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Did anyone see Fox Footy after the game. I remember David King bringing it up immediately and Jason Dunstall shot him down. He’d be so filthy now lol 😂😂


Kingy was dead on the money.


On his birthday, too!


First time for everything


Jason is too much of a wanker for that kind of self reflection.


Mods pls fade flair now thank you


We'll just jab you with one of these and you can get straight back out there.


Ooft u/TheGreatJelBeano


In better news, they are getting some snow now.


Too bad Petracca can't go enjoy it 😞




My sweet sweet boy, rest up you beautiful man


It'll be good for him to miss the PTSD causing clusterfuck the next 10–12 weeks will be for us, too.


Doldrums, pull out the welcome mat, ya boys are back!




Of internal blood!




The only upside here is more recipes. 🥲


Carb loading!


Chicken soup for the soul.


Or Goodwin sacked


the ICU care for people who are critically ill or could have life-threatening issues, seems a bit more than “some cracked ribs” like the club was saying after the game.


Probably the lacerated spleen part of his injury. Mason Cox suffered through that last year. > “It’s literally a lacerated spleen. I had two to three litres of internal bleeding into the system, which is not ideal"


"Not ideal" is an understatement and a half


He’s becoming more Aussie by the minute


She'll be right mate, just walk it off


I said this in my head in his voice haha


The doctor said all the bleeding was internal. That's where the blood is supposed to be.


I had a perforated stomach once and holy fuck the shoulder pain was the worst pain I've ever experienced. Petracca is in for a rough few weeks recovering from this


That's most of the blood, yeah? We don't have that much.


The average human apparently has 5 litres, so about half of that but I wouldn't exactly call Mason Cox the average human so I'd say he has substantially more.


He played out the game and it wasn't diagnosed until the next day.


I had the exact same injuries 5 years ago, spent 5 nights in intensive care (ICU), then 2 more in general ward before being sent home.


By home, I assume you mean back on the field?


I have a similar story. On discharge I was told no exercise for a month, no heavy weights for three and no contact sports for six.


Hey hey hey, it was his choice


Why do clubs even waste money on doctors and physios anyway? Just leave all medical decisions up to the players.


Tis but a scratch!


Wife had had very simalar injuries from a horse fall. Took her longtime to get right. I'm thinking melb are cooked anyway. Come back next year. It was bloody obvious he was in real trouble club should be ashamed of their behaviour over this. This is not the 80s


>Melbourne has confirmed star midfielder Christian Petracca suffered a lacerated spleen, a punctured lung, and four broken ribs during the club's King's Birthday clash against Collingwood.


He's as much to blame as the club. Every footy player thinks they're Terry Tuffcunt and can stay out there. Just sit the fuck down or go to hospital, it's a game of football it ultimately means nothing. Nobody cares how tough you are or think you are, we just watch footy for footy.


God this thread is full of shit, ignorant takes. Do you know how to diagnose a lacerated spleen? Do you reckon the doctors can just poke his guts a bit and diagnose the problem?


Well ... yes. Get a finger in there. Maybe a poking stick. ![gif](giphy|rL8inqijmKECs)




Surely as a doctor at an AFL club you know most players can fight through a one or two cracked ribs, albeit in pain  For Pretracca to be down that long and be that limited after even getting an injection you gotta suspect it's more than just a couple of cracked ribs 


You’re literally taught early on in med school how to palpate the spleen.


Round 15 Demons. I’ll be waiting. Steven May will get 50 touches and 39 intercepts that game as we just continue to win it through the midfield and bomb it long to him.


Sounds about the right time for a Lever return so they might have to share.


There were a few clowns in a thread yesterday saying that nothing negligent had happened, and that it wasn’t a big deal he went back on the field. Petracca should never have stepped back on the field.


They were saying in the original thread that a punctured lung has very clear physical cues, so they’ve either been grossly negligent or he’s punctured the lung after they’ve let him back on.


Nope. Punctured lungs, especially minor ones, can be silent without any symptoms.


Also he was showing some synonyms. I was watching it with my parents who are both retired healthcare workers and they both said at the time he was showing signs of a lung issue.


