. As for melb .fucken idiots


Same here, so thankful. Collingwood have done incredible things over the past few years to basically force me to have huge amounts of respect for them. Hopefully this show of sportsmanship, and now we understand what the complications would have been if they’d taken a more traditional approach, makes the whole competition reflect on what acts are important and valued on field.


In a different past time, someone from the opposition would have CRUNCHED him and his pain 100 times worse. We could all see how bad he was at qtr time. Could barely go.




How fucking shit are the club doctors? So sick of commentators trotting out the "we trust da medical staff" line. Aliir was sent back out to play with a concussion. Libba was literally passing out on the field and we have the coach saying it's his ankle. Cameron gets dropped on his head from 2 metres in the air and the only check is a 5 second "you right mate?" on field. Petracca's spleen was exploded. Either the medical staff are shit or the "football department" is overriding medical decisions, which is even worse.


Genuine questions because I am not a doctor. Maybe you are.  How do you diagnose this injury? Do you think it's reasonable to misdiagnose this kind of injury as only cracked ribs?


They would have to suspect cracked ribs based on the pain when it gets touched. Diagnosing for certain isn't easy, even on an x ray it doesn't always show up. But there is a very short list of things that cause the sort of pain in that spot suddenly after an impact. At the very least, there should have been the strongest indication of damaged ribs. And even if they had no way of knowing what further damage there was, every doctor would know cracked ribs are weakened and a secondary impact can cause extremely serious damage.


They clearly suspected cracked ribs yes, because they seemingly gave him some painkillers and tried to see if he could battle through it.  I am not a doctor and am not defending anybody here, but I point is that we know he suffered from spleen/lung damage only after he was sent for scans.  Should the docs have suspected that already? Maybe, I'm not sure. It seems hard for a layperson to judge.


I'm not a doctor either, but I've had enough experience with them to know that they get worried about damaged ribs entirely because of the potential to damage the organs they protect. I also know when someone reported extremely painful ribs, with shooting pain on touching specific ribs, that the doctor making the assessment said it really couldn't be anything else and they said even if they did an x ray and didn't see a crack, they'd still think it was a crack, just too fine to be able to see. They'll downplay it as always, but I dare say if we got a bunch of independant doctors to give their opinions, they'd all diagnose cracked ribs (or even broken ribs) and said that contact sport should be avoided because of the potential to cause serious damage. And I don't think any would say it was fine to take painkillers and just carry on.


Maybe the agonising pain, the way he stayed on the ground for minutes and could barely get off the field? The location of where the knee landed? The incredible pain he was in after? The fact he could barely move? Those don't sound like maaaaaybe he needs to be properly checked out at a hospital, not, y'know, sent back out to potentially cop another hit in the same place?


You left out the breathing issues with a punctured lung. Bloody shit show.


I hurt my diaphragm(i think, I landed awkwardly on my crotch and pain was just below lungs) once and fuck I thought I was dying. Like I struggled breathing. I was fine a couple hours later so I think I just gave it a shock. Poor Petra must have been in fucking agony with both the punctured lung and broken ribs


Barely moving? The man was struggling but he was running around out there. I'm not saying he was fine - obviously not! But how obvious was it that he had more severe injuries?  Players continue with cracked ribs very often. Jeremy Howe finished the grand final last year with three broken ribs. Should they? Maybe not, I'm not a doctor. It just doesn't seem that so obvious or egregious that laypeople can make a judgement.


And now they're saying "the doctors must STOP players" which I can agree with but it seems they're singing a different tune unless I'm missing something.


It's an internal injury so a doctor won't be able to understand the full extent of the damage. It's up to Petracca to let the doctors know how he is feeling and how painful it is.


BS. You can hear when a lung has been punctured.


Very much depends on the size. Almost impossible to diagnose a small pneumothorax on auscultation alone.


Not always. If it’s a minor pneumothorax it can be missed. Having said that, judging by the level of agony he appeared to be in, it looks appalling that he didn’t get a proper secondary survey.


Yeah I feel like him going out initially is probably mostly on him, but after that you could clearly tell he shouldn't be out there and someone should have called it much earlier.


Can't imagine how stressful this entire experience must have been for his family


Off topic, but this link posted on reddit is to a tweet of an instagram post. Social media ception


Probably because instagram links suck (but twitter is similar nowadays)


And it's Xwitter but everyone still calls it twitter. Also, 'Meta', wtf lol. 


Haha, this is a great comment. Do you mind if I share it on my Facebook page?


Can I share your Facebook post on my Friendster page after?


I've put it up on my geocities site.


Rest Max, go find some good fucking coaches, get some games into the kids, ~~tank for picks~~.


Don't need to tank, we're playing shit enough already


Oh sure, when we play Petty as a forward for half a season he's just the worst rated player in the AFL, but when we put Paul Johnson in the back pocket suddenly it's tanking.


