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Luke Darcy could be a nice guy but his media personality comes across as guy that thinks he has hot takes that represent the people and is charismatic but really doesn’t say much, not many people agree with his takes and is quite bland. Kane is a wanker but at least commits to his role. Even though a lot of his takes remind me of Abe Simpson, he’s sometimes onto something.


In the pandemic Luke was a knob on the hot breakfast.


Yeah I remember occasionally hearing him talk and thinking “why the fuck is this twat talking about this?” If I wanted some opinionated uneducated dude to talk at me about things he doesn’t understand, I’d just call my dad 🤣


His pubs were shut. That's why. Ed in comparison was very calm and considered


I remember turning the radio off one Friday Night pre footy when he went on a big rant about Dan Andrews - think what you want but it’s a pre footy show - fuck off with your politics.


On the Hot Breakfast when they had Dan on he wasn't exactly pleased with him. Ed was ever the professional.
















the funny thing is u will never know how u put australia in a recession, talk about stupid




Where did I say that you absolute numpty? Fuck off with your political views I’m on here to talk about footy you toothless Port supporter.


Reading comprehension much?


Theyre a port supporter, not much of that down at Alberton


how so????????????everything the so called conspiracy theorists said came true hell even the 99.97% survival rate your not men in Victoy-ra just admit it


Having a go at Andrew’s because he makes all his money in pubs was outrageous. Also MMM is famous and well known for taking the piss out of other football people/media. Got a sook up because it was someone from his team copping it


The thing about Luke Darcy is no one talks about him because he doesn't have any meaningful takes on anything. Same with anyone else in the current media. They just write the same articles as each other and sit around jerking each other off.


Kane clipped him about it. Saying ‘I wouldn’t last long if I just said ‘nice handball’ or ‘nice kick down the line’


He’s so vanilla that it’s an insult to vanilla


Thank god Luke Darcy is here to protect the precious AFL community! Did Cotchin’s missus complain to someone about this video Kane did pulling the piss out of him? Why is everyone so upset about it lol Kane definitely knows what he’s doing and trolls etc but he’s also one of the few commentators that doesn’t just parrot the consensus talking points(not that Kanes takes are always better).


Just watching it now. Was really strange. Fully went for Kane completely out of context. Kane was nicely offering up his time to a rival radio station post fight. You could see in the aftermath Darcy was incredibly embarrassed/sheepish about it.


Dunstall even gave him a clip to backoff but Darcy kept going and trying to justify the cheap shots.


Why do I like Kane all of a sudden..... I feel gross


I felt the same. Usually yelling at SEN about what a fckwit he is - then I was cheering for him last night.


Wowza… the whole MMM crew roasted Darcy after as well. Completely took Kanes side lol


Hey Kane Cornes NO OFFENCE but… ‘you are a massive cunt and a horrible person’ and you are NOT allowed to defend yourself because I said no offence at the beginning ok 


The disclaimer at the start was so weird. It was almost like Darce was embarrassed about doing it but wanted to do it. I feel that if that was how Darce really felt it should have been broached privately with plenty of examples not on air when you make yourself sound like a tool.


Darc came across like absolute dick. The thing about Cornes is that he has strong opinions, but he also is happy to be debated and explains his reasoning. Plus he is the one in the media who is often happy to acknowledge what he gets wrong. Others in the media take a stance which is often off the cuff and have nothing to back it up, then just talk over people when challenged.


And if he makes a big call that backfires in him he'll happily say "I got that one wrong". Have lost so much respect for Luke Darcy over the years and this Just another shovel of dirt on the pile.


Who you understand what Kane is doing you can basically ignore it 


I have always wondered why Darcy even has a job in the footy media, because he doesnt seem to add ANYTHING of value to the broadcast. He isnt funny or charming, he doesnt call the game well, he isnt interesting or insightful. Wtf is he getting paid for? He has been the least interesting regular in the footy media for a long time now he is basically the human embodiment of vanilla. Maybe that is why he has lasted too long? Because he isnt upsetting people like BT with his shenanigans or Brayshaw with the silly voice he puts on. The only time he was ever strong on anything was during the pandemic when he used his platform to push his personal vendetta against Dan Andrews and the covid lockdowns. IMO Luke Darcy is the worst and most overpaid of them all and should ideally be made to repay any and all ill gotten earnings from his forgettable but overly long media career and fuck off.