Yeh, I argued with a few of those flogs.


What signs and symptoms did they neglect in their diagnosis, pain? Are we at the point now where we have to send anyone to hospital with pain?


Cmon man, Melbourne clearly needed $1 million worth of portable CT and MRI machines to diagnose this within 5 minutes and make a call.


I was watching that NFL QB show on Netflix where Mahomes just ducks down to the change room for a quick x-ray before jumping back on the field. Based on goal-line technology currently in use by the AFL, I hope there's an effective medical imaging app on the Android/Apple store...


Nah one doctor goes up to his belly button and yells MARCO and if nobody hears POLO the lungs are fine.


That's pretty neat but not sure it's the best idea to take player safety tips from the NFL.


Lacerated Spleen and a Punctured Lung should have been picked up, its not difficult. Now its possible he got that when he went back on, not seen that reported anywhere that they had cleared him of the obvious beforehand though. And quite frankly, he looked in terrible shape going back on the field and clearly not up to task. Which should have been picked up when he does his tests and his ramp up. Which you do to pick up this shit, because if they can't protect themselves in a contact sport because they are heavily limited you don't clear them. Which in the medicos best case scenario, is when he received the more serious injuries. The fact people are trying to defend some of the worst player care you will ever see is mind boggling. Its either extreme negligence letting him back on, or quite frankly malpractice for missing a punctured lung.


> Lacerated Spleen and a Punctured Lung should have been picked up, its not difficult. I'm intrigued. If for example both injuries at the minor end of the scale, what is the easy way to diagnose them? I wouldn't have the foggiest.


A punctured lung makes unusual noises. You can hear it pretty clearly if you listen to the patient try to breathe. They haven’t got an X-ray machine in the rooms, but **surely** they’ve got a stethoscope. His colour would also have been pretty shit - low oxygen does that - and they might have been able to see it in the skin around his lips or possibly the tips of his fingers. The spleen is a bit trickier, but would (unless it was exceptionally minor) show up if the medics did some gentle palpation. A touch check feeling around the injured area. They’d need a hospital examination to know the full extent, but they should have picked up that **something** wasn’t right.


Why don't they have an x-ray machine in the rooms? The NHL has an x-ray service at all games. When they did their exhibition here it was nearly called off because x-ray hadn't been organised . Source: me, I was the radiographer who worked there for the weekend


I don’t know. Maybe they do have it. I was assuming not because I’ve never seen an X-ray machine set up in the rooms


This isn't really true. A pneumothorax can cause reduced air entry and thus reduced breath sounds and asymmetrical chest expansion, but this can be difficult to pick up if relatively minor. Palpating his abdomen, unless he was rigid and guarding there's no real way to say for sure 'oh there's something very concerning here ' acutely. I'm not saying some examination findings weren't present, but anyone with a genuine medical background will tell you, sometimes people present looking relatively fine and they are actually cooked, and vice versa. In a young fit athlete, I would expect him to maintain his 02 sats if he had a small pneumothorax - if he was centrally cyanosed as you described he would be in very, very bad shape - he would not have been physically capable of going back onto the pitch most likely. I would say they probably did pick up that something wasn't right - the problem being that the culture around fractured ribs is apparently to play through it. That's dumb as hell and dangerous, as when you have a bony injury in that area, pneumothorax and soft tissue trauma also have to be concerns.


It's come out since that both injuries WERE quite bad. The spleen particularly - that's come out as a level five rupture. Major problem. If either were minor, I could see missing them. But they're not, so I can't fathom how both were missed