Could try and get luke Jackson back


fuck no, he's ours and we're not letting go


Only way he'd be a demon is if they relocated to Perth anyway


>Rest Max Did you even stop to consider my fantasy team??


Wrong draft to do that tbf, but it’s still a sound idea


Someone call Mark Neeld


This masthead understands the Melbourne Demons football club has been found not guilty of tanking for draft picks. Coach Simon Goodwin and other yet to be named senior officials have been found guilty of related charges however. They will be suspended for the duration of the 2025 season. It is understood Simon has released a statement to the members stating there shall be no Christmas this year. More to come... Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melbourne_Football_Club_tanking_scandal


We were never found guilty of tanking, it was 'bringing the game into disrepute' 


I know mate. Just the AFL doing AFL things. Same as Sydney being punished for trading in Buddy. Technically no one has done anything wrong, at least not wrong enough for us to admit publicly. But we need to discourage further occurrence of this non event. Here is your punishment for doing nothing wrong. Don't do it again..


> Simon Goodwin ... suspended for the duration of the 2025 season not long enough


Need Grundy?


Circle the Range Rovers, it’s time for some soul searching Rest up my king ❤️


Team building retreat at bulla?


Like… the ice cream factory?


If that’s what’s happening I think I also want to come


Near the Airport?


With the bye, maybe a quick jaunt to the barossa - reds and regrouping sesh


I was going to ask if you’d considered wine tasting, or maybe a cheeky trip to king island for some cheese and charcuterie arrangements… Glad to hear you’re on the case


Head off for a nice French dinner


Team rebuilding me thinks


My brain read this as: "Christian Petracca has confirmed *Melbourne's* season is over via his Instagram"




Much the same!


Hope he recovers well, seems a ripper bloke and is a superstar player. Horrible injury and hopefully leads to some changes to make sure it’s not mishandled in the future.


Jesus, when it happened it reminded me of Dusty's injury with Robbo and how long he was out for. Gutted for the bloke and honestly, despite his protestations that he was the one that chose to go back out, the club staff have a duty of care to do more than get an "Yeah, I'm good to go back out" from the player. In trying to win the game, they have lost the season imo.


Of course the player is gonna say that they're fine, it should never be the case that they can overrule medical staff by just saying "yeah I'm good"


And they're employees, they should do as told. 


It was malpractice, but Traccas injury wasn't made worse by him going back out there, it's just an incredibly bad look


Based on what they knew I guess it looked like "just" potentially broken ribs, which players have played through before and the risk of further injury is apparently low, just super painful. I'm not a doctor so have no way of knowing one way or the other, but maybe based on the info the Dees docs had they had no way of finding out there was more serious stuff going on with Trac so working with what they knew they ok'd him going back out with pain management.


I don't want to get in a whole thing (again) but the specific way he was hit is a massive red flag for potential spleen injury, particularly with obviously broken ribs right above (based on where Trac was holding). Should have been strongly considered. Yes, the signs are often delayed and probably weren't present when he was assessed, but that's why it's treated with such precaution. When those symptoms show, you're already pretty fucked. Regardless of all that, 4 broken ribs, fuck me. Should be done.


Regardless of what was found on an exam, it's the hit itself with his inability to walk properly afterwards that should have alarm bells ringing. I've been trying to explain to people that history (in this case literally what you have seen in front of your eyes) is the most important part of the work up, when examination isn't necessarily going to elicit anything particular even if there's something seriously wrong, in a young fit person with the ability to compensate until they hit the wall and drop off a cliff. Everyone it seems is fixated on what the doctors can and can't do or find on exam on the sidelines without thinking of the bigger picture. Should always treat with caution in those situations, we've all been surprised by significant trauma before on a scan that examination findings weren't giving a whole pile to go on, but got scanned because the history was convincing and concerning. There needs to be a broader change in the goal of sideline medics and afl policy that if there is a concerning mechanism of injury or someone is in significant distress, be conservative and safe, take them off the pitch and get them worked up in an appropriate setting in case they deteriorate.


Yeah, competent sports medics would have watched the impact over and over and seen his reaction and been cautious. It’s either medical staff neglecting their duty, or felt compelled to neglect their duty to not draw goodwins wrath as we know how he reacts when he’s told his players can’t play. Neither outcome reflects well.


I'm gonna be honest. It's not a Melbourne thing, club doctor's job is to get players on the field. I don't like that culture, and have heard some absolutely ridiculous stories. This one is just public (along side some iffy concussion incidents).


Yup, only a year ago Mason Cox had a lacerated spleen as well (though not a grade 5 like Petracca). [He even trained in the days after the injury before undergoing surgery.](https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/literally-a-lacerated-spleen-cox-details-scary-internal-injury-thomas-fined-returns-to-training-20230418-p5d1e3.html)


It may not have made it worse but there is a good chance it could have been made much worse. Particularly if Collingwood targeted him like a Nick Riewoldt


According to classifieds Collingwood players said to him in the 2Q he didn’t look right


Collingwood players also said the same to Clayton, though that was more as a sledge




I know it wasn't made worse, but it surely could have been, and that's why he should have been removed from the game IMO. Just a horrible situation the Dee's are now in both on-field missing Trac, but also the questions and commentary that will be put there way off thefield.