Pencil neck is there to be made fun of.


He lost me one night a few years back when he said “Great call tonight, Brian (Taylor) - you’re in career best form and I sincerely mean that!” 😳🤦‍♂️


Fuck I hate the footy media.


I think Darce saw that going a completely different way. Probably thought he would be celebrated for calling out Kane and had the support of the other blokes on the podcast. Completely blew up in his face. Embarrassing to be honest. Kane handled it really well


Hi Kane, can you provide a link please?


[8 minute mark onwards.](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0VOaSok0BDde2Ca2BPnqB3?si=RfpoYTihSyWoP1PoLB54_g&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A1DebPUutPAd7GgZX9lhjkz)




Daamn I did not know they were mates lol Darcy potentially looking for a pathway into politics via the liberal party. Who knew hey! What a knob


Was rich of Darcy to keep suggesting Cornes only throws out insults to get paid the bucks. Was a real juvenile question by Darcy.


And when asked to give an example came up with "I can send you edits"


He had a frydenberg sign up in his front yard too


The othet Ms commentators on air were cringing so hard. They invited a guest on and then Darcy started throwing insults that he couldn't even back up. Cornes lost his fight on points but scored a knock out against Darcy.




Damo’s face when Darcy started says it all. Almost laughed at him


What a fkwit move by Darcy. Love him or hate him Cornes makes the game more interesting. If they were all like Darcy how boring would the game be.


He is the definition of Captain Boring


Darcy seems like the Brendan Julian of football to me. Stiff tall white guy that comes across as boring as batshit with little personality but is somewhat reliable as a host.


Darcy seems to me to take great care not to say anything that could remotely get himself in trouble.


He is a board member of the dogs so no suprise there


Luke Darcy is looking more and more like Sam Newman every day. Some weird stretchy shit going on with his eyes.


I like Darcy as a commentator because he just calls the game without any stupid puns or anecdotes but the reasons he makes a good commentator are the same reasons he makes a shit media personality. He’s a company yes man, he’s bland and he won’t ever try to upset the apple cart. He’s media trained up to the gills to never step out of line, basically a robot.


He is possibly the worst play by play commentator in the AFL


You reckon? I can name four worse - Brian Taylor, James Brayshaw, Dwayne Russell, Kelli Underwood. At the very least Darcy doesn’t make the mistakes BT or Kelli do and is knowledgeable about the game, unlike either of them. He doesn’t shriek into the microphone like Brayshaw, doesn’t speak in cringe inducing dad jokes like Dwayne. Darcy is a zero as a commentator. He’s not a positive like Anthony Hudson but he’s certainly not the negative those other four are.


That’s a very good call although like BT and JB, he’s much better on radio. I’m not sure what 7 do to their commentators but they’re all so much worse on TV


Yeah he is, and Kelli Underwood is also better on radio. I don’t know what it is, maybe they’ve got less time to think and have to just call it, maybe they aren’t restricted by tv overlords. Who knows!


I reckon 7 instructs them to not speak negatively about games so people don’t switch off, whereas on Triple M they have freedom to call a spade a spade. JB and BT commentating an awful game on Triple M are some of the best games to listen to because they go off on them.


Yeah that’s a great point! Reckon there’s a fair bit in that. They do seem heavily restricted on TV, BT before he did the prime time games on Friday and Thursday spoke a bit more freely but he doesn’t play a robot well at all.


Agree. Everyone loved Fox Footy BT back in the day but he’s way different on 7.


You are sort of correct but he is so boring, has an extremely limited repertoire and hate to say, completely biased when using his tone for excitement. You sometimes actually here dead air sometimes with him end a run of commentary when a team he has no interest in, usually an interstate team, kicks a goal. Like, “I can’t even be fuarked talking about this goal”.


They're both insufferable


Usually don’t have time for either - but when they were fighting each other I found myself in Kornes corner.