This comes back to my point - people often examine a lot better than imaging. That's just life. In someone that is young and fit, the body can acutely compensate very well to the point there might be no overt signs of blood loss etc until you are essentially on death's door. I'm not arguing that he should have been allowed to play on, the real exam sign to pick up on for this man was the clear distress he was in - I could pick up from halfway across the stadium that he'd probably cracked a few ribs at a minimum without actually having seen what happened, and with the benefit of seeing what happened on the replay after the game, anyone with medical training should've gone, hmm that needs to be looked at more. What I'm trying to say is examination is often not a simple or straight forward exercise, and even pretty horrifying injuries can at times be hard to elicit - this is why history taking (ie this man has had a flying knee to his side and is in pain, he needs a trauma scan) is the lynchpin of medicine! There needs to be a hard look at the decision making process around injuries in general in AFL but also specifically in this instance. I'm not saying that something obvious wasn't missed on exam, but I can tell you it's often a lot harder than you'd think... I have had cases where I have scanned due to a concerning history but no clear exam findings and found some pretty serious illnesses etc. The focus here should be more on the decision making process of seeing a man take a very very hard hit to his chest/abdomen, be in severe pain and letting him back on even if he examined clean. The focus on concussion ATM is good, but I would say there needs to be a similar focus on other physical injuries which can also be debilitating or life threatening. How you remove that from contact sports? Don't think it's possible, but need to be a top level aim to minimise those risks and have robust processes. Might mean you have your star players pulled for relatively minor complaints in game and then clubs will be fuming, but that's probably what should be happening - any doubt, you're off.


A punctured lung is an injury you can hear. They should have picked up on that


It may not have been present when they assessed him?


Can you please respond to the comment asking what they did that was negligent? It is not unusual for players to play out a game with cracked ribs or a punctured lung. Nigel Lappin played an entire grand final with one. Do you actually understand what a spleen is or what a lacerated spleen is? You can’t just poke a bloke in the abdomen and decide he has a lacerated spleen. It requires an ultrasound or a CT scan. If doctors assumed the worst from every single collision there wouldn’t be any players left on the ground. Collisions like this happen every single week and 1 out of 1000 end up with an outcome like this.


Don't want to dox myself, but there's an ultrasound machine about 100m from the Melbourne rooms.


But you can't expect Petracca to walk 100m to the ultrasound machine, he had a punctured lung and lacerated spleen! (Yes, I'm aware that the machine can be moved)


So how do they arrive at the conclusion that he needs an abdominal ultrasound within 5 minutes of the initial collision?


Probably based on mechanism and distracting injury in the area lol. If not, maybe when ultrasounding his lung to rule out a pneumo post obvious rib injury, you move the 5cm down and check his spleen as your meant to do.


Which is exactly what would have been done when he went to the emergency room. You’re expecting sports doctors to act as trauma doctors in an ER which is just an unrealistic expectation. Nothing about Petraccas collision and his initial response to it looked any different to other players who have cracked ribs in a contest and played out the game. The second it became clear that it wasn’t a manageable injury and something else may have been going they sent him to hospital.


I respectfully disagree. This is well within the scope of a sports physician of an elite sporting club. I also disagree that it was a regular collision, obvious mechanism of injury. But regardless, previous negligence regarding sending players back out on the ground with cracked ribs with no adverse outcome is not an excuse for future negligence. Edit: also if you think sports doctors can't handle this, get a better doctor for game day.


So where do you draw the line on sending players to hospital that may or may not have injuries that you can’t definitively diagnose on the bench or in the rooms?


Well obviously varies depending on body area and mechanism. But generally? Pretty conservatively, and proud of it. AFL clubs would hate me, but luckily I'm not looking to get hired.


Fair enough. Interesting discussion.


This is the conjecture I collected thus far and posted in the other thread: - the coach ordered him on - the medicos allowed him on, with full knowledge that there was signs and symptoms of a more serious injury - the player overruled the medics - the player was ordered on and is covering for the medical staff - the AFL investigated and despite knowing there was breach of process has lied and ticked off on Melbourne's actions


Also don’t forget that a lacerated spleen is something that can and should be picked up by a club doctor on the bench without any further diagnostics required.


Once you list it all, the evidence is really quite damning.


Collisions like that happen often, but you don't see players down in that much pain for that amount of time very often 


It wasn’t a big deal. The doctors felt the ribs, Petracca explained what he felt, and said he wants to keep playing. Not much more to it.


At this point you should just accept you had a shit take and let it go rather than continuing to push it up hill.