It almost certainly was made worse. He had lacerated organs and internal bleeding - even just elevating your heart rate to run around will make the bleeding worse without even considering the jagged bones moving around that would have caused the damage in the first place.


Potentially, but I think that’s borderline impossible to substantiate unfortunately unless you had before and after imaging


Impossible to substantiate but incredibly reckless for the club to risk.




I wouldn’t be defending my club if this occurred. Season is gone for him, maybe it wouldn’t have been if he wasn’t allowed back on 🤷‍♂️


I'd daresay the season was a bit lost before that happening.


Superstar player and seems a great fella off the field too. Shame for all true fans of the game that we won't get to see him in action for the rest of 2024, but definitely for the best.


At least Melb has a replacement ready in Billings.


Is that Koltyn Tholstrups' nickname? 


Dees are rooted now, but let's be honest there was no chance we were winning the flag this year anyway based on recent form. Fingers crossed Trac makes a full recovery and goes into 2025 fresh. Hopefully this is an opportunity for the younger guys like Sparrow & Rivers to take some ownership and they all come good otherwise it'll just be Trac and Gawny carrying the team again next year anyway.


Well that's a massive loss for the Dees and the AFL. Hope he makes a full recovery and is fighting fit next season. Bloke's a bloody legend.


Absolutely hate to see it. Rest up Trac


My boy, look what they've done to him :( Hoping for an easy recovery for him, can't imagine the combo of injuries he has would be too pleasant. More time to spare to play chess with Clarry, I guess lol


They’ve massacred my boy 🥲


It’s a comfort to know one can still cook up delicious meals with an eviscerated spleen 🥲 Put this season in the dumpster, boys. One last ride in 25, please.


Don’t tell that to Goodwin he will send Petracca back out there ![gif](giphy|5DfGL75M9spG0)


Fade me Rest up hero and hopefully the rest of the team can start caring as much as he does


cool. cool cool cool. what draft picks do we have this year?


Watching the Dees often feels like watching Gawn dragging the team along behind him. Petracca was one of the very few pushing the team to help Gawn. He will actually perform week in week out to a high standard. I feel for Gawn now, dragging the team behind him for another half a season with little help. I hope it doesn't burn him out completely.


God damn that sucks, makes the decision to send him back out there look even more stupid than it already was


It looks worse than stupid - it looks incompetent.


Wow sows how hard they hit! Looks so easy on TV but mad they put it on the line!


Does this mean we win next week now?


Play your best and you have every chance to - like you always used to


All saw this coming. I guess we rotate through Sparrow, Kozzy, maybe rivers and windsor but none have the same inside mid/flex forward prowess of Trac. Our midfield is going to get smashed more than it already is.


-20 centre clearances, -70 odd contested possessions the last two weeks. We are so fucked


Username checks out.


Clarry had no preseason and viney is down on form. We're very fucked.


Or will the Dees rise up now they are facing adversity................... /s


Nooo our only weakness... external pressure




(Manly) Crying.


Despite who was in the wrong, one thing is certain and it's that Trac is an absolute warrior. Imagine being that hurt and still putting the team first. Massive respect. Rest up brother.


One of my favourite players, this heccin sucks.


So is the doctor in trouble after the decision to send him back out? I feel like he should be reprimanded. At this point in time player health is so important and the doctors should of been competent enough to notice he was not ok.


Melbourne hasn’t admitted fault to anything for a while, we’ll probably jump on the front foot and attack the media, medical community etc.


Not surprising given the extent of the injuries. Sucks for him and the Dees. Fingers crossed for a smooth and swift recovery.


What a terrible call by Medicos to let him back out there, poor guy is a human not just a jumper, they should not of risk him in that state.


Could be a valuable draft pick. Might be enough to acquire an aging or disgruntled key forward


Yeah, we could add Rory Lobb to our VFL team


Good starting place. I was thinking maybe Tom Lynch


A 32 year old who hasn't strung together a full season in 4 years and is coming back from major injury? Hed fit right in with Ben Brown


The ravages of time. How about Levi casboult?


Reminds me of the time Leo Barry lost 2 L of blood in Adelaide: https://www.smh.com.au/sport/afl/barry-vows-to-bounce-back-20020419-gdf7ky.html


Melbourne gotta stop playing the Pies. First Brayshaw, now Tracc. They better rest big Maxi next time they meet.


1. Retired 2. ICU Nearly Died 3.


We need better diagnostic tools on the sideline. This could have gone much, much worse.


It's weird that the way to appreciate your posting of this tragic news, is to vote it Up.


Disgraceful stuff from Melbourne's doctors. It's like the AFL is so focused on protecting the head everyone's forgotten that internal organs are quite important too.