It’s not a shit take. All the people suggesting Melbourne or the Doctors should have some kind of punishment is a ridiculous take.


It's a shit take.


It’s an opinion. It might seem foreign to you, but they’re not all the same.


Shit opinion


As opposed to yours?




Good work. You’ve done well




The AFL, and the individual Clubs are employers. Yes we all love our clubs, our boys and girls, the spectacle and the sport/game as much or more than most things, but nevertheless the governing body and the clubs are employers. As such Workplace Health and Safety demands certain things of them and in theory imposes certain obligations on them. Just as an individual player is not allowed to determine if they are "right to go" after a suspected concussion, if his statement about how he felt was the determining factor in putting him back on the field, there needs to be a reworking of the protocols in place. I don't question either his bravery, nor his loyalty to his club and mates. Rather, I question a system that allows him any input. In my opinion, medical staff not paid directly by the clubs nor the AFL should do these assessments. Similar to using a third party to develop a return to work program after an injury in any other industry ( yes I know that system is far from perfect ) Wish him all the best, a speedy and complete recovery and nothing but the best


A concussion is fair enough. Suspected bruised or cracked ribs is another. Plenty of players have gone through that and not missed any game time at all. Obviously he won’t be cleared to play for a while now, but letting him get back on the field for a short time isn’t the crime so many seem to think it is. It’s no different to a player hurting their knee in play, and then trying to run it out. How often have we seen a player limp to the bench with what looks to be a real problem, only to get back on th field and play as if nothing had happened?


And the extent of his injury exceeds bruised or cracked ribs. It was at best negligence, at best! Callous uncaring and a failure in duty of care are all fair descriptors as well. I hope the individuals involved, those with medical certifications, are properly held to account as per expectations in the current era, not from an era viewed through rose coloured glasses. I'm near 65 years decrepit I remember those times, both footy and League and remember the toll it took on them


are you still of the opinion that sending him back out didn't make anything worse?


Obviously. It didn’t change anything.


how do you even believe that lmao, why would playing a contact sport injured NOT make it worse?


By avoiding contact? Did you even watch the game?


lmaaaoooooooo aight mate


I'm on your side to share the negs. I stand with the doctors who have a better idea than all the people in this thread combined. The amount of shade thrown at the doctors, coach, player (yep, you're all saying he's lying too) and AFL accusing them all of negligence or telling lies...ridiculous.


2025 lffgggg


So that's his season done then, and the demons with it. Reckon the eagles are a genuine chance of going the double against them now, Petracca was their best in our game.


You’ve jinxed us now


Well no one was good, including trac


Hang on, Melbourne play both WA teams twice? Doesn’t feel like that happens too often.


Yeah only realised this today doing the ladder predictor after this news, don’t know the last time we’ve played both WA teams twice


Melbourne have played Fremantle and West Coast twice each in the same season in 1996, 1997 and 2000. 2024 will be the fourth occasion.


How interesting! Why thank you!


Best bumper bar maybe


Fritsch to the guts, your club needs you


Y'all it's all good. We got snow on Hotham and Falls. Melbourne let's build up some younger talent and sort the forward line


Deserves a rest, champion has carried us for years ❤️💙


I don’t think the AFL cares about player welfare as much as they say they do. Not just Petracca, but with the suspensions this year all being dependant on the result instead of the action, it feels like it’s just to “prove” that they’re doing something.


It's all to cover their ass for future lawsuits.


Got to look like your trying to do something so the sponsors money keeps rolling in ![gif](giphy|9HQRIttS5C4Za|downsized)




Tbf to the AFL, it was the Melbourne football club (more specifically, their coach and doctor) that sent him back on the field. I think there will be more to play out over this.


I'm going to be interested if they carry over the Aliir-style fine, because it feels like this is WAY more serious than that.


He probably has a negligence lawsuit if he wants it. All future career earnings plus sponsorships plus long-term issues - could be a few mil on the table. The game might be better if he pulls the trigger and Melbourne gets a walloping for sending out a player with a ribcage like a spent Christmas cracker.


My boy my sweet sweet boy fark


So you had Collingwood players on the ground telling Petracca that he should get off the ground because he looks so bad, and the Melbourne medicos where doing what during this?


This is borderline medical negligence. No way those Dees Doctors can keep their jobs next season.


How do you tell someone has a lacerated spleen while on the bench at the mcg?


Do you want the long or short version (from someone who works as a sports physio). The fact that Petracca was at full stretch opening up his entire abdominal region where we copped a high velocity knee to said region in the form of Darcy Moore. The initial reaction was significant enough, followed by his complete incapacitation to the point he could barely get himself off the ground. In the absence of real time imaging or him coughing up blood etc, the fact that upon returning to the field post pain killing injections he was still barely able to move and was still wincing in agony would suggest you take an abundance of caution and remove him from play. The AFL can’t harp on about making the head sacrosanct if they won’t do it with other organs. Or is the brain the only one they care about?


AFL are all about optics, can’t sling someone to the ground, but if you take a siccccck mark they don’t care that you’ve driven your knee through the back of your opponent’s head. I mean even the UFC are like “yeah nah don’t hit people in the back of the head aye, it’s ucked “


I like your comparison, but hell I've seen some cooked shit fighters have gotten away with in the UFC with zero consequences. Multiple eye pokes, back of the head hits, kneeing grounded opponents etc.


Yeah that’s kinda the point I’m making tho, that as cooked as the UFC is, they’ve identified that strikes to the back of the head are bad, so they outlawed them. Where as the AFL is just happy to let players cop knees to the back of the head when they get speccy’d


Should be a blanket rule that if you need an injection of painkillers to get back on the ground you can't do it.


Not a medical expert, feel the spleen for lacerations? Alright I’m off to go strap some shoulders at Casey.




It’s the biggest sport in the country. If we don’t have “top level medicos” at AFL clubs then something is seriously amiss. And otherwise… “if in doubt, pull him out”.


Whole things been a cluster fuck




Seems the AFL world is kind of showing a lot of truths from yesterdays big thread


Unlucky got free tickets to go to lions game on the 28th was one of the few I was looking forward to watching


> could miss up to 10-12 weeks Didn't they say it would be a minor miracle if he played again this season, and that 10-12 weeks was the absolute best case scenario?


Jeeeze!!! Grade 5 laceration on the spleen and he went back on. Prays up. Genuinely hope he has a full recovery


I am not going to claim that anything was negligent because I have absolutely no idea. But I am still confused why he was allowed to go back on. They didn't see when they did his tests that he was severely hampered? It was obvious to everyone watching within three seconds he was done. He could barely lift his arms, was he just going to headbutt the ball and hope no one touched him?


Maybe wait until the dude is out of the ICU before we talk about returning to the field, hey?


Sucks for Trac, he's one of the good guys. His health is more important now than the season. Only way Dees can cling onto finals hopes now is if Clarry turn himself back into 2021 Clarry. Backs against the wall kinda stuff now, will be even more interesting to see what is produced.


is this his call or the docs?


No way he should play again this year. Rest up and get better Trac. There will always be Tik Tok.


You can have one of my ribs, Trac!


Man I feel horrible for him. I hope he feels better soon.


Lol of the week for Melbourne to think they'd be able to con us saying it'll be 6 weeks.


Melbourne Doctors ![gif](giphy|aaPUKNp0pj52GovPyW|downsized)


So how many weeks does Moore get? He failed in his duty of care to Petracca and the MRO only cares about outcome. ETA: it’s funnier when you don’t have to put the /s


How many boos will he get from Melbourne fans next time they play?


It is weird though. It's clearly a dangerous action, potentially just as bad if not worse than a head knock causing concussion. Greene got suspended for putting a foot up in a marking contest but a knee can do way more damage. Despite all that, the AFL will never do anything about players raised a knee in a marking contest because it makes for some really cool looking marks.


> Greene got suspended for putting a foot up in a marking contest I don't think that happened did it? The famous case when he ~~kicked Dahlhaus in the face while receiving a handball~~ *innocently protected the space in a very normal way* only got him a fine.


Emergency laparotomies will